Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Congregation of Congratulatory Companions

Shan returned the little wave to Corazona, keeping a small smile on his face which only grew at Colette's smile. He was content to mostly just wait in the corner for now, whilst Colette spoke to the other guests in the house. It let him relax anyway. As much as the Nobles weren't his actual family, their house felt...well homely.

Of course, he wasn't going to be purely anti-social. He made sure to acknowledge Aris at the very least when he thanked people for showing up. Then Shan just focused on the conversation happening with Loomi and Makko, a small smirk making its way onto Shan's face. It was amusing to him...though that was slightly ironic, considering it wasn't that long ago that Shan would have been confused by that choice of words himself. Not that he'd ever call Colette a pretty bird. No. She was more of a...ferocious feline? A tough tiger? No. No. None of those worked as compliments...Maybe Shan just should focus on the regular compliments.

Though on the topic of cats now that Shan thought about it, he should probably head over to give Colette the present he had made for her. Hopping up to his feet to head over towards the birthday girl, or at least one of them today. "Well. As long as it doesn't mean I need to find sixteen presents for you, that's fine with me." He gave a nervous chuckle at that, rubbing the back of his neck as he rummaged around in his jacket. "It took me a lot of brian power to even come up with this idea but erh...It's a bit late now." He glanced down at Nibbles, keeping a smile on his face before pulling out a small clay statue.

"I tried using what Master Kahlil was teaching us, to make you a little cat. Even if it wasn't real, I knew how much you really wanted one. So...yeah." By the Force. Why was this so awkward? Just hand her the present and say what it was. "I tried to make it look really pretty, like you but I don't think...that worked."

Colette Colette Loomi Loomi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres BB-610 BB-610
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Deep breaths. Eye contact. Glossiness. Lips pursing.

"Hold Nibbles for me." Colette urged Corazona and gently forced the kitten into the blonde's hands before she took the little clay statue and held it in her hands. "This is the greatest gift I've ever gotten." She whined as she looked up at her boy... friend(?) with tears in her eyes. "It's so cute, and it's got so much of you in it, and it's for me and I..."

Colette pulled the stupid Mirialan in close for a kiss. She didn't care if anyone was watching, this was the most kindest and heartfelt gift that Colette had ever gotten and the sentiment shot straight through her heart in a good way. It was pudgy, it wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but it was cute and it had all the right details that Colette wanted from a cat.

... The way it seemed to just beg to be petted...

She loved it immensely.

"Thank you." She sniveled. "I will treasure this forever."

Niv Hani
Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Colette Colette Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus BB-610 BB-610 Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

While not everybody picked up on Aeryn calling out to them, she seemed happy enough to get a few looks. She didn't know everybody too well, but recognized some familiar faces. To her, it was exciting! These were all friends of the family and she wanted them to be her friends as well.

Adam joined her in that fun, and Aurra just sat with her Mom for now.

"Dad, can I help you with the cake?" Vera asked him with a grin before she looked around to get a head count. Something she regretted instantly, when she noticed Colette Colette and Shan Pavond Shan Pavond kissing. Vera visibly cringed and looked at Aris, "I don't know what's worse. Seeing Mom and Dad kissing, or those two." She giggled, knowing her father was standing right next to her. He'd never be able to miss her little jab.

"At least she seems happy. That's most important," Vera quickly added.

"Sweetieeee!" Valery then called over to Aris, unaware of how embarrassing that might be to him. "Come here!" She hadn't given him a birthday hug yet, and Aurra really liked having him close too.

She also wanted to give Aris his gift!


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Colette Colette Valery Noble Valery Noble @all y'all

Lossa gave BB-610 something in a silver case. She said it was safe though, and Gatz didn't expect her to bring something dangerous to the Nobles' homestead anyways, so he paid it no mind. What he did pay attention to was the way she grabbed and twisted his arm. Gatz looked down at their conjoined hands for a moment, confused as to what she was doing—

Oh. His arm was the doorknob. Gatz snorted at her bad joke. He'd have to give her a refresher course on humor, being the expert that he was.

Colette seemed to accept that the big box was her gift, and Gatz was content with that. She could open it later. Preferably when he was gone, so he didn't get roped into helping build the cat tree. What fun was there in getting Valery a gift that was sure to throw the decoration of her house out of whack, if he had to take responsibility for it?

