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Approved Tech The Golden Gun

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ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


"Like a flash of Kaminoan Lightning- The Golden Gun cleared leather"
—The Good, The Bad and The Rusty[1]


  • Classification: High-powered Blaster Pistol
  • Size: Large(39cm)
  • Weight: Heavy (2kg)
  • Ammunition Type: Blaster gas
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average(200)
  • Effective Range: Long Range(300m)
  • Rate of Fire: Extreme
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: Low
  • Classification: High-powered Blaster Pistol
  • Size: Large(39cm)
  • Weight: Heavy (2kg)
  • Ammunition Type: Blaster gas
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average(200)
  • Effective Range: Average(50m)
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Low


  • Distinct Snap Sound

  • Beskar Piercing:
    • The Golden Gun is able to output several times the power of other blaster pistols by using an array of highly modified parts, producing high intensity beams capable of piercing Beskar plates with lethality increasing the closer the target, akin to the MK sniper rifle.
  • Minigun:
    • While the hammer is held down, The firing mechanism greatly decreases it's pull weight and operates as a hairpin trigger mechanism while additionally achieving fully automatic fire via four rotating barrels
  • Smart Gun:
    • Based on the famous "Staccato lightning cannon", This particular weapon uses an advanced targeting computer to lock onto targets within line of sight, and a rotating Redirection crystal located in the muzzle to adjust the bolt's trajectory as it leaves the barrel, targeting center off mass and allowing the user to score fairly accurate hits from the hip.
  • Lightsaber Resistant:
    • Because of it's Turadium carapace, This weapon may survive blows from the infamous Lightsaber and other energy based weaponry.
  • Armor Absorption:
    • While armor piercing, Lethality typically decreases at range due to majority of the intense energy being to be absorbed by armored plates during the process, sometimes resulting in wounding blows rather than quick fatalities.
  • Sensory delay:
    • The enhanced targeting array of this particular weapon requires direct line of sight between the user and target, undergoing a brief scan before target lock can be acquired.
  • Slow to load:
    • To avoid heat-based malfunctions, munition capacity has been spread out between Four Individual Cartridge discs(containing 50 shots each) loaded into the weapon's center. Typically, all four cartridges are replaced individually once emptied a total of 200 rounds have been expended, resulting in a slower than average reloading process.
  • Weak Points:
    • Cartridge - Damage to any of the Four exposed magazines may result in meltdown of the munitions feeding system.
    • Sensor - Damage to the Solarium Glasteel targeting sensors located above the muzzle may interfere with targeting lock.
    • Coolant - Breach of the carapace may result in damage to the CryoBan coolant system, freezing the internal systems.


The Golden Gun was the brain child of Adeline Noctua and Tae'l Vizsla, who sought to create a weapon that could combat foes dressed in Beskar armor, citing the raid on the Yhuuzhan'tar beskar cache.

Taking inspiration from the MK sniper rifle, they went about gathering parts to increase the weapons energy output, while Tae'l spent many hours researching the technology used in her Grandmother's Smart Gun, which was destroyed by Tusken Raiders during their journey to Anchorhead.

The vast array of modified internal parts resulted High Intensity plasma that could pierce most Beskar plates with increasing lethality as distance decreased.

A reoccurring issue arose however: accuracy and plasma dissipation at range. The weapon was so powerful the plasma would burn too quickly, dissipating beyond 50 meters or so. Insisting on versatility, Tae'l requested a series of modifications that would allow The Golden Gun to engage at a greater distance at the cost of raw power. Thus, many parts from the old smart gun were upgrade or redesigned from the ground up to include a secondary firing mode that would benefit from an array of sensory information.

While the Beskar piercing properties were now limited to the standard semi-automatic firing mode at close range, The new "Smart Gun" mode was capable of locking onto targets at long range with the help of the user's helmet-based sensory data, and included a modified Redirection crystal mounted to a rotating gyro which linked directly to the weapon's targeting systems, allowing alter the shot's trajectory as it left the barrel based on a pre-established target lock, even while firing fully auto. This would prove lethal against the criminal organizations which Tae'l often fought, typically unarmored and reliant on numbers. Thanks to The Golden Gun and a quick draw, most would fall before even drawing their weapon.

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ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
John Locke John Locke I completely forgot about this Im sorry! I'm ready to move this back if it's not too late though​
  • New image\credit
  • Altered quote
  • Altered primary source
  • Updated affiliation\manufacturer
  • New "Smart Gun" \ "Semi Automatic" mode
    • Balance Overhaul
  • Updated special features(Power\Internals category)
  • Overhauled Strengths & Weaknesses
  • New description
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