Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion A Fistful of Credits | Sith Empire Dominion of Gromas

Objective: The Blood Moon Brawl / Post 3
Purpose: Elimination
Enemy: A pocket of Resistance forces and refugees, a Force user
Nearby: Targets / Force Sensitive(s) sensed

Deep echoes of a rumbling lift briefly pulled the Sith's attention before it clattered to a halt. Whoever or whatever had activated that old machinery certainly was not one inclined for subtlety. Either they were in a rush, or the lift had carried more than it should have in weight. It was hard to say. The rumbling echoes were too far to pinpoint their exact distance. The only thing the Witch could be certain off was that something Dark moved in that direction. No matter. At such a distance away from her, Malsifera could and would be gone since quite a while by the time they'd ever arrive here. If they even found the way towards this mining pocket to begin with.

In turn, as she dispersed her focus on the distant noise, she decided it was high time to get into action herself. She snuck closer, under the guise of the shadows, until she stood under one of the scaffolds. She knew one of the lookouts would be right on top of her, but by standing right under the entire construct he'd be left helpless to her schemes as he had no line of sight upon the intruder. As for the other lookout...? Once Malsifera had ushered the words of her Witchcraft and the poisonous fog welled upon in the center of this makeshift camp, she reached out to the scaffolding with the Force. Pulling at the scrappy base of the construct, the whole thing came plummeting down. Including the lookout. A scared yell, a couple of unfortunate victims. Chaos reigned across those who didn't cough up a lung or downright died spitting up blood. From under the shadows still, the dreadful gaze of the Sith observed her orchestra of pain and suffering in quiet joy.

But as quickly as the chaos had welled up, as quickly did the serenity of the dead return. All but the man on top of his scaffolding, who could do nothing but watch it all unfold in helpless horror, and the Force sensitive, who must have discovered the means of regulating her breath through the Force, remained to tell the tale. As the man above had practically gone catatonic in his dismay, the Witch eventually stood eye in eye with the young girl. She guessed her to be a year or fifteen. Old enough to reason, too young to understand it all. But she did understand Malsifera was not the sort of companion she had wanted as pillow friend.

"You did this, didn't you? Why? Why?! They had done no wrong!"
"How naive a mindset. But can we blame the ignorant for not knowing what the future holds?"
"All they wanted was to live. Find a new home. Find hope."
"Yes... That's always it, isn't it? They want, want, want. And take, take, take. And you would have given them all. All you have and all you are."
"It is typical for the weak to look up towards the suns. Suns like you. Who bring hope with your rays of light. But as you nurture them, all they come to learn is weakness and greed. They'll want more. Eventually comes the day where you will not be able to meet their expectations and demands... And that is when they will turn against you."
"They wouldn't do that!"
"Many have fallen under such auspicious, hopeful desillusions. You're neither the first, nor the last. Should I let you live so you come to experience my words firsthand...? Or should I just end your pathetic babbling here and now and spare you the suffering...?"
"You wouldn't..."
"Dare...?", she finished the sentence, flashing a malefic smile. Sufficiently malefic for the girl to take a step back and look around in panic for another exit. "No. Let it not me be the one who shows you the truth. It is the world itself who will show you how right I am."

And at those words, the Witch pulled herself again within the shadows. Gone from the girl's view. Her only hope to find her way out of this underground maze gone, no matter how sinister the Witch. But should she survive somehow, Malsifera was sure the two would meet again some day. Perhaps to oppose each other in earnest duel. Perhaps to see her succumb to the darkess she so foolishly tried to keep at bay.

At least those pesky flies send by the Resistance had been swatted...

