Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A celebration of two. (mandalorians, republic)

A list for a party, a celebration. First thing needed a place. Coruscant immediately came to mind, lots of space lots of availability. But. Some might feel pressure or uncomfortable here. So no. Ok. Alderaan. The image of Arianna watching the armour clad clans wandering around the great house made Rianna laugh, the people however would panic better to do that slowly. That left Mandalore. Everyone would be comfortable and they'd be home. Ok.

Mandalore two weeks later.

The planner from Alderaan kept trying to add more flowers, "please" Rianna begged, "no more flowers it's making me sneeze" Rianna could see Rekha setting up the bar they had brought in and special ordered, and bought locally enough alcohol to float a battleship.

Rianna had sent the invitations, she hoped Ord'ika had remembered to send his. Technically they were already married so this was just the celebration, Arianna wanted Rianna to wear something that at least said wedding and home. So. Rianna would be changing she just hoped it didn't make her look a fool or like a cake topper.

Cake. Yes two kinds Uji and some sweet confection.

Food. There were all kinds of smells in the air, the first meal they shared and the meal he first prepared. Then other things of meats vegetables salads. Whatever it was there. Catered by someone here and foods brought in and prepared by the cook from Alderaan. The kitchen had been close to melt down on differences of opinion Rianna negotiated a temporary peace the food was prepared and war averted.

Anything else needed. YES! The groom , her husband. But she wouldn't see him for a bit yet. But she could sense him and that calmed her.

Time to change.


Invitations to the High Council, and all Jedi, all mandalorians, and members of the Republic. These are just but a few that I could remember right off, I'm still sleepy but here goes, and I will add more later.
@[member="Iella E`ron"]
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Hawk Solo"]
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]
@[member="Sochi Ru"]
@[member="Antares Windu"]
@[member="Talon Vosra"]
@[member="Marcello Matteo"]
@[member="Verz Horak"]
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
@[member="Flint Dexen"]
@[member="Arrbi Betna"]
@[member="Rasu Gan"]
@[member="Jack Harkness"]
@[member="Rianna Organa"]

He stood looking at himself in a mirror. He had never dressed up like this before. He had wanted to wear just his armor but then he wouldn't be able to feel her and that simply would not do. Rianna's sister had sent a fancy suit and looking at it made.him wonder if she had realized that he was a bit different than a Alderaan noble. So he had decided to compromise. He put on a tunic and his Black breast and back plates. He put on his greives and the dark brown boots that went up his calf. He strapped on his beskad and Ripper for show and the long cape with the Organa crest on the clasp. His buy'ce tucked under his arm. He looked silly. He was trying to please but he felt awkward.

He sighed and wrung his hands then popped his knuckles nervously. He looked like a cake topper! His big hands he left uncovered and hooked a tumb in his black utility belt.

"You are a lucky fool Ordo Ar'klim." He told himself. He wondered who would show and who would be to far off to make it. He knew a few would come to give him a hard time but that was to be expected.
He left his room and made his way across his land to the celebration grounds between his farm and the lake. Everything was all bustle and noise. Preparations and cooking fires for the Shatual and other Mandalorian dishes. He was nervous. He was already married the vows exchanged in moments and time already spent together on Coruscanta and Manda'yaim. This was all formality and an excuse to drink and mingle for his vode at least, not that any of them needed excuses to drink.

He looked for his riduur, his wife and quickly found her. Manda take him she was beautiful, a rose among thorns, a lily of the low plains. Ordo felt his cheeks redden as he thought of her wrapped up in his arms, where she belonged, and walked up while she spoke with yet another caterer.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and hugged her leaning down to kiss her cheek from behind.

"We could always just sneek away and lock ourselves up in the yaim." He said in her ear only slightly joking. His vode didn't need him to enjoy food and drink but then they had other guest who may notice.
@[member="Rianna Organa"] @[member="Ordo"]

A party... honestly? Someone invited him to a party? The invitation was for all the Jedi, but still; Vexander thought that this would be a good time to improve his social skills... the ones that he didn't have but that at least he was trying to improve.

