Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Planting the First Seeds (Open to all, no faction barred)

(Please Check out This Thread for use as an OOC and planning thread. All are welcome and the first portion of the RP before the line break is meant to be a galaxy wide broadcast. After the first portion will be the post on the planet itself.)

All those who hear this message. The people of Kesh have returned to their home, and the final vestiges of the Brynadul's scouring of our home are being dealt with. We ask those of the galaxy with the means and heart to help the people of Kesh, return their home to the strong and beautiful place that it once was. Come under a white flag of truce, let your hatreds for eachother be buried and the rebuilding of the Scar Worlds starting with our home. Let our people be the first seed, one that can spread to the rest of the worlds and people who lost their home. All those who were displaced, removed from their homes, come and join us in this effort.

I hope that those with the ability to heal wounds, to right the worlds, to build shelters and bring back the prosperity of the Wild Space and the Tingel Arm.

And for those who still stand, those creatures unworthy of the life that you took from so many. What remains of the Brynadul will be wiped from the face of the Galaxy.

Kesh - 900 ABY

Solan would stand, looking out from the ruins of the Palace down at the city. Around the perimeter of what used to be the outer edge of the city were numerous ships. Long used and run down, many of the ships missing weapons or defenses and purely for the use of sheltering the people of Kesh. After so many had died in the fall of the planet there was so few of their people still left. Those that did survive, that escaped the fires and the battle for their home were few in number but Solan knew that the two generations that had passed had made the people more and more insistent on returning to the home that they feared they would never see again.

Efforts for reconstruction were already underway, and Solan himself stood in the Palace grounds for a reason as he looked to his left. The garden that used to sit there, the place where he had enjoyed so many conversations with Joza Perl Joza Perl , where he had raised his children, where an old nexus had been maintained before it had been destroyed. He walked slowly and paused, his eyes aimed at a stone to his right, the thought of Genevieve who he had never had the chance to say goodbye to crossing his mind as he looked at the stone before walking forward once more.

Eventually he found his eyes narrowing at the long dead and dusted field of flowers, the Eternal Mourners that he had developed and planeted one each time he had taken a life. Life that must be taken, must be paid for was how he had seen things back then.

He had been so stupid, so blind to think such a thing.

Even now he knew that the lives who were lost because he had been too weak. He knew that he had to be stronger now, to hold his faith and to ensure the world returned to its rightful state. He knew that it would take a long time, knew that there were very few he could call on these days for help. The old silver jedi, the people he considered friends and he would trust with his life no matter where he was. They were gone and he couldnt help but think of the faces. The days he spent in their temples, relaxing while he caught the ire of a random knight or master that didn't know him. He couldnt help but laugh at the misunderstandings that he used to cause.

Those thoughts hurt though, his eyes closing to block the tears. His hands shaking even as he closed them into fists. He couldnt think straight right now but he knew he had alot more to do. He had to breath in, to get ahold of himself and he knew that Zesiro Zesiro would be here soon with the object they required most of all. He would turn his head, picking a spot in an instant as he walked towards a tree that had once existed. Now the spot remained as bare as everything else. He bent down, touching the dirt, the dust running through his fingers before he slammed his fist down onto the ground. He started to claw at the dirt, his fingers making no real mark give the land had not seen water in so long.

He stopped, finding himself sitting there with his body shaking a bit and needing to rest. He was still getting used to this new body even as he breathed out. He would reach out with the force, tearing up the ground and standing, letting those who were watching nearby get to work preparing the area properly. His Shadow Legion could be trusted to secure this place and prepare it for the Seed. He would need to make sure everyone else was ok, getting started walking towards the ships that had arrived with supplies, as well as to meet those who had answered the call.

(As I said at the start, all are welcome, though do try to keep any combat from disagreements to a minimum, otherwise people might have to step in.)

To those outside of it, the GA had a bit of an unearned reputation of being 'uncaring' to the rest of the galaxy.

Jonyna wouldn't stand for that. It wasn't often she got the chance to really expand her businesses outside of GA space. But she believed, deep in her core, that all people deserved to be helped.