Amaya Cardei


The mining cart came to an abrupt halt, tossing its contents onto a dead conveyer belt. Fiolette laid there a moment, back on the belt as she tried to make sense of what just happened. Legionnaires were pressing forward but they were still quite the way away, the criminals and whatever made up the Resistance had either disbursed or had otherwise been caught up fighting. This left her with Mr. Bloodborn at the very least stranded in the middle of the Gromas Mining Cooperation Complex without a way back to the surface. Or, at the very least not the way they came.
Their friend Ordo Ordo could join them or not, rolling to her side Fiolette managed to get off the conveyer belt. She tapped her holowatch but nothing, it was cracked down the middle and did nothing more than spurt out garbled text. "Well at the very least no one's shooting at us."
It was darker down in this area of the mines, colder too. She could hear the rocks and gravel beneath her feet shifting as she walked. "Not entirely sure how sturdy this is." She got a look around the area, on the left a wall of Earth and on right a ladder and ahead of them more mechanization of the mining complex. "Perhaps we can find a way out here." It was as she got to the ladder that she read something. "Aurora Industries..." She sighed, At least they had found where Aurora's mining operations began and Gromas' ended. "Come along Mr. Bloodborn."
Joycelyn rose to her feet and pointed her blade to the ramparts.

"Forward, for the Empire!"

She made a running start and stepped up on some of the rubble. Her right hand seized the top of the wall and hoisted her over the top. Two of the crownguard and one of the graug followed, while the rest beat their way into the building. With a swift kick, she sent one of the mandalorians over the side and crashing into the rocks below. With a slash of her sword, she severed a hand before it could pull the trigger of its ripper.

"Kill every last one!"

Joycelyn pushed forward, but was met with a barrage of blasterfire crashing into her plate. She had to cover herself with her cape and press herself to the side for a moment to gather her power. Once she had taken a moment to gather her focus, her helmet opened at the jagged seam of its mouth, and Joycelyn opened her mouth to unleash a torrent of red flame.

She pressed forward as they recoiled from the fire, and closed the distance as she reared her blade and swept it forward. Red splattered against the wall while weapons fell to the floor.

Seeing emptiness around her, she looked up at the mandalorian banner waving high above.

Ishana Pavanos


"Habibti, I think my hair is the least of my concerns!" Ishana shouted from behind the bar, taking time to aim her shots. The Air Marshal wasn't a stranger to bar brawls but this was getting ridiculous. If she wasn't already in debt to one Hutt, this was about to be two. No doubt, Gorra the Hutt wasn't happy and on Ishana's part, she had no idea that this cantina was his. She hadn't heard the thud that came with some other poor soul tossing themselves behind the bar for cover.
She did manage to hear him scream, shout - plead for the light in his eyes. Ishana let her blaster cool down and got a look at the guy, white hair and all. "Listen, kid, you seem nice pretty sure if you just ran out the door no one's gonna bat an eyelash."
"If you're lookin' for work, the place is gonna get taken by the Empire here soon, and I ain't an Oracle or anything but somethin' tells me whatever Hutt runs this joint is either gonna get in line or get replaced." She stopped talking just long enough to fire off a few rounds, "so, if you wanna stick around, pick a side - and not theirs."
Ishana rushed out from behind the bar with several well-aimed shots.
Kaalia was doing her thing with the Force, and whatever hokey powers that went with it. Another guy was down in the back she saw him and pegged him for Empire at least by his threads and how he stood. Ishana elbowed another guy and pistol-whipped the other, before using her blaster as an improvised garrote.
Then everything went silent, Gorra the Hutt's men two massive Twi'leks that looked like they ate Rontos for breakfast entered. Their presence alone drew enough attention to quiet things down. Gorra followed he was flanked on either side by a set of Gamorreans. Ishana didn't have to look at Kaalia as she eyeballed the door and waited for her time to leave. "I am Gorra the Hutt." The slug began, his Huttese had an accent on it - that Outer Rim slant. "I wish to speak with the Siths, alone."