Although he was expected to wear his robes at all time, such Jedi tradition was always hard to follow. Usually, the Knight could be seen dressed in his Unit Alpha-7 Covert Armor and in other events, he would go dressed in a formal suit usually worn by corellians, and one that he actually loved. Using one of the chains that the suit had, he kept his lightsaber hidden in his left pocket, where his hand usually was. He didn't expect to need it in a party full of allies and Jedi, but you never know.

Walking inside, he noticed that some sentients were already there, but he was one of the first Jedi to arrive... although he didn't even look like one.

In order for the time to pass by, he walked with his serious demeanor straight to the bar and began to order a corellian ale while he waited to see if he could engage in any social interaction... not really sure if he could but he would try... or so he thought.

Talon Vosra

Talon wore his robes, for once. He wondered if the big Mando still held a grudge about the bounty he'd placed on him. If so he would be in a bad spot.

He walked in to the area barefoot and glad the sun was out. Half of the food and drink would kill him the rest was looking good already. He walked to the bar and ordered a water, which confused @[member="Rekha Kaarde"] a bit it seemed.

"Zelosian." He said by way of explanation. He turned to the well dressed man he thought he recognized.(@[member="Vexander Graves"])

"Nice suit, man." He said trying to be casual.
Suits. Robes. Gowns. By Manda these people were in for a shock when the rest of the gueats arrived. Mandalorains weren't exactl civilised but most peoples standards. A party on Mandalore normally guaranteed a few things: Armour, foul language, obscenity's between new and old couples and of course plenty of armour.

Because no one knew when you were gonna get shot at, and it meant you could hit someone that much harder. Mia was armoured, save for her helmet, dark hair tied back in a loose pony tail. She stomped through in search of her brother. He'd wanted her here, so she'd postponed her plans to be here and she'd be damned if she was going to miss an opportunity to mock him.

"Strider is gonna have a field day in here Ori'vod, have you seen these women? I hope you warned them." She paid no mind to interrupting the couples little moment, but winked at Ordo. "Welcome to the family." she said to Rianna "Has Ordo told you what you're in for?"

@[member="Ordo"] @[member="Rianna Organa"]
Strider walked up behind Mia, grinning for ear to ear as she mentioned him in such a manner. He wore his battle dented and schorched armour, his helmet magnetically attached to his left hip and his DE-10 heavy blaster pistol hostered nicely off his right. He decided to leave his carbine back on the ship for it may of been over dressed for the occasion. "Come on Mia'ika. We don't need to warn them for this old man needs all the advantage he can get".@[member="Mia Monroe"]

He then looked at Ordo " You didn't warn them right?"
Arianna stood in the room where her sister would eventually come to in order to change. Rianna had surprised her by announcing she was married, and wouldn't you know it she married a mandalorian, that was not a surprise truly she knew her sister had always found them honorable, and nurturing so, well she found her one. But in the weeks since this major announcement Arianna had tried multiple times to get Rianna to do a holo chat so that she could show her the dresses she had found.

The more Rianna seemed to avoid her, the more Arianna decided there was a way to have some revenge today was the first day Rianna would see the dress. Arianna smiled, sometimes revenge was so very sweet it tasted like honey on the tongue and gave the mind ecstacy. "Do you have it on?" She asked the model, so hard to find a model of similar height and weight but she had found one. The model emerged and Arianna tilted her head, "very nice, now go stand over there, I want when she comes in that you are what she sees first, very first"

Arianna smiled and looked at the model, "let's just see how she takes this"


Everyone was standing around taking care of the model and the dress and everything that went with it, Arianna just smiled and laughed to herself as she. umhmm having a moment.
@[member="Rianna Organa"] @[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Strider Garon"]

Ordo watched as his wife went off to face her sister. He was happier than he had anyright to be that was certain. He looked at Mia and Strider and stuck out his hand to grab forearms.