A small fleet of 5 GR-95s, escorted by 3 squadrons of B-Wings entered Kesh's space. Si Tech's finest materials and equipment was ready to answer the call for reconstruction. As the fleet transports came down, Jonyna let out a sigh. She knew this was going to be rough. She'd always been one to do her research before she went to a planet and...

A dark jedi.

She still couldn't really wrap her head around the concept. The last she encountered was Ignatius Ignatius , and yet...This one seemed a bit different. Whatever. This is gonna be interesting.

She started helping with unloading. Stag Construction Vehicles unloaded alongside men and equipment. Ladybugs flew off the transports, as Jonyna stepped off, looking over the work. "Everything made it A-okay." Jonyna confirmed, another Cathar on her holo-transmitter.

"Better have! We'll be bringing in more materials coming in soon." The other cathar spoke, clearly younger than Jonyna.

Jonyna let out a sigh as she looked over the unloading material. Whomever was in charge of this place, she'd have to deal with them. Now was the time to be an ambassador. Let the Hunter lead...

It was a message Zesiro had nearly given up hope of ever hearing. As head of security for the President of Commenor, that was now where she called home. However, her real home was Kesh. A planet that had its life torn from it by both Brynadul and her father-in-law. That man was now returned and calling out for help in rebuilding his planet. She had just the item he needed—one she had picked up at an auction, hoping to bring Kesh back to life.

Leaving a note to her boss, she did not expect to be needed by him, and she gathered up the seed she had kept waiting for this day. Being the head of security did have some privileges, and she had learned how to pilot a ship while being employed by Darlyn. Zesiro just hoped her husband could also be found and they could be reunited, but that was something for another day and time.

Pacing on her ship, she tried to wait patiently while in flight. Solan had accepted her into the family, and she looked forward to seeing him again. Her concerned face softened, and she smiled when the alarm announced she had arrived. The blond threw her jacket on, and as soon as the ramp was extended, she rushed off her ship to greet Solan.

Others had arrived before she had, but she was among the first to offer her support.

"It is good to see you, Solan."

Keeping her question about Edric to herself, her eyes wandered around as she searched for him.

Solan Charr Solan Charr Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
The people of Veradune were no strangers to reconstruction. Their homes, their culture, and even their very bodies had been destroyed only to be rebuilt over Vulpesen's term as Valde. Rebuilding their home planet had been the work of decades. It had given them a fair bit of experience in the craft, and now they were here to speed up Kesh's progress in that same endeavor. "It'll be hard work, but you'll have plenty of help," Vulpesen said as he walked towards his old friend, happy to meet him as he walked towards the landing zone for the Valde and his fellow aid givers.

As he walked forward, he turned slightly when Zesiro hurried past him, chuckling softly as it seemed he wasn't the only one happy to see Solan Charr's return to the galaxy. As he spoke, streams of soldiers left the various transports that they had taken to the world, each equipped with various tools and devices to aid in the work to come. Vulpesen had even collected a small contingent of wilders to help restore life to the barren landscape. "Any place you'd like us to start?"

Solan Charr Solan Charr Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Zesiro Zesiro
The first people that Solan saw were of course those of his friends, him staring at Vulpesen and Zesiro with happiness shining through on his face. His place in the force was still a mess, the darkside falling off Solan in waves and the control of it clearly still a struggle at the moment for the man. A recent resurrection like this, one he has taken no time to rest and get used to would do that to anyone but he knew he had more important things to do than to meditate and secure his hold on the force once again. He could still fight and protect his people if he needed to, and that was all that truly mattered.

"Vulpesen... Thank you as always, and please, if you do not mind the people who are getting off the ships could use some food or a place to settle in and rest. I know alot of them surely are still confused where to even begin with such efforts, and for some this is the first time seeing their home in their lives. It has been a long time for many." He would look over at Zesiro, smiling to her as well and nodding his head to her. The woman was someone he respected greatly, having been there beside him and his son when it mattered over the years.

"It is good to see you as well." He would shift on his feet, looking over to his side and noticing the feeling of something very different. It was like Jairdain and Vulpesen, which told him more than enough as he crossed his hands behind him.

"It seems we have a guest I was not quite expecting to be helping things." He would walk with slow steps, looking towards the main effort to unload equipment from the Alliance marked ship he was looking at. It wouldnt take long for him to walk over towards it and he would speak up to Zesiro or Vulpesen, curious if they had brought them.

