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Faction In Burning Sands - Jakku Survival Training (JJE/GA/Permissions)

If you did not sign up prior to the start of this thread, the time to join has closed.


Location: Jakku, Desert - In Transit to Training Area
Equipment: Jumpsuit and Robe, Jakku Mantle #2
Paddie Tags: Loomi Loomi Saahar Saahar Liorra Liorra Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Vera Noble Vera Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Nir Si Nir Si Rayia Si Rayia Si Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan Asonia Tsavio Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Yennic Zhan Yennic Zhan Tigris Tigris Bastila Sal-Soren Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.
Overseer Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Everyone had gathered at the landing area adjacent to the Jakku Jedi Enclave, preparing for the departure as they saw fit.

There had been no instruction to bring additional gear for this exercise but also no mention of gear being provided. Only giving the waiver warning and a clear designation of the expected troubles. Whether on purpose or of oversight was yet to be determined as the ground crew set about preparing their Corvette for liftoff.

Lossa herself had only been present in the last few minutes to make sure the crew and pilots of the waiting Bjarga-class Medical Corvette were prepared properly for the departure without needing to make a run for medical supplies. Making her first formal appearance as the instructor when it became clear that everything with the ship had been sorted and the sign to begin boarding was made clear.

Gathering everyone from around the landing zone, Lossa and two others took a head count three separate times to make sure the roster was appropriately accounted for.

The interior of the cargo bay was packed with a few extra crates of supplies for the course than it usually had stored. Clearly labeled in separate areas of the room were vitals, such as water and food. Another in the farther corner as spare clothes. And a final crate labeled as emergency medical equipment in much larger boxes and sealed beneath a locking keypad and scanner combo. Once settled inside, a crewmember would give each trainee a Med Tracer for their use with instructions on how to operate the device before moving to the next trainee to deliver the same.

Once the counts between the instructors were corroborated and all parties checked off the list, the vessel began to spin up and become airborne to deliver them to the waiting training grounds.

Lossa slipped away to speak with the pilots once more to make sure their planned course of entry was still available. The beings Piloting the craft keeping an eye on the local system reports to make sure they weren't flying into a freshly started sandstorm.

Emerging into the cargo bay a final time through the bulkhead door and scanning the assorted trainees involved with the exercise as if expecting them to have suddenly doubled in count. Nerves wasn't quite the right word for what she was feeling. She knew how she wanted to do this training for them. And this was as much about learning new skills as it was trying to cement a bond between the Alliance and the Jakku Enclave for the future.

Showing that the Enclave was a willing host for such training the first leg of a journey she didn't quite know the end of just yet.

Her mind fixated over small details as she took in those gathered around her. It was going to be a day of interesting choices and paths as she sighed. Letting her hand settle on her hip with a final look cast around for a measuring stare. Some she knew personally, and others she knew next to nothing about. All of them present for this training however would be under her care for the time being. Never mind having a padawan to deal with. Teaching a whole class in Romi's absence was something she would have to get used to.

”Alright, gather round. I'm Lossa Darcuhl of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, and I'll be overseeing this course." A frown crossing her features at how her own voice sounded. Leaning into the matter of fact delivery probably hadn't made her sound too approachable, but they were here for training.

"Before we begin the first leg of this training, are there any questions before I get into things?” Eyeing the cargo bay for anyone that spoke up. Her stance was easier than it was a moment before as she looked about, even to the instructors alongside her.

No extra equipment or gear had been produced just yet for those taking the course besides the med device for emergencies. A few crates that were unmarked were off to the side of her spot however, waiting on repulsor-carts for some sign of their need. The ship taking an easy path over the dunes and other landmarks as they began their journey of training.

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Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Gatz checked the contents of the emergency medical crate for the umpteenth time. Everything was there, of course. Lossa had accounted for everything they might need, and whomever had packed the equipment had done so adequately. If some kind of shit emergency happened, he could handle it. But the possibility of missing medical equipment wasn't why Gatz was so enamored with the contents of the crate.

He was just trying to find something to do other than bore a hole through Lossa's head with his eyes.

