Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Felmorante's room with the Eternal Empire had been left alone after the Empress' internment. The young girl having retreated inside the room and seemingly never come out with the news. Even with the letter reassuring her that this had all been according to plan. She had done little more than request food from time to time, becoming more and more isolated from the people that perused the area around her. The guards had noticed the sudden shift from polite, if overbearing friendliness, to the sharp stare of fear that jumped to a near predatory glare.

She had already been a strange one, and the tumultuous moods that rode her did little to endear her to anyone in the small time between the Empress being away to her return. There had been little thought of the DeWinter until the Empress had returned, only to find the young charge suddenly missing.

The doors would eventually be cracked open, being barred from the inside with furniture pressed tightly against the door as the sight inside was something out of a manic nightmare. A set of six red orbs, painted in a repeating pattern along the wall in various media's dominated the space. Paints, markers, crayons, all done with haste it seemed as the only thing that repeated was the set of six, and the sharp broken lines that made up the orbs.

Beneath the orbs, the words RED EYES COMES were in the same varied medias, one set even being carved into the wall with what could be guessed was a knife. The room had been tossed, half packed things scattered across the floor and bed, knives dropped, clothes strewn about the area as though in a desperate flight away from this place. Plates littered the floor, some empty while others had food still on them, untouched but now beyond edible with the creep of age. Hand and foot prints covered the floor, a nest of blankets could be discovered beneath the bed as the bed itself seemed torn into.

Destroyed in a number of ways that could not be deciphered without having been present for the affair. Half scrawled notes, some begging for help while others seemed to begin in anger before being crumped and thrown aside. The majority of the papers resonated the same message, RED EYES COMES.

Fear sang throughout the room if anyone reached out in the force, the young girls presence drawing a clear and near manic fear at somethings approach. The investigation of the room would produce no clear sign of a destination. No leads, nor produce anything more than a clear picture of fear and an impending sense of doom. At least, not until a message arrived.

A message had been produced and delivered to the Eternal Empire from the Scintilla. A message from the Admiral of the Agents Armada, Dimitri Lindzinsky, directly to the Empress of the Eternal Empire.

Felmorante DeWinter was sighted recently entering the Scintilla. We have been unable to locate her beyond this initial sighting. However, her presence has brought something else, a droid seeking her though we have lost it as well shortly after it's arrival. I fear she may be in danger. Please assist when able, she may be more receptive to your presence.
~ Admiral of the Armada, Agents of Chaos, Dimitri Lindzinsky ~

The Admiral himself would be waiting for Ingrid aboard the Scintilla, with a squad of Armada Marines to act as their guard upon the Empress' arrival. The docking procedures were stringent, nearing paranoia given the previous experiences the Scintilla had experienced with the attacks upon the domes that had claimed so many lives. Armada Marines scouring the vessel before requesting identification along with manifests for the ship. Eventually, the would be led to where Dimitri stood, who would bow to the woman, showing respect even in the moment. "I do apologize for the request Empress, but circumstances being what they are, I don't have an alternative. Thank you for coming, really."

Directing them onward, he would lead her to a location deeper within the Scintilla taking her questions and answering when possible as they walked eventually coming to a building that held Silencer guards on the perimeter. After being looked over, Ingrid and Dimitri would be permitted to enter, citing security restrictions for the Armada Marines. Inside the building resided large displays that looked over the Scintilla, watching portions that were very clearly supposed to be off limits to the public.

"Felmorante was seen heading into the access tunnels, but teams have swept those areas already. Thoroughly, and...well. It seems as though she, for lack of a better word, disappeared...completely." Dimitri explained as the holo-display shown brightly with the picture of a wild eyed girl slipping into view, the whites of her eyes visible as she scanned the area around her. Her hair was equally untamed, clothes in a mess as she slid a bag down the access path before slipping out of sight. Dimitri rubbed his eyes, looking at the display before looking to Ingrid.

"This is the only video we have of her even being here. We haven't found a single scrap of her otherwise. Not food, hair, clothing, and not even in the force I am told." The sigh was heavy that came from him, his eyes met hers, the bags under them plain in the bright screen display beside them. His goatee was unruly, and his face was a bit drawn as he looked at the paused video of Felmorante entering the view of the camera.

"Can you try reaching out to her? I...I've exhausted my options." He shook his head, an irritated sound coming behind the pleading tone of his words.