Apparently Lossa was his plus one. Gatz was, frankly, surprised that she needed to be a plus one, but he rolled with it. Less surprising was Lossa calling him pretty, which he was. At least, as long as he had a shirt on.

Lossa introduced herself to Colette, and gave him a swift kick.

"Ow!" He rubbed his leg, which didn't hurt in the slightest, "you know, if you kick me like that, I'm not gonna be so pretty anymore. Then you'll have to find a new boy toy to drag around, and where are you gonna find one as good-looking as me?"

But before Lossa could answer, the triplets came running out. Or, rather, Aeryn and Adam did. Aurra, as usual, was wary of all the strangers in her home. Gatz saw Valery pick her up and sit down with her on the couch. He almost approached them to say 'hi,' but instead found himself staring at the whirlwind of chaos that was Aeryn as she ran around saying 'hello' to everyone at the party.

"Come here, you little rugrat." Gatz bent over to scoop the mini-Val up, before she could create too much trouble, "I want you to meet a very special friend of mine."

Judging by the expression on her face earlier, Gatz suspected Lossa wasn't familiar with Valery's children. He figured he ought to fix that.

Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble BB-610 BB-610 Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Colette Colette

She had been fishing for the right box of surprises when Colette had broken away to speak with a Mirialan that gave her a gift.

Finally finding the little blue box when Colette had kissed the Mirialan.

Two seconds of perplexed blinking gave way to a large grin, especially when someone else mentioned how they felt seeing them kiss. An air of teasing in the words as Lossa shook her head and looked to Gatz.

"Kinda hard to top that reaction to a gift." Looking at him a little better when he teased about the kick to his leg. Squinting at him as she made it seem as though she was actually thinking about it.

Then chaos ensued as a pair of children made themselves known. Gatz being familiar enough to pick the girl up before she chased after another person to welcome as Lossa gave her a smile.

"High! You can kick him if you want to. Just not in the face." She hadn't got a chance to tease him about her own kick, instead leveling it to the child with a wicked grin.

"Who is this you caught?" Hand leaving her jacket pocket to settle on her hip. Looking between the two with a grin as she wondered if the girl would actually kick him during introductions.

"It's er, just a nickname," he said. "'t go calling anyone your bird,"

"Oh. Okay, Sir- I mean Makko, sir!" Loomi nodded, stumbling over the formalities again. She really needed to stop doing that.

So it was a nickname, but not one she should call someone else. That made sense, or at least Loomi tried to convince herself that it made sense. The Godoan kind of didn't get it at all. But it seemed like their thing, since the pink lady was entertaining it. Perhaps it was just best for her to have observed it, kind of (not really) understood it, and move on with her day.

And then Colette kissed Shan.

Loomi's antennae curled back awkwardly as her brain scrambled to process what had just happened. That wasn't like a normal greeting. She was crying, but it felt like in the good way from the way her emotions shifted. What... was this? A lot of sensations swirled around the two. Even as an empath, Loomi struggled to put a name on anything that she was feeling.

Why did this happen?

She leaned back over to Makko, now a more concerned look on her face.

"Why did she do that?" she asked in a hushed tone. "I-Is that a stupid question?"


Alicio had conscripted his children into carrying the presents.

Liana and August had both inherited one defining trait from their parents, aside from the splotched green and fair skin that painted both of their faces. They both wanted to help, all the time, always. So when Alicio had walked up to the Noble's cabin with three trays of home-cooked bread, both little Organas tugged at the sleeves of his coat, asking in toddler-speak to pleeease hold a gift.

As they walked in, Alicio ushered his kids around the main groups of people, directing them to the food table. He didn't know two of the birthday people, and that would have to change. But in the meantime, he figured anyone would enjoy a homebaked meal.

It seemed great minds thought alike, because Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Vera Noble Vera Noble were preparing cake for the party, too. Alicio walked unobtrusively next to the tall man began dutifully setting up his gift for the gaggle of mostly Jedi to share, likely for sometime after the cake had settled. Two loafs with swirls of cinnamon and chocolate, and one with melted cheese on top, and the distinct scents of garlic and basil.

"Happy birthday, Vera," Alicio said, smirking at father and daughter. "Sorry we're late. We got caught in the traffic of every Jedi in the temple coming here."