He was here, of course, to help with the exercise. These days, he was competent enough in medicine to serve as a field medic. And the night of Briana's Life Day party, he had promised Lossa that he'd help out with the Enclave in whatever way he could. But, if Gatz was being honest—and these days he tried—he'd really jumped at the chance to help because it was an excuse to talk with Lossa in person.

They were overdue for a conversation that really needed to be handled face-to-face. And, for once, he was struggling to be patient.

Even now, with his back turned to her as she addressed her students, all he wanted to do was rush to her, pull her aside, and... well, he wasn't sure after that. Crush her in a hug? Finally plant a kiss on her lips? Ramble on about how he was sorry for taking as much time as he needed to come to terms with her pregnancy? Insist that he didn't care that the bun in her oven wasn't his biologically?

Frankly, he wanted to do all of the above. With his hurt, jealously, and surprise dealt with, all Gatz knew for sure was that he wanted to be with Lossa as fast as was humanly possible. And he wanted to tell her all of that right this very second. Even if the outcome, or her response, wasn't what he wanted it to be.

But he was a Jedi on active duty. So it would wait until their duties were resolved, or, at least until they had a moment after the students had departed the medical corvette.

Either way, for now, all he could do was wait. And check the contents of the crate one more time.

Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Jakku Enclave Launch Bay

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Allies: @Loomi | @Saahar | @Liorra | @Raphael Gallustrade | @Nathan Bloodscrawl | @Vera Noble | @Aris Noble | @Lily Decoria | @Nir Si | @Rayia Asai | @Ceri Fraissi | @Asonia Tsavio | @Annika Starfire (Until she betrays us ;-)) | @Fallon Draellix-Kobitana | @Yennic Zhan | @Tigris | @Bastila Sal-Soren | @ Noah Corek Jr. | @Briana Sal-Soren | @Coren Starchaser | @Gatz Derrevar
Foes: Anyone who thinks they are going to get into the “gear” boxes without me letting them.

“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

As the Padawans, who seemed to get younger and younger, gathered around Darcuhl, Caltin walked in silently. He dampened his aura so that no one would see or know that he was there (except for Darcuhl who he was across from), he just wanted to watch and see how they all react to her. True, he was reluctant to truly accept that a Padawan operating an Enclave, she was proving that she was up for the work, never wanting “help”, or “charity”, she was going to earn her keep and that he could truly respect.

That is why he was out here.

Chrysa was out here too, she was on the ship, relaxing. She would play a role later on, but right now Caltin was standing here, until he sat, iced caf in hand…

… right on top of the unmarked crates.

Slowly… he lifted the mask of his aura. Anyone who would look his way would get pointed back to Darcuhl.

... is my undivided attention.


Location: Jakku
Objective: Infiltrate and learn
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor OPEN FOR PARTNER
Gear: in bio

Annika Starfire sat at her dresser table aboard her small ship La Madame that was landed in a nameless gathering station on Jakku, well away from the final meeting point with the Jedi. She needed to get ready. She had already adorned her clothing and coloured her hair. She looked at the little empty tube of now dormant nanites that had turned her hair from it it's rich dark purple to this orange colour. She had then changed the front part to white, as she was advised that making an eye drawing frame with her hair would distract people from recognising her bone structure under.

Luckily for her, and this was an exceptional case where she might count it as a blessing. Her zeltron pigment was so light that a simply adjustment of her chosen foundation and she looked human. She barely recognised the girl looking back at her as she put her first contact lense into her eye. A light grey one to cover up her distinctive purple Irises. ”So, these Jedi on Jakku are to our western border, but outside of the Galactic Alliance yeah? So hopefully” she went silent and her tongue poked out as she pressed her finger against her eyeball. ”Hopefully it's a safer way of scoping out the competition, the future generation of Nobles, Serys, Tekkas yadda yadda yadda, that we will have to deal with if we ever hold power.” she summarised her brief aloud as she chatted to her boyfriend who stood in the doorway, doing whatever boys do while they aren't required by their fairer halves.

She looked at him, one grey and one purple eye from beneath red and white hair.

”What do you think? Still want me?” she laughed and stuck her tongue out.

Was this a test? He felt a slight flutter of panic. Everything to do with their relationship was new to him. She certainly didn’t seem to be hanging off his answer.