"They friends of your two's, or are they here on their own choice?" He would ask them quickly before looking back and speaking up, shouting out to those who seem incharge.

"Pardon me, I would like to speak with whoever is incharge of these ships and equipment?"

Vulpesen Vulpesen Zesiro Zesiro Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"That would be me." Jonyna said, sounding a bit more professional than usual, as Vulpesen Vulpesen could probably tell. This was a business trip, not a jedi trip. "Jonyna Si, owner and operator of Si Tech and Beetle Construction. You said you needed a reconstruction crew? I've got five ships worth, and more on the way." She pulled out a holo-pad, squinting at it. "...300,000 men ready to work."

She knew she was operating at a loss. It didn't matter. She was helping a planet ravaged by war, exactly what Beetle Construction was designed for. Her eyes looked over to Vulpesen Vulpesen once more, "Ah, Vulpes. I take it this is a friend of yours? Figures..."

Tag: Solan Charr Solan Charr Zesiro Zesiro

Immediate Goals -
1: Uphold what is Good
1.1: Heal the sick
1.2: Feed the hungry
1.2: Clothe the Naked
2: Successfully land without incident

FRIEND(s) - Unmet

FOE(s) - Unneeded

TARGETING ACTION(S) - OPEN COMMS || Solan Charr Solan Charr || Zesiro Zesiro || Vulpesen Vulpesen || Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Perhaps not the first time a Mandalorian Patrol Boat had wandered into Wild Space, but perhaps the first to bear tidings other than war, the so-called Sojourner made her way to the Scar Worlds. The largest organic being aboard, one Kebii'kara of House Solus, steadied her breath as she let the Force speak on the nature of this part of the Tingel Arm. The Lasat was far too young to remember the Brynadul, nor could truly empathize with those who had suffered under the extragalactic invasion. Sure, the Empire whom she was employed under had Mortowa, who's Nexus rang hollow and thrummed mutely even now as she had visited briefly... what madness had transpired about two centuries before her birth?

Shaking her head, she exhaled to shake off her attachments for the factions she found herself aligned with. For now, there was no delicate balance between the ideals of House Solus and the Sunstar Order against the expansionism of the Empire, there was no worry about fitting in the Lilaste Order of whom she found a third home... now her soul could be cleansed through charity, such as her strength can provide.

After a few more cleansing breathes, she pressed a few buttons at the helm of the ship and opened communications with Kesh "Calling Solan Charr, this is Kebii'kara of House Solus, pilot of the Sojourner." the Lasat began. "I heard you guys needed someone to help move things around, may I land?"
Aurine had heard the message as perhaps countless had, but to her it was a chance to use Werr Drive Yards & Werr Shipping & Security for rebuilding. No, the start of a new growing market. That if it became even close to its former self the planet would export lots of agricultural products, product that needs moved.

Within the Werr Shipping & Security cargo modified Recusant she stood over the holo projectors image of Kesh looking at the data for the world, winding it forward and backwards with the Ai overlaying past, current, and future data as the centuries move by. This world has so much potential, but it will need infrastructure to reach it. As she moved over to the other holo table with a 3D blueprint of a spaceport to begin thinking of future additions the chief of the security forces walks in. She clears her throat "Hey boss, We are just exiting hyperspace. You should come to the bridge." Aurine turns around to see the sandy brown haired female Sephi with her hair back in a bun. "Thank you, lets go." The duo walked down the hall about thirty meters to the bridge just to see the planet looming large. Aurine takes in the view for moment before speaking "Everyone, we are here to hopefully get to build this rebuilding world a proper spaceport. One that will garner us lasting business & hopefully a couple contracts. Starting off it will be just the landing party off the ship until otherwise stated." Everyone in the room yells "Aye! Aye!" before breaking the gathering.

As the Recusant ship descends to the surface the comm officer hails "This is Werr Shipping & Security ship WDY-22N3 we are here to lend aid & are landing." the 1,287m ship lands not far but not too close to where the alliance ships landed. The shallow ramp descends from the cargo portion letting Aurine, her security captain and two guards descend and walk to the group of people that seem to be in charge. Well here we go.

