Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[1] Galactic Mission Terminal

[member="Dagon Mor"]

Do you mean you'll be away from the 31st or until the 31st?

Ideally the thread will be up on the 1st June, so if you'll be back in time (1st-2nd ideally) then you can definitely participate :) If not we can sort something out for next months missions.
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

Teth has spaces, yes. I'll add you to the list when I'm home.

Room for one more with the Teth mission, if anyone is interested! Otherwise the threads will be up on the 1st!
[member="Cath Lorr"] A jedi and a jedi hating hunter on a mission, together, on the same side.

We had best pray for her sake he ends up liking her on a respect level by the end of this before he makes a purpose in adding her to his laundry list of dead. ^^
[member="Zhainah Icecore"]

Should be up soon, Kyra had a status saying she had a busy day yesterday so she got only to two of the missions. I am sure it will be up either today or tomorrow.

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