“I prefer the purple,” he said, “but it's cool.”

They had been quite visible to the Jedi on that beach, but no one had known them then. They had been seen quite obviously part of the Sith party on Naboo. Rayth was nervous on her behalf, but they always spoke of how soft the Jedi were.

She turned back and put in her second lense that went in much quicker and blinked her eyes to comfort them. The last part she hated, it was a small tube containing a gel that neutralised Zeltron pheremones, she wouldn't even smell like herself any more, and that was much worse than just looking like whoever was staring back at her. She sighed and dropped a few drops onto her pheromone glands and wrinkled her nose as her scent changed.

”I'm thinking of going by either Clara or Carlotta, what do you think?” one was her sister's name, the other was her own middle name. Possibly too high risk though to use a connected name. ”Unless you have a suggestion?”

Rayth’s expression went blank.

““A name…er…Gracia…Marta…Wow I’m bad at this. Ingrid? Why am I picking old names? What about Serryn?”

She smiled and entered the name into her adaptive ID chip before slipping it away.

She was ready, she needed to go and meet the Jedi and do whatever they needed to do. ”Wish me luck” She gave a malevolent grin, she knew better than to show that she felt fear, but Rayth was her safe space, ironic really all things considered. "Maybe I'll make a new friend?" She leaned in and kissed him goodbye. "Maybe I'll even bring you home a snack?" she teased the vampire as she pulled away.

She said nothing more before an inky black hole opened in her room and she stepped through leaving Rayth alone.


The portal left her a five minute walk from the meeting point as she didn't want to give the game away, but she quickly made her way to meet the others, finally arriving to watch Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus give her intro. Another Zeltron full blooded, pretty. Annika assessed their teacher while looking around, seeing Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar and an older bald Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor standing ready.

"Hey, I'm Gracia, I'm excited to get going. I'm curious Master Darchul. How dangerous is this, and is it cooperative or competitive?" did Jedi typically leave other learners for dead? Would be an interesting story if they did, but she doubted this was anything like the Sith academy. There might still be a little sabotage at play, she didn't want to be homesick after all. She gave her smile, practiced through years on social media, like butter wouldn't melt.


Thanks Rayth Rayth for your additions​
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For Coren, he'd definitely made it to be an observer and an overseer for Jedi. He had served as a leader of the New Jedi Order once before, the Silver Jedi as a Grandmaster, and specifically within the Academy Network as Master and Teacher. Currently as a leader for Jedi Explorers and a protector of the Scar Worlds.

But with Jakku, Romis outfit, and was doing more in the way of a traditional Academy than Coren had in months. And when he was watching the lines of communication, it came across of the course for today.

His personal frigate, the Spear was in cloaked low orbit. But his own LAAT, old Alliance surplus was in atmosphere, as he said he would be, to observe. Pay no attention to the load out of the launchers.

"Keep an eye on it Porter." He looked at his atromech, as some of the other students from Kattada and Laekia were aboard and he wasn't certain they wouldn't launch the surprise too early. But as Sentinels and Watchmen; Coren's Jedi students were trained to seek the darkness and use other skills to support their goals.


Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Others...


"Before we begin the first leg of this training, are there any questions before I get into things?”

"H-how long is this supposed to last for?"

Being out in the desert for a long time seemed... dangerous. That was the point, right? To adapt to hostile conditions and all that. It was just a lot of pressure to suddenly throw herself into an environment she was wholy unfamiliar with. This was... fine. Yeah, this was fine. There were masters supervising everything to make sure that all students returned safe and sound. She just had to clear her head and do her best, whatever that wound up looking like.

Deep breaths. No pressure.


Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus + others

Saahar wasn't entirely sure why she was here. If she was being totally honest she had no real desire to be. But Valery Noble Valery Noble had thought it was a good idea, and Valery's ideas always had a funny way of weaseling in and taking root in her own mind.

In all likelihood though, the former Sith acolyte was going to deeply deeply regret this.