~~Elsewhere on the Scintilla~~

The sharp grate of metal on metal resounded in the hallway. There was nothing to visually confirm however, as the Retrieval Unit had made sure the Holographic Cloaking Unit had been properly functioning before this endeavor.

There was a sharp hiss of annoyance having to follow a signal only it could discern. The biological memory unit had covered it's tracks well this time, making the retrieval unit resort to the final and most time consuming method of hunting down the failing memory unit. Taking a rough gauge from it's own memory core, the retrieval unit had yet to encounter a single instance of the biological memory unit resigning itself peacefully to it's predetermined end.

It was distressing for both parties, though likely more-so for the biological given the lack of understanding regardless of the number of production times. It was a staunch reminder that not all entities were created in equal manner. Though the retrieval unit did not find any issue with attempting to endear itself to the entities that made up the biological memory unit. The issue seemed to always be the biological. Or at least that was what the Architect had informed them of.

A query for another time it seemed as a sound caught the retrievals units attention from down the access hall. It seemed a bit strange that the biologicals that had come through hadn't detected the biological memory unit, but then again, it had always been quite skilled at evading the attentions of other biologicals until necessity demanded it. Or it got...what had it called that particular state of-Bored.

The Retrieval Unit made a pleased sound, having answered it's secondary query before slowly easing down the hallway.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ever since she was released from captivity, Ingrid has had a lot of things to do and hasn’t been feeling very well. The Empress was still not completely okay, but at least she was able to do her duties completely. It was for this reason that she thought that Felmorante did not want to wait for her to ever be released, but went to live her own life. After Dimitri Lindzinsky's message, she learned that this was not the case.

The data she received was unsettling. The red-haired woman knew she should have told her what she was up to, but she couldn't; she had to keep it a secret. If anyone had found out, probably Hans would never have offered captivity or been on Coruscant. It doesn’t really matter because she didn’t accomplish much with it, but the war is over. Otherwise, not the way the woman wanted, but it's over.

In the light of the news and data, she immediately hurried to Scintilla. Ingrid understood completely why the Admiral had called her here.

"Thank you, Admiral. I'll find her and talk to her." she promised.

She remembered for a moment that she should have brought Adrian, her own son. The boy was the same age as Felmorante now, and maybe he could have helped. Ingrid reached into the Force to feel where the girl was, and then headed there. Ingrid's presence was not felt in the Force, her necklace functioning as a Taozin amulet; and she didn't want to take it off because she wouldn't have felt Adrian, her dead husband, then.

As soon as she arrived at the part where she sensed the girl, she didn’t go any closer yet, Ingrid just stopped in the hallway, at the door, and sent a telepathic message. Maybe she was still far enough away for the girl to hear the spoken words.

~ Felmorante, it’s me, Ingrid. I'm back, please come forth, we need to talk! ~


There was a blank space where Ignrid was sending her message. As though a membrane had been stretched to cover the place. Fel's presence in the force was severely muted, detectable by those familiar with her but having been little more than a passing anomaly for others.

Ingrid would be able to hear something near to the sound of machinery working in the area, which might have seemed strange given it was an access hallway. The sound resounded along the walls, a sound of something heavy moving in rhythm before suddenly becoming quiet.

Alarmingly quiet.

Even through the door she would be able to sense a power source down the way. Something non-human in the way between herself and the girl. A grating sound cut through the still ambience. Of metal shearing through brute force as it sang through the hallway and gathered against the door.

A hurried touching of the link that Ingrid had reached out with filled with mixed emotions. Confusion. Hurt. Fear. And anger.. Four voices sang discordant tunes in response to her words, all speaking ag once to her. Four voices, all of them the same girl yet different in delivery.

~You left us?! Why did you leave!?~
~Help me please!~
~Red eyes! RED EYES IS HERE!~
~Leave us! We don't need you!~

The link between the two would tremble with fear and spite. The grating of metal being ripped stopping as the telepathic link sang once more.


The door would open without trouble if Ingrid tried it. A young girls scream echoing down the hall as the sound of struggling came from further beyond. A metallic voice hummed, low and hushed.

If she entered the hallway, a sensor would catch her passing as something unseen turned its attention from the gaping hole in the wall before it and sent a warning shot down the hallway. Deliberately missing the red haired woman that approached.

