Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Kasurida (Mandalorian Dominion of Muunilinst)

Location: Island of Aborah
Objective: Fight things, establish dominance
Allies: [member="Chiasa Vereen"]
Enemies: Primeval, any Muun who object
Post Count: 7/20

Outside the Cobra gunships were activating their signal distorters, using them to disrupt the enemy aircrafts ability to target them in response to their numerous missile strikes. The aircraft were not the most maneuverable but they were made to take and survive the damage they might encounter during orbital insertion, so light aerial combat wasn't a serious threat to them so long as they weren't heavily outnumbered. True to form, as with most ArmaTech designs they were built for durability first and foremost. Proton Torpedoes were used to overwhelm and destroy a defensive tower to the east. Though not as large or as heavily armed as the western one, it did pose enough of a threat to warrant the use of all sixty four torpedoes the squadron carried.

Inside the Mandalorian forces quickly dispatched the security forces and started making their way through out the facility. "Move towards the basements. We are going to see if Draz ran into trouble or if he just got lost in the tunnels. Have the rest of the crew continue trying to take the building. We might have to wait for reinforcements." I said, watching most of the Mandalorian warriors charge up the ramps and stairs while the eight that remained waited on me to take the lead, and show them where to go. There would be some resistance in the basements, but not as much as there would be upstairs.

We turned, twisted and took corners, slowly, using the helmets sensors and scanners to check around hallways and rooms for enemy forces without exposing ourselves. So far so good. Mesh'Ika, I am in the basements where we will begin looking for the sub-basement.
Location:Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun mines.
Allies: Mandalorians and others.
Enemies: All those that get in our way.
Post Count: 12/20

"Keep on my six son!" Strider replied back to his bastard child "And keep up surpessive fire till the next squad gets into the position"

Strider would then continue to fire, picking off another droid and a armed miner. This battle was getting intense, though such resistance was not expected, the mandalorians were well prepared. "KEEP PUSHING!" The old man roared into the coms, his Concordian accent would echo amongst the explosions and blaster fire.

His shield was turn off the moment he had cover and was recharging and prepping for the next advance. In the time, the hound would keep up the vicious exchange of fire and ordinance, damned determined not to be pinned down or fended off by these traitors. They needed this to be a success, to ignite the hearts of those on muunlist to rebel against the would be Prime Masters.
Location: Bluebird, entering Muunilist's atmosphere.
Objective: Air Support
Allies: [member='Strider Garon'], [member='Rawnie Tal'verda'], Mando'ade
Enemies: Shoot at the blonde girl, and you're dead.

Lorane took to the air when he heard Rawnie's voice over the comm. He managed to set a partially-armored enemy on fire with the jets on his boots as he searched. Strider and his team were audible only a few meters away, but Rawnie didn't seem to be near them at all. He looked a bit further, and saw her. Bandaging her leg. Hefting the coilgun and bracing himself, he shot it at the nearest droid to her and went flying backwards from the recoil.

When he tried to reload the gun, it jammed. He angrily tossed it at one of the Muuns as he landed next to Rawnie.

"That's not a very good definition of fine, you know."

Lor drew two of his pistols, dropping one next to her, and cocking the other one as he came back out of cover and faced the tunnel full of half-armored, foolishly patriotic, Muuns. One stopped to stare at the faceless man in the trenchcoat and helmet, and the Chiss flipped him a finger in response.

"You're all frakking dead."
Location: Island of Aborah
Objective: Fight things, establish dominance
Allies: [member="Chiasa Vereen"]
Enemies: Primeval, any Muun who object
Post Count: 8/20

The Muun had apparently called security to protect the upper levels more than I had thought they would have. I was certain that they had some kind o f hidden tunnels down here used for escape. That had been the whole reason I had sent Draz down into the lava tubes so he could intercept them or at least slow them down long enough for us to catch up to them on the other side. There was almost nothing down here other than the occasional relatively cheap security droid. For rich bankers, I had assumed they would have leaped for Hegemonic droids instead of these ones, but it mattered little. It was better for us in the long run that they hadn't paid out for the expensive ones.

"Keeping working our way down to the bottom levels and keep the X-Ray scans active. They are Muun. Muun always keep secrets." The species were known for being bankers, which were known for being cutthroat, deceptive, and ruthless. It was hard to tell whether Muun were regarded this way because they were bankers or if bankers were regarded that way because the Muun were the most well known bankers. Not that it mattered, but knowing them, they had secret passageways hidden down here. I reached through the Force Meld, looking for Draz and Chiasa, the only two technically unaccounted for. Where the heck was Draz?

