Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Brave New Beginning (GA, FWC)

Rekha looked at communcations, well look at that the squirt wants to talk.

A bar on another space station, yeah she was thinking about it she could have a ...what did they call it, a franchise of bars. Wow...imagine that...and no rent. That was appealing.

She'd need more staff.

She'd need a new ship.

Oh the possibilities were endless...but wait first she needed to scout Coruscant.

transmit to///[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Yes thinking on it heavily. Though it would just give you another place to sneak off to and drink. So...not so sure.. :p

///end transmission

She loved messing with him.
RE : [member="Rekha Kaarde"]

It is close to where I live. Funny though, I've never drank. Not sure where you keep getting these crazy ideas from. Perhaps you could put a holo of my in your establishments with 'Do not serve' in bold letters.
Rekha laughed had to admit the kid had gumption,

// [member="Makai Dashiell"]
Hey! that's not a bad idea. Your picture in all the bars I know or own except instead of do not serve I'm thinking we can come up with another slogan. Let's see....

Serve milk only.

Faith Organa said:
"Well done, thank you"
The Queen was very appreciative ever since he came aboard, he only met a handful of people like that in his life so far, and he made sure to show the highest respect and a proper servile attitude.

"Absolutely your Highness. Enjoy the rest of the festivities, Ill keep a watch over this company." He said with certainty.

With the scum dealt with and the cargo returned to the Embassy, it was now time to monitor the party and make sure everyone was having a good time. [member="Delila Castillon"] didn't stand out at all and looked like another party-goer. This is perfect.

Making his way around the Embassy grounds, Myles made note of who was here and observed how everyone was socializing and really hitting it off with other guests, it was nice to see a change in scenery. Just like that dinner party the Queen had on Alderaan.

If luck would have it and if Myles had the time, maybe he could let loose and strike up a conversation with someone.

[member="Jaius Sovv"] | [member="Garith Darkhold"] JR | [member="Dalton Eldyr"] | [member="Hana Takeo"] | [member="Seraya Whisperwind"] | @Rashae
Jerolme was studying data files on the Organas in his airbus when the new Alderaan embassy came into view. Even from a distance, he could notice two distinct things about the building: first, the architecture that borrowed heavily from Alderaanian design, and secondly, the attached greens that stood out against the glass and metal that pervaded Coruscant. Not only was the consulate likely to be the centre of attention, at least in its own district, but it captured and matched his own style perfectly. It wasn't that Jerolme especially wanted increased tourism on Coruscant, but the building's standout design would be a powerful symbol on Coruscant; a much needed emblem of hope and beauty in the dark times that Coruscant found itself in. Though the fact that it would be the envy of a great many architects and designers in the galaxy certainly didn't hurt.

The reopening of the consulate was certainly pleasing; a sign of progress that was always welcome in the world of frustrating delays and obstructions that came with being the Governor of Coruscant. Rarely had Jerolme felt so good about a day: he had just come out of a press conference on the new embassy, which had gone brilliantly. Another press conference awaited him tomorrow morning, but first, he needed a good performance — and a good time — tonight on the opening of the embassy itself.

Tonight, the curtains open on a new era of diplomacy. It is a momentous occasion. And being a momentous occasion, it is a great opportunity as well. The potential of this place is tantalizing... it's mere presence will contribute to the revitalization of the Coruscant spirit. A stroke of good luck for both Coruscant and myself.

The airbus glided to a halt over the embassy's landing platform. Security was naturally tight — Jerolme himself had demanded Coruscanti security be stepped up a notch or three — but it didn't appear necessary given how much security detail some of the guests seemed to be bringing themselves. Stepping out of the airbus with a sizable security detail of his own, Jerolme wore a genial smile and cast a friendly nod of appreciation and acknowledgement at whoever waved at him. His main interest tonight, however, would be the Organas, almost certainly the centre of attention here. And if luck would have it, a few heads of state would be present as well.

Even with his status and security detail, it was an arduous task for Jerolme to wade his way through the throng that cluttered the hallways. After a few minutes of vexatious navigation, Jerolme caught sight of the Queen of Alderaan, [member="Faith Organa"]. She appeared to be conversing with two people: an elderly statesman and a beautiful young woman. Jerolme recognized the former as the President of Eriadu, [member="Dalton Eldyr"], but the other ([member="Rashae"]) was unknown to him.