"Glad you could make it ner vod." He said to each. "And I warned Rianna but the rest are on their own."

Ordo joked he just hoped things didn't get roo wild. Drink sometimes made good people act stupid and stupid people crazy. He would hate to have to shoot someone, well today that is.

"How long are you both going to be able to stay." He asked hoping Mia hadn't heard the comment he made to Ri'ika about sneaking off to the yaim.
Rianna felt the warm embrace of Ordo, he always seemed to know exactly when she was at the end of her rope and came to save her. Before she could turn before she could see how her sister had tried to change him, or even to be able to say something about the crest of her house which he wore a symbol signifying he was part of her house now. She smiled and thought yes I want to go back to the farm and forget all of this. But it was too late.

Rianna smiled and nodded to @[member="Mia Monroe"], "He has told me, I'm just glad you're here to help him through with meeting my family" particularly Arianna. Oh goddess please get us through that. "It's truly supportive of you to come though I've looked forward to meeting all of you for a long time." Yes she was definitely an outsider, and she was probably going to get roasted.

Rianna nodded to the next newcomer (@[member="Strider Garon"]), "Yes all the Alderaan and Republic females have been amply warned though there are a few that seem to think it will be a blast I am very interested to see how it all goes" Yes she was, putting Republic, Jedi and Mandalorians in the same room at the same time, yep going to be interesting.

Rianna turned back to Ord'ika, "ner Cyar'ika I need to go and change before Arianna has a coronary" Only then was she able to touch her family crest which rested upon him so easily. "I think my father would have been proud to have you as part of our house" She looked back to Mia and Strider, "You'll excuse me, I'm sure we will all have drinks later to celebrate"

Rianna smiled and took off to see Arianna. When Rianna finally crossed the floor to get to the room, when she walked through the door and saw the dress. Rianna gasped, as her hands flew to her mouth, OMG OMG OMG OMG she kept thinking. Without bursting into tears, or screaming as though someone was killing her, "is that my dress" she asked as sweetly as she could.
Adenn didn't think he knew the bride or groom of this wedding, but yet he was still invited to the wedding. He strode towards Ordo wearing every part of a suit minus the shoes, he had his armored boots on along with his armored gloves on, he felt more comfortable in those then he did in what was supposed to go with his suit "I'm not sure if we've ever met." he said to Ordo "but, better late than never." he chuckled then offered his hand for shaking "oh, I'm Adenn Gra'tua. Glad we met on a nice occasion, instead of on the battlefield.

@[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

Ordo took the man's forearm in a traditional Mando greeting.

"Welcome." Ordo said eyeing the crowd of guest and workers. "But I'm not so sure this isn't a battlefield mate."

Ordo chuckled and looked @[member="Mia Monroe"] and @[member="Strider Garon"].

"Enough drinks and we may be in the Osik real quick."
And then Verz appeared. He entered the wedding area, where Ordo and his wife would formally take their vows. He figured Rianna would be used to Mandos right now, but other Alderaanians? Not a chance. That would lead to either humor, a fistfight, or a hunorous fistfight or two. That's how most Mando weddings went. Strong men and women in the same place, drinking and having a good time? At the least you were banged up a bit at the end of the celebration. Worst was a broken bone or two, but the unlucky chakar usually was too drunk to know until later.

So Verz approached @[member="Ordo"] wanting to congratulate him on the happy occasion.
"There's no may about it, Ord'ika and you know it." She clapped Strider on the shoulder "Come on Babuir, drinks are on you seeing as I provided for our last drinking session."

She turned to look at the crowd pursing her lips. "Twenty credits says we don't last two hours before a fight breaks out. And this one," she jerked her thumb at Strider "causes it."

@[member="Ordo"] @[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] @[member="Strider Garon"]
Huh, not too long ago, Josh and Rianna had been casually flirting back and forth. And now she was getting married. These people were weird.

Regardless, Josh showed up in formal attire. It was a wedding after all, the second one he'd attended.... He looked around for Rianna, curious as to where she was. He didn't really recognize anyone here, so it was a given to try and congratulate the uh... Bride.