It took some time, but I finally found him, down, about two hundred meters below me. I sent him the feelings that he should contact me and send me the geologicial scans of the tunnels so that I could navigate to him. Seconds later my HUD pinged with half completed data and a small map of the tunnels. Apparently he had not packed enough scout droids to fully map the tunnels below this building and while he wasn't lost, he was having trouble finding his way around an obstacle.
Light Freighter; Space Port
Allies: No one, just making introductions
Enemies: N/A
...a Light Freighter broke hyperspace near Muunilinst. The Pilot reclined in the cockpit and surveyed the situation while initiating a scan of the planet. According to comms traffic he was able to pick up the Mandalorians had made a push to reclaim the world which was close to Primeval territory. The Ubese held no loyalty to either faction however steering the light freighter towards the planet he'd have opened a comms with the surface causing his whispery voice to emanate outwards..."This is Kyan Vahhks. Long live the Mando'ade."...he only wanted to affirm his loyalties so that the Mandalorians didn't fire on him as well. Realistically the Ubese was a capable mercenary, he could handle a few Mandalorians but a Light Freighter was no match for any ship built by a culture of warriors. Once he'd sent his message via the comms the Ubese felt confident in steering his ship towards the surface of the planet...

...the Ubese didn't see any Mandalorian vessels during his descent however comms chatter continued to indicate that there was wide spread panic and warfare occurring down below on the surface. The Light Freighter came in on a stable approach vector, granting itself entry to a docking pad that was unoccupied. Once the starship had set down its engines deactivate and the loading ramp would descend slowly. A silhouette could seen standing at the pinnacle of the ramp. The Ubese was dressed in the standard fare that other races expected of his race, his armor was tailored to his own sense of style but the most prominent feature was the breath mask that marked him for what he was. Naturally environments off his homeworld weren't as toxic as Kyan was used to and he would suffocate without his breathing apparatus attached to his armor. Even with the armor it was easy to see that the Mercenary was of a tall, slender figure that was associated with other members of his race...

...proceeding down the loading ramp Kyan would set his feet on the landing pad and sweep aside his cloak with his right hand revealing the Heavy Blaster Pistol holstered there with its grip pointed outwards for an easy draw. Bright blue eyes shined brilliantly behind the cover of his helm unable to be concealed by it as he stared across looking for some sign of life. The Space Port seemed abandoned, no doubt the security forces had been dispatched to fight the Mandalorians to some extent however that would likely prove futile. After completing a brief scan of the surrounding area Kyan moved forward, marching out away from his starship and into the confines of the space port...
"On it." he said calmly as he popped the corner of their cover.

With his rifle set to fully automatic Conner began to fire bolts down the hallway at a cyclic rate. The rifle bucked hard in protest but Conner kept it under control despite nearly melting the barrel. With a conviction and deadly skill the mando ran the rifle across enemy lines of battle dropping a few as it passed and making damn sure the squad pulling up on them could set into position so they could fire and maneuver.

"Reloading." he said popping back into cover and placing a fresh pack into the rifle.

"Make it quick dad." Grabbing a grenade Conner tossed it out and waited for the boom.

With a loud explosion going off he came back out and started firing again. He had to keep things going and when this was over he'd talk with his dad about who exactly they were killing today in the name of honor.

[member="Strider Garon"]

Post 7

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Location:Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun mines.
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Doctor Azure"]
Enemies: All those that get in our way.

There he was. Right there. She looked up from where she was sitting. It hurt so bad, but she smiled anyway behind her helmet. She finished wrapping the gauze around her leg, just below the knee, then she took up the pistol he offered her. She nodded her head low to him in thanks, leaning heavily on the wall as she struggled to her feet.

"My gun jammed," she explained, "and my rifles almost out of ammo. You came just in the knick of time, you know that?"

She hissed lightly as she put pressure on her leg. She didn't get a good look at it. Maybe it was worse than she thought? No time to worry about it now. She could stand on it. If she could stand on it, she could walk on it too.

"I owe you," she said, turning her attention back to the enemy, firing a shot at the nearest one.
Location:Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: live
Allies: Mandalorians and others.
Enemies: All those that get in our way.
Post Count: 13/20

Dred could feel the stimpack and other meds dully the pain. This was much needed relief and the big guy could open his eyes to read out his life signals. He was damaged badly, his torso took a few hits which explains why he could not move his lower extremities. He was paralyzed thus far do to the extensive damage though further medical attention would be needed to determine to what extend. The best case was that his abdomen muscles were torn and cooked and no spinal injury. Worse case was spinal injury and that would knock the big guy out of action for a long time.