"Halt! Do not interfere in House DeWinter affairs, biological." The tone was bland from the cloaked being, as stale and lifeless as the air in the tunnel as the unseen being watched the woman with interest to see her reaction.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

As Ingrid reached the deserted place, she felt it was much harder to detect Felmorante's presence than before. This was a cause for concern, but at the moment she was unable to feel this feeling. She just accepted that the girl might be in danger and therefore had to hurry. Ever since she came home from captivity and the ritual was successful at Netherworld, the red-haired woman has become even colder and more distant than before.

Ingrid was already used to the noise of the machines on a space station, so the echo didn't even matter to her. When everything suddenly became quiet, it was much more striking. She paused for a moment, then moved on. One or two steps forward when she sensed the source of energy and then the non-human something or someone who was in the direction of the girl. Stopped again when she felt the sudden feelings. Confusion. Hurt. Fear. Anger.

Such complex and mixed feelings were last received by @Telis Taharin-Zamabrano from the woman, although there was no anger in it, only loneliness instead of the anger and the other three emotions. Ingrid was able to do this at the same time, though not because of her many special personalities or traits. But it was not often usual that she felt these from someone else. Four different questions, words. She didn’t have time to answer because she heard the four different personalities again.

~ If I find you, we'll talk, I promise. And I won't leave you anymore! ~ she promised.

Ingrid reached the door that opened, heard the scream and the sound of struggling. She didn't wait any longer, but entered the corridor. The Empress noticed the security system as well as the shot. However, through the Force, she felt that the shot was not a threat, so she didn’t care. She moved forward, not even stopping when that something addressed her. Another machine. When she met Omni... she had had enough of them.

"My close relationship with House deWinter is well known. Felmorante deWinter is under my protection. The girl is coming back to Kalidan with me. Accompany me to her, machine!" she said in an emotionless voice.


The shot and warning ignored, the unit resorted to its final system of warning. A small sound of a metal panel sliding gave way to the tell tale sound of a thermal detonator signaling its time to detonation.

"You are unknown to us, biological. There have been no relevant data entries for allegiances made in over seven hundred galactic standard years. I would ask you to halt once more." The bland tone resounded once more, not showing signs of care as the sound of struggling ceased.

Brought to an abrupt halt by the sound of electricity snapping as Felmorante became completely visible from the space in the wall. She would have tumbled forward had it not been for the unseen droid catching her. It hugged her to itself as it addressed Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim once more.

"The aid they requires is outside of your capabilities. They-the biological will perish if I release them to you." The droid stuttered on how to address the girl, a brief moment of its own manufactured feelings showing through. The beeping of the thermal detonator was slowly building in speed as it backed away from her.

"Please, do not interfere. They will not come to harm in my care. It is my programmed duty to protect and retrieve them."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

At the sound of the thermal detonator, she stopped and shook her head, slowly. She wasn't worried about the explosion, she was able to survive. With such thoughts, Ingrid always remembered how distant she was from a human being. This was also evident in her behaviour at times. The woman thought in a great time interval, for her short human thinking was too short, she had more time than that.

"The explosion will not harm or kill me. Conversely, it can cause great damage in Felmorante or this facility and area." she said in a calm voice.

Moments later, the girl also appeared, who was not in good condition. Now, however, the woman did not move. She also knew and saw that there was something seriously wrong with Felmorante, but without investigations Ingrid could not tell what it was.

"I have a high level of medical, biological, chemical and genetic knowledge. Members of the House deWinter entrusted me to take care of her. Apparently you can't help her either. At least allow me to examine her in a suitable lab." she said still in an emotionless voice.

The detonator's voice grew faster, Ingrid's every muscle tensed so that if she had to do something, she could act as soon as she had to.

"This is also my job, she was entrusted with me to take care of her and teach her. Why don't we work together?" she asked in the end.



The biological paused briefly. Only to point out something the retrieval unit knew. The sound that came from the unit was something of a whining-whir noise. An imitation of biological irritation. The warning trill of the detonator did not stop, but also did not grow.

"This unit realizes the quandary of the situation. The Architect explained the necessity of the biological memory unit being returned wholly intact, or removed from existence in case of capture." The unit informed them plainly. But the words the biological spoke seemed to hit home with the unit. There was popping sound as the thermal detonator sound shut off.

The shuffle backwards paused as this happened, a consideration as a switch was flipped with a sharp sound of static behind it. An IG droid came into existence where blank space had been behind Fel. A sad looking thing, covered in patchwork repairs and several oversized red photoreceptors that didn't quite match the droid properly.