@[member="Rianna Organa"]
Marcello had arrived on Mandalore only about six hours prior, coming straight from a brief combat patrol along trade routes in the interior. Given his involvement with Rianna's house in the past, the Jedi Master had found his arrival to be completely devoid of any complications. He'd managed to acquire very comfortable accommodations thanks in large part to the proactive actions of Rianna's staff.

Now he was riding comfortably in the main cabin of a rather well-appointed shuttle. Marcello should not have been surprised given who was planning the whole event. She'd certainly gone out of her way to ensure everyone felt at least reasonably comfortable. Well, her staff had at least. Dressed in a simple tailored dark blue suit with an open-collar tailored light blue shirt beneath, Marcello was more business casual than anything. Not that it mattered, the woman seated directly beside him would have dwarfed his appearance in something as simple as jeans and a shirt. Don't tell her that though...last thing she needed.

Musing on the rather abrupt nature of Rianna being married to someone that the Jedi Master had not immediately recalled by name, the Jedi Master looked to his companion for the evening briefly. She had been a good friend for a little while now, and he'd never really once considered anything further. Yet...somehow seeing her all dressed up had him transfixed. Pulling his gaze away from her slender figure and out the viewport beside him, Marcello realized they were reaching their destination.

Once the vessel had touched down, Marcello came to his feet and made his way to the loading ramp. As his dark blue eyes found her face once more, the large Jedi smiled in spite of himself and offered his friend his arm. "I've decided you clean up pretty well." Marcello's smile remained, but his comment was no doubt unnecessary. She would have to be blind not to catch his earlier looks. Slowly, his smile turned into a smirk. "Sorry. I don't typically do compliments, but you honestly do look beautiful. Now...let's go put some fuel in the rumor mill, shall we?"

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Arianna tried very hard not to smile she could see it in her sister's eyes the complete shock over the dress, and now it was time to add a little fuel to the fire, "I have one other one for you to look at and then you can choose from the two, I know how hard it can be to choose something this important" Arianna nodded to the model who literally waddled out of the room followed by at least three people to hold the dress and the headpiece in place.

Arianna smiled, "It's a very nice venue Rianna, you seem to have invited everyone." The changing took a bit longer than Arianna had expected, "This next one is quite unique, and I think would make the most impression on your guests, and your husband" They lights lowered in the room, Arianna looked over to watch Rianna's face.


Quite frankly this one made Arianna laugh, but she would not show that to her sister, and now with this last dress she hoped Rianna had learned her lesson about not including her, or helping her.
Rianna was speechless, her hand could not leave her mouth for fear of what would slip out, otherwise she was absolutely completely speechless. This one looked like a tree topper for a holiday. Very slowly Rianna stood up, it was clear that she would not have something simple to wear, and it took all of her jedi control to not burst into tears at what her sister had done. It actually had lights on it, Rianna didn't know they made dresses like this. and the headpiece looked like...goddess forbid a halo. Her insides were shaking and she didn't know if it was laughter, disbelief or anger.

"Arianna, you do realize that out there are my new kinsmen, members of the Jedi order, and members from the Republic. You also realize this is a culture of warriors, and" Rianna looked at the dress, oh god she was regretting this. "I have to go back out there and begin greeting my guests, why don't you choose one, and whichever one is your favorite, you bring to me I'm going to get ready to change"

Rianna headed for the room that would take her away from this disaster of dresses. She couldn't be angry, she had let Arianna choose, and she had been very busy so. If she was going to have to look like a cake topper or a tree topper it would be Arianna's choice as to which. Rianna managed a smile and then went to the changing room to gather herself together before she had a terrible meltdown, and as a Jedi that was a terrible idea.
As the course of the galaxy went, it wasn’t often one attended a wedding. Especially one of such magnitude. For the Mandalorians, it would be foreign, as it likely was for the Jedi guests that had been invited.
That being said, it wasn’t often she got to dress up; so she took the opportunity as it was presented. The unfortunate thing was, Kiskla dabbled in extremities when it came to dress. Either stark white, or black; and seeing as it was a wedding and she was sure there was some sort of cultural rule about white when it wasn’t your wedding, she abstained and opted for black.
Surprise, surprise.