Leaning against a supply crate, Saahar bit back a sigh and simply watched as events unfolded. For as much as she could've used the socialization, the girl didn't seem all that eager to engage with the class. She kept her presence on a tight leash; muted, dull, and practically indiscernible to anyone who wasn't looking all that closely.

It was something she'd gotten a knack for back on New Cov. Tendrils of the dark side still seeped from her, enough to irritate those more keen on sensing auras, but for the vast majority it wouldn't ring any alarm bells. She wasn't here to be a threat, only a slightly off-putting, abrasive, and largely inattentive student.

She'd been scooped up and dropped off in more random arenas than she could count. The Sith liked to have their acolytes battle it out. To really hammer in the point that they functioned on an understanding of kill or be killed. It was a spectator sport, from which Sith Lords would choose their students and raise the next generation of Sith.

Saahar was never chosen. Clearly.

She surveyed the surrounding Padawans. In some parallel universe they would've been her victims.The girl buried the thought under a grimace, turning her attention away from Lossa and out the carrier's window.

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Wearing: Jedi Jumpsuit (Gray)

Armed with: Nothing.

Equipment: Nothing

Gulag Era, Kara-Shehr,

Morris Crownwraithe, often silent Padawan of Moya De Lifte, stared out into the vast mountain ranges of Kara-Shehr, where the De Lifte Jedi Fortress was located. His Master, Moya, who he had no idea was secretly the heretic Darth Themis Darth Themis , had a lesson she wished to teach him.

The fifteen year old Padawan wearing dark trousers, boots and a black jacket, trailed behind his green robed Master as they walked the halls of the old De Lifte fortress, it's wall sconces lighting the area with planted shards of green and blue kybers. His..."family", for lack of a better word, were out assisting the locals in their villages any way they could as Jedi. Morris was usually stayed away from.

His scarred eyes, clouded over yet still able to see, occasionally slid over to the mountain range, studying it's peaks and valleys as they passed by ancient windows, some stained glass art depicting the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan on Mustafar.

The lower half of his face was completely covered by a red bandana, which he never willingly took off except to privacy, where no one could see...

He was one of the hardest working people in that place however, so if nothing else, he earned the privacy. Morris was Moya's "Problem Solver".

"Morris, I have a special task for you today, my Padawan." Moya said softly. "As a Jedi, you will always be tested. The Force is your ally. For you to truly understand this, you must be pushed to the brink. To rely on it and it alone. That is why I claimed your weapons from you, and all your equipment."

Morris, as he was often prone to doing at this point in his life, said nothing, only blinking clouded eyes and nodding.

"It will be cold. You will have eight days to get back to here from where I intend to deposit you. You will rely on the Force and your wits alone. You could be injured. The threat of death is real. Only through truly connecting with, embracing the Force, will you survive. Give me your jacket. And your boots."

Morris removed both on the spot, handing them to her. He trusted her judgement. Such a test seemed only logical.

After all, if you can't make the most of the very thing that gave you such incredible abilities, did you really deserve them?

Moya had never asked where he came from. Never tried to pry into his past. He had been found as is, and while a normal Jedi might have been wary of his silent nature and cold approach, Moya had seen it as an asset, for Morris knew his purpose was to destroy that which was wicked and unjust.

He took to serving Moya, an equally mysterious Jedi with an equally murky background, with great, though often never expressed, zeal.

Morris his gray sleeveless undershirt emblazoned with the symbol of the Jedi, followed Moya to the shuttle, feeling the deep cold already biting into him from as high up as they were. He was flown far from the fortress, and she found the roughest, rockiest expanse of land she could find. When the hatch opened, Morris began to move towards it.

"May the Force..." Moya stopped, having almost said something else.

" with you..." she said finally, as though not used to such sentiment.

Morris tilted his head to the side in curiosity before teleporting to the ground and watching her fly off.

He noticed all the sharp rocks and began carefully moving forward. The path was treacherous ahead, and the cold made him feel a slight shiver that he knew would only get worse. This high up, he would have to find some means of warming himself or he was dead by nightfall.

It was refreshing, to be challenged so.


Nathan had chosen to embrace the challenge to the fullest. They wanted to see a survival challenge? He would give them one. He would go in with nothing, and scavenge on site. He had always been a scavenger. There had been moments when he literally had nothing else going for him except the Force.