The mine cart ride down the tracks was a bit more relaxed once the bolts started flying every which way. That was a nice change of pace, unfortunately he was down to half his starting ammo, such was the issue with trying to use a sidearm for suppressing fire. Only reason that had worked with even a modicum of worth were that the rounds themselves were explosive, so once they hit something it either got thrown back nicely or became a shower of much smaller parts. Holstering the pistol for the time being he was reaching for his lightsaber when the cart came to a sudden halt. This was one time magnogrip soles were a negative thing since Fio got thrown out of the cart and landed on a broken conveyor belt and he just got to meet the side of the cart more intimately than hoped. It was certainly a hard knock to the head, enough so to make the sensor readings go a bit wonky. After deactivating the magnets that had kept him from flying out of the cart, he made a more than slightly wobbly exit from the less than classy form of transport.

He shook his head as he started a system reset on the helmet which would leave him blind for a few moments while everything came back online, or at least physically so. He did have Force sense and nothing was overwhelmingly making him tense but hot damn his neck was aching and he had a nasty headache from that impact. Whiplash was never fun. Once the sensors were back online he blinked as the images started to clear on his HUD. There was little in the way of light at this depth so he switched the main display to low light and thermal vision letting the other systems run passively in the background, set to alert him of any major changes that were considered 'abnormal.' As he started walking over to Fiolette and Ordo Ordo he took note of the fact that he had likely twisted or pulled something in his leg during the sudden stop. Other than a dull ache though it was nothing to pay attention to, Force knows he had fought through worse.

He was most thankful that the rebreather hadn't needed recalibration as well given that there were a lot of Sith here he had no doubt someone out of that group would use some sort of knockout gas or worse. He shrugged as FIo commented on their current situation.

"Agreed ma'am. Much nicer to only have a couple bumps, bruises, and a possible concussion. None of that is new so I'll be good soon enough. Doesn't seem too stable, but not overly unstable either, we should be fine I think."

Loose rock, slag, and other bits of refuse were standard procedure for mining operations which was about the extent of his mining knowledge. It wasn't long after this that she noted the ladder in front of them and read the sign. His only response was a sigh of indeterminate meaning and a nod. It was a name of a company he recognized, but didn't know much about or care to know much about. Usually a bad idea to go waltzing into someone else's property though it seemed to be the only way out currently. So be it. Drawing the saber hilt from its resting place on his left hip, he left it unactivated for the moment as they continued forward.

"Eh, I ain't got anything better to do I guess, so sure, let's go trespassing on someone's mining claim. Should be a fun time if nothing else."



Self-Imposed Exiled

The self-exiled Mandalorian seemed to enjoy the sounds of battle as he sat upon a nearby mess of rubble - the scene making it look like a throne of rocks to his inner-mind, but to those around more likely a lifeless body laying upon gravel. The many shouts echoing his mind doing nothing to rile him, however, a certain voice and command did cause the armoured man to rise from his place - ‘Kill every last one!’ was shouted by what Raiz could only assume to be the leader of the platoon following her every word.

“Now seems to be the right time to be leaving,” he muttered whilst standing and brushing dirt off of his beskar’gam. “None of my clan seems to be here, nor any I owe allegiance to.”

Before heading off, the man pulled out his blaster pistol in his right hand and his beskad in his left, ensuring that from medium to short-range he was able to defend himself if needed. Walking out of a battlefield in the middle of a conflict is no easy task, even the most stealthy among his people would find such difficult and Raiz was not one to sneak about. Due to such some of Joycelyn’s men, and even the woman herself would have seen the armoured Mandalorian head towards the nearest exit with the intent of departing from the scenario.

Fixated on the banner, Joycelyn made a leap and hoisted herself up to the roof, digging the toe-tips of her sabatons into the wall and the fingertips of her gauntlets into the roofing. It was heavy work, hauling herself up in full plate and sword in hand. But with the rage of the dark side burning through her blood, nothing was impossible.

Finally she stood tall on the top, looking down at the fighting and those who fled. She swung Zaudraka at the flag-pole and fell the mandalorian banner with a fell sweep. It streamed as it fell, and as its replacement stood the Princess of Dromund Kaas and her burning blade.

"Nyashjontû Wo!

She called, summoning again the response of her troops. In return they chanted..