As for the invitation itself, the wedding was a bit of a surprise. Rianna was a quiet woman, who went about her work and kept busy with other’s problems. She was demure and sophisticated, and had Kiskla’s respect due to her specialization. To hear that she was to be wed to a Mandalorian was the ultimate of juxtapositions; one that had Kiskla rather confused when she had received the correspondence. She was even more confused when the casual conversation of going together had come up between herself and the nerf-herder who had stabbed her in the arm a few months ago.

Ok, so it was for a good cause. But still. Needles.

She’d been relatively quiet, most out of character, for a majority of the journey. Maybe she’d dozed off. Who knew. Either way, they were walking now and Marcello was equally out of character.

It’s not that Kiskla wasn’t used to compliments, but as Marcello had said, it wasn’t particularly his forté. Nevertheless, it was in the open now and therefore had to be addressed;

“Oh the night of is a practiced art.” Kiskla replied cooly, obligating to his suggestion and slipping her arm through the knoll provided; “It’s the morning after that’s the concern.”

@[member="Rianna Organa"] was a thoughtful organizer. The distance from the shuttle to the venue was but a few steps from each other. Without fuss, both the spacer and the councillor entered the facility. There was a tidal wave of buzz and aroma and the blue-eyed Kiffar blinked at the sudden exposure to both. Her eyes never stopped moving however, and she recognized quite a few guests from her time with the Republic. Some she was closer to than others; one being her former Padawan who had recently been knighted. @[member="Antares Windu"]'s title was so new, he squeaked when he moved.

Ever the initiator, Kiskla loosened her loop to adjust to more of a..well, a leading tug. @[member="Marcello Matteo"] was a sky-born Jedi, and her former Padawan had an inclination to take flight as well in his E-Wing. It would be alright for the both of them to meet.

Within seconds, her Kiffar accent added to the noise in the room “Antares,” she greeted.
“How’re the h'orderves?”

Always thinking with her stomach.
@[member="Rianna Organa"] @[member="Marcello Matteo"] @[member="Arianna Darklighter"] @[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Ordo"] @[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Talon Vosra"] @I think I got everyone

The invitation to a wedding made Iella smile upon receiving it. She believes strongly in love, that when done right between two people, can be a powerful force. So she would attend the celebration of Master Organa and Ordo and their joining in marriage. She came dressed in her formal Jedi Robes as she is representing the Order and the Council. As she walked into the room, she could see all the finery and the people that had arrived before her. Some she knew and more she did not, this was also going to be a great opportunity to meet the Republic Allies, The Mandalorians.

But before she would introduce herself to them, she would get a drink before wishing the bride and groom the very best of wishes for their futures together. As she approached the table holding the food and drinks she saw Knight Graves and Talon. She greeted them with a smile and took her glass of Corellian Ale. No water for her tonight, this is a celebration.
He had walked in wearing his black Jedi robes. This was the first time he had ever been invited to something well ever. He knew it was a wedding and you were to dress fancy, but it wasn't something that he did. He was a Jedi before anything and there could be trouble found anywhere. Therefore he would wear his Jedi robes primarily. And only arriving a few minutes ago he heard his name get called by a voice that he had come to grow fond of. When he turned around, his black outer robes looked as if they were trying to claw at the ground and he smiled when he saw his Master, @[member="Kiskla Grayson"].

"Master Grayson." He said with an inclination of his head. "You look beautiful." Was his only compliment before his brown eyes found that of the other Jedi Master at the side of his Master. "We have not met." He spoke softly before continuing, "my name is Antares Windu." And his eyes flickered between the both of them while he waited for his answer.

@[member="Marcello Matteo"]

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