Lightsaber Arts & Theory: The Nine Marks of Contact.
Jedi adepts are taught the six body zones when they train in the first form, Shii-Cho. Scattered across these body zones, are nine marks of contact; methods in which you may strike at your opponent. Padawans learn these marks of contact as part of their further training.
  • Sun Djem:
All Padawans will have already learned a Sun Djem strike in Shii-Cho: the Disarming Slash aimed at the opponent's hilt. Sun Djem is the art of attempting to disarm the opponent or destroy the opponent's weapon; the core objective in Shii-Cho. This would likely end combat if the weapon is destroyed. If the weapon is removed from grasp, combat could continue if an opponent manages to get hold of his weapon again. With the rise of Makashi as the first true lightsaber form, Sun Djem became nearly impossible, as Makashi users will fiercely protect their weapons from such strikes.
  • Cho Mai:
A more extreme disarming method than Sun Djem. Cho Mai would strike out towards the opponent's weapon hand, attempting to cut it off. Unlike Sun Djem, Cho Mai called for precision. With the rise of cybernetic replacements, the loss of the hand hasn't been considered as catastrophical, though it will end a duel instantly in most cases. Cho Mai has become a commonly used technique by lightsaber wielders on all sides. Jedi will refer to its non-lethal quality, Sith to the pain and humiliation it would present.
  • Cho Sun:
Disarming the opponent in a more extreme way. Cho Sun would strike towards the opponent's weapon arm instead of the hand, attempting to cut it off. This is a less precise technique that would sever the limb somewhere above the hand. Like Cho Mai, this would effectively end combat if successful. This technique is usually non-lethal.
  • Cho Mok:
In general, this is the technique of striking towards an opponent's limb, attempting to cut it off. Strikes intending to cut off either leg would be considered Cho Mok. Similarly, strikes that attack towards the non-weapon limb are part of this mark.
  • Mou Kei:
Mou Kei strikes are brutal attempts to end combat. Being described as all-out butchery, it is very much frowned upon by Jedi and favoured by Sith. With circular strikes, all limbs would be attacked at once, attempting to cut them off, doing as much damage as possible. A very extreme method of ending combat often resulting in death.
  • Sai Cha:
Cut off the head and the body will die; this is Sai Cha. Either side of the neck would be attacked horizontally in an attempt to behead the opponent. This resulted in death of an organic opponent if successful with few recorded exceptions.
  • Sai Tok:
Sai Tok intends to cut the opponent into two halves. Typically, Sai Tok would be directed at the waist, attempting to sever the legs from the upper body. However, in some cases Sai Tok was performed through a diagonal strike, bisecting the opponent from the shoulder to the hip. Sai Tok strikes will rarely leave an opponent alive if successful.
  • Shiim:
A non-lethal technique, using the edge of the lightsaber to attempt to wound the opponent. While the opponent would not lose a limb if successful, the pain carried through the nervous system could be severe. There is very little kinetic energy needed to perform Shiim. This technique was sometimes used to convince the opponent to yield, at other times to incapacitate the opponent before attempting a killing blow.
  • Shiak:
Stabbing towards the opponent, intending to impale the attacked area of the body. The chest and back were the most frequently attacked in this manner, though any part of the body could be the target of a Shiak strike. Stabs to the head, chest and back were usually fatal when successful.