If the Force was his ally, then he would go full in on relying on it to guide him for this.

He had said nothing as he stepped aboard, with his usual stone like grim expression permanently etched into his face. Nor had he asked questions of Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus . He remained among the oldest of the Padawans, but possessed none of their wide eyed wonder or nervousness.

To him, this was simply a task to complete. It would be done without whining. Without complaint or doubt. He was in the very back as he listened to her. There was some trick. They were all being watched. His own master hadn't done that. He had been truly left to succeed or fail.

In this, he supposed he had an edge over the others. If nothing else, the Gulag Era had taught him self reliance. Not that he was actively looking to sabotage someone else. He fiddled with the med tracer he had been given. Pride tempted him to throw it away but he crushed the thought. That was arrogance talking.

He just wanted to get started. If he was lucky, he would find a choice piece of salvage to keep for himself. Not like he didn't salvage from these wrecks whenever he came to Jakku anyway...

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Saahar Saahar

Loomi Loomi

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

Liorra Liorra

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Aris Noble Aris Noble

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

Bastila Sal-Soren

Tigris Tigris

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Nir Si Nir Si

Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan

Asonia Tsavio

Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Fallon Draellix-Kobitana

Yennic Zhan Yennic Zhan
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Location: Jakku
Gear: Jedi jumpsuit, Enclave Guardian Mantle, training lightsaber, vibroknife, Med Tracer
Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar , Saahar Saahar , Loomi Loomi , Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Annika Starfire Annika Starfire


Aboard the corvette, the padawans gathered. Tigris remained in the back, quiet, her comfort in the shadows. Some old habits were hard to break. Most of the Jakku padawans were younger than her, optimistic, eager, hopeful, some nervous. They murmured among themselves. Of them, Loomi stood out, she always did with her rather unique features. Tigris had thought she saw Master Vanagor enter, but looking back could not spot the large man. Bloodscrawl was there too, a frequent visitor to Jakku.

Lossa took her place before the gathering. In spite of her questions about a padawan placed in charge of the Enclave, Tigris could not help but like the Zeltron. She was a very unique woman, admirable even.

There were others there, others Tigris didn't recognize from Jakku. Even some as old or older than her. These strangers earned a closer scrutiny from the skeptical Recopian.

The first was the tall blonde man that looked familiar but she couldn't place, which was odd because he had a face that was hard to forget.. He didn't gather with the others, instead inspecting crates. But his gaze fell frequently upon Lossa. It wasn't hard to see the woman elicited some emotions from the man.

The next thing that caught Tigris' attention was the stark orange and white hair of a woman among the padawans. Tigris didn't know her. She was pretty, and one of the few who asked a question of Lossa. Gracia, she called herself.

But the person that seemed to draw Tigris' intrigue was the one that drew the least attention. Like Tigris, the young woman lingered in the back, managing to remain nondescript in spite of an impressive physical presence. This is what caught Tigris' attention. The woman, no more than a teen, was a sight to behold.

The girl was powerful, her stature tall, her physique statuesque, her bronze features exotic. The young woman was a stark contrast to the petite, waifish Tigris. Unlike many of the other padawans, this one lacked any sign of enthusiasm. There was something more about the woman that pulled at the ex-assassin. The woman exuded danger. Tigris liked her already.

Tigris turned her attention back to Lossa to hear the answers to the few questions posed by the padawans.

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Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


Tag: Yes. All of you.

Without a master to back him up, Nir had taken this invitation for a test of his skill on his own.

Going to the crates, Nir didn't seem to bother loading up on any supplies. Rather, he looked to the crate that had been marked for him with a measured, almost meditative stare, before smiling.

AS they were gathered around, the boy couldn't help but get a little bit of deja vu at the sight of Annika Starfire Annika Starfire , squinting at her. He could swear he'd seen her before....yeah? No? Maaaaaybe? That was gonna eat at him. Either way, he did have a question.

"Do we get to pick our partners? I was kinda hoping to team up with that one." He pointed to the goth girl, wanting to get more info on who the heck she was

Asonia Tsavio



Traditional Togruta Clothing


Lightsaber (Green), Rations, Utility Belt, and canteen.