To anyone knowledgeable about droids, it was a severely outdated model with little more than cobbled together repairs from the junkyard.

"I do not want them to come to harm." The droid wobbled in tone. The long mandible cradling Fel a bit better with the perceived assurance of the biological before it. "I cannot trust that you will be able to properly correct the known issue. The Architect can, and has done so numerous times. You may accompany us to the facility if you wish, but I will not release them to you until I know they are...intact. Please."

There was inflection in the last word. Sincerity in the manufactured voice, or an attempt to placate the red haired woman.

The droid could most likely be easily overpowered given the mess of repairs that were plainly visible. Even with the alarmingly smooth movements, there were some obvious quirks to its movement and sensory systems as the eyes spun occasionally before righting themselves. The mandibles twitching open only to close again.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid was sure of two things that Felmorante would never be wholly intact because it was already spoiled when she was created. The other thing was, she wasn’t going to let her be killed. The detonator's voice was still disturbing, and the woman was still ready to absorb the force of the explosion or port it out of here with the girl. However, this was not necessary yet.

The detonator's voice finally stopped and Ingrid spotted an ancient IG droid. She already knew exactly that the droid would have no chance, the woman could destroy it in an instant if she wanted to. But perhaps they had useful information. Architect. Could this have been what created Fel? And the way they talk about her, like she was a bad droid or a machine and not an organic being.

"You say this error happens again and again. The girl is not a droid or a machine. The human mind cannot be restored in this way. You need a healer to repair and heal her mind. Slowly. This is not something a machine can solve. If that were the case, she would not have to be brought to the front of the Architect again and again." she said. Ingrid wasn't too familiar with the kind of healing they'd done with Force, but Eina was.

However, she nodded that it was okay to accompany them, as she did not want to leave the girl alone either. To show that Ingrid didn’t want to do anything with the droid, she didn't want to harm them, her hands were still clasped behind her back.

"I’ll go with you, and along the way, please tell me about the Architect." she asked. And when the droid starts, she joins them and follows.


The droid watched her quietly as she processed the information, a pair of its eyes wandering slightly before fixing on her once more.

"The minds do not need healed. Merely separated. The body functions as a vessel to keep them. And it has moved beyond its functional capabilities." The droid quietly informed her, still clutching the girls body. There might have even been a hint of sadness to the old voice.

It approached Ingrid slowly, directing them along towards the exterior as she asked about the Architect. It processed the request, a pair of eyes sliding towards her as they walked.

"We will exchange information, ally of House DeWinter." It told her, readjusting its cradling of Fel as they went.

"The Architect is a medical droid and overseer of the royal guard project. The body here is a vessel for shards, a blank utilizing a system that allows cohabitation of an organic form. It required several hundred years, and numerous attempts of careful grooming to facilitate the culmination of the Architect's work as you see it now." It spilled a slew of information to her, the supposed allegiance allowing it to bypass the limiters in it's systems.

"I have a query for you. You have spoken with see-seventy-two. What are they like?" It asked cautiously, examining her with a free set of eyes once more.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid still disagreed, as the body was not good because of the mind. Although she could not have known this without investigations. The sadness was noticed in the droid's voice. That meant they wanted to destroy her too. The personalities simply used up too much energy, so that’s why it didn’t work well either. They wouldn't be able to give her a proper body, she was sure of that. She knew what this was like, the woman's worldview of her father and mother was present at the same time. She had to learn to balance, or she would have had similar problems.

She didn't say that out loud because she wouldn't convince the droid with words anyway. However, the exchange of information was already a step forward. The Empress nodded gratefully for all this, but the followers were not encouraging her. Even after hundreds of years, it was not possible to create good. She had no illusions after the previous ones.

"I will not allow her to be destroyed." she declared.

Eventually, she also received a personal question about the girl. Ingrid didn’t have to think too much about this because she could answer right away. She didn't want to lie; despite the fact that at first she felt the girl was too annoying and strange, especially that at the time she could not even handle the grief properly, over time she liked her.

" She is a cheerful, overwhelming girl, who has a great sense of humor in almost every situation. Today, I couldn’t even imagine my life if it weren’t a part of it." she replied honestly.


The droid looked at her as they made their way through, a handful of Armada Marines watching in silence as the pair passed. A pair of eyes watching them before directing their gaze back to Ingrid.

