Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Safe Port in the'Verse

The Wheel

It was another day of treachery for the young Captain. She'd lost her crew, and half her total life savings in her last battle. Now she was running a reformed YT-2400, with a single Co-Pilot.

Piracy was once lucrative, but nowadays it paid crap. Even mercenaries were getting a higher pay bracket than they were. Though part of it was due to incompetent crew and a mutiny it still hurt. Instead the Captain or former captain had docked the S.S. Ranger at the Wheel and proceeded to enter the first Casino on the Level.

There was booze, spice and smoke. She took another drag of her spice stick, getting ripped, and slugged a shot.

The last of her saving were on a bet. Space Roulette, odds.

Another day perhaps, maybe she;d have that luck after all....
Location: Just now entering
Time: Sometime around dusk
Wearing: Downtime wear
Equipment: WESTAR Blaster Pistol, in coat

Thomas wasn't very familiar in places like this, but he figured it would be good to make himself familiar with the underworld on other planets. He was not here to make any deals. Possibly acquaintances and gather information on how the criminal world operated, possibly tipping of the CNI to the latest smuggling routes and such. As he entered, he was greeted by multiple disgusted faces. His CDF, Halcyon badge glistened in certain areas and that tipped off a few of the informed that he wasn't the type to be intimidated. As a matter of fact, he would most likely be the intimidating one. His height did that most of the time, but since the augmentations and enhancements, he had a toolbox of different maneuvers to try out. He wouldn't, though. He didn't want to fight. His duty was to protect and serve.

As he got further into the area, something definitely stood out. A figure clad in power armor, seemingly the grade of Halcyon, but not quite. The figure definitely didn't have augmentations. Halcyon caliber augmentations weren't just free on the market unless someone was apart of one of the ruling factions, CIS and the sort. He approached the individual and took a seat at the table the game was being played, observing quietly.

[member="Tahiri Veya"]
[member="Thomas"] Kell

She'd lost another game. Now she was down to a few creds, with half a tank of gas and hold full of ill gotten goods. She had to sell it off before the authorities realized her fake identi chip and came after her.

She glanced around.

Another had entered. He seemed composed and poised, so she snatched a drink and sauntered over.

"This seat taken? Seen you were drinking alone."
A few drinks wouldn't hurt him because as far as he remembered he had a high alcohol tolerance. Nothing would really get him going crazy unless it was incredibly strong, so he ordered a round of Corellian White for himself. Straight from home, supposedly. He figured time would pass by faster if he tried to listen in on the surrounding conversations, but it all turned out to be just gibberish. He wasn't quite used to hearing as many sounds as his augmentations allowed him to, so it was garbled and loud. To tone himself out of the commotion, he looked down and scrolled through a datapad, listening in to the audio transcripts of a few conversations. One about a smuggling route through the CDF Navy seemed promising when a woman approached, drink in hand asking about taking a seat.

"Sure, no problem." he said, offering a smile and pushing a chair out with his foot, making sure his AI still recorded the audio of the surrounding conversations.

[member="Tahiri Veya"]
[member="Thomas Kell"]

She nodded and plopped down. She could tell this guys was cyber, just by the way he moved. Too fast. She'd seen a few conspiracy theory holos. He might be one of them super-soldiers that were-being cooked up around the galaxy. Alas the galaxy was getting smaller and smaller, and there was fewer places for naughty folks like her to slip around the black.

She was ok with a break from Piracy though. It was after all a very high risk occupation.

Factions had newer bigger and badder ships now. It was nearly impossible to hold together a crew these days, and she found herself squabbling for scraps.

"Whats your story then?"
[member="Tahiri Veya"]

After collecting sufficient information, he had stopped the recording of nearby conversations so that he could focus and speak with the woman who sat before him. Shortly after focusing in on her, the entire surrounding area went almost completely silent to him. He ignored all the chatter, shouting of those who had lost their wages in gambling, and clatter of dishes, cups, and more. When the question of "What's your story" was asked, Thomas was completely caught off guard. He never really prepared himself for these types of questions because he never thought of them. No one ever asked personally his story or where he was from. Normally it was just "oooh" or "ahhh, super soldier". Nothing further than that. Once in a blue moon, intimidation played a slight factor. So, he simply paused for a bit to cook up an answer, his personal AI suggesting a few in his head.