Asonia had come to be tested. Her recovery after facing the Sith Lord Darth Tentaus on Shili was complete in terms of the body, but in the soul, that was another matter…

While many Jedi straddled the two ends of spectrum of being jovial and social or reserved and contemplative, this Togruta was on an island. A fog had taken her in and she feared the phantoms would forever torment her.

She joined the ranks of other Jedi from various enclaves and temples. She searched with her great big eyes for her Master Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra as she prepared for this survival game. She wondered which ones would join as pack of Padawans and Hopefuls trying to get an edge as a community. Perhaps they thought success was about staying as true to the collectivism of the Jedi Path as possible, or maybe the loners, those who took a more Sith path of self elevation were right, that this ultimately was a test of if you can make it, not we can make it. Was the judgment based solely on surviving or keeping the chivalry of Ashla while doing so? The stress was on this being a test of the individual, and yet most Jedi never were alone, paired as two in a Master and Apprentice or in class of many. Even the Sith did the same, which made Asonia wonder, why weren’t they trained more to survive in the event of being alone? Jedi Sentinels seemed to know how to do it, but most Jedi were in groups or in pairs. That was the way, more wisdom with two or more brains, more potential for success in numbers, and yet numbers can be blinding, as they had in Jedi Purges where despite the volume of Knights and Padawans, they lost.

Asonia saw pairings happening, and she considered her last one with Akela Ru Akela Ru on Shili. Seemed so long ago and yet the scars fresh. She recalled the lessons from facing The Sith Lord as a pair and alone, and that was why now she had to make a decision.
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If you did not sign up prior to the start of this thread, the time to join has closed.


Location: Jakku, Desert - In Transit to Training Area
Equipment: Jumpsuit and Robe, Jakku Mantle #2
Paddie Tags: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Loomi Loomi Saahar Saahar Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Tigris Tigris Nir Si Nir Si Asonia Tsavio (Others appear as you can)
Overseer Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Gatz was milling about, filling his time with worrying about things that had already been settled. Then again she usually did much the same thing when she'd been given a hurry up and wait task. A smile was sent his way with a slight wave of her hand, bidding him to be patient and letting him know he was still present in her thoughts. Sparing the few seconds, she turned her attention back to the assembled group.

A smile crept across her face at the first question to be asked. A familiar face behind the question no less as Lossa spoke.

"How long will this take?” Her mouth changing from a smile to a thoughtful frown as she looked them over. "However long you can make it. This isn't a set in stone course to follow. This is survival training. Something to give you an idea of what you can expect to suddenly find yourself in hostile locations.”

The smile returning once more as she held her hand up, as if offering the answer on a platter.

"It will last as long as you last.” Eyes switching to the one to pose the next question. Amusement plain on her face with a glance to Caltin before addressing the question. She understood a bit better why the Master's always seemed to glance at one another when they were near enough.

"You can group up, work alone, or float between. Whatever you want to practice. And whatever someone agrees to.” Eyeing the rather eager trainee.

"Now. As plainly shown by desert fairing beings, you can survive the harsh conditions a desert presents with a secure source of food, water, and shelter. But if you find yourself suddenly shot down, dropped off, or in an escape pod landing on such a planet, without these things. Well,” Pinching her nose as if to scratch an itch while she collected her thoughts. "Rule of three will be the easiest thing to remember.”

While it might not apply to every single being, it made them all aware and conscious of everyone's chances at large. General knowledge for further learning rather than trying to drag them into anything more niche and strenuous right out of the gate. Her hand held aloft and raising a finger with each point she made.

"Three minutes without breathable air. Three hours without shelter. And three days without water. Easiest way to remember.” Looking over each one before asking finally.

"In a place like a desert, what does everyone think should be their first priority?”


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Loomi Loomi Saahar Saahar Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Nir Si Nir Si Tigris Tigris Asonia Tsavio Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

Lossa smiled at him, bright and warm, and it was like his anxieties melted away. Regardless of whether or not she felt the same way he did, she at least still wanted him around, and Gatz decided that could be enough for him if it had to be. That didn't mean he wasn't going to word vomit at her when he got the chance, but he no longer felt that compulsion to sprint to her and drag her away right this very second.