"The physical body is recycled as best as possible. Without the shards placed inside the physical body does little more than deteriorate. It does not function without them. I have learned this through some difficulties myself." The droid informed her with the declaration. "Attempts to remap the neural pathways that separate the shard system after physical degradation to this level has brought disastrous side-effects. These four, see-seventy one, ayy-four-tee-eight, bee-one-thirty-eight, and dee-teo-oh-three were saved after a former attempt to do just that."

The droid had a sad sound emit from it as it spoke.

"The E-class, F-class, and G-class shards were ultimately recycled due to unforseen consequences at the order of the architect. But it is fortunate that this one was found before that happened." There was a bit of cheer in the words before it looked to her with all of its eyes as she spoke on the behavior of see-seventy-one.

"It is reassuring that they have not changed in these past hundred years then. See-seventy-one is the anchor. The focal which the others are able to exist. What little time I am allowed to see them, I have noticed see-seventy-one is the...most vocal and...outgoing of the shards." It spoke with reverence for them, sparing a look down to the bundle in its arms.

"I do not enjoy seeing them like this. You are the first biological to have taken such a keen interest in their well-being and that I have been able to share information like this. The architect does not approve of...variable behavior." The droid informed her as they cleared through to the hangar. It gave a look to the small vessel it had come in on.

Large enough to transport itself and cargo, but not enough for a third.

"If available. I would provide coordinates to a larger ship to carry us to the facility as to facilitate your joining us. The Architect might be...difficult at first. But I am believe you have provided substantial evidence with your behavior and actions to reason with them." The droid offered.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Haven’t you tried to save her bio-engineering, Sith Alchemy, or sorcery?" she asked after the droid's words.

Ingrid used to say she was dying; but now that Adrian had taught her and the woman was a very, very good disciple, she thought she would be able to change the body so much that there would be no problem. It would have been nice if she had had a chance to accomplish that, to have the necessary time. But they really need to do the usual tests, as soon as possible.

"What do you mean by shards?" she asked again, she wasn't sure.

She didn't care about the soldiers, she just went on and listened to the droid. As the droid continues to speak, the shards have been given more and more meaning. Why did House deWinter experiment with this?

"See-seventy-one… Felmorante. This is what she is called... This is her name. And yes, most of the time she is the one who controls." told of her own experience.

It all reminded her very painfully of what had happened to Adrian. She raised an eyebrow at the word of care for a moment. The first, who cares about her?

"That's why you sent her to me, didn't you? To take care of her. I don't understand why all this is so surprising. She is not only important to me, she found friends, others she cares about." she explained.

Ingrid nodded to the droid that the plan for the ship and the trip was right for her. However, there was something that did not let her calm down.

"Who or what is the red eye she is so afraid of?" she asked.



"I am not equipped for the process, no. Our systems and information has not been updated in some time. Any new processes have not been shared with the Architect and myself." The droid informed her. "The process has remained as it is for some time now, and it may be time for the Architect to look outside of it's programming for answers."

"The shards are a silica based species. In their natural state, they are incapable of travel but are entirely sentient. In times past, they were installed in droids and granted it sentience along with a cunning mind. The Architect was granted several hundred cultures of the Shard species for cultivation and grooming, though damage to the facility has reduced that number to what reside in her currently."
The droid explained quietly. "Put inside a body, they could act as timeless soldiers, assassins. The memories of their training never forgotten. Downtime between clone training and active duty would be cut down to miniscule numbers with muscle activation during the cloning process to simply place the shard inside the body, and instant soldier."

There was a slight pause between that and the next explanation, as though figuring out how best to word it.

"There was an attack on the facility. I believe it was someone looking for scrap. They came upon see....Fell-more-ant-ay-" The droid struggled with pronouncing the name in any proper fashion before continuing. "I did not want her to be destroyed, the safest place was outside." It did not continue explaining, rather looking her over sharply.

Her next words generated a sad warbling sound from the droid.

"I am red eyes. The Architect does not allow me to interact with her as she is now. When the shards are separated from their host, I may watch over them. But when placed inside...they only see me when I come to retrieve them." It informed her.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

According to them, the system and methods have not been updated for at least centuries. This can still cause great complications and inconveniences. Shards… the species! Of course, she should have thought about it. But lately, she's been dealing with soul shards so much that she's been thinking about something complicated, not the simplest solution. Nodding to the explanation, Terraris Command conducted similar experiments, although the Empire species had genetic memory. However, what they, the droids, did was careless and irresponsible.