Jerolme crossed over to the conversing trio, taking note that there was still a particularly strong security presence here. The guards he had just brought with him certainly weren't helping with that. As he approached the three conversing members, the Queen of Alderaan appeared to break off from the discussion briefly to hear something whispered by a member of her security detail. The conversation continued between the other two, and Jerolme overheard the President of Eriadu call the woman "doctor". Interesting. He decided it would be best to leave them to their own conversation for now, and engage with them afterwards.

Jerolme approached the Queen, his beaming smile gathering width as he approached her. He turned his head to the President and doctor to offer them a nod of greeting as well, then turned back to the Queen and began his warm address. His genial expression was accompanied by an equally genial tone. "Your majesty, I find it difficult to express the gratitude I feel towards your opening of this embassy, and your decision to grace us is most appreciated." He took a reverent bow as he said the words. "Allow me to offer my most heartfelt congratulations on this momentous occasion." He tried to keep the words from sounding like unashamed flattery.

He moved swiftly from the flattery to introduce himself, though he largely expected her to know who he was already. "Jerolme Moore, Governor of Coruscant. I must again confer to you my sheer delight at this wonderful decision to reopen the Alderaanian embassy. Truly, it will be the envy of a great many architects, but also a shining beacon of hope to the people of Coruscant as they undertake the process of reconstruction." His tone deepened slightly and his smile weakened faintly as he discussed the darker topic. "We've a long and arduous road ahead of us, but I'm confident we'll succeed, not in the least part due to the renewing and strengthening of our connections with Alderaan." Moving the conversation swiftly again to business, he continued with a more matter-of-fact but still respectful tone: "If you have the time, your majesty, we have a great deal to discuss. I can hardly fathom the great opportunity that has been presented to us with this historic moment."

[member="Myles Davorak"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Hana Takeo"] | [member="Seraya Whisperwind"]
Faith for a moment reached over to put her hand on [member="Myles Davorak"] 's arm , "you are an important part of my staff Myles you always on top of everything" She nodded and released his arm. She was appreciative if he only knew the safety of her family rested with him and the safety of the staff which grew close to her. She watched as he walked away already moving on to the next task within the Embassy.

There was much to be proud of today.

A voice called her by name she turned to look upon the Govenor of Coruscant [member="Jerolme Moore"] "Governor Moore thank you for coming and for such kind words. It is really Alderaan that is greatful to the Alliance and to Coruscant for allowing us to return. I've longed wanted to rebuild the Embassy since it was liberated from the Sith and now that dream has come true." The gleaming shining building that showed the curves of Alderaan was an achievement for everyone.

Faith looked over at President [member="Dalton Eldyr"] and [member="Rashae"] , she knew Rashae could hold her ground with the President , "Now is good Governor we can walk in the garden if you like." She wanted him to see all of the Embassy and what it offered aside from hopefully a being a beacon of progress and peace.

She looked to Myles and then to where Captain Lindsey was smiling so that they would know she was going to be moving around again. There was some concern real or imagined.

"Shall we Governor?" She took the first few steps

[member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Hana Takeo"] | [member="Seraya Whisperwind"]
Feeling the grasp on his arm, Myles halted and made eye contact with Queen [member="Faith Organa"] and her words left him almost speechless.

Faith Organa said:
"you are an important part of my staff Myles you always on top of everything"
Nodding to the Queen he replied "Thank you for the kind words M'Lady, I know you have more than enough on your plate. My job and goal here is to make sure that you won't have to worry about security or what is happening here at the Embassy. I will take care of those matters. After all, this is a party and I would hate it if you didn't have fun with what you do"

Cracking a polite smile at the Queen, Davorak resumed his 'shadowing' procedure when he noticed an older man come up to the Queen.

The man turned out to be [member="Jerolme Moore"], Governor of Coruscant. This party was really bringing some heavy hitters in. Wow, never thought I would meet so many high-class people in one sitting.

Curious of the group he keenly observed others and made note of where his men were. Embassy is locked down to some extent, we should be fine.
Myles could feel eyes lay upon him, it was the Queen, who was being invited by Governor Moore to discuss some matters in the gardens. No need to say a word your Highness, I got you covered.

He shot a glance to his men who were on the upper staircases and put a brief comms transmission out.
"Heading to Gardens, switch to overwatch procedures now. I shouldn't be long"

Myles tailed not too far behind from the Queen. He didn't need to make any brash introductions right now, his main concern was to keep the Queen and her guests safe and that's what he was going to do.

