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Staff Submit Summaries For The Next Timeline Update

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The Update

Factions, both Major and Minor, may submit significant story progression writeups in preparation for the release of the next Timeline Update. While we usually rely on the SWRP Staff Team for these writeups, it's nearly impossible to keep up with every faction and every individual on SWRP: Chaos. I'd also like to see more of a personal touch to this next one, and will be overseeing it myself.

The Time Period

The next Timeline Update will cover 2 IC Years, following the Oblivion Crisis. This may cover the last 6 IRL months, starting roughly in June.

The Submissions

1. Anyone may submit a timeline update.
2. Anyone may submit
multiple updates.
Timeline updates must be in response to this thread only.
4. Timeline updates must be 2 paragraphs or shorter.
5. Timeline updates must be focused on a single event. For example, Invasions may be grouped as "a war", ie The Second Great Hyperspace War may briefly cover all Invasions under it's umbrella. Dominions may be grouped as "an expansion". However, events may be narrowed down to individual Invasions, Dominions, conflicts.

Addendum: Multiple updates referencing the same event written by the same writer will be rejected. Don't abuse the ability to submit multiple events; we don't want you describing the same event differently multiple times to try and spam for attention. Keep it brief, and make room for other writers. Only so much can fit in one update!

Founded nearly two years ago at a meeting aboard the Tortuga Station, The Kraken Coalition is a group of pirate Lords working together to become a scourge across the galactic South East. They have been striking at Mandalorian Enclave worlds in the south all the way to Ashlan Expansionist convoys in the north covering a wide arc of space. They raid, they steal and they party, the Kraken Coalition represent a libertarian refuge from galactic politics and the demands of ruling territory. They have lavish parties aboard their vessels between daring raids on numerous targets.

Both the Ahlans and the Enclave now hunt the Krakens and the names of the Lords are now well known in their circles and their bounty boards. They have had successes, such as the raid on Ashlan convoys, and the stealing of the entire Canto Bight Casino from Cantonica to name just a couple. They have also had their share of problems, such as the rout on Lyran IV. They are now in a state of pseudo-war with the Mandalorian Enclave and regularly raid their supply ships, their boldest and most recent move has been a strike on the hidden capital of the Enclave at Hefi, to send a message, sowing chaos on the planet whilst providing cover for an audacious strike on a military base.

Rough map of Kraken Coalition activity


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No divs or high minded design in here, just write, pls.

Also, I don't want to be rude, but yours is particularly distracting Cass Gemini Cass Gemini . I doubt I'm alone in that. Maybe introduce less moving parts to it, that static background was annoying. Or don't and cause people headaches until they don't write with you, I dunno. I just feel like nobody's hit you with a "yo distracto" critique yet.
The End of The Third Imperial Civil War

Following the first victory at Bastion, the New Imperial Order struck back at the Sith Empire at Dantooine only to come opposed to the 'Elder Compact' of the Sith Empire and Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following a bitter defeat, the New Imperial Order rallied in defense of its newfound capital of Bastion for striking back in a fast-paced, brutal offensive deep into the Sith Empire on a march to Dromund Kaas in tandem with the forces of the Galactic Alliance and Ashlan Crusade.

It was a war that continued to bloody the ranks of both sides but with the Sith Schism boiling to the surface once more, resulting in conflict between several other Sith splinter factions which eventually fell to the Brotherhood of the Maw, the New Imperial Order was able to take advantage of the chaos claim final victory with a final culminating attack resulting in the Sith Empire collapsing and escaping in-exile as the New Imperial Order raced to claim the former Sith Imperial territory.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Rise of the Eternal Empire
The Eternal Empire played a key role in defeating Omni, or at least in making the droid god disappear again. After all this, they continued to look for the possibility of alliances in the Galaxy against the Bryn'adûl. Although at this moment the Empire still bears the stamp of its support for the Sith Empire; although the Sith Empire was only an instrument, a puppet in the hands of the Eternal Empress, for he wanted to use them to be bastions against Bryn'adûl and wanted to use them if they set out for the Core Worlds.

Eventually, an alliance with the CIS has been re-established, and a treaty with Ashlan Crusade is imminent. After many months of gathering information and building traps, the Eternal Empire attacked the Bryn'adûl on the planet Danuta, mainly with the support of the Ashlan Crusade fleet and some CIS assistance, while everyone else was busy with the Maw. The plans were successful, with the Eternal Empire delivering a devastating blow to the formerly largest threat of the Galaxy, causing the Bryn'adûl Empire to collapse and be destroyed.