"Hi Vera!" Liana waved both of her arms at the padawan, then made present-y hands towards the Alderaanians' presents. "Hap birthday!"

August was already hiding behind Alicio's legs- so it was going to be a shy August day- but he was smiling at Kahlil, seemingly remembering when the tall Epicanthix had picked him up, and touted him around on his shoulder as a baby.

- Colette Colette - Shan Pavond Shan Pavond - Makko Vyres Makko Vyres - Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania - Valery Noble Valery Noble - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar - Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus -
"Oh," Cora was only too eager to accept Nibbles. Colette Colette would have to be careful that Cora didn't tuck the kitten into her pocket and leave with him at the end of the party.

"Do you want to meet Makko and Loomi Loomi ?" She cooed, adjusting Nibbles in her arms so that the little creature could extend his neck to sniff the pair and receive head scratches. Makko's fascination with Lula had not escaped her notice.

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond produced a cute little handmade clay statue of a cat, and Colette received it with gusto. Cora blushed when the Mirialian was pulled in for a kiss, her heart fluttering a bit as Colette sniveled. It was clear that she loved her present and the gesture behind it.

And maybe Shan, too.

The party was in full swing now. The triplets appeared, Gatz and Lossa were flirting, and three fourths of the Organa brood had arrived - and how they'd grown, too. The twins were at least an inch or two taller since she'd first seen them at Amani's Mastering ceremony. With her arms full of kitten, Cora gave Alicio Organa Alicio Organa a smile and nod by way of greeting if she were to catch his eye.

Cora leaned in a little closer to Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , curious to hear how would respond to Loomi's question.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Niv Hani |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Colette Colette | Loomi Loomi | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa |

BB-610's gaze fell back on the ensemble of guests gathered around the room, attention gained by adorable little Aeryn. If droids could smile, the BB unit's would have stretched from cheek to cheek. Moments like these were what made the hardships they went through worth it - unfiltered joy, with laughter mingling and happy spirits.

He watched as Colette pulled Shan in for a kiss - something that living with Valery and Kahlil had exposed him far too much for him to be taken aback by. With the aforementioned four, it was only after he'd recontextualized Cora and Makko standing together and Lossa and Gatz' flirtations that the droid began to think.

Was this... This wasn't a kissing party, was it...? It was meant as a birthday party?

Musing on that, BB-610 gave an awfully slow side-eye back to R4. He was always happy to make new friends, but if people were expecting them to kiss, R4 would have to take him out at least once under such short notice. BB-610 was a droid of principle.

Thankfully, whatever misconceived reality he'd thought up was dashed away as Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus approached him with a gift. Particularly surprised, BB-610 hadn't thought it was his birthday as well; that wasn't until four months and twelve rotations, if his internal clock were correct. He gazed at the woman, as though to silently ask if she'd given it to him by mistake, but no correction was given.

Delicately, the astromech's utility arm opened the gift up, his optic peering inside to see-- SIX (6) GLITTER BALLS! An audible, mechanical gasp met the air, with a giddy string of binary quick to follow. A pang of emotion swelled within his core, waves of nostalgia crashing against him as he reminisced his Agent of Chaos days.

The box was - temporarily - placed gently down onto the floor as BB-610 circled around Lossa's feet, singing her praises with constant 'thank you, thank you, thank you's, ending with the droid nuzzling against one of her legs, his body hardly able to contain his excitement while he wobbled like a puppy wagging its tail.




There were few things in life that gave Kahlil pause.

And there he was, blinking as he caught sight of Shan and Colette's kiss. She hadn't been his daughter for long at all, but.. She was his daughter, right? His brow furrowed in thought, so much so he hadn't even heard Vera at first. He'd promised that he wouldn't be as hands off with his Padawan's, so shouldn't that also mean he'd be closer with his own children?

But Shan was also his Padawan.

And had kissed his daughter.

He'd known there was something there for a while, but still, wasn't he supposed to step in? Maybe bring out a shot gun to intimidate the potential boyfriend? No, he wasn't going to intimidate Shan. But wasn't he supposed to protect his daughter? Was Shan someone he had to protect her from?

"I've no idea how to feel about that, Little Star. Am I supposed to protect her?"

For the first time, he simply didn't know what to do. He glanced to Alicio, who had also seemed to arrive as he was so deep in thought. And smiled, after a moment. Right, there were other people here. Including-

"Ah, there you are August. You've been getting rather tall, haven't you?"