"What's your story, then?" The question sort of echoed and repeated itself in his head before he spit out the only answer he could think of. It was times like this that the voluntarily memory wipe impacted him the most.

"Well, I'm uh..." he stammered, struggling to come to an answer "I'm with the Corellian Confederation, I'm a.... soldier." To keep things simple was the best, he didn't need to expose every little detail about him so quickly.
One Week Ago
"I tell you Damian, if I hear another nerf herder demanding landing for ten credits, going to tractor their ship in and smash it into one of the towed regions."

The other operator laughed on The Wheel, the two sharing a tractor beam console as well as docking clearance sections. They been working overtime for the past several hours, not having the people they usually have take over their shift. It been miserable and anything right now would shake up their dull routine, even a customer yelling at them about another parking spot. As they spoke about any recent Gladiator matches that were made famous on The Wheel, they get a blip that was coming straight towards the station, a slow moving starfighter. One of them opened up a communications display as he spoke his usual sphel.

"Unidentified starfighter, you are entering The Wheel space zone. Please identify yourself...I repeat, please identi-"

The other operator hit end on the button rather quickly as he was furious, attempting to turn it back on yet he saw the other console that magnified the image of the starfighter. It was in bad shape, scorched on the outside with the left wing of it being completely destroyed and yet it had one life sign. The other operator was speaking quickly to get medical personal ready for an emergency as the operators started to tractor in the lone damaged starfighter.

Two Days Ago
"I don't want to hurt you, I just want out of this."
"You hurt me when you turned your back on us!"
"Please don't do this."
"You will die!"
Jegy Sesaras large green eyes would snap open at this as he felt the weird liquid pulsate on his eyes...and his entire body. Jegy felt himself also...floating in place. He had no idea where he was at though as he slowly breathed in and out of some tubing...a rebreather? Everything was blue...then it became understood, he was floating in Bacta. There was a person that resembled a skeleton which he identified as a Givin. Slowly Jegy would grab onto the side with his right arm and pull himself up which he felt a bit more weighted as he noticed something...a left arm on him. Moving it rather quickly than what he was used to, he grabbed onto the side with a resounding CLANG, pulling himself out of the Bacta Tank as the Givin in front of him dropped his notes as he spoke into the communicator, Jegy falling to the floor rather effortlessly.

"You are awake this soon...His Excellency was not kidding on your endurance Mr. Sesara."
"Whose Excellency are we talking? I met many Hutts over the years."
"Kijaro the Hutt, Clan of Baki."
"The Wheel? I had not seen him in nearly seventy years...wait, how am I on the Wheel?"

"You were in a damaged drifted towards this station and hearing about what you were, wanted to give all accommodations."
"Probably hoping for another favor...the new arm?"
"Yes, one of the special that uses a shield buckler, said you needed and upgrade...we removed all the old compodents and even the connectors and redid them through surgery while you soaked in premium bacta."
"I...I can feel that, I feel powerful. I never felt healthier in my life. Most of my scars are a bit healed...damage feels mostly gone."
"Yes, we did a few surgical cuts of burnt flesh and otherwise went well. Your old cybernetics had to be pitched...well what was left, it was giving also metal poisoning to your body due to extensive use over...well the many years. Surprised you even resisted the poison this long, must been rusted over almost two centuries worth."

Jegy looked over his arm as he slowly flexed it as the Givin handed him a datapad as well as some clothing that would fit him which was what he wore mainly but now repaired. Putting them on, he would get the message as it had a slight smell of Hutt Slime as the message opened up to show a rather pale blue Hutt overlooking Jegy. Hutts always liked large projectors which never really surprised him as he spoke in Huttese which Jegy thankfully understood and spoke.

