Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Bob A. Person

    Unreviewed  St. Sunny Casino

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: As a base of operation for Bob A. Person and his associates, and to help in RP scenarios Image Credit: Džiugas Šukys, David Alvarez, Julien Durand, Miles Collins, Dekus, Sargis Ter-Grigoryan, SPACIALISTS LLC, Neil Gowland Canon: NA Permissions: - Links: -...
  2. 4ND-R0

    LOA  Fear and Loathing... [Semi-LOA]

    In LAS VEGAS! So, I'm flying out to Sin City this week for a few days of vacation this week. My flight leaves to Nevada on the 12th and I'll be back home early next week. Just wanted to give you all a fair heads up thst my posting might be a smidge slower as I go hit the town. Wish me luck!
  3. Asani Windsong

    Private  Big Bets With a Side of Bunny Ears

    In an old chance parlor on Makem Te, the spice, liquor, and credits all flow freely as many different sentients engage in various games of chance in hopes of making it big. Most would leave with less wealth to their name than they came with, but one particular Zygerrian female was doing very...
  4. A

    Public  Backroom Gambling [HSC Blackjack Thread]

    "Kark this.", the Bothan complained, slamming his cards on the table and getting up. Argos whistled low and slow, mocking the man as he raged away. Puffing from his stim filled cigarette, he motioned to him - bringing attention from the other gathered guests. Twilek dancers clad in little more...
  5. V

    Gold Fire Casino - grand opening!

    • About Gold Fire Casino Finally, after weeks of work, Gold Fire Casino is finally live! A huge thanks to everyone who had a hand in helping develop everything - researching text based casino games is hard work, and finding ways they can work on Chaos was especially challenging. Here's to some...
  6. K

    Private  Know Your Worth

    "And this time, I suggest that you STAY gone!" The large bouncer had just pulled Kayin from the gambling tables all the way across the room to the door where he had succsessfully thrown the girl outside for the second time this night. The man grunted with irritation as he gave off one lase...
  7. Marcus Carter

    Private  Night At The Den

    Location: The Ruby's Den, Coruscant Tags: Sab'Gisa A Sunday night at the busy and bright lights of Coruscant, everyone out and about doing all kind of activities, be it going to Jazz Club, Racing, or even sight seeing. In the entertainment district of Coruscant, where there are a lot of clubs...
  8. Marcus Carter

    Work In Progress  The Ruby's Den

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To be used as a threads location, either mainly for gambling , business talks, or social threads with others. This will be Marcus Carter base of operation as it houses his other side business venture, Private Detective. The Family will also use the den for...
  9. S

    Contest  Survivor: Xolu

    An event of a different sort. Here is Survivor: Xolu! Here you gambling addicts can place your bets on not only the characters, but also just what you think will happen next! Just simply post below or send a DM and all bets will be tracked. The odds will go up and down as it all progresses...
  10. RC 212

    No Safe Port in the'Verse

    The Wheel It was another day of treachery for the young Captain. She'd lost her crew, and half her total life savings in her last battle. Now she was running a reformed YT-2400, with a single Co-Pilot. Piracy was once lucrative, but nowadays it paid crap. Even mercenaries were getting a higher...
  11. Al-Saher

    Double Downs and Double Barrels

    Coruscant. The city planet, after dark is when things really heated up. All the REAL clubs opened up, cards were dealt fortunes earned and lost. Dancers writhed on and against poles game tables skittered with dice and credit chits being stacked. Drinks were being poured, people chatted back and...
  12. R

    Night Activities (Open to all)

    Location: Nar Shaddaa - Corellian Sector Entering the building from outside the dark night was upon us but this was when the casino thrived walking down the stairs he entered a large open room with quartz chandeliers and one bigger chandelier made out a gold-colored glass taking a left his...
  13. Darth Abyss

    The Second Semi-Annual Underworld Ball [The Cabal] Katarr, The Blackout Katarr's moon had little to offer but the dim remnants if light spend by a nearly faded sun. In return the stars that framed in the sky had an exceptionally bright and vibrant quality to them, illuminating the darkness of the...
  14. Veleon Dooku

    Brandy, Cards, and a Count- Coruscant Club

    Coruscant- The Night's Delight Club Coruscant, the planet that had been contested so often and was such a hub of trade, information, and criminal activities for the entire galaxy. It had been taken from the One Sith by the Galactic Alliance, marking the down slide of the faction. The planet...
  15. Armand Temi

    Luck Be a Lady Tonight (Open to GR, others PM for invite)

    Location: Nubia The Grand Nubian Hotel & Casino was one of the largest luxury gambling parlors in Nuba City. Situated by a picturesque bay, the popular resort provided lucky galaxians with all manner of betting, gambling, pazaak tournaments, food and drink. Sports betting was especially high...
  16. C

    Gomorrah Casino - The Heart Of The Party

    Information and Description of The Casino Location: Cloud City Price to get in: 2,000 Credits. All weapons will be confiscated on entry and will be given back when you leave. Background tracks: Welcome to Gomorrah Casino! Here you will find a part dedicated to the ladies, a part dedicated to...
  17. P

    Tenloss Betting House - Tournament of the Gods: Round 2

    Alright folks, this here is the betting house, run by Tenloss. The concept is simple, you place your IC bets for your favorite fighter or fighters and play the odds. Each opponent has different odds per fight based on rank, ability, win/loss ratio, and a variety of other areas. In areas of ties...
  18. P

    Auction  Tenloss Betting House - Tournament of the Gods: Round 1

    Alright folks, this here is the betting house, run by Tenloss. The concept is simple, you place your IC bets for your favorite fighter or fighters and play the odds. Each opponent has different odds per fight based on rank, ability, win/loss ratio, and a variety of other areas. In areas of ties...
  19. Harland Gates

    Luck be a Lady [Cora Passek]

    StarForge Station Shadowport - Ado Sector Resting out in the StarForge Nebula, an asteroid retrofitted to be an illegal shadowport drifted silently within the black void of space. Over many generations, the often overlooked base of operations in all things illegal had changed hands...
  20. Christian Slade

    A Night on the Town(Open)

    Zeltros The Red Rock Casino The night was still young on Zeltros. It wasn't even Midnight yet, and things didn't get really interesting until after Midnight on that planet. The mood of the planet was still upbeat, however, laughing and cheering heard all across a large, bright room where...
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