Solan Charr Solan Charr
| Zesiro Zesiro | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
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To see Solan happy was pleasing to his daughter-in-law. She smiled at him and finally noticed his physical change. To say she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed was entirely accurate.

"Can you fly with those?"

Pointing at his wings, she brought his change out in the open. Of course, he might not want or be able to answer right away, but Solan should know she was patient. When he asked if the additional people were friends of hers, she shook her head. Zesiro would almost take a guardian stance next to him as he approached them.

Since he had died and her husband was missing, she had taken up the job of protecting the president of Commenor. Before she had married Edric, she had also been his guard. This was nothing new to the blond, and she accepted this position next to Solan.

They hurried over to the welcome stranger, and she listened to the information given. She didn't feel Jonyna would be a threat but still kept an eye on her. Not long after the Cathar introduced herself, Solan's com unit went off. Another person was joining in the rebuilding of Kesh. And then another.

Nodding more to herself, she absentmindedly gave Solan the seed she had brought for this purpose.

Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Vulpesen Vulpesen Solan Charr Solan Charr Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus

Yoryn Darnur

Krykna Legate of Allied Tion


Objective: See home, and spread influence
Location: Star Runner Cantina, Gyn, Kesh
Outfit: Casual Attire
Equipment:Model J1 "Happy Surprise" Palm Blaster
Tags: Solan Charr Solan Charr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Zesiro Zesiro | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr
Interactions: OPEN


Yoryn had all open frequency messages monitored by her organization. Most wouldn’t mean anything to her legitimate lounges and restaurants on Lianna, but there was much more to Yoryn’s dealings than what she outwardly displayed. In this case there was something much more personal in the message that was relayed to the woman. The homeworld of her people was being restored. Yoryn had never seen Kesh, but she’d heard stories and now she would go see if what the Bryn left behind could match the stories that she had heard.

Using her personal courier ship Yoryn was quickly en route to Kesh. Though it was a tighter fit than she was used to she had her personal enforce Myssa Morana Myssa Morana and her “personal assistant” Tiiona Santhe. Neither were essential for Yoryn’s visit, but she enjoyed having an extra set of eyes watching her back, that would be Myssa. And even on a rebuilding planet far from Lianna the Santhe name was always an asset that could be cashed in given the right situation.

While others were seeing to renewing the infrastructure of the new Kesh, Yoryn and her team found a place where she could begin to grow roots into the underworld of Kesh. There would be time to sightsee and take in the home of her people later. Now she was sitting at a table in the Star Runner Cantina. It was in what most would consider slums. A perfect place to start making contacts. ”Myssa, keep your eyes open. Both for threats and contacts…Kinda one and the same if you think about it…” Yoryn didn’t need a response to know that Myssa was already doing so.

”Tii you go ask around to the younger kids. See what the scuttlebutt is around here. What’s legal and what’s not…What people are really dying for. We need a niche, if I’m going to branch out to this place.”
Aithne was rather surprised.

So many had come to help the planet, alot coming from far beyond the reaches of Wild Space and none had come so far with ill intentions. The state of the world and its people would surely invite those who would seek to take advantage of their people eventually, but for the moment Aithne was left to be able to help organize things while her Father worked to deal with a far more important portion of the process. It was why when Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus and Aurine Werr Aurine Werr had radioed down, it was Aithne who would receive them rather than her father. That was normal though, after all she was the one who regularly ran operations with the Shadow Legion and got her hands dirty more often than her father.

Still, as she waited near the main landing zone for the corvettes and freighters bringing down supplies, she would radio back to the two who had come about and seen to helping her people.

"Sojourner, WDY-22N3, Both of you are cleared to land in zone Delta. Instructions will be transmitted to your ships to be followed so that you have ample space to offload cargo and get it transported quickly to where it needs to be distributed. I will be there to personally welcome the both of you and thank you for helping my people and my father in his goals." She would leave that message there, turning off her transmitter and letting them respond or get right to it.

She would find her eyes drifting to the far off areas and reaches, thinking to herself for a moment and sighing. So much of her home was nothing but dust and rubble now, something that was heavy on her mind. Even the sky seemed lifeless when long ago there was so much that was above her head flying around.

