Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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looking for group

  1. Darth Strosius

    LFG Shadow Over the Rim (Come One Come All!

    Hello good people of Chaos! To accompany the start of my newest blog series I decided to launch this LFG and see who might be interested in some Outer Rim shenanigans! To summarize the article, my character Darth Strosius has decided that its about time for the Outer Rim to come under the sway...
  2. FSCT-20 "Scott"

    LFG Looking for fellow clones and jedi

    So I've made this clone and I want to get him going forward, I am looking for interactions, preferably from people of the Galactic Alliance (especially clones and/or jedi), but I am also open to other threads, so reply to this thread if you're interested
  3. C

    LFG Future Involvement

    Hey there everyone, I'm finding myself at a bit of a standstill after having been less than active over the past month or two and I'm not sure where Caedyn will be heading in the immediate future. He has strong ties to both the Outer Rim Territories, as well as taking on some part-time work...
  4. R

    LFG Very scary man seeks very scary thread

    The title knows all. I already got an idea in mind and while I would share it I want a big theme in this thread to be the mystery surrounding it. Essentially people are going missing from a shipyard on the planet of Vandelhelm and people are starting to get worried to the point most won't even...
  5. T

    LFG Slicer in Need of Work

    It's been a hot minute since I've roleplayed as anything but a droid, or as anything at all, so I want to get back into the swing of things with a nice, calm slicer. Is anyone looking for a criminal of that specific skill set for roleplay, or want to create one in which that skillset would be...
  6. Porl Berlmat

    Public An Elnacon Walks Into A Bar (Character Introduction, LFG)

    Scene The HT-2200 Medium Freighter shot across the sky over Nal Hutta, a small trail of smoke escaping it as it began its decent down towards the planets capital of Bilbousa. Like usual the spaceport was packed with all kinds of ships, ranging from expensive leisure yachts to run down...
  7. Kelsie Sylvan

    Group, faction, roleplay, anything!

    Hi there! You probably don't know me, I've only been around for a few weeks so I haven't had much time to RP... but I've been wanting to get a little more involved because this seems great! So, I'm looking for any threads I can join or start with a group of people who want to interact with...
  8. F

    Looking for : Imperials

    This is a call to those who wish to see a strong Empire, and the rule of order, without the interference of the Force. The Pentastar Alignment is looking to strengthen the bonds between groups who have wanted to act, but have been hidden and silent for fear of reprisals. You are not alone...
  9. Tanith Alde

    A Wild Returnee Appears

    Hi There I kind of left Chaos some months ago, just wasn't feeling it at all but, I'm finally ready to get back into things again. Time doesn't pause of course when you're gone, and events move on. What's current now? Who are the big players? What factions are doing things? Where can I best get...
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