Forge and Rupture
It was Ashlan Crusade's stated intention to lure Carnifex out of hiding and kill him. For this, the man's home, the planet Panatha, was chosen. The problem was that the Eternal Empire had not been initiated into the plan, so they found themselves facing two fronts of enemies. or rather with three. With Kainate, the Mandalorians, who later joined the Eternal Empire and the Eternal Empire. Yet the events unfolded as Ingrid L'lerim exiled Lord Carnifex and Lord Prazutis from the planet.

With this the Eternal Empire thus also went to war with the remnants of the Sith Empire and Kainate, and in fact this led to the soon-to-be-formed alliance with Ashlan Crusade, which will hopefully help the Eternal Empire get back into the galaxy's "bloodstream" from which they fell off by "supporting" the Sith Empire in the war. Although it was more that they used them for their own purposes…
Crusade Rising

Toward the end of the end of the Third Imperial Civil War, another power arose within the Tingel Arm. The holy warriors of the Ashlan Crusade gathered their strength, pushing outward in an effort to clear the Sith threat from the Tingel Arm for good. Exhibiting their utter devotion to their goddess and their cause, the Crusade invaded the various Sith factions that bordered their territory. The results were a mixed bag; while the Crusade found victory upon Ninn, so too did they suffer a defeat on Ziost. It wasn't long after that the Crusade turned its attention toward Korriban itself, attempting to cleanse the planet once and for all. The allied forces suffered yet another defeat, having their fleets crippled by a new, devastating weapon wielded by the Brotherhood of the Maw.

The Crusade, vigilant as ever, took their defeats and learned from them. As the Sith factions within the Tingel Arm crumbled around them, the Crusade began to expand their influence in an attempt to bring the region out of darkness. Their crusade expanded to humanitarian works, as they begun to understand that freeing the Tingel Arm simply would not be enough; they would have to heal the worlds as well. As the Crusade's sphere of influence grew, they finally saw the planet of Ession within their sights; a milestone that they had sought to reach since the Crusade's inception. They rallied their forces, descending upon Ession in an effort to reclaim the land that they so deeply revered.
Rise of the Brotherhood

Following the destruction of Cssila, the Brotherhood of the Maw rules the Unknown Regions with an iron fist. After a massive offensive into their remaining territory, what remains of the Chiss Ascendancy have fled to the territories of the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order, themselves subject to the infiltration operations of the New Sith Order and Order of the Final Dawn. The betrayal of the Carlaci Lord, Halketh Halketh was unforeseen, and the bloody revolution of Carlac was paid for in blood. The Sovereign Imperator Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar was murdered by forces loyal to Carlac, a fitting begin to the Second Hyperspace War.
Revealing himself as the Dark Lord of the Sith, DARKCOM DARKCOM betrayed the Alliance Senate, and forces of the vile Brotherhood descended upon Courscant, dealing a devastating defeat to the forces of the Bastion Protocol. Following a series of small-scale, but devastating attacks on the Alliance and New Imperial regime, the Brotherhood of the Maw launched full scale attacks on the worlds of Jedha and Nirauun, capturing the latter while loosing the former. After their failure on Jedha, the forces of the Brotherhood were reorganized into the MAW HOLY CRUSADE, ever ready to continue and win the Second Great Hyperspace War.
Return of the Mando'ade

After over a decade since Operation Hammerfall, the catalyst of events that lead to the Sith Empire's genocide of Mandalorians, the Mandalorian diaspora coalesced under a new banner: the Mandalorian Enclave. A nascent galactic state in the remote fringe of the galaxy, the Enclave had been biding its time and gathering its strength as other attempts to return to galactic power made by different Mandalorian splinters failed or stagnated. With the time ripe, the Enclave entered into the galaxy, and surprisingly did not attempt to return to Mandalore, but rather instead made its secret homeworld on Kestri.

The Mandalorians were fierce in their declaration of self-determination, immediately declaring a war on the surrounding cabals of pirates, crime syndicates, and unfavorables. Thus, the Frontier War was ignited as Mandalorian expansion touched a number of star systems. Yet this initial wave of Mandalorian fury was only the first ebbings of the tide, as a galactic-wide declaration was made affirming the Enclave's commitment to the eradication of the Sith and their supporters as a vengeance for the genocide visited on them. Soon after, the Enclave invaded the Eternal Empire and set fire to the world of Panatha, striking a symbolic blow at one of the late Empire's most ardent supporters. No matter their opinion, one thing was mutually agreed upon: Mandalorian power was not gone from the galaxy, it had merely been dormant. And now, they had been reawakened.
Outbound Flight Initiative - Expansion of The Core
Having realised their dream of unifying the Core, the Galactic Alliance turned to the ambitious task of opening up the Unknown Regions. The Outbound Flight Initiative was launched and wove its way through the former Ascendency territories toward the ruins of Csilla. Moving through this untamed region, Outbound Flight expanded the influence of the Alliance, opened new hyperlanes, gathered resources for the war efforts, and provided relief to refugees fleeing the annihilation of the Chiss homeworld.