"Mom, don't."

Not that Aris didn't walk over to his mom right away anyway. He knew what was coming, and he knew that he couldn't stop it. Even his protests were just empty words because he knew, in this moment, she was going to give him the biggest hug and once again embarrass him. Which, he wasn't against. Not that he'd say as much, but he absolutely would act as if he was.

"I am a Padawan now."

"...Of course it's for you. I'm not sure if Vera or Aris would like a-" Shan was interrupted mid-sentence by Colette dragging him in for a kiss, the Mirialan being taken aback by the act. Colette didn't normally do something that would embarrass herself in public like this. So the fact she was actually kissing him in public was a surprise, but a welcome one to say the least as the Mirialan broke out into a little goofy grin. Glancing around to spot the others looking towards them, he'd just wave his hand to acknowledge their looking. By the Force, he wasn't sure if this was worse than the time he kissed Colette at the ball...

Though the Mirialan shook his head to focus on Colette, giving her a bright smile. "You don't need to thank me. I mean, you gave me the best present on my birthday by just showing up. And that's a present I've been treasuring ever since." Cheesy? Very. But Shan was trying to focus on the positive of things, instead of thinking about how much he was making a fool of himself. "Because erh...that's what you are. A treasure...And I should really shut my mouth now before I dig myself a hole I can't get out of. Just...I really like you, Colette. And just you." After his conversation with Cora, Shan felt like he had to at least clarify that for Colette.

@Tags for a lot of people.
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond + @everyone else

Didn't matter what Aris and Vera wanted. This was Colette's and not theirs. This was exclusively her silly little cat statue and that was how it was. She looked at it again once she had managed to find a way to separate herself from Shan.

In a way it kind of looked a bit like Lula. It was certainly as round as the racyon would have been at this size which would have been fun to imagine as well hadn't it been because, well, it was sad to actually think about. But, Cora had mentioned taking steps to fixing that.

Shan began to try and flirt but seemed to fall into a ramble like he usually did. Eventually his thoughts were spoken aloud for all to hear and Colette laughed once he stopped. It was one of his more endearing qualities, amongst other things.

"I know." She teased him and gave him a grin. "We'll talk more about that later, but for now…"

"How about we just enjoy the rest of the party?" From the corner of her eyes she caught that stare. Kahlil seemed to watch them with… Intent? He was at the very least in some kind of deep thought until Alicio approached him.

Colette turned back to Shan and then looked out at the rest of the crowd spread around the house.

"I uh…" She chuckled. "I almost didn't want to have this party, you know? I mean, Vera wanted one and Aris was pulled into it, and then we realized that I haven't really had a party like this since I was maybe… About up to your stomach-ish?"

"The idea of celebrating another year of survival feels so… Weird, in a way."

A careful look shot out towards Nibbles. He seemed to be doing alright, for now. Sad as it most likely was, Colette already wanted him back but it was probably for the best that someone else got to look after him for a little bit so that he got to know the whole crew. Besides, it seemed to make Corazona happy and that was nice to see as well.
"Do you want to meet Makko and Loomi Loomi Loomi Loomi ?" She cooed, adjusting Nibbles in her arms so that the little creature could extend his neck to sniff the pair and receive head scratches. Makko's fascination with Lula had not escaped her notice.

"Ooo, look at you..."

Makko had actually searched the holonet for how to pet a kitten when he had heard Colette was allowed one.

He reached out slowly and stroked the back of its head, feeling soft orange fur.

"Why did she do that?" she asked in a hushed tone. "I-Is that a stupid question?"

Makko gave a small nod, but was rather entranced by Colette's new kitten. It meowed. Or at least, it made was sounded like a tiny meep to Makko. His eyes went wide.

And then nibbles turned like a flash and tiny claws emerged. His hand was gripped and a finger bitten.

Makko stayed still and the kitten looked embarrassed before releasing him and turning back into Cora. Makko checked his hand. Nothing was bleeding.

Cora leaned in a little closer to Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , curious to hear how would respond to Loomi's question.

Really? His eyes seemed to say, realising he was up.

"It's not a stupid question," Makko said. "They're dating," he said quietly, lowering his voice.

"Just don't say that to anyone I...don't know they've realised that yet. That's more confusing isn't it? Colette liked her gift..."