"Mr. Sesara, a pleasure once again for you to be on The Wheel. Since you last left, there been a few modifications done but no worries, your ship is still in great care. However we now come to your expected...medical bills which your credit chit is now reading zero at ho ho." It laughed as Jegy frowned slightly upon this, flexing his new arm with care. "I believe a deal can be made between the two of us, just like old times. In the lower regions of sector nine, house eighteen there is a group of squatters and no, not the good ones but gangsters that makes me and the rest of us look bad. I was about to send my personal clean up crew but seeing that you are here, I prefer to let people realize what...guards I have at my disposal. Just one against all would be good enough, make a good amount of noise. As for weaponry, go see the Yao and if you do this job...all debts repaid and will throw in even a few thousand chips for you."

The hologram projection faded away as Jegy slowly put it down and looked over at the Givin.

"Yao still in the same spot?"

Personal and Illegal Weapon Shop
The name was a pun on a joke that was spoke of centuries ago to Kijaro Baki whom he took in great stride, loving it so much to actually open a shop in its name which the original owner still runs to this day. If it was not for the unusual relationship between the two, the shop would been closed down centuries ago yet the people thrive on it, the good and the bad crowd itself even as Jegy would enter the shop as today must been slow as no one was around. There was a loud clap onto the nearby countertop as there was a muffled voice of a man wearing a mask behind the counter that looked like he was surrounded by wires.

"Mr. Sesara, I wondered when you would still have not aged a day."
"Yao, I see you have not aged Gen'Dai are impossible to understand."
"Says the man who should been buried several times over."

The two would give a bit of a chuckle as Jegy walked over towards the counter, seeing the array of all the new models of blasters, ballastic weaponry and even some less than legal disruptors. Grabbing a nearby pamphlet, he would start reading some of the new improvements done in the field of blasters yet nothing was really catching his eye until he noticed a new type of Flechette Pistol to which when he put it down, Yao already had it on the table in front of him to which Jegy picked up rather quickly and started to aim down the sights, testing the weight as it was advertised to be-

"Light weight, extremely durable frame with quick eject and reload function which I know is all pluses for you but the best...almost no recoil. Must be at least a cont-" Jegy unloaded it and mimicked a reload to which he was surprised how quickly it loaded to which he slammed it back down. "This pistol is extremely well made, FAF Hussar Flechette Pistol...remind me to find more products of his." As he put it to the side, he noticed the next weapon to which Jegy almost screamed. "Not a damn sonic pistol! Those things are junk!" "Just try it."

Jegy picked it up as he noticed it had more of a revolver design. Holding it up with a bit of ease, he twisted it back and forth to see how it actually functioned as Yao spoke, getting rounds and magazines for the FAF Hussar. "The S-3 Mangler Sonic Pistol. A very powerful sonic pistol. Huge amount of adjustments, modular attachments and even multiple frequencies. I would not put it out if I did not think it can work out which...I assume you would want this with a folding stock." Jegy nodded as he was handed one for its type, sliding it onto the back as he braced it against his shoulder, aiming down the sight as he noticed the magazine was the odd cylinder underneath which he did a reload and it was more convenient than he thought. "I will take it." "Good, because I can only give two for free." "Be enough, have my backup?" Yao nodded as he went into the back to grab a slender small case to which Jegy opened with a code, pulling out a Lightsaber from within, one that had a more exposed core in it and ignited with a glean of yellow. "Perfect." "Best thank though RMAI after this." "Best so far."

One Day Ago
Jegy would groan as he had to walk down another flight of steps. The least the Hutt could have done was given him a ride but apparently that was over the budget. Arriving over at the house known as Eighteen in Sector Nine, he would stand in front of it as there was a bit of loud music playing with the house being covered in Graffiti. "What a damn joke." There was something pouring on his head as he smelled alcohol as he looked up at two rather armored men as they hooted at him. "Hey there baldy, geek and dress up is down the street at the drag bar!" They laughed as Jegy was not very amused by the joke, more so being pissed off since he had two drag queens as friends at one point as Jegy barked up. "Pansy talk from guys sitting high and mighty in a poodoo house." The two stop laughing as they stand a bit straight up from the railing, looking down at Jegy. "Hey now, you pissing the wrong tree...I got me and five guys in here who would more than gladly come down there to kick your ass." Jegy looked to the side for a moment at that, shrugging at the camera as he looked up. "You know, I like to see you try fat ass." The males face looked shocked then angered as he tried to pull out a blaster yet Jegy was much faster as he pulled the FAF Hussar Flechette Pistol and fired once as the pellets hit into the male as it sliced into the skin and tore it apart, blood spurting all over as his buddy got hit into the head on accident but still to the same effect except he fell forward and went over the railing.