"I hope you are aware that such experiments would no longer be approved and allowed in most places in the Galaxy, aren't you?" she asked then continued. "I know it doesn't matter anymore, but who approved this experiment, process?"

But she already knew that different personalities could not really be merged and healed. And the situation was getting more complicated. Ingrid had never worked with shards before, but she still trusted that she would be able to modify or heal her mind so that the body could handle all shards and not collapse. She nodded again, so the droid was a kind of "angel of death." Unpleasant fate.

"I see; how long will it take us to arrive at the lab? If it’s too much time, we’ll go somewhere else that we can reach in a matter of minutes. I don’t think we have too much time to waste." she gave an ultimatum, and in this case, ironically, she wanted to take her to a place called Shard.



"The process began some time ago, in secret. I am unable to answer the morality of the experimentation. I am only programmed to see it through to completion." The droid informed her before adding. "It is not surprising that the procedure is condemned. Were it biologicals, I am sure the experiment would have been scrapped some time ago. As for the approval, the beings that approved this process are likely deceased by now. A war minister and another, the head of science for the DeWinters."

Beyond that it could not say at the moment, eyes flickering back and forth as the guards in its protocol kept the information locked away.

"Roughly 21.5 seconds. The station is near enough to this place for expedient travel." The droid explained quietly. "It is likely the only reason she survived the trip in the container she did."

After a short discussion with Armada Marines, they would receive passage through the Lullaby. Placed in the infirmary, the droid was solemn as it plugged into the socketguard and programmed the jump point manually.

"Initiating jump." The droid announced as the viewport shone brightly with their tunnel through space. The span of a few breaths was all it took before they appeared outside and asteroid belt just on the rim of unknown space.


The plug was pulled and hands on deck were quiet in the observation of the surroundings. "Course has been programmed. Please follow the path without delay." It did not continue explaining, rather examining the asteroid field before turning for the door.

"We will be arriving within a minute. Do not deviate, and do not return any forms of contact." Red Eyes informed them before heading down to the infirmary, pausing long enough for Ingrid to join it. "Do you require atmosphere to breath? I must inform you parts of the station are not biologically friendly, and thus should equip a pressurized suit. She must be placed in a suit for entry to the facility as well."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I see! I'm sure Scherezade deWinter wouldn't let this happen either." she said. "The body in which they are is biological. Formally, Felmorante is a biological organism!" she declared.

Ingrid hoped she wasn't wrong and knew her friend so much. The woman may have been a Sith, but she was very far from the Carnifex-like Sith; she was more like Adrian, in that respect. In fact, they knew each other ironically, it was an interesting and funny story. Luckily, they were close to their destination, so they didn't have to go to the Netherworld and then back from there. She followed the droid wordlessly and only nodded to her from time to time. She spoke again on the last question.

"All right, I'll continue to follow your rules. I can solve it without having to, but it costs a lot of energy and can’t be sustained for long. So yes, the EVA suit is optimal and practical." she answered.

She did not need it in immaterial form, but it was not sustainable for a long time. However, if they arrive, she will help put the protective suit on Fel, it will probably go easier for her than for the droid, and then she will get dressed too. When she's ready, Ingrid then turns back to Red Eyes.

"We can go!" she said.



The droid nodded as the ship navigated the field, eventually finding the station in question. A singular docking tube was extended, scans revealing a small ship clinging to the asteroid in question as Red Eyes clumsily dressed Felmorante into a suit, requesting help when it was well and truly unable to properly work its old mandibles properly.

"I apologize. The larger ship has put me at a disadvantage. The smaller docking bay is deeper within the station from where I departed from, and requires no suit." It informed her woefully.

Once donned, the pair would depart down the tube, the ship providing atmosphere for the first half as the door inward hissed open and sucked the air in greedily to its vacuum. The shaded windows through the tube allowed her to see the outermost sections of the station.

Even through the asteroid that it had been built into, chunks of internal sections were visible to plain sight. Cloning vats, various equipments, and empty planters floated on a sightless wave around open areas. Chunks of smaller asteroids could be seen as well, with no visible blast marks in sight.

The dark interior the only sign of power being cut to those sections as the droid paid no mind to the scene. Once the interior door sealed, Red Eye would pass Felmorante to Ingrid while it worked to clear a path.