"Do you want to meet Makko and Loomi?"


Loomi only momentarily gave the cat a pat before shifting her focus back to what Makko was saying. Dating? Like a date, but multiple. Date. That was...

No, not that. She shook her head, trying to recall where she had last heard the word used...

"I'm really glad you're here with me today," he admitted, his voice tender. "I've been looking forward to this lunch date for a small while~"

The Godoan's face went from a soft yellow to a bright red, her wings fluttering more anxiously. That was that thing that Braze had said to her when he took her to that cafe. Did that mean anything at all? It had to, right? Why would Makko use the word here to describe what Colette and Shan wanted to do? Of course, that brought up the rather imposing question of what that meant for her. She didn't even know what the word really insinuated still, let alone what it's meaning was in relation to something seemingly more complex than one lunch outing.

The cogs in her head were turning so fast one could very easily imagine steam coming out of the teen's ears. Whatever was going on in her mind, Loomi was overthinking it.

"Okay," the Godoan squeaked abruptly. "That makes sense."

She was lying, and very obviously so, but simply agreeing seemed like the fastest way to have her brain no longer on that subject.

With tiny claws and teeth, Nibbles seized Makko's hand before withdrawing as quickly as he had moved to attack. Then, he stuck out his little pink nose to sniff Loomi's hand as she gave him a pat.

"Oh, you're so naughty!" Cora cooed at the kitten. "Are you alright?" She said to Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , shifting Nibbles so that he was cradled in the crook of one arm while her other hand reached out to brush against Makko's own. Her thumb briefly caressed the little indents made by tiny teeth.

Her gaze settled on Colette Colette and Shan Pavond Shan Pavond with a happy, wistful sigh. They were so adorable and earnest that it made her heart flutter.

"Remember when we used to be that way?"

There had been more yelling followed by…nevermind.

Loomi Loomi seemed to take her time after hearing Makko's response.

"I think it's hard to deny how much they like eachother after a kiss." Especially a public one, in front of all your friends. "I'd imagine they'll be going steady, soon."

Niv Hani
Outfit: Wedding Ring
Tag: Colette Colette Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus BB-610 BB-610 Loomi Loomi Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Vera looked up at her father when his brain seemed to malfunction for a moment. Usually, he always knew what to do, or at least knew what he thought he should do. Protective as always, she figured he'd pull out a gun if someone were to kiss one of his daughters, and perhaps that thought ran through his mind now as well. Mom would know, but she was too busy embarrassing Aris in front of everybody again.

Shan was also his Padawan, so hopefully he'd survive.

"" Vera blinked herself and watched him snap out of it. "Protect her? She kissed him, Dad." Vera chuckled and shook her head a little. "I know it's eugh to see, but that's how we feel when you and Mom do it, too." She looked at him with a little hehe in her eyes, but turned away as Alicio Organa Alicio Organa approached.

"Alicio! Glad you could make it!" She ran over for a hug, then looked at his daughter with a grin. "You're getting so big! How are you, Liana?" she, too, got a hug from Vera.

Meanwhile, Aeryn was scooped up by Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar and giggled at first. She didn't mind to be picked up at all, which was something that greatly worried Valery at times, but there were only friends in this house.


"High! You can kick him if you want to. Just not in the face."


Aeryn didn't need to hear that twice and kicked her little foot forward at whatever she could hit. She distinguished not between his chest, stomach or even the crown jewels.

"I'm Aeryn!"

"You are a Padawan now..." Valery began, before her lips spread into a wide grin, "But you're also my boyyy!" she squealed and leaned forward to pull him into a very big, right hug. Even Aurra looked at her Mom like she was crazy for a moment, but Valery didn't care. She loved her kids so much, and there was no way that she wouldn't show that affection to them.

"Happy birthday, sweetie," she said after pulling back to kiss his cheek. "I got you a gift that I'd like you to already see." She pulled out an envelope and offered it.

Inside, there was a ticket for a workshop — a workshop to learn how to forge swords, and the images they used showed some familiar designs. Ancient Jedi blades, included.

Last edited:

Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Valery Noble Valery Noble @the rest of y'all, I'm a lazy jerk

Gatz had only picked up Aeryn to introduce her to Lossa. Oh, who was he kidding, he loved all the little Noble rugrats. He wouldn't have bought Life Day gifts for Valery and Kahlil to give to the kids if he didn't love the Noble family as much as he did. Especially Aeryn and Vera, because they were troublemakers like he was.