"Imperius! Imperius!"

As they called, her eyes fell upon those mandalorians who retreated from the battle, fighting their way to the nearest exit. They were the reason the war would prolong.

She pointed Zaudraka at those who fled. It was both a challenge and a declaration: War - War eternal.

Raiz Raiz


Saint of the Damned

It was fortunate that Lark and the pirate were able to threaten their way through the support area, where the racer's crews and assistants worked during the race. Neither of the two were particularly good with slicing, so spreading some whispers that the duo were envoys of a nearby Hutt crime lord ensured that they were treated practically as kings. This allowed them to stroll right to where a squirrelly man provided audio assistance to one of the few racers capable of keeping up with Raymat.

It was a risky gambit. If there happened to be anyone who actually worked for the Hutt, the illusion would be broken and the entire spaceport would turn on them. But they wouldn't linger long enough to deal with the ramifications of the plan, whatever happened after Raymat was dead was of no concern to Lark. Taking a comlink from the technician, he began speaking to one of the pilots. "Good day, Annju Clevros. I have a request to make of you."

"What the hell? Who is this?" A female voice asked. Lark could hear the chaos of the race coming from her end, ships veering and dodging each other like a cloud of metallic knats. Judging by some of the curses she spat, it sounded as though someone passed her. Lark could almost hear the rude gestures she was making towards her competition.

"Someone with important words to heed. Wootheh the Hutt has appointed me as his voice, and he has a special request for you, Ms. Clevros."

"Now?!" Another string of curses followed, imaginative and descriptive enough to get the pirate to nod his head in approval. "What's that sack of piss want now?"

"You're familiar with a pilot named Raymat, yes? You've been following him the entire race. Wootheh had a dealing with him, and Raymat got cold feet and bailed with what he owed to Wootheh. It must be known that no one is ever safe from the Hutts. Do this, and your past mistakes will all be forgiven. You won't be tied down by debt any longer. Make it look like an accident, if you wish. Wootheh will handle the fallout."

"Gah- fine! That sleeze better not come calling again!" The comlink shut off, and Lark turned his attention to a monitor that displayed the race. Clevros inched forward behind Raymat, and as they made a sharp turn through a crevice in an asteroid, she nudged the back of his ship, causing him to spin out and collide with the jagged wall. Raymat died within that little rock floating in space, and with him went a major source of funding for the smugglers that resisted the Sith for so long.

"You lie like a pro," the pirate said as they left the port. Amidst the chaos and confusion Raymat's death left, the two were able to slip away unbeknownst to everyone. "Almost had me believing I was workin' for The Woot, and just didn't know it. Shame they'll probably end up killin' that Annju lass once everyone realizes they were played, she had quite the mouth on her."

"Dream about her mouth all you want once we've safely made our exit, I'd like to leave as anonymously as we arrived. I'll have you continue looking for Papirs as a personal request, and if the Empire requires more, I'll be in touch."

The pirate nodded. "Sure, sure. But I've got a request for you too kid. Next time you get the chance, take a moment to just stop and breathe. Have a beer! Might do you some good, with the way you think and all that."

Lark smiled. "Find Papirs, and the first five rounds are on me. Maybe the only way you'll spill your name is if you're too drunk to remember to keep it a secret."

The pirate grinned in that all-knowing way of his. "If I do, you'll end up laughin'. Until then, kid."

Bidding each other farewell, they each returned to the vessels they arrived in. The pirate's anonymity still bothered Lark, but it was enough that the two worked well together. Lark's own name was deceitful, as much a lie as the one he told Annju Clevros. I a sense, the pirate truly didn't know much about him at all. No one did.

And Lark would keep it that way.
Obj: The Blood Moon Brawl
Location: Securing Property/Finishing up the Test

Sith Muse Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

"My Lady, all preliminary life signs have faded and the Seefeuer gas has been extracted back into its canisters. Examination and sweep teams are deploying to gather the remains and secure the rest of the structure."

