Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Writer Feedback

I've done these for Character Specific feedback in the past but I'm currently looking for feedback in terms of ways that I can improve as a writer, and a presence in general on SWRP: Chaos.

In the past these have often felt like reaction generators, in the sense that they attract a lot of attention without as much constructive criticism and advice; And while I love being complimented as much as the next guy, I'm doing this to try to improve myself and how I interact with the community.

There are two parts to this feedback thread:
  • How can I improve as a Writer? What do you like and dislike, where can I do better?
Recently I've been wondering if I shouldn't shelve my House Arenais characters and try to start anew, building up the characters that are far less known and doing away with the old image that I've built up over the years. A big part of my activity lately is due to life responsibilities and real-world schedules, however, I'm also struggling with feeling the connection to my RP lately and I'm questioning whether I've run the course/overplayed my usual types of characters.
  • How can I improve as a member of the Chaos Community?
This second part's a bit of a loaded question as some may think it's a silly thing to consider, but while I've had many good times on the site, I've also butted heads with people over the years and I think it's important to recognize where I can do better, not just as a writer but someone sharing this community space.
I want to be able to say that I've done my best to be a team player, and despite disagreeing with others at times, that's just a matter of life and interacting with people...-So this one's as much for those I've not seen eye to eye with, as it is those that know me enough to provide feedback.
Are there behaviours or things that I can improve on that would encourage more positivity within our interactions or my personal impact on the Community?

Granted, I'm aware that there are people out there that don't like to open themselves up so publically like this to criticism and feedback, so if you're out there reading this, know that I'm doing this to try to raise the bar in my enjoyment and interactions on Chaos. Whether or not it makes a difference in the long run, at the very least I can say that I've tried :)
About author
A full-time Social Worker, part-time Gamer and a Father of four, living in Aotearoa New Zealand.


WolfMortum WolfMortum
Personally I sort of don't pay attention to blogs so much so I wouldn't have noticed this normally, there's a feedback forum most people use for writer feedback that would probably get more replies than here. Anyways, here's some feedback as per requested:

Improvement as a Writer:
I see you in a lot of places at the same time, but (like most people) you have the limited amount of time that ideally lets you focus on one or maybe two characters. While I don't think anyone has any place saying someone should be just writing one character (lol I have like 6, so I have no room to talk), I do think your availability would probably synergize best with focusing one a single character.

And, yeah, if you're wondering if starting fresh would help then you probably already have considered it to some degree. There's nothing stopping you from temporarily putting older characters on hold and trying out something new until something sticks. I've got a friend who tried to stick to an old character for so long it's difficult for them to get the motivation to write a new one, and I sort of went through the same thing writing Braith for like 3 years and change and getting too comfortable with just her. I had the same "should I start something new" question for myself the moment my reason for writing the character went away and stubbornly stuck to it anyway - sometimes that introspection happens when you are starting to lose steam for something and it can be good to listen to it.

That said, the above is just a suggestion to take into consideration. Maybe you just need to get involved in more interesting story elements and the characters themselves aren't a problem at all, or maybe they are, but that's more of a question for you to figure out, I think.

Improving as a member:
I'm just going to be blunt and say that you don't owe the community anything beyond being a decent person. Focus on having fun and worry less about how people perceive you or what you are contributing to your faction or friend's factions. People say RP shouldn't be a chore and they're right, neither should be being a part of this community, too, unless you decide you want to take that kind of responsibility upon yourself (i.e; factory/codex judge or staff).

If you focus on having fun/enjoying the stories you're writing and cooperate with other members so that everyone benefits you will immediately find yourself being valued more than someone who churns out factory/codex subs for a group ad nauseum but doesn't really interact with people outside of their circle (of course there's people who do both and are incredible for that, but that's some crazy work ethic that I don't suggest anyone to take on without the free time and the desire to do it).
Darth Mori

Thank you very much! That's exactly the sort of feedback/constructive criticism I was hoping to receive.

I did consider posting this in the feedback section but then my head kicked me and I wondered if it would seem too selfish coming from an OOC perspective. I figured a blog is purely from myself as a writer and so, as I have written a number of others, it felt like it'd be less invasive for those who don't particularly like or feel comfortable exposing too much of their own personalities and speaking as openly as I can tend to do.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to this, so thank you again. I remember Braith very well and I always thought she was an awesome character but as you've said regarding your reasons for writing her, I can totally relate to that. I hope you're enjoying yourself nowadays with your current characters! :)

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