"GO!, Leave me here, i will take care of my self" The big lug growled at his saviors. The mission needed completing first before the fallen could be evacuated.
Location: Munn
Objective: Mun mines
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 2/20

Shooting. Kenna had gotten good at shooting over her time on the crew. It was a good stress relieved and helped get out certain frustrations. This was good practice for the more difficult missions. Bullets would ping off armor and hit sometimes miss. She could do this with her eyes closed yet that wasn't anything she was willing to try and do.

Things were going ok until she looked over to Malcolm whom had just been hit. Kenna wanted to run over and see how he was doing but didn't. It would only put them both in more danger which wasn't needed.

"Cyar'ika, you ok? I will look at it later." She questioned looking over her shoulder. She had been learning Mandalorian for him. She knew he was going to lie about it being a scratch but she still was going to ask. She needed to hear it from him.
"I'm fine. Just a scratch.". He offered before looking out onto the situation. More people were needed to push into the mine. Satisfied there was nothing else he would at his current position, he decided to press forward as well. So reloading his gun, he did just so. " Let's push forward." He then added. Using the cover fire offered, hed move forward using every inch of cover and relying heavily in his camo to keep him safe from further injury.

Targets were not a problem. They were everywhere. So he just started picking off targets as he saw them. And when his turn came around to offer cover fire he did so to the best of his ability.

Not far away a growing number of defenders bunched up enough that a well placed grenade would cause some damage.... "Thermal out!". He yelled before lobbing the grenade into them. BOOM!
Malcom had the best timing. Shae had reached the limits of her reach through the Force, and if she was to inflict any more damage with her Firefox, then she needed to move up. As soon as Malcom urged the team to move forward, Shae pressed on. As she moved, her Firefox became somewhat dazed, though even standing still it continued to cause heat damage to the droids and equipment around it. Once they found a new position with adequate cover, Shae recovered her stance and focused on her Firefox, urging it back into battle. Anytime she saw heavy fire directed at any Mando team, she would have her Fox hunt down droids and miners alike to take out the opposition. She could not keep up this level of exertion for much longer, but for now she could continue to give her team an edge over the miners.
Location: Catwalks
Objective: Enter the mines
Allies: Mando's
Enemies: Miners

Alek watched as the door opened and than sprinted towards the end of the cat walk his lightsabers held in his hands as his men mowed down the droids before him their side already clear. Reaching the end of it the young man drew on the force and threw his lightsabers the blades flashing into the metal of the door and starting to melt through as he hit the door grabbing the handles and ripping downward cutting through the rest of the door. The impact of his body and the cutting blades caused the door to fall inward the young man rolled forward his blade coming up to bat away a few bolts from weapons as he pointed below him the sniper the first one in taking up position and taking out any heavy weapons they had set up. The rest of his team hurried in taking firing positions as their leader covered them with his Shoto the blades dancing before him.
Location: Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun defenders, Protect Rawnie
Allies: [member='Rawnie Tal'verda'], Mando'ade
Enemies: Anybody in the way

"You will never owe me anything as long as we live, Rawnie."

Lor saw the bandage below Rawnie's knee and made a decision. He pulled her to him as he carefully placed bullets in the eyes of a couple of nearby Muuns.​
"You're gonna be angry at me, but I'm flying us both to the Bluebird. We can give the team on the other island some air support."
Location:Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun mines.
Allies: Mandalorians and others.
Enemies: All those that get in our way.
Post Count: 14/20

"Move!' Strider ordered his squad and son to rush for the next set of cover. The old man would once again ignite his shield to life for added protection as he dogged for the next suitible cover. It was a slab of concrete barrier that he zeroed in on. Blaster bolts zipping past and flaring up in his energy bubble added speed to his old legs for the shield wasn't going to hold much longer.

Once he hit the concrete barrier he would crouch and pull out another grenade. Pulling the pin he would toss it further into the ranks of the droids and miners. Their active fighter body count was dwindling for they were not prepared to fight a pitched battle against the legendary warriors of Mandalore. *BOOM* Another groupign of tin cans were dispatched a explosion of awesome.

That was the old man's cue to pop up and keep the fight going, his Carbine would flare to life as he kept pulling the trigger laying down fire on his enemies.
Location: Within the mines
Objective: Not get shot by my own side.
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] and Mando'ade
Enemies: Everyone mostly.
post 5/20

Alek saw the Mando's on the ground leap frogging and he grinned pointing to the grenades on his mens chest as he started to sprint ahead taking the legs out from one droid and the torso of another through the middle. Finally he reached the area where the group of men were ending and he decided to be ballsy vaulting from the top of the catwalk he crouched as he hit the ground using that angle he leapt forward into the mass of men sweeping his blades left and right as he started to move. Never staying in the same spot for to long he lifted a man from the ground with the force and threw him over the rest of the men to land somewhere near the front hopefully someone would get the message that they had help back this way. Just in case his men had moved farther down the catwalk so they could rain more hell from above with their weapons. The sniper picking targets that looked the most dangerous while occasionally tossing a grenade down.