Taeli nodded as the security commander gave their report, her eyes pouring over the data recorded by the drones. Once the first wave of death had occurred, the criminals had thought to protect themselves by hiding in the underground barracks that served as a rest area. She had understood the reasoning as it had its own internal air scrubbers, but it had not saved them.

They had proceeded to test the energy form of the weapon and... it had not been pretty. Cleaning droids would be needed for weeks to clear away the organic goo that covered the barracks. They still needed to test the water-borne version of the weapon, but that could wait for another day. Presently, she could feel her wife in the mine.

"Commander, make sure a team rendezvous with my wife and her..," she struggled to not say drinking enabler, "companion and get them out of the tunnels."

"Right away, my Lady."
Objective I: Finish off the rebels
Location: GMC Mines
As they fought their way down the narrow corridor Wo had plunged saber-first into the droids while Cara took up the rear of the squad. Clanking steps had echoed behind them as more tin soldiers attemped to fill the hall. Cara shielded the backs of the Legionnaires as they provided cover for their copiously limbed commander. Not that Cara thought anything wrong with Wo's appearance, it was just... yes, it was unsettling to watch. Meeting the fellow Knight in the lift he was static for most of the ride. But seeing that bulky and foreign form tear a path down the hall was unnerving, his otherness reminding Cara of why she wasn't so fond of alien species.

A blaster bolt closed in on a Legionnaire's head, coming short of its target as the extension of her arm blocked it. The bolt shimmered across the barrier, its heat leaving a ghost of its presence in the air. It wasn't slow-motion, not quite, but Dorniarn loved this part of the show and made note of the little things. It felt like creating an algorithm, deciphering a pattern then adjusting the formula for the next trial. The minor details, how droideka's fired a shot from one cannon then delay before firing from the next and how they aimed for the torso; how B1's janky bolts are generally aimed for the head and how the use of a swift push of the Force sent them tumbling back on matchsticks legs; just observations that all tallied up into a rough estimate of who to eliminate first and who could wait in line. If she had tickets she'd ask them to take a number, having to wait their turn for a fist through the chassis.

As they entered the communications relay Wo had already made quick work of the technicians, and once he cut off their command signal the droid in her hands fell limp, its dead weight throwing her off balance. As she fell to a knee the long arm of a different droid looped around her helmet. She seized the arm and pulled it forward while turning to reply with a punch. The droid's unlit gaze told her it was over, and this one had simply fallen over. With a disgusted shove she tossed the scrap aside. Getting to her feet she joined the others and heard Wo's broadcast.

She relaxes a little more seeing the droids deactivated and the technicians slaughtered, their short-lived rebellion being a waste of time and effort.

She addresses Wo, "Since the area is secured, forgive me if I do not return to the surface with you. These," She gestures to the remaining tin cans lining the room, "were either bought or smuggled. With some minor disassembly I may find their foundry location and other information." After giving a nod to the Knight and his Legionnaires she turns her attention to the deactivated machines. She unclasps a vibroknife, her crude scalpel for mechanical dissection, and begins to work.

Eye of Solomon

Objective: The Blood Moon Brawl
Location: On dat Blood Moon

"Very well, ksk ksk ksk, do what you must."
By then, Wo had finished transmitting the coordinates to the Harrower cruiser in orbit. Those coordinates were then relayed across the entire small flotilla, two strike cruisers breaking out of formation to zero in on the Rebel cruiser's position within the nearby moon belt. Squadrons of starfighters shadowed their approach, breaking away once the Rebel cruiser caught wind of the Imperial approach and attempted to make for open space to jump into hyperspace. A squadron of Jurgoran-class bombers swung around a nearby asteroid on an intercept trajectory with the Rebel cruiser, opening fire with a salvo of ion cannon blasts that impacted the cruiser's shields on the aft side. Faster Tuk'ata-class Interceptors then zoomed in to seal the dead, firing short laser cannon bursts to rupture the engine systems and render the cruiser dead in the water.
The pair of strike cruisers pulled up along either side of the disabled rebel cruiser, extending boarding cofferdams that hooked into the carbon-scored hull and cut into the inner ship. Within minutes, Armada Legionnaires had boarded the ship and neutralized all hostiles and managed to recover portions of the ship's databank that hadn't been wiped. Though it was precious little to go off on, the Legionnaires uploaded the data to a transportable server which would then be offloaded to the Empire's analysts and code-breakers to see if anything tangible could be recovered.
In the meanwhile, Wo had returned to his dropship at the mining landing pad. During his journey, another platoon of Legionnaires had arrived to secure the mine, collecting the bodies of the slain Legionnaires and bringing them to a medical vessel where they would be taken back to the nearest Legion outpost and prepared for burial.
"Inform military command that the mine is ours, and of the rebel presence we had encountered, ksk ksk ksk."