[member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Hana Takeo"] | [member="Seraya Whisperwind"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]

Makai rolled his eyes upon reading the message. Of course Miss Kaarde would expect him to make himself scarce around her establishment and only ask for milk. Thunder rumbled through his bedroom as he sent back another message.


Milk? I'm part fish, we don't drink milk. Kelp juice would be fine. I could even bring my own, so long as you have that cute Twi'lek waitress on hand.


Grin spread across his face. He had to get under Miss Kaarde's skin somehow.
Rekha arched a brow he had a thing for the staff,

You couldn't handle her she'd leave you gasping for air and wondering if you were gonna live through it. what would your parents think, you chasing after an older woman.

She laughed she had to admit the kid was growing on her.

[member="Makai Dashiell"]
"You're too kind, your majesty," Jerolme said the Queen sent the pleasantries back at him. When she extended the offer to take their conversation to the gardens, he accepted it quickly but politely. He did value confidentiality — the others didn't need to know of everything he and the Queen planned on arranging between Coruscant and Alderaan. The one type of security that all these guards here can't offer...

For the first few moments of their walk, Jerolme simply admired the plants in the garden, maintaining a warm smile but avoiding speech as if considering what to say. Then he seized the initiative. "I see your celebrations have attracted a great variety of guests, your majesty. It is good to know that Coruscant is still capable of attracting such crowds. Such genuine liveliness pleases me." His speech paused for a few moments, but not his pace. "I think it is no secret that Coruscant is challenged. We've had some regrettable turns recently and I'm tasked with helping Coruscant find its feet again. I think re-establishing strong relationships with Alderaan will play a part in that. We need to know we have neighbours we can count on, rely on, and I think it is much the same for you. For that reason, and because I know it would be impossible to discuss everything tonight in this setting, I would suggest that I make a state visit to Alderaan. We may conduct more... official business there."

Inclining his head slightly towards the Queen, Jerolme continued, "Naturally, your decision to bring about the restitution of traditional Coruscant-Alderaan relations is a historic one. I think we are obliged to respond in kind by opening an embassy of our own on Alderaan. With that, I think we will have established a very strong mutual relationship, and we may begin to address other areas. Trade, military cooperation, educational exchange, the list goes on. The fact that this symbolises a relationship between the Galactic Alliance and the Free Worlds Coalition as a whole has not escaped me either, your majesty. Much will come of this to benefit the both of us, I assure you."

[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Myles Davorak"] | [member=[/URL]"[URL=""]Garith Organa"] | [member=[/URL]"[URL=""]Hana Takeo"] | Seraya Whisperwind | [member="Dalton Eldyr"] | [member="Rashae"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]

I may not live through it but what a way to die!

At that he started to laugh and had to stop typing his message so there wouldn't be any mistakes. Finger tapped against the screen of his comm while he thought of a reply. Probably something a bit more serious was in order.

No idea what my mother would say, we rarely speak. Dad would give me another semi-awkward safe sex talk and tell me to slow down. Don't worry though, I'm not allowed in any of your bars remember? No chance of me with an older woman.
She looked at the message looking for some sarcastic remark but what she read well it made her feel bad. The kid had things going on something she never asked about, Why would she? It's personal right you don't get all personal.well maybe you could. She smiled at a memory from long ago.

//You know about safe sex at your age?//

Of course he did he wasn't a small child he was a young adult that she was irritating.

//You should talk to your Mom, some day you won't be able to talk to her and you'll want to and it won't be possible//

Like her mother who crossed over into the great beyond. The only conversation Rekha had with her were imagined in her head. They were also pretty one sided unless she could remember something that she thought her Mom would say. Rekha took a deep breath, damn kid making me all wishy washy.

//You can drink milk in the bar, we'll call it Squirt Milk. Just for you//

Was that a touch a sentimentality? Feth maybe she needed a drink.

[member="Makai Dashiell"]
[member="Jerolme Moore"]

Faith glanced over at the Governor of Coruscant he was an older man with white hair a sign of age and wisdom perhaps. He had kind words and the sparkle in his eye made her think of a father she grew up without. "Yes the celebration has brought out many of those that wish to see Coruscant become what she once was. A jewel of technology and home to like minded who lust after freedom and prosperity."