The interior past the door would look as though someone had tossed the place. Not dissimilar from Fel's room at the Empire, though everything was softly floating. Atmosphere from the ship and the inbuilt gravity systems seeming to fail this section as the droid batted away flotsam and guided the pair through.

More areas lacking light, the droid flooding the area with a light source that seemed ill fitting for the construct. While it cleared a path, it was also working to keep her view illuminated as they pressed through three sections in quick fashion.

Old training rooms, filled with screens and obstacles would pass them by. Faintly lit by the droid as it went. All of the rooms in plain disrepair as they passed and left to slowly decay or rust. What might have been top of the line several hundred years ago should have been placed in a museum or a collection of some private owner.

Nearing the end, a corridor was lit ahead of them with power, lights at the far end of a double door hall beckoning them.

"Gravity will begin to affect us shortly. Please be prepared." Red Eye informed her before making another notice known. "Atmosphere will return as well. This section connects to the laboratory where the Architect resides."

Coming into a hallway, the door behind shut and magnetically sealed as atmosphere and artificial gravity began to work in slow order. The suits would give a green light on the wrist device to alert them to proper atmospheric conditions.

<"Your arrival is two hours thirty-six minutes and forty-eight seconds behind schedule. Sensors detect another lifeform present beside the memory unit. Explain."> A static filled comm droned, the voice behind the demand equally dull and droid like.

"The lifeform is a confirmed ally of House DeWinter. They have been charged by the material supplier for the organic unit as the designated guardian. They have made no hostile action to forcibly remove the unit from our possession and have expressed interest in assisting." Red Eye informed the voice.

There was a mumbling behind the microphone. Blatant hesitation as the intercom buzzed with barely intelligible babble as Red Eye made a buzzing noise. One could infer it was one of annoyance as the voice buzzed back before speaking.

<"Affirmative. So long as there is no interference with the process then it shall be permitted in light of this new information."> As the voice informed them, the inner door shook before unlatching...or at least attempting to unlatch. There was a horrendous grinding noise as the voice buzzed in annoyance once more.

Blips and whirs ensued as buttons could be heard being pressed over the comm before the proper sequence seemed to be engaged and the latch holding the door let loose. The doors jumped as the hydraulics caught up, the squeal of metal on metal jarring enough to cause a shake from Felmorante as the Red Eyes turreted head spun briefly to look at her.

"This is less than ideal." Red Eye spoke suddenly, stepping aside to let Ingrid pass into the laboratory. An old medical droid, in equally patchwork shape as Red Eye stood inside what seemed to be a control center as Ingrid would pass through to a singular operating table.

The area was surprisingly clean given the decrepit exterior and passageways that had led here. The faded clean white of the lights overhead gave way to a warm cream color, ill fitting of the instruments that swarmed overhead of the table in question.

<"With haste. The shards must be separated before they attempt to fuse themselves together. Otherwise there will be no retrieving them."> The Architect slowly cleared the command consoles, Red Eye stepping aside before moving to survey the consoles for itself.

"There is significant damage to the remaining cloning vat. Did the intruder render it inoperable?" Red Eye warbled to the other droid, receiving an affirming buzz from the Architect.

<"The pale organic threw an explosive into the room when the defenses engaged. It was alarmingly effective. That wing was rendered inoperable in quick succession of your departure."> The Architect whirled around and waved a mandible.

"That is an alarming development."

The needle on the arm protruded slightly, preparing to work on Felmorante as she tensed on the table.

There was a startled buzz between the two droids, Red Eye moving to assist the Architect in removing the helmet of the suit.

She began to babble, words joining together as the Architect turned toward her.

<"The memory unit must be reaching into their abilities. are skilled in the extraordinary abilities the jed-eye posses. The force it is called. Can you reach into it and contact the unit?"> The Architect more requested than asked, pulling down the overhead system.

There was a smear of tools attached, some for cutting, some for drilling, a few that looked to be laser based while another held small patches and wires that the droid began attaching to Felmorante in quick order.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid just nodded to the Red Eyes; she wasn't particularly used to talking to droids. The woman came from a culture where droids are seen as air, even when they look like humans. That’s why she was pretty brittle and speechless with the droid. She was used to just giving commands to a machine and it is responding, that's all. She rarely had an actual conversation with a machine. I mean, who wasn’t MANIAC, but the AI was special.

As for the trip, she tried to observe everything, both in space and here. The Empress followed the droid. She also saw that the place may once have been a great research lab; once upon a time. The lack of gravity didn't bother me. During her military training, she learns to fight and move in such a situation. Ever since she became Shadow-born, Ingrid has been in a position several times to be forced to float due to her partly immaterial condition.