Lossa was also a troublemaker, like he was. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise to Gatz when she, in fact, made trouble. By telling a small child to kick him. A small child who he was carrying, and therefore, was perfectly positioned to kick him in the solar plexus.

Which she did.

A wheeze escaped Gatz, and it was only the fear of what Kahlil and Valery would do to him if he dropped their daughter that kept him holding onto Aeryn. For someone so little, the rugrat walloped one hell of a kick. He let out a cough, sputtering for a second as he tried to catch the breath that had been knocked out of him.

"I'm Aeryn!"

"This is Aeryn..." Gatz wheezed. "Resident troublemaker."

Gatz sucked in a breath. Yeah, this was Valery's daughter alright. Maybe more so than the rest of them.

"Please don't kick people Aeryn, it's not very nice."

Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble BB-610 BB-610 Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Colette Colette

A bubble of embarrassment emerged from the gathering, and the feeling let her hone in on the source, eying the one she'd met at the door. Lumine? No. Loomi. Hanging with Cora and Makko for the moment and sporting a very healthy blush it seemed as Lossa grinned.

The attention to the feeling ripped away when she heard the little girl give a sharp sound of approval to her dare.

Lossa's eyes wide realizing she shouldn't have urged the child to act as Gatz took the kick with grace. Her lips curling back to keep herself from cackling at the situation, using her only hand to cover her mouth as her eyes closed to help stop the urge.

Even if she was only going to be laughing at how willing Aeryn was to deliver a kick, she wouldn't have wanted anyone to laugh about it.

"I. I am." Hand still not leaving from its place to cover the chit eating grin as she rolled with contained laughter. "I didn't think she'd."

She took several calming breaths as Aeryn confirmed her name with great pride as if she hadn't just delivered a final blow to someone.

"Oh Force. I am. I am genuinely sorry." Hand drifting to his shoulder even while she still struggled to not laugh.

"She just. Went for it. Chit kid. Well. Lovely to meet you Aeryn!" Extending her good hand to shake to the girl.
"For now, we both just breathe. Relax. Enjoy yours, Vera and Aris' party. I know what you mean, about not wanting a party. It's a nice surprise to say the least but...actually setting one up? It sounds like a nightmare." Shan let out a small chuckle at that, rubbing the back of his neck as he started to let himself relax. The fact he could practically feel Kahlil staring in his direction made that job a more difficult task than he was expecting but the Padawan wasn't going to let his paranoia ruin this party! The question was...what exactly do you do at a party normally?

A small frown came to his face as Colette explained how she thought birthdays were weird in a way, for celebrating survival and the Mirialan shrugged his shoulders. "Try to see it as not a year of survival then. See it as a year of being with the people you care for. A year of them being with you. Plenty of people think a birthday party should be a celebration for the person, but I just think a party should be a way for everyone to show their appreciation."

There seemed to be the opposite of appreciation happening elsewhere, as Shan heard a sudden wheeze. His head swivelling around for a moment before turning his attention back to Colette. Whoever was wheezing would be fiiiine. It couldn't be that bad...Though his face did gain more of a frown at the sound of cursing. No. No. It wasn't his place to deal with it. Just focus on conversations.

"Y'know my last birthday was the first time I had actual presents? My parents never really got me much except for bandages and stuff." Considering how much he used to use when he was back on Nar Shaddaa, it wasn't a surprise to him that it was all he got. It had taken him a little while to realise that sometimes sentimental gifts were sometimes better than gifts with utility.

Colette Colette and a lot of others.
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"Eh, the presents are overrated anyway." Colette said before she realized what she had said and raised the pudgy cat in front of them. "Except this one, of course."

Everyone were spreading out into little groups of their own and Colette wasn't all that certain which ones she and Shan would connect to. There was Loomi with Cora and Makko looking like a raspberry. There was Gatz recovering from a stomach kick with Aeryn and Lossa, and then Alicio and the older ones.

Aris and Valery was a danger zone. No way Colette went there.

"I don't think I've ever seen Loomi quite that red before." She chuckled. "Or Aeryn kick that good."

"... At least Nibbles is enjoying himself."

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