Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Legalize Nuclear Bombs B)

Simply put, I think that nuclear weapons should not be classified as "superweapons" on chaos. Personally I think nukes are too cool, interesting and versatile to be only viable for major factions to use on annihilations. I've had a hard time trying to figure out how powerful turbo lasers when in comparison to nuclear weapons. But some parts of lore both in legends and cannon suggest that simple turbo lasers can be comparable to outright overshadowing modern nuclear arsenals.

In wookiepedia the Acclamator-Class Assault Ship's turbolaser are listed as having 200 GIGATONS per-shot. Which I am going to assume is gigatons of tnt. Which is pretty difficult to even comprehend let alone a volley of 12 shots. (Personally I believe this may have been a written by some lore writer just to fill out information on the ship without really considering how ridonculous 200 gigatons of tnt really is. Plus even the point defense lasers are described as having 6 megatons per shot which is more powerful than pretty much any nuke in current arsenals. So I'm willing to just looks past this as lazy writing.)

But that's in legends, which isn't cannon anymore. However! What is cannon is the Free Virgilian-Class Bunkerbuster. Which are fielded with 3 100 megaton plasma bombs. Which is twice as devastating as the tsar bomba, aka the most powerful nuke ever detonated at around 50-58 megatons. Also Munificent-Class Star Frigates had turbolaser cannons that could allegedly melt an ice moon 1,000 kilometers in diameter. Which is about the size of Texas.

Here's an image of Paris getting nuked by a 100 megaton bomb for reference as simulated by NUKEMAP:

Basically, the power scaling is wonky, I think that nukes should be allowed on the site. Since i would argue that the normal weaponry on warships often equals if not surpasses normal nukes. Plus turbolasers can be shot multiple times. Any chaos character with a fleet could easily turn a continent to slag over the course of an afternoon if they wanted to. (given if there was no real resistance against it). I imagine a counter argument to this would be the fact that turbolasers to leave behind radioactive fallout. Which is fair. But with star wars medical technology it's hard for me to imagine that that would be much of an issue. Plus terraforming exists, to the environmental damage really wouldn't need to last very long. Plus I know folks on this site have used chemical weapons on wide scale before, and those are also weapons of mass destruction.

In conclusion I'd love to be able to use an orion drive starship here on chaos. (or in universe equivalent) But I can't do that if Nukes are being gatekept for major events only. This post is really just me venting about stuff I find a bit arbitrary and desire for an orion drive spaceship (pls giv me orion drive and nukes, thx bye 0w0) ​
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Nuclear bombs are legal, those are not on the restricted list. For example two weeks ago John also posted a nuclear missles, and I also accepted nuclear grenade or missiles/bombs.

Only the Neutron Bombs and Quantum Bombs are on the banned list, not the nuclear or thermo-nuclear weapons.
They aren't banned, but they are monitored.

Just don't be a dick with them lmao.

That's not true at all. As Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim pointed out, Nuclear Bombs/Weaponry, are not on the Restricted/Banned list. Neutron Bombs are because they're significantly worse than Nuclear in terms of fall out, radiation, and devastation. When an item isn't on the Restricted or Banned list we have no reason to "monitor" the usage and none of us are combing through hundreds of threads to count how many nukes are going off at any given time.

The same rules apply here as any other weapon utilized on the site unless something changes and John Locke John Locke adds them to the naughty list.

Could a serious amount of Nuclear Weapons destroy a planet? Render it uninhabitable? Yeah. Sure. But a lot of things could...Including but not limited to fusion bombs/rays, anti-matter bombs, a metric ton of superstar destroyers, etc. These items are crazy strong but not inherently banned and not considered superweapons on their own. What matters for SWRP purposes is how members use powerful items such as these in their writing. It's just like how OP Submissions can and do exist, however, it's up to the writer to use it well. It'll be pretty obvious if someone is trying to band them together to form a superweapon and something like that would be reported very quickly by the community.

Were that the case we'd take a look at it... But we don't have a master list of "nuclear" submissions that we track and monitor to ensure members are using them responsibly. That would be a misuse of our time and other writers.

All that being said: It's important to note that not ALL Nuclear Devices are acceptable.

On Wookiepedia the "Baradium Fission Device" is categorized beneath "Nuclear Weapon/Bomb and other Radioactive Explosives" but you wouldn't be able to use it because it's also categorized as a superweapon. So, just double-check what you're using from that area of the Wookie and you'll be fine.

TLDR: The reason you don't see them too much in SW Canon is because frankly...They've got better, they're proscribed (condemned by most), hard to get, and saved for really kookie events where the bombs only go off about 50% of the time because of plot armor. But even then, they weren't usually (pls note I said usually) for world-ending purposes. Mandalorians used them on Serroco with impunity but life on Serroco went on. They were used on Jebble to stop a Rakghoul plague (this battle went belly up and was never going to end well) but the planet is still mined for ice later on. Sidious tried to use one (it was so hard to get it was better to just kill the guy on the sly) but that bomb never went off...Yadda yadda.
Srina and Ingrid are right, Nuclear Weapons aren't banned, they never have been and I'm not sure who told you otherwise.

As has been pointed out, a nuclear weapon isn't that much more destructive than a variety of other weapons in Star Wars Canon, when you take into account the sheer destructive capability of some Chaos Weapons (the power rcreep is real) they are really small change.

What it comes down to, as Srina said, is intent. If you lob a nuke at a city where people are fighting, expect for it to not work, or for people to get annoyed and report you. But used wisely they can be useful and capable tools for story telling, which in the end is what anything to do with the Factory is.
They aren't banned, but they are monitored.

Just don't be a dick with them lmao.

We dont even monitor them, lmao. We’re lazy as #$&*.

Er, I mean, yes we do. The edgy things you do are monitored and we get super mad when you do things to agitate for attention.

Unlike your parents, we care and are definitely not equally inattentive.

Your nukes are valid.
5. You may not kill another character without that character's permission.

Just keep in mind this very powerful, very old rule. It basically says your nukes are worthless against PCs.

If you nuke a PC, thats “powerful” aka godmoding. If they want to bypass reporting, they’ll likely just ignore or godmode that your nukes are meaningless. I’ve done it IC before. It keeps the story moving and ignores you not reading the rules. Good luck finding a way around it.

But if you’re a good writer, you’ll never find yourself in that position.

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