Factory Standardized Rules

Table of Contents

General Factory Rules

1. Be respectful.
2. Do not bump.
3. Plagiarism is prohibited.
4. Factory submissions may only be introduced into role-play threads whose start date begins after the submission's posted date.
5. Submissions must follow
restricted or banned item guidelines.
6. All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. No Gundam Wings, no Transformers, etc.
7. All measurements in all submissions must be in metric.
8. A submission cannot have a higher production rating than the submission used in its creation.
9. Using submissions by other writers requires proof of their permission if marked Closed Market.

General Submission Guidelines

1. All manufacturers and affiliations must be properly sourced with provided links.
2. All canon item submissions are to be treated as replicas with questionable origin.
3. Required form fields of a forum must be properly filled out.
4. Only the Special Features, Strength & Weaknesses, and Description are required in the main body of a submission.
5. There is no "balancing" system nor "points" system to ratings.
Extreme ratings require justification and elaboration in the main body of the submission.
Extreme ratings must be submitted as Semi-Unique or Unique.

8. All BBcode is allowed in submissions, to include spoilers.

Factory Judge Rules [x]

1. Factory Judges primary purpose is to assist with the creativity and writing of a submission.
2. Factory Judges will make their best attempt for all requests, if any, to be in their initial response.
3. Factory Judges will make their best attempt for all requests to be short and concise.
4. Factory Judges will not engage in debate or lengthy explanations. If a Factory Judges' requests are denied, please contact a Roleplay Judge or SWRP Administrator.

Pre-Factory Forum Rules [x]

1. Submissions posted to the Factory requiring significant work may be returned to the Pre-Factory by a member of Factory staff.
2. The Pre-Factory is for Work In Progress (WIP) Submissions only.
3. WIP Submissions will not be deleted nor archived nor moved from the Pre-Factory forum.
4. WIP Submissions, when finished, must be resubmitted to their respective Factory forum.
5. Members may use the
Feedback prefix to indicate they seek other members' advice on Pre-Factory submissions.
6. Members will not comment on threads that do not have the
Feedback prefix.

Technology Forum Rules [x]
  • Lightsabers and Forcesabers are restricted to a maximum of Semi-Unique.

Vehicle Forum Rules [x]
  • Mechs, Walkers, and War Droids are to be submitted in the spirit of Star Wars. They are not Gundams, Warhammer 40k, Zoids, Titans of Titan Fall, etc.

Starships Forum Rules [x]
  • Civilian vessels/stations are defined as having an armament rating of 'None' and, if they have a hangar rating, should not be able to field a compliment of starfighters in a combat capacity.
  • For rules on what ships can be owned, operated and manufactured by a Major Faction, Minor Faction, Company or an Individual, please refer to the following table as a guide.

Major Factions Rules
  • Only a Major Faction has the resources necessary to role-play having a large fleet, army, etc.

Super Star Destroyers / Dreadnoughts
  • SSD/Dreadnoughts may be requested for approval once it has won two Victory Declarations, judged by the SWRP Staff Team. (Invasion, Annihilation, etc.)
  • A Major Faction may only have up to three active SSD/Dreadnought submissions at a time.
  • Acquiring a Super Star Destroyer / Dreadnought will be restricted to Major Factions.
  • A SSD/Dreadnought factory submission requires SWRP Admin approval.
  • An SSD/Dreadnought is permitted to be any size larger than 5,001m.
  • Each SSD must be labeled Unique, each Dreadnought submission must be Semi-Unique.
  • No player may captain a SSD / Dreadnought without the Major Faction Owner's consent.
  • If a Major Faction is recalled, merged into another Major Faction, or drops to minor, any SSD / Dreadnought created must be decommissioned and archived.
  • While SSDs may be destroyed, they cannot be stolen by an opposing Faction.

  • Superweapons may only be submitted to the Factory by a Major Faction that has started an Annihilation.
  • Only one Superweapon may exist per Annihilation thread.
  • Superweapon submissions require SWRP Admin approval.
  • Superweapons must be labeled Unique.
  • No player may deploy a Superweapon without the Major Faction Owner’s consent.
  • If a Major Faction is recalled, merged into another Major Faction, or drops to minor, any Superweapon created must be decommissioned and archived.
  • While Superweapons may be destroyed, they cannot be stolen by an opposing faction.
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