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Public Bazaar: Oddities Edition


Eshan was thriving and today so was the main square. A Bazaar has come to the city. Tables have been set up along the snow banks. Vendors from around the galaxy have come to showcase their fun and unique items for sale.

Spring is still a few months away but the sun warms the canopies overhead. The square is bustling, cozy, and bright.

What will you buy?
Mercy Mercy Custom Alchemical Objects For Sale. Will sharpen and fortify objects as well
Daiya Daiya Special crackers and milk
Nei Nei Traditional Carvings on the material of your choice, infused with the will of the Manda
Kal Kal Memories, skills, and unique creatures.
Serya Talith Serya Talith Spy lipstick and Force-Warning Device.
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Alchemized perfumes and potions.
Yula Perl Yula Perl garbage gulp droid, slicing gloves, multi-sensor chips, and a set of weaponized nail implants.

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Mercy was on Eshan for unrelated business.

The criminal kind that really shouldn't be advertised too loudly. Once she heard about the bazaar however? Well, she got a bit tempted about earning a quick buck or two. Through creative means Mercy managed to acquire a small anvil, a hammer and medium-sized forge. Really, don't ask where she got her hands on all of this.

The only thing mattered was her stall at the bazaar.

She was sitting in front of a table with a variety of different goods on it. Necklaces, rings, a few daggers and throwing stars. All of them... kinda really ugly. Also? All of them alchemized and beaten into shape by a forceful angry will.

The sign above the desk:

Custom Alchemical Objects For Sale. Pay What You Can Afford, Min Price: 100 UC

Will sharpen knives, scissors and other objects. Will fortify objects as well. Pay What You Can Afford, Min Price: 50 UC
The Cat Knows Where It's At
Along came the cat, at long last she was home on Eshan. She wondered if Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin and Spencer Varanin Spencer Varanin would be there or perhaps their progeny Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin who she hoped would bring some delicious tuna crackers. Proudly the once Royal Cat of Eshan slunk through the bazaar. She would take her time as she observed the different booths being set up, after all, there were just so many shiny things to take. Among the people she spotted was a wonderful person who shared her ginger nature.​
She had not noticed Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin but then again she was too occupied by the shiny jewels that she could see.​
Shiny to the cat anyway.​
It wasn't a vendor exactly.

The Hello Cathar stand was brightly decorated with a rainbow of colors and paw prints, with its titular character prominently displayed as a foamplas cutout behind the booth.


Arrayed on the table was a delicious assortment of snacks, including the latest Snack Cat Crackers that featured the company's character design. Signs pointed to the snacks being provided for free to Younglings of All Ages. Whenever they would run empty, the table would get refilled by a being who seemed more interested in their datapad than attending to the table, spending most of their time out of sight and off to the side.

Promotional materials were scattered around the table, with directions for how to find the Hello Cathar HoloNet page in bold print, and even a handy shortcut image for anyone with a datapad to scan it.

And as a matter of course, the whole booth was sprinkled with generous amounts of glitter, ensuring that anyone would know who had visited the Hello Cathar booth. Some adventurous beings might even try to lick off the glitter that made it to their bodies, and actually find it quite tasty.
More a stool against the wall, Nei sat at the bazaar. He was a massive boulder of a man as weathered as the sea-cliffs he called home. Scars and tattoos covered him from head to toe in intricate whorls and spirals. jail'galaar feathers were braided into the locks of his hair in white and red, and a set of Mandalorian armor in wyrm bone was proudly displayed, as strong as beskar and somehow more intimidating. Overall he seemed furious and intense, but for the aura of calm peace and joy about him. Clothing was simple mariner's boots and trousers held up by suspenders across a bare torso corded with muscle.

Around him were carvings in the traditional style of his people, from jade to aurodium and various exotic woods and bone. There was even, oddly enough, what looked like a club of pure beskar propped against the wall next to him, carved in a similar fashion. As he watched the strangeