Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character info-

Name: Zesiro
Alias: Ava, Zes
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Home world: Tatooine


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130
Hair: Dark blond to the middle of her back, always worn pulled into a tail with bangs
Build: Swimmers body- Strong arms and legs, trim waist, perfect hourglass figure

Strengths and weaknesses-

Not afraid to speak her mind or hold her emotions back. Doesn't allow anything or anybody to stop her from getting what she wants. Not normally violent for dark side user. Relies on her physical attributes and manipulations to accomplish her goals. She had hardly been trained in combat but was trained in speed so if she can't seduce her way out of a situation, she can run. However, if she ever finds herself or sees another person subjected to the type of torture that happened to her, she would lose control on the assaulter and go berserk. Deep within her is a need to be accepted for who she is.

Having learned the hard way that running wasn't always an option, she no longer does that. Instead, Zesiro stands her ground and fights. Grown in physical strength, she also learned how to fight. Both with the Force and in hand to hand combat. She no longer the coward she was for a few years and has very little fear. However, in her change, she realized that being a sith was wrong for her and she left that code behind. It had its merits and still used those she felt applied to her.

Zesiro has no memory of her childhood before the age of twelve. Some traumatic event must have happened to her at that time.

Her first memory was that of waking up and caged like an animal in a pitch black room, no sounds to be heard. Her clothes burned in some places, torn in others. She was covered in cuts, scrapes and bruises. She had lightly burned skin under where the burns were on her clothes. A day went by after she woke up and man in black clothes came and treated her injuries. He also brought her some bread, broth and water, but did not say anything or release her from her cage. Slowly but not overnight, she recovered. Every day, the same hooded man brought her the same food and checked on her recovery. Once he was satisfied with it being complete, he unlocked the cage holding her but left the door closed. He walked out of the room, leaving her alone once again. In all the times he had come to her, he never said anything. The only light or sound she ever heard was this man came to her.

Having been caged for so long, with no real room to move around Zesiro had a difficult time standing up after fumbling in the dark to open her cage. She had no clue where she was, how she had been there or what happened to her memory. Feeling her way around the room, she found the door. However, it was closed, there was no latch on her side to let her out. After fruitlessly trying to open the door for what felt like hours, Zesiro sat down on the floor. She put her ear to the door, but still heard nothing. She laid her head back and cried. When her tears had dried up she fell asleep.

The days started changing for her, first bright lights would flash off and on in her cell, then loud sounds. It was driving her insane. Every day though, the man in black came to her, giving her the same food and leaving the door closed when he left. There was no escape from this torture for her.

Eventually, she started begging and pleading with the man to let her out. Each time she was met with a silence so menacing she flinched away from him. But he continued to do his duty and care for her.

As she grew up in the room, new clothes were provided, but only just barely fits her. Not being aware of the days, times or the passing of it, Zesiro only knew she was very alone and being driven insane by the shrouded form.

A time came when she started to anticipate when he would arrive. A day came when she could take it no longer and when he opened the door, she was prepared for him. Lunging out of a corner she tackled him to the ground and started choking him. Her hands wrapped around his throat, she slowly felt his life fading, finally, when he was dead, she rose to her feet, blinded by the light of the hallway.

She heard the first sentient sound that she had heard since she woke up. Laughter coming from in front of her. Following the sound with her eyes closed, Zesiro walked into the room at the end of the hallway. Though she was still blinded, the laughter was coming from the form of the man she had just choked or thought she had.

"I see you've broken out, Zesiro. Tsk tsk."

The voice was low and sinister. Zesiro had a name now though something she had no possessed until then.

"What do you want from me?"


With that, began real torture. That of the mind and the body. No scars were left on her now perfect body, but the torture-tainted Zesiro's mind, making it as black and twisted as that of her master. He taught her manipulation, seduction, the means to get everything she could ever desire with the Force and her body. Once he knew she was his, he let her out on the Galaxy. His job was done, knowledge passed from Master to Apprentice. He knew she would come back, for there was always more power to be had and Zesiro knew that desire.

The day was coming where he knew he was going to die, he had passed on all his knowledge and had nothing more to give. Zesiro returned to the only home she ever knew and with her single red lightsaber cut him down before he could get up to defend himself. The use of the Dark Side had corrupted him so badly by then and he was glad to be out of his misery.