She really believed that that the restoration of the Core would help to rebuild the galaxy even if it were just from bits and pieces of memory. She nodded agreement, "Yes you and your advisor should come to Alderaan and we will speak of what Coruscant and Alderaan need to strengthen the future. "She could not help but give a little laughter, "I have for so long wanted to rebuild here. To me, to my people this Embassy which had long stood on Coruscant it is a symbol that we can regain what we lost. We do not have to live in constant fear that the Sith will return. We are stronger than that. This Embassy is a symbol strength. Governor Moore if it brings comfort or hope to anyone it should be our two worlds who have suffered so much."

She reached over putting her hand on his arm squeezed gently for a moment, "I am assured Governor and I don't think either of us could be more pleased." She looked at the garden again, "Perhaps at sometime in the future we can have a meeting a summit of all worlds who seek a return to normalcy. What do you think?"
Myles let the Queen and the Governor have their talk in a somewhat private manner. Davorak would periodically shift his eyes from the VIP's over to the surrounding areas of the garden.

Doesn't hurt to be too careful. He thought.

The Governor seemed like a decent man, although reading people could sometimes prove inaccurate, Myles had faith in present company but was still cautious of his surroundings. He wasn't hovering over them, but he remained close enough to deal with any threats should they arise.

In the meantime, Myles admired and observed the garden, much like a Guardian. Myles' mother would read him ancient tales of Guardians-- old folklore legends that would watch over nature and act as a caretaker of the galaxy.
[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Jerolme Moore"]
As he typed back to [member="Rekha Kaarde"] his Loth-Cat, Koa, jumped on the bed and started to paw at him. Hand absently reached out to pat the little creature's head, the loth-cat giving a disgusted look. A hmph and his pet moved to the end of the bed, flopping down.

[[ Well yes, I'm not a little kid. As for my mother....I don't know. Its not as easy as you think.Not that your advice isn't solid just a bit more complicated than you know ]]

Eyes rolled at the mention of a special drink for him.

[[ Squirt Milk huh? Sounds like it make me semi-famous. My own drink named after me in a bar. Talk about peaking early. ]]
The garden was nice. His uniform was pressed and fit. He looked rather relaxed, for once. He overheard [member="Faith Organa"] speaking about Coruscant as he walked by- honestly heading to get more booze.

He couldn't resist a snide comment.

"Certainly looks better when you're not trying to kill Sith there."
Rekha was leaning against one of the buildings now talking back and forth with the kid. Was he lonely? Didn't he have something better to do than talk with her? Maybe he needed more to do.

//Yeah I get complicated usually means two people can't agree to disagree. Think about it, maybe...just....uncomplicate it. And as for the milk...famous is one way to look at it. Course..//

Rekha smiled devilishly,

//even peaking early you should find someone around your age to hang with//" Rekha looked across the way there was an abandoned building, wow now how did that happen.

From back here it was perfect two stories, she could put the bar down stairs and a place to live up stairs...yeah...well...if she hadn't stopped to talk she might have missed it.

//found a new birth place for The Lucky Lady//

[member="Makai Dashiell"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]

[[ I do have friends my age. Is this a hint you want me to stop messaging you? ]]

Of course he had a few friends his age. [member="Myra Elspeth"] being the one who held the most of his attention. Trouble was, most of the time he was around adults. Or other kids like him - sheltered rich kids who had been around the 'verse with their parents or caretakers, meeting with other adults for business meetings or diplomatic talks.

[[ That's good. Better give me the address so I know where not to show up. ]]
Is that a hint? She wasn't sure, sure she felt odd. But not creepy.

//as long as you don't ask me to prom it's fine. to message. //

She looked at the building again it really had the appeal she needed, and if she left the location on Bespin under the name of the Underground, and built this one called the Lucky Lady maybe if Bespin were ever free of First Order presence she could rename it too...maybe.

//Oh just look for the bright lights and the sign that squirts allowed// She smiled and thought about it for a bit

//address.................// she sent it to him why? Who the feth knows if he was in her place at least she'd know he wasn't in trouble...she hoped.

[member="Makai Dashiell"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]

[[ Prom? Does anyone still attend such a thing? ]]

Makai wasn't sure. He'd been to enough diplomatic balls and galas to last a lifetime. Prom didn't seem very exciting when compared to the high life elsewhere. Besides....prom seemed something more for the girls. If Ellie wanted to go, naturally he'd take her. That was different. Willingly going on his own? Another story.

[[ I never really get around to Coruscant, but if I'm there I guess I'll be seeing you. ]]

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