Jedi Inquisition - The schism of the New Jedi Order and the Senate
Since the Galactic Alliance’s foundation, it and the New Jedi Order have stood as stalwart allies. But agent provocateurs within the Senate sought to drive a wedge between the defenders of the Core. Camaraderie and loyalty were soon replaced with fear and suspicion as the Jedi were put on trial and later remanded to their temple, leaving Coruscant defenseless against the forces of evil. With the manipulation of the Senate now laid bare, the NJO has decreed that while it will mount a watch over the Core, it will do so at arm's length to the Alliance. Can a bulwark against the darkness be maintained under this new arrangement, or is the Core now more vulnerable than ever?
The End of the Sith Schism

In the final days of the Third Imperial Civil War, the Sith Order fragmented between three factions vying for supremacy; the Sith Empire, the Sith Eternal, and the Warlords of the Sith. What started as an apostasy spread into full blown schism amidst the dire civil war plaguing the empire proper as the New Imperials gained ground on the march for Dromund Kaas. After the cataclysmic destruction of Csilla, the Brotherhood of the Maw entered the conflict after calling for a Great Sith Gathering on Mustafar to all Sith across the galaxy. What was to be the 'Great Sith Gathering' was in truth a Sith Purge in the making as Darth Solipsis, leader of the Brotherhood of the Maw, proclaimed himself Dark Lord of the SIth and announced the formation of a New Sith Order. The Brotherhood of the Maw declared open war on the Sith Eternal and Sith Empire with the strength of the Warlords of the Sith joining into the fold of the budding New Sith Order. Striking decisively at Felucia and Thule, the Brotherhood of the Maw stripped the Sith Eternal of everything but Korriban and split the Sith Empire in two.

Hunting down the weak, the inept, and misguided. The New Sith Order spread across the galaxy, infiltrating the Alliance's Galactic Senate and Imperial Assembly within the New Imperial structure. Their goal of creating a new, stronger Sith Order was at last complete with the fall of the Sith Empire, the disappearance of the Sith Eternal, and the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Sith'ari. Their eyes at last moved toward the rest of the galaxy, paving the way for a SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR.

The Second Great Hyperspace War

The emergence of the Brotherhood of the Maw and the cataclysmic destruction of Csilla changed everything. A conglomerate of crazed cults and tribal marauders stretched out from the Unknown Regions at first opposed only by the New Jedi Order until eventually facing down nearly every major power in the galaxy proper. The Battle of Ilum, the turn of the enigmatic Carlaci Lord Halketh to the Brotherhood of the Maw. the rise of the BASTION PACT, and finally the Assassination of Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar heightened tensions to an all time high, marking a transition to TOTAL WAR. Suffering a defeat over Korriban, the Bastion Pact regrouped on Coruscant before launching a pre-emptive strike on Lao-Mon.The Silver Jedi Concord spearheaded invasion was met with failure, a subsequent attempt following at the hands of the Confederacy of Independent Systems but it too would end in defeat.

This marked the beginning of the Brotherhood's onslaught as they destroyed the hidden Jakku Jedi Enclave and then launched the brutal GREAT BATTLE OF CORUSCANT against the forces of the BASTION PACT resulting in the destruction of the NEW JEDI TEMPLE and the sacking of Coruscant.The presence of the New Sith Order, and failures of the Galactic Alliance to prevent the tragic attack led to the withdrawl of the New Imperial Order led by the now Emperor Rurik Fel Rurik Fel . The battle was followed by further Mawite invasions on the Alliance world of Jedha and the New Imperial heartland of Nirauan. It would be here on these two worlds that the Mawite onslaught would be halted as the Brotherhood suffered a pyrrhic victory on Nirauan, being driven shortly offworld, and being rebuked on Jedha.
War in the Shadows

With Corporate plots swirling around them, and uncertainty within their own ranks, Darkwire faced off against impersonating doppelgängers to root out their Corporate masters. In a series of daring raids, the disparate interests among Shadowrunners managed to unite, dismantling the doppelgänger threat and landing a lethal blow against one of the five Corpo leaders.

Victory was short lived with new political pressures mounting, faltering markets caused the Corpos to turn to a new partner in the Galactic Alliance for stability. With the Corpos enforcing a harsher landscape on a new Denon, how will Darkwire adapt their underworld activities for a future of economic and moral uncertainty?
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