Still with that in mind she would cross her arms and wait, walking out to the landing zone that she had requested the two individuals come to in order to quickly handle any offloading.
Vulpesen looked between Solan and Jonyna as they were introduced to each other, chuckling as they both seemed to share the same question. "I wouldn't quite call her a friend," he admitted ruefully, turning his head to meet the cathar's gaze. "But she's certainly an ally. Her hearts in the right place, and I can vouch for her capabilities as a form of aid." Regardless of what he thought of Jonyna's personal judgement, Vulpesen knew better than to disparage her work as the owner of a company, his own agents having kept an eye on her budding competition with the Vitae Security Forces. "And yes miss Si, Solan here is an old friend from my days after I left the jedi and sith behind. And this is my sister, Jairdain," he added, motioning to the raven haired woman beside him.

In his ear, the Valde could hear the constant buzz of reports from his men as more and more ships entered the system, each one asking permission to land and help with the reconstruction of Kesh. It warmed his heart to see so many people simply trying to make the galaxy a better, more complete place. When Veradune had entered its reconstruction, the Sith had been at their height, followed swiftly by the Brynadul scourge. Secrecy had become a paramount way of survival, and now he wondered where his people would be if they had access to the resources that now threw themselves at Solan's feet. Evil still existed, that was true, but the galaxy had changed. And Vulpesen was coming to believe it had changed for the better. Excusing himself from any impending conversation, Vulpesen stepped back and lifted his comlink to relay his orders to his men that they might help fulfill the reborn king's wishes.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Solan Charr Solan Charr Jairdain Jairdain Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus Aurine Werr Aurine Werr

Objective: Report on the scuttlebutt on Kesh
Location: Ruins of the Ragnas Slums, Gyn, Kesh
Attire: Shorts, Tank and a “Jacket”
Interactions: Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur | Myssa Morana Myssa Morana
Tag: Solan Charr Solan Charr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Zesiro Zesiro | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr | Aithne Charr Aithne Charr


Tiiona had always lived on Lianna and though her family’s wealth allowed her to travel offplanet often, it was always to highly developed planets, most often with a high degree of wealth as well. Her first exposure to something a little bit grungy was Yoryn’s first lounge in the slums of Melford, that had been an act of rebellion and nothing compared to what the young woman found waiting for her on Kesh as she continued to work with the Kesh hospitality entrepreneur. Tiiona had little knowledge of Yoryn’s other businesses, so she found it odd that they would start in the ruins of the slums at the site of an old cantina.

The report that Tiiona had to give to Yoryn was a bit bleak. The planet was just in the reformation plans, so those who were returning to the slums needed…well…they needed everything. About the only thing they didn’t need was a lounge, bar or restaurant immediately. Sure a spot for food would be nice as they started to rebuild, but Yoryn was looking to branch out her brand. And this place wasn’t ready for her brand.

Boss, these people aren’t ready for anything,” Tiiona relayed to Yoryn, who was still sitting in the remnants of what had been the local cantina when the planet was vibrant. ”No one seems too concerned about legality though. Just about getting things in here and liveable as soon as possible.” Tiiona finished talking as she realized that Myssa had went off to do her own snooping around. Tiiona knew that Yoryn was in the military of some sort, so she really didn’t need the bodyguard, but still was a bit curious why Yoryn had sent them off separately to find out what was going on here. Tiiona shrugged, never being one to think too hard on such things. She approached Yoryn and took a seat waiting for the next task to be assigned to her.
Solan would raise a brow at the Cathar, looking past her at the tail and certain he remembered that they did not have those. Perhaps she was an offshoot like the Echani were compared to their creators. Still it was interesting to see her here, knowing full well Kesh's history as a planet that had once belonged to the Lost Tribe of the Sith wasn't a hidden fact. The presence of a Jedi, one that isn't immediately trying to kill him was a refreshing sight, knowing full well that might not be the case anymore after what Vulpesen and Jairdain had told him. It sounded like his time around the Jedi Temples, taking in the peace and not worrying about anything in this world would no longer be acceptable.

That was the price he supposed, after all there couldn't be Jedi and the Dark side of the force mixing, that tended to only create more problems.

Still, he wondered if any of the old faces were still around. The Heavenshields and Sochi were always good friends.