Amaya Cardei


In the Auroran mines, Fiolette didn't know where their friend had ended up but for the time being, it was just Mr. Bloodborn and herself. They ended up in an office near the loading bay it was quiet but it wouldn't stay that way, not for long anyway. "Looks like we're on our own." All things considered, this was probably a good thing the last thing Fio wanted was security giving her identity away. Aurora Industries' patrols would find both Mr. Bloodborn and herself. A small conversation and scan on a biometric reader would confirm their identities.
"At the very least we have a ride off this rock." To say they had arrived on the planet through conventional means, would be a lie.
"I'm sure Taeli will be... pleased, to see you again Mr. Bloodborn." A sly smile from Fiolette as she looked over at her friend. Taeli disliked the man, and Fio knew why and didn't quite care. Kurayami was an out to an otherwise dull time. As much as Fiolette loved her wife, her wife was ... Well, her wife spent more time with work and engrossed in research than she did at home. Neglect was an awful thing, it did things to people and created feelings that made for animosity.
Kurayami. Phoenix, and other somewhat unsavory types gave Fiolette something to focus on. A way to keep busy so she wouldn't spend nights alone at home. A marriage like that wasn't much of a marriage at all, but the Lord Admiral refused to get another divorce and so she sat in what felt like a loveless life. Seeking thrills when she wasn't parked behind a desk, they say money can't buy you happiness and in a sense, that's very true.
It can definitely make fighting that lonely feeling inside a little easier.
So, Fiolette looked over at the loading bay and looked at the patrols. "Listen, if my wife asks, tell her - actually don't tell her a thing, if she wants me, she'll come get me herself."
The loading bay had parked a nice little freighter, and if Taeli was paying attention to whatever emotion she might be connected to. Then she would feel the resistance to coming home. What would there be to go home to? The same routines, Taeli goes to her library and Fiolette heads to her workshop. Admittedly it felt as if the flames in their love had been washed away year after year by tedious excuse after tedious excuse. Casually, Fiolette walked up to the freighter and climbed inside, and for the time being the adventures on Gromas were over. "Didn't you say you had a few plans on Nubia? I'll let Phoenix Edorath Phoenix Edorath know to meet us there."


Through the Force, Kaalia felt another presence pulling at strings. Only moments later one of her assailants turned against his allies, his blaster now no longer targeting herself. The help was much appreciated, though her giving of thanks would have to wait for now. With the newfound room to breathe she locked onto one of the remaining bounty hunters sending barrages of blaster bolts at her person, though her focus was on a chair nearby him. With a telekinetic grip she lifted it up into the air before throwing it at the weequay. It collided with his head, knocking him out cold. Following that she leapt forwards, landing in front of a gamorrean and stabbing her lightsaber right into his heart.

Then, the blaster fire ceased. Things went quiet, and in slithered a hutt. Gorra, no doubt. Not that it mattered to Kaalia, though- she had never seen or heard of a hutt before that she wanted anything to do with. She made her way back to Ishana's side, making sure she was unharmed. She had become much more easily worried about her wife's wellbeing after Mandalore, which didn't help in moments like these.