She was finally free of the monster that made her and all Zesiro could think about was getting payback on the people that allowed him to do this. She left the house, her only possessions her lightsaber and TIE fighter.

(Here begins the story of her adventures on Chaos. If you want links to any of the topics, I'll be happy to provide them.)

Zesiro soon found herself in the company of Milo Ren and was his apprentice and on again, off again lover for a long while. Their relationship eventually went out in ashes and they parted enemies. Each of them knew the next time they met, one of them would die.

A chance meeting very early on in her time with Milo would lead to another in the future. She had a run with a Kyrel Ren who was hunting Milo as a traitor to the First Order and wanted them both dead. Fearing he would continue to hunt her, she attempted to stay out of his and any other First Order members way.

After she and Milo ended their relationship, she was drawn to a planet called Nubia. Like a moth to a flame, the power of a Sith Lord called her. There she met another sith by the name Anya Loma who was in the company of this lord. She never learned his name that day and it wasn't until much later that she learned his name was Marcus. A duel was declared between her and Anya to see if either of them was worth training. However, a Jedi knight Zesiro thought she had killed jumped in the middle of the confrontation and she fled the scene.

The sith did not pursue her, but the Jedi did. Cornering her in an ally, something was very off about him. Rescue of a form came in the image of a man hauntingly similar to Kyrel. Fear struck Zesiro once again and her mind was raped by a wraith that had brought that Jedi back to life. Who or what it was, she didn't know, what had happened between Cennic and the man in black she did not know either. The next thing she remembered was the man in black holding his hand out to her in taking her away from that scene.

That man ended up not being Kyrel, but instead, it was Skaara Carlon. He was an inquisitor within the Galactic Empire. Originally set on killing her, he saw her potential and took her as his apprentice. However, the teaching went both ways and she opened his eyes to passion. She had then found her path taking her in a different direction and sadly left the Empire behind.

Her days with them had been some of the best in her life. Having learned from Skaara and made a friend from one of the stormtroopers, she would miss them in her days to come. The woman she had duelled on Nubia contacted her and what happened when they met again changed Zesiro's life forever.

The reunion happened on Tatooine and there she learned Anya wasn't just some random sith, but her sister. It was she that had drawn her to Nubia that day, not the sith lord. The bonding happened between the two women almost right away and the bonds of the family couldn't be broken. From that day on, she would never look at Anya with anything other than the love she had for her sister.

Anya took her on as her apprentice, but they got separated on the moon of Endor. It was a place, Zesiro was not at all happy to be on in the first place. It had been where her life had started after the death of her master. The location she had met Milo and ran into Kyrel. It was within First Order territory and she knew something was going to happen there again. As she predicted, something did happen and Kyrel appeared again in her life.

He took her back to his castle on Mustafar and took her on as his apprentice. As their time together went on, he put her into situations where she needed to learn new skills within the Force on her own or perish. Eventually, she had gained enough trust that he sent her out on solo missions. During one of them, she met Akabane Jarvik who tried to teach her how to shape the air. It failed, but it opened the door for her to learn new things.

On another mission, she had a run-in with the man from Nubia. Full of her fear of him, he did also offer to take her as his apprentice. Soon after they met, he disappeared and was never seen again. Not knowing where to go, Zesiro returned to her sister. Taking lessons from her once again, she did finally learn to shape air to a very small degree. However, changes were in store for her and she ran from her sister.

Taking hiding on the planet of Kesh. In time, she found work and lived there for three years. Learning on her own to stand alone gave her new strength and confidence. She learned to finesse what Force skills she had and used them in her line of work. Helping bring a sense of security and peace to a small portion of Kesh, she decided to reach out to one person familiar to her there.

What had started as a chance run-in with a man named Edric, it ended up changing her life. He hired her as a retainer for him and gave her the job of protecting him. Time and again they ran missions together and grew close. As it all progressed, they fell in love and got married. For a woman who never thought she would find love, happiness or ever get married, fate had decided things would be different for her.

Eight years later, Zesiro had lived a quiet life and grown into her position as the High Lady of Kesh. She had taken on that role but sometimes still yearned for the freedom of her old life. Though, she was happily married and a mother. Zesiro returned to the Core in the hopes she could have some adventures again. Her daughter was left with her father on Kesh.

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