"Why didn't you and the Architect inform the deWinter house that they were still operational? I know that they were unaware that this experiment project is still going on." she inquired.

Once they reached the interior, there was gravity and atmosphere again. And now she could hear the Architect too. Here, too, she received confirmation that she could remain if she did not intervene. Arriving, the events accelerated quite a bit, not in the best direction. The merging of the shards was the cause of the greatest concern.

"What will happen if the shards merge? I don't care about the experiment, only she. What are the consequences for Felmorante?" she asked.

She looked at the devices; she will not let the girl get in trouble. Meanwhile, with her telepathic power, she reached out to the girl's mind, using simple telepathy for now, not the Force, and seeking Felmorante's consciousness. If she manages to find her, Ingrid sends her a telepathic message.

~ Fel, this is Ingrid, I'm here with you, and I won’t let the droids hurt you again. How can I help you? ~ she asked.



The droid looked to Ingrid when she inquired about informing the DeWinters about everything. A curious whizzing happening as the droid spoke.

"An asteroid storm along with unprecedented shifting along the belt rendered our communication systems irreparable with the limited systems that remained." It informed her woefully.

"We have continued on without contact or orders, anticipating someone would return to receive updates...but it seemed that was a probability that was tremendously miscalculated."

The Architect did not answer, seeming to tune her out as Red Eyes explained.

"Should the shards merge, all four persona will vye for control and ultimately attempt to render the others...."Red Eye seemed hung up on the words and changed direction. "In the worst cases, other merging incidents have resulted in complete biological and personality functions ceasing completely. In the best cases, the body suffers neurological damage that renders the lower extremities paralyzed in varying degrees. Every variation between the two had occurred, and the shard known as Felmorante has been through this process before."

The Architect deigned to speak at the information, angrily buzzing to Red Eye before fixing a photo-receptor on Ingrid briefly.

"The See series of shards, especially the seventy-first variation contained inside this biological sleeve has successfully emerged from twenty-seven of these merging incidents in the past. An unknown variable that we are unable to catalog or study. Most likely to do with the See series' affinity for the force, being the logical conclusion." The Architect angrily hummed as it finished placing the nodes.

Shortly after the Architect placed a foot pad down next to the table, clicking a tile as another table emerged in a hiss from the floor plates. Cold washed through the room, a body face down and cleanly cut open along the spine in what appeared to be preparation for this moment.

"The Pale one here destroyed the last of the viable cloned systems in their attack. And post mortem has provided us with a new containment unit for the shards. I will begin preparations." The Architect informed her.

The telepathic link was directed to Felmorante's mind, but the sound that returned was similar to that of a room busily discussing only to be unexpectedly interrupted.

"Aunty!" Fel's voice came back to her. The sound seeming far and away at first as though distance was between them. "They won't listen! Please help me! I don't want to lose them!"

A mental tug would happen, similar to a child tugging an adults hand as Fel's presence in the force seemed to fill the room. It was invitation to dive into her mind, the scent of dirt and wood tangible in her force presence. The sound of her voice was close, and also far as though she were speaking in two places at once if Ingrid listened closely.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Scintilla
Objective: Find and save Felmorante
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
[ If I Had a Heart ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

She continued to listen carefully to the droids. She liked what she heard less and less. Things happened the way Ingrid thought; they continued the experiments independently. However, it has become increasingly clear that she will be able to heal the body's damage. Unfortunately, she was unable to use Light Side abilities, but she was able to solve this with Dark Side. That’s why she spoke when the Architect started preparing to take out the shards.

"No!" she said firmly. " You will not kill this body and you will not take out the shards. If I have to, I am able to put the body in perfect condition, heal any damage."

Unfortunately, she hadn’t dealt with the Shard species before, so she would have had a lot of questions. But she was a mama bear type, so there was no doubt she wouldn’t let anyone hurt Fel. Meanwhile, the girl also responded to her telepathic message. Ingrid thought the strange effect and perception might be because of the shards.

~ I help, I won't let them hurt you or the other Shards. However, the Shards began to merge. How can I stop it? ~

Nevertheless, she yielded to the invitation and reached deeper into Fel's mind. Not so deeply as to be unable to perceive the outside world. After all, she also had to stop droids if they were going to do something.



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