Gorra then spoke but did so in Huttese, which the woman didn't understand. Luckily, Ishana did. "Miala, could you translate that for me?"


Objective III: Hutt Wrangling
Interacting With: Ishana Pavanos, Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos , & Hundan Dashi Hundan Dashi
Post Number V

Brave, for a Hutt, he had to give it that. Had it not gotten personally involved, he would likely have been able to escalate tensions beyond repair - he still might be able to. All he needed was the right spark.

Pretending not to understand the Hutt's words, he nonetheless stepped back from the opening, towards his fellow Sith, executing a short bow along the way. "Darth Avcacyn, what an unexpected pleasure - and I see you brought your lovely wife." Then, in the tongue of the Ancient Sith: "Give the word and my shaped-creatures will eradicate the criminal-filth."

Deferring to his superior - and quietly hoping that her position as Triumvir of Strength had made her predisposed to less diplomatic solutions - the young Knight smiled to himself. The Sithspawn he had hidden within his disgustingly extravagant yacht would no doubt be thirsting for blood.

Ishana Pavanos


"He wants to talk with the both of you..." Ishana's voice trailed off as she looked over at Gorra and spoke to him in Huttese. It was clear from her tone that this wasn't her first go around with a Hutt. Whatever she said made him chuckle and then he slithered on by her the two Twi'leks urged the delegation forward. Gorra said something else and it landed a Rodian dead on the ground, the slug made his way to the back where gambling tables had been cleared and all that remained were Nitkos and a handful of Gamorreans who were smart enough to steer clear of the Siths.
Gorra was large, even by Hutt standards. He looked between the man and then the woman, then the translator. "I've heard your name." He began and still spoke in his native tongue. "You owe Sotta a lot of cash." Gorra paused, "and yet you're with the Empire."
"Bad luck, a lot of it - I was trying to pay him."
Again, Gorra laughed. "He won't take your money, but he's not dumb enough to strike a high ranking officer."
Military service be praised, Ishana thought and then Gorra gestured for the two Siths to approach just as he got to his chaise lounge. "I wish to work a deal with the Sith Empire. This system, and all its secrets in exchange for protection to run my deals, my spice and of course the slaves - tell them this, little dancer."
Ishana cleared her throat and turned around to speak to Vandiir and her wife. "So, he wants to cut a deal, he's willing to give the system and 'all its secrets' for protect, he wants to keep running spice and slaves- wait." She looked over her shoulder and spoke again in Huttese. "What about the phrik?"
"Phrik will go to the Empire, I don't have that kind of muscle anyway."
So she translated looking back at the two in front of her. "Phrik goes with the Empire, ... uh you two got any specifics, or does this sound good?"

Okay, so the Mandalorian dude was...somewhere probably making that one problem solved. For the moment at the very least it was just he and Fiolette in some sort of office. Sounded like a loading bay nearby, or a hangar of some sort, and that caught his attention as they did biometric scans and had some minor conversation or other.

"Listen, just because we got here in a less than standard way doesn't mean anything really. Well other than that we didn't have a set way to get off this planet, granted coming here was a last minute decision. At least on my end."

Ah, these belonged to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf that made it a bit funnier to him that they had ended up in these mines which made him chuckle slightly. He took a long draught of namana nectar from his flask before responding to Fio.

"That may be putting it... rather kindly, ma'am."

The thoughts about the state of her marriage were totally missed by the man, as he was busy sending a message to Nubia StarDrives about setting up a meeting with people in TSE to have a mining operation on Gromas. It was mostly to figure out how much would be paid for the mining rights.

"Yea something to do there...I'm sure I'll remember by the time we get there. I can fly if I need to...or not. Either is fine with me, just let me know by the time we are on the ship, wherever it is."


And then, her cover was gone. By an ally's doing, as well. Kaalia wasn't much pleased with Adrian addressing her with the name she was best known by, removing any any room for less-than-diplomatic measures without it tarnishing her reputation. Still, she remained polite in the moment, giving him a nod and a look that betrayed the way she was feeling.