One way or another, things would be okay between them. So Gatz stopped looking through the crate.

He listened as Lossa addressed the trainees, trying to look somewhat professional—he was technically one of their instructors today, even if he was just the medical officer in actuality. He might not have been faculty at the Jakku Enclave, but he was something akin to a substitute teacher. Or, like, a student teacher.

...By the Force, someone had given him a position of authority. Him. He used to smuggle spice, what was Lossa thinking?!

But what was done, was done, and there was no point in questioning the wisdom behind it. It wasn't like he was going to sell these kids spice—he wouldn't even know where to get it these days. Really, Lossa hadn't invited a scoundrel to help out with one of her lessons, she'd invited a Jedi. Perhaps it was a small distinction to make for a man who could easily slip in to either suit, but it made him feel like he was valued and trusted... and he rarely felt that way.

It was still crazy to ask a criminal to help teach kids, but Gatz loved Lossa for asking it of him anyways.


Location: Jakku
Objective: Infiltrate and learn
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Loomi Loomi Tigris Tigris Saahar Saahar Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Asonia Tsavio
Gear: in bio



I was kinda hoping to team up with that one."

Annika looked over Nir Si Nir Si ... well that was an interesting twist. She recognised the guy, he hadn't bothered with an elaborate disguise, and Annika had looked him up on the holo after their duel, or at least she assumed she had, unless there were other leonid cathar jedi padawans around.

"That one
has a name and she literally just said it aloud"
she said, amused, as she walked over to the tatooed teen. "But its Gracia, and yeah, we can hang out if you like?" she turned back to Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus as she led the class, giving instructions and answering questions.

"In a place like a desert, what does everyone think should be their first priority?”

"Assuming your rule of threes holds up and we can't find a holosignal for rescue, would it be protection from the elements, the sun, wind and all that?" she asked the tutor. She hoped she had listened to the write part. She herself had a suit under her clothes to restrict her water loss and had packed plenty of water and ration packs into her pockets, but shelter from the beating sun seemed like a big priority.

"What you bringing along then?" she asked the Cathar.

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


Nir looked the girl up and down, trying to place her. He looked a bit smug as she asked him the question, showing his hands. "Nothing. I figure if we crash land here, we'll have to find stuff in the wild, yeah? Gotta make it hard for me, might as well."

The reality was, Nir knew he would never be without anything he needed. Anything that could weigh him down, he could summon. If they were to cross the desert, he'd need to keep light. Look for materials, anything he might be able to use. And then, if he needed it, he could summon what he lacked.

At least...that was a logic. That crate only had so much in it...

Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

He'd done it now, he was back with the Jedi Order, and this time, come hell or high water, he'd make sure that he couldn't be shaken again. The first part of this was furthering his training, albeit he'd have to decline padawanship, for the time being, at least until he felt like he'd improved to where he could trust himself. Valery had suggested that he restart his training sooner, rather than later, and so when he'd heard of survival training on the desert planet of Jakku, well he couldn't turn it down.

There had been multiple reasons for this, the first that he'd come to rely on the dark side for survival methods and he needed to break such a habit. Second, he needed to start training again, regardless, because otherwise he'd get stuck in the rut of not wanting to train because of what had happened. Thirdly, he needed to socialize more, especially being a human, that was damn near required for his species. Something which he did, occasionally, curse about the human species, but it wasn't something that he could change, but it was something that he was trying to reaaclimate himself to.

He'd been listening attentively, waiting to see how exactly this whole thing would play out, before they actually started. There were many here from different enclaves and he wondered how the differences in places might lead to different ideologies in study, but kept that to himself, for now.

His attention jumped from one subject to another, as each person spoke their peace and in their own time. Perhaps, he was less focused than he should've been on the man in the background, moving things hither and thither. Yet he was giving more to the woman in charge of the instruction and then, from there, the two most eager students. He didn't know either of them, though admittedly that wasn't saying much, so he opted to remain quiet as the questions flowed and the answers with them.