There was a battle cry as the front door was kicked out as another male held a shotgun like weapon in his hand, Jegy pulling the S-3 Sonic Pistol out rather quickly on the other and fired on beam setting which the male dropped his shotgun quickly and screamed loudly as his ears bleed to which he aimed the Flechette Pistol at him and fired once at the head, killing him instantly as it shredded the bone into pieces along with the brain matter as he walked into the house. There was another battle cry as a much larger humanoid figure rammed into Jegy, pinning him into the wall which did not help him. Jegy arched the Flechette Pistol into an arc and fired to which the males legs were shot out from under him, screaming as he let go to which Jegy shoved the Fletchette Pistol under his skull and fired, watching it explode into many pieces. The place got quiet save for the upstairs as there was scrambling as Jegy reloaded the Flechette Pistol as he got close to the bedroom door upstairs as it was locked.

"Listen to me you crazed kark! You ain't getting in here! You are going to leave us alone and go back to wherever the kark you came! We are armed and we do not care how we karking kill you!"

They seemed desperate as Jegy merely put away the Flechette Pistol and reconfigured the S-3 Sonic Pistol as he set it on wave setting and pulled out the foldable stock on it, aiming straight at the wall as they kept threatening until he pulled the trigger to which almost flew Jegy back if it was not for the stock as a large bubble of sonic energy hit the wall and actually shoved the wall portion straight into the room. He could not tell what the room looked like now as it was now destroyed and under part of the bed was a male whom was crushed from the wall, killed. The other however was pinned yet not so lucky either, his head above the rubble as he coughed blood and sputtered phrases, his left leg on the other side of the room as Jegy walked over as he grabbed with his left hand the old lightsaber and ignited it, a green glow coming from it as it illuminated Jegys body in a now more darkened room.

"P-Please no...I-I will leave, we won't mess with anyo-please please!!!"

Jegy was now over him as he made a quick strike against the males head with the lightsaber, cutting into his skull and ending his life rather quickly. The soft hum of the lightsaber was all that remained as he turned it off and holstering both weapons into their respective spots as he slowly left the building as people were starting to gather from outside the small area of houses meant for just guests. Jegy walked over the nearby corpse as people looked at him horrified as he was covered in blood, brain matter and burnt skin. The job being done, he went towards the nearby tavern, getting a drink on someones tab.

Present Day
A day had now passed since the incident and people around The Wheel were talking about how the enforcer of Kijaro the Hutt had taken out the band of gansters on The Wheel as some were petrified on the matter. It usually takes a full squad of his soldiers to take out an entire house yet it only took one person to which he had reported over the intercomn, wanting to make it known as a warning that he would send out this enforcer to anyone that dare defies his law. Safe to say, it made life much easier as most people were minding today after the amount of violence shown afterwards on the holoshow which was partly shown during the Gladiatorial battles. Jegy however was keeping a bit lower profile as he so happened to be in the same casino, already having given a hundred credit casino chit to the bartender for a full bottle of Tihaar as he sipped on it as he walked over towards the nearby gambling table which was populated by a strangely armored male and a female whom he had no idea of, along with a few aliens. Sitting down at one of the last free chairs, he looked over the game type as he placed down a thousand chips on the table to play with as he kept the rest in his robe inner pockets as he watched the cards get dealt out.

"Hrmmm...anyone got a good hand yet?" He joked, tapping on his cards as he wondered if they changed.

[member="Tahiri Veya"]
[member="Thomas"] Kell

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