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Location:Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun mines.
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Doctor Azure"]
Enemies: All those that get in our way.

"Lorane, if you even try to take me out of here, I will punch the blue out of you."

She spoke clearly, calmly. That was the scary part.She meant it. Much as she adored him, she was not about to be pulled out of a battle because she got shot once. She needed at least 3 more bullets in her before she even wanted to think about retreating! She'd be labeled a coward if she pulled back now.

"Cover me if you want, but you are not going to make a coward out of me. It's worse than death."

And she meant it. She came here to prove her worth as Calico's daughter. So far, she wasn't doing too terribly either. She was still alive, at least.
When the order was given Conner grabbed his rifle tight and pushed out of cover to meet the storm of bolts that was flying over his head and around him. Another mando besides him was quickly light up and fell to the ground dead in a mess of burnt limbs and smoke. That sucked to be him, that's what you get for not keeping your head down.

"Moving." He said calmly as he pressed forward.

With his rifle at his hip he sprayed bolts downrange as he moved with the skill of a ak hound chasing its meal. With foot over foot he kept up fire and movement until he made it over to his father who had just tossed another grenade at the enemy. They were getting ready to break, one more push and they would have this battle.

"They are weak, we need to hit them with a one two combo and put them on their ass." Conner said as he hit the wall near his father.

"You need ammo or grenades?" He asked dear old dad as he popped the corner and sprayed suppressive forward for the squad that would soon come up behind them.

[member="Strider Garon"]

Post 8
The group had been fighting together long enough to know when each was hitting the breaking point of their abilities.. "Shae. Stand down. Switch to bow. Can't have you passing out from exhaustion on me. Don't worry, we got this.". He have a quick look to his crew to make sure they were otherwise ok.

Truth be told, she wasn't the only one pushing herself. That " scratch" was starting to show its effects on Malcom as well. Push forward came the order again. The Hunter cracked his neck fighting off fatigue. He popped up from cover and let loose a few more rounds. "Cover me! I'm moving forward.

Ghosting forward, the ground would give away the blood loss he had been hiding as a red footprint could be seen every other step. Turning the corner, he saw a man about to lose a grenade. Instinctively, his finger pulled the trigger. A moment later, only air existed where a head had once been.

He let out a sigh of relief. But a moment later his mind remembered the grenade was active...BOOM.

Incoming debris slammed into Malcom sending here clear across the unconscious, he lay on the floor in the open.
Location: Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun defenders, Protect Rawnie
Allies: [member='[COLOR=rgb(100,149,237)][URL=""]Rawnie Tal'verda[/URL]'][/COLOR], Mando'ade
Enemies: Anybody in the way

Lor tried to get angry enough at Rawnie to press his point, but he couldn't. He did get angry, though. At what? He didn't know. He pulled his gauntleted hand away from her as the shock generators in it activated.


His boots propelled him over a droid that was coming a little too close for comfort, and his electrified hand caught it at the neck. It overloaded and went limp, giving the Chiss a surprisingly light weapon to swing around. The metal conducted the electric current better than he would've expected, too, as he found out when he burned a Muun just by hitting him with the droid body.

Then something hit him in the gut like a rock. Lor took his helmet partially off to spit a wad of blood out as he took a look at the shotgun blast he'd just barely had enough armor against. He backpedaled out to the hall where Rawnie was, wheezing.

"Frak, frak, frak, frak."

He managed to hold up his hand long enough to shoot the culprit with a cutting laser that burned a hole in the other's leg, and then simply collapsed onto his rear, still firing his pistol as quickly as he could.
Location:Muun Mine Alpha
Objective: Attack Muun mines.
Allies: Mandalorians and others.
Enemies: All those that get in our way.
Post Count: 15/20

"Reloading!" Strider roared as he ducked behind the cover to eject and replace the carbine's energy cell.

Strider would then replace a mini rocket on his wrist launcher before popping back over the concrete barrier and letting it loose upon a battle droid up in the catwalks. The droid had no chance of survival as the missile hit it square in the chest and dissembling it to pieces. Strider would then shoulder his carbine and lay into the other standing droids. He could see some of the miners panicking and running further back into the mines.

"Keep at it" Strider encouraged his mandalorians to keep the fight up. They were stripping the muun miners of their will to fight, which was going to make it easier to finish this mission off.

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