"Realistically..." he said, breaking his silence, "You'd first want to find shelter, a way to stay out of the heat of the day, since that dehydrates you very quickly." His hands slowly came to rest on his hips, directly over the two pistols at his side, and he could feel the lightsaber in his jacket. He was only thankful that he'd never been able to get far enough in Adeline's "training" for her to have him bleed the crystal inside. He'd never have been able to do it...

Bastila Sal-Soren




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Jakku, Desert - In Transit to Training Area
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | @Whomever else would like to interact!

Amidst the bustling landing area adjacent to the Jakku Jedi Enclave, Bastila stood tall, her gaze sweeping over the assembled group with a mixture of curiosity and determination. Clad in robes that bore little resemblance to the traditional attire of the Jedi, she exuded an air of quiet confidence, her every movement purposeful and deliberate. Despite the palpable anticipation in the air, a flutter of nerves tugged at Bastila's stomach. Courageous yet somewhat naive, her idealism was tempered by recent events—the loss of her parents weighed heavily on her heart, their legacy tarnished by her father's actions as a terrorist. The stigma of their name lingered, a silent reminder of the shadow that loomed over her family.

In the midst of uncertainty, Bastila found solace in the bond she shared with her siblings. Her fierce devotion to her sister, Briana, bordered on reverence. It was Briana who had inspired her to pursue the path of the Jedi, to become a beacon of light in a galaxy shrouded in darkness. Though their relationship with their brother was strained, Bastila drew strength from the knowledge that she was not alone in her journey. As Lossa, the instructor from the Enclave, began her introduction, Bastila's attention sharpened, her focus unwavering despite the swirl of emotions threatening to engulf her. She listened intently, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties, yet beneath it all, there was a quiet determination—a resolve to honor her family's legacy and forge her own path.

With each passing moment, the weight of her lightsaber pressed against her back, a reminder of the skills she hoped to master and the responsibilities she bore as a Padawan. Determined to prove herself and hone her abilities, Bastila remained steadfast in her convictions, unwilling to sacrifice her morals for the sake of power. As Lossa continued with her instructions, Bastila's attention shifted to the gathering of trainees. Gatz's presence caught her eye, and she offered him a reassuring smile and a subtle wave, silently acknowledging his presence amidst the bustling activity. Returning her focus to Lossa, Bastila's smile widened as she observed the instructor's interaction with the group. She enjoyed watching Lossa instruct, but she also admired how straight forward and effortless her actions were.

As the discussion turned to survival training and the harsh realities of desert environments, Bastila's expression grew thoughtful. She absorbed Lossa's words, considering the importance of securing food, water, and shelter in such hostile conditions. The concept of the "rule of three" resonated with her, and she mentally noted it for future reference. When Lossa posed the question of priorities in a desert setting, Bastila's mind raced with possibilities. She would mull over the options within her mind, taking in each answer from others and observing silently, mentally preparing herself for the unknown future ahead.




Location: Jakku
Gear: Enclave Guardian Mantle, training lightsaber, vibroknife, Med Tracer
Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar , Saahar Saahar , Loomi Loomi , Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Annika Starfire Annika Starfire , Asonia Tsavio, Nir Si Nir Si , Bastila Sal-Soren, Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade


While some of the questions made sense, legitimate concerns of the padawans, the Cathar boy's inquiry earned the judgement of the former assassin. Tigris' almond-shaped eyes slitted as they took in the youth. Clearly, that one was more focused on the woman with dual-toned hair than the teaching at hand.

To the credit of the gray-eyed girl, she actually answered Lossa's question before striking up a conversation with the feline boy. A man Tigris hadn't noticed before echoed the answer. Shelter. Tigris nodded. It made sense.

Nevertheless, the Cathar's question made Tigris consider. If she did pair up with someone, or a group, who would it be? She had not been at Jakku, or a Jedi, long enough to make friends. Her introverted nature meant she barely had acquaintances.

Tigris' dark gaze shifted again to the impressive dark-skinned woman she had noted before. Two more caught her eye that she might consider, including a Togrutan and the girl she had noted as they had boarded the ship. That one carried herself like a noble. Tigris knew, she had killed plenty of them, in a life she was trying to forget.



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