Ishana then translated Gorra's words, an offer that Kaalia found to be entertaining more than anything. As far as she was concerned, he was to make way, she wasn't much interested in the Sith Empire striking deals with the likes of Gorra. Ultimately, however, she would much rather leave this to those who had experience dealing with hutts. Unfortunately she doubted this was something she was going to be able to shove off to someone else.

"Miala, could you tell him that the Empire may be willing to talk? There are a few things that would have to be... negotiated though, still. Unless he understands what I am saying, of course."


Hundan Dashi

Hand me some detonite and a toothpick
Location: A bar turned negotiation
Objective: Hmmmm
People: Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos AMCO AMCO Ishana Pavanos

Escaped sounded like an excellent plan. Until Gorra showed up, anyhow. Hutts did a lot of things. Get out of the fething way wasn't one of them. His Huttese was rusty, but he slowly rose from behind the bar, looking surprisingly cheery given the situation. "Gorra, good to see you. Afraid I couldn't reach the exit without plowing through your guys at the door," he said with a nod. "I do hate to interrupt, but it seems like a good drink would help with negotiations, yeah? Unfortunately, I'm afraid I have a bit of a stake as well, to be honest. But we'll get to that. Who'd like a blue milk and brandy? I'll cover the tab of course," he said, holding his comm tablet in hand like a waiter ought to. He gave it a glance. 2095/2200. Another minute.

"I know you're all busy with this summit between leaders, but a good drink may help ease things, yeah? Besides, I do need to book an appointment," he said with a shrug. As he looked at the now downed Rodian. "And since you're down an adjutant, better to go straight before the Hutt himself," he said with a wave. "What'll you have, Gorra?"

He pulled a small cord from the comm tablet and plugged into the secondary holographic display. Usually it was used for accompanying the live, but it'd work in a pinch for this as well.

Amaya Cardei


A whisper into Gorra's ear from one of his lieutenants informed him that the Sith Empire had already taken the system and any chance of negotiation was now out of the picture. Then in walked an intruder who felt he had any power here, the arrogant kind who did little for their work and money. Still, this situation could be remedied, Gorra still had Aargonar and with a paycheck right in front of him. Ishana was still wanted for plenty of credits and Sotta would then consider Gorra for the Hutt Cartel's council.
It was time to ditch Gromas and this cantina.
The aforementioned members of Gorra's crew began to work around the cantina, quietly and out of view of the group, as Hundan spoke. Voidstone and other anti-Force measures were carefully put into place, temporarily cutting off both Vandiir and Kaalia Pavanos' connection to the Force. A backdoor was propped open behind the wall out of view from everyone present. Other doors and windows were being bolted from the outside, sealed shut. It would keep the Empire busy, at least for a little while - enough time to get Ishana out of the cantina and off-world.
"You are nothing to me, you demand things which can no longer be given." Gorra spoke in plain basic, "but you have provided me an opportunity, little mouse."
Gorra's men moved in front blocking Kaalia's view of Ishana. All Ishana felt was the back end of a rifle before being slung over some mountainous Rattataki man's shoulder. The men with their rifles backed out, rifles pointed at the group and when given the order they reached for their grenades. Each one had a set pair, of flash and smoke grenades, the backdoor would be bolted and sealed just as the cantina was set ablaze. What Gorra hadn't counted on was Ishana regaining some sort of consciousness to grab and pull one of the Rattataki's frag grenades. She managed to lob it toward the cantina before they knocked her again and tossed her into the back of a shuttle.
Legionnaires caught sight of the conflagration and rushed toward the building, just as the sight of TIE Fighters soared over Gromas. The planet for all intents and purposes had been secured, but for the Air Marshal? She was taking a ride in the back of the Hutt's shuttle toward Aargonar, with two Siths and a Scoundrel trapped in the burning cantina, for now at least...


[OOC: Dominion is officially wrapped, but you may continue your stories - Gorra's story wraps up in the Aargonar Dominion!]


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