Either way he would glance to Vulpesen, hearing his explanation before then looking at Zesiro and taking the Seed that he had been given. He would study it for a moment before looking at the others again and speaking clearly to them.

"Forgive me, but if we are going to continue talking I would prefer to get something started. Could you three please come with me while we talk?" He would hear Aithne taking command of the new arrivals, allowing him to speak with the others.

"Its been too long Zesiro, and to be quite honest I haven't really tried yet. Trying to get clean though with them is... well its a bit frustrating to be sure." He would chuckle, thinking about how much he had broken and knocked over the first time. Still his eyes would return to the Jedi, thinking for a moment before speaking plainly.

"I realize you are here on business, but you and I both surely know that you wont just ignore the fact I am the one in charge here. Furthermore I hope that Vulpesen being here to help me does not cause issues with your Order and him?" She would find Solan's eyes on hers, the signs of complete darkside corruption as plain as day for her to see as no natural color remained in his eyes. Even his very being still felt shattered and splintered, something Vulpesen and Jairdain had seen to it's extreme during his actual revival.

"I would prefer that if you do report this to your order, that you make clear that I have no intentions on harming my people or my world, and that they take the time to sit down and speak with me. I am going to miss visiting the Jedi's temples like I used to if they are going to be... close minded." He would cross his hands behind his back, the seed remaining in one of his hands.

Vulpesen Vulpesen Zesiro Zesiro Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna was acutely aware of the dark side presence here. How Vulpesen Vulpesen had allied himself with this one was beyond her, but she wasn't going to pick fights. She was here to help. "I can't speak for the Council. I'm not here as a jedi, I'm here as a hero. Someone who can help. That's all that matters to me. If you can convince the NJO to not stab you on sight, that's up to you. Frankly, to make it clear, I'm not here for your sake. I couldn't really care who was in charge, what I care about is that people get the help they need."

There was a reason she was never a politician. She didn't bother with words most of the time, other than mocking and flirting. She spoke through her actions, and her actions were that she wanted to help. She followed along regardless, keeping her hands hidden in her long coat.

Tag: Solan Charr Solan Charr Zesiro Zesiro Others.

After bringing Solan back to life, Jairdain had not expected to be on Kesh again for a while. However, her brother had other ideas and had brought her here to help him and his people reestablish their home. It was something she could get behind and support.

When he introduced her to a Cathar, she nodded in her direction and offered her a hand to shake. What she didn't know was that Jonyna wasn't human. Being blind caused her not to see these things.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Si. Thank you for coming out and helping Solan with this project."

Listening to what Jonyna said, she smiled at the other Jedi. They were all on the same page.

Solan Charr Solan Charr Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Vulpesen Vulpesen
Immediate Goals -
1: Uphold what is Good
1.1: Heal the sick
1.2: Feed the hungry
1.2: Clothe the Naked
2: Successfully land without incident [ACTIVE]

FRIEND(s) - Unmet

FOE(s) - Unneeded

TARGETING ACTION(S) - OPEN COMMS || Aithne Charr Aithne Charr

The drakeling that had been her constant companion growled as Kebii'kara confirmed the rendezvous point. The Force felt... strange, here, and the rumors were even stranger - unsurprising considering the resurgent Sith, the stalwart Mandalorians, the mysterious Empires, both Dark and "Lost", and whoever decided to go to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy. "Easy Beviin." The Lasat reassured her companion. "Geena and Tyme will do most of the work, though you know the exchange for being a helpful girl."

Beviin nodded and her eyes betrayed the possibility of gaining treats, tempered by the recognition she would have to assist in physical labor. Not exactly a welcome prospect, but a tacitly enforced one between Lasat and Drakeling.

As the Sojourner touched down, the beskar-clad woman emerged, fire-staff in hand, ready to meet whoever she needed to in order to help those in need.
Vulpesen chuckled to himself as he followed after Solan, watching him and Jonyna converse. Times had changed int he galaxy. People like Vulpesen and Solan were a dying breed, men born of a darker time. Granted, he had come out of it only a little shaded where his friend had fully given in to the darkness. Charr had managed to avoid letting the darkside corrupt his soul with absolute evil. "She's an odd one. A bit zealous, but her hearts in the right place. Besides, the jedi should be well aware of my differences in beliefs by now." Vulpesen held an easy smile as he explained his relationship with the jedi, and to a small extent, Jonyna. "In any case, I agree. Its best we work on the task at hand. Looks like you've got help in spades, but its still a long road ahead for the people of Kesh." His arrangement with the jedi was a simple one. He would teach the next generation of jedi and aid in their missions, but he would avoid any teachings that drew from the dark side of the force, whether those came from his time with the sith, or the more unsavory Wilder traditions.

Solan Charr Solan Charr Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Zesiro Zesiro Jairdain Jairdain
The last stand for Leo had been defending Solan, she had watched her charge fall in battle and cried the wail of grief.
She did not stop her defense of him, continuing to defend his body till it could be moved somewhere safe...
The squaller and scavengers soon came after, facing a weak and wounded Leo who till strode tall against them till all hope was lost.
A building had come down, entrapping her in a prison of rubble, too weak to escape and left with just one option.
Present day
In the frozen capsule of her armour, Leo lay beneath the rubble. Her suit as a last ditch effort to conserve her life had defaulted to cryo freeze. Preserving her body in place and in time. With nothing to awaken her she had remained over the years gathering dust...
She felt the haze of sleep fading from her her, the red light flickering in her helmet, burning her eyes as the mist cleared. She lifted her arm. Slowly. Shaking. Still weak.yet she managed to clear her visor of dust.
"Fuck." She cursed through gritted teeth, her voice hoarse, and distorted, her armour still powering up once more.
She could hear movement above... dust shifting above her.
"Less fucked..." another croaked murmur. Leo pulled her armed and used them to pull up her legs, forcing them in a position to lift. Next using her hands to heave herself up onto her feet.
Just in time for the rubble to be moved from above her, and her wrist to be extended the mini rockets locked in and loaded.
"You won't find shit here grave robbers." She threatened, the robotic voice simulator crackling as she spoke before her body would start to heavy move forward.Grabbing one volunteer but the scuff and tossing him across and away from her.
"Kesh does not fall till there is no one left." A crackling again from her voice, her eyes blinking in the bright light.
Her eyes greeted with the vision of ships and shocked on looking faces.
"Take me to Solan." She demanded next. Time had clearly past... the least she could do was bow before her friends grave and admit her failure.
She was tired. Oh so tired.... maybe by his side she could lay to rest too... after all she was already dead.
Solan would laugh, looking at Jonyna for a moment before shaking his head. Vulpesen and Jairdain would understand where his next words would come from, why he was taking this stance on what he was about to say to her.

"Try not to be a hero too much. Heroes tend to die in rather spectacular and horrific ways, its much better to be a survivor, Do what you can to help but never take center stage and try to avoid being that Hero. You will live much longer, and because of that, do much more good in the long term." He would look to the device, the Seed in his hand, arriving where he wanted to be, staring at where one of the trees that had been crafted by a good friend of his, Jairdain and Vulpesen had once been. He would kneel down, placing the device down, his eyes studying it and placing his hand on it's surface. Like magic it would not take long, the device rooting itself into the earth below their feet and starting its work.

"I hope that this device works as well as you have suggested... It would be cruel to give me that hope, don't you think?" He would look over at Zesiro Zesiro , smiling to her as his words meant no harm but as he did he looked past her and towards some rubble far off.

The sensation of an old familiar soul suddenly hitting him as he stood up softly and looked over to the others again.

"Miss Si, Jairdain, I seem to be in need of your help. It seems more than one person has come back from the dead, though this one I have a feeling wasn't quite as dead as me." He would start to walk away from the device, watching as the armored body was being led their way, looking about as beaten up and dirty as physically possible without the armor itself being torn to pieces and falling off of her. He would instead stand there, letting her be led over and looking over to Jairdain.

"Could you two check on her, I am not quite capable of healing people anymore, not without doing more harm than good." He would request of the Jedi this small thing, looking at Leora and giving her a smirk, the kind of lopsided smirk that she would knew came from a certain King who had tried for years to convince her to get out of the armor and try out a dress one of these days.

Vulpesen Vulpesen LeoraLiliana LeoraLiliana Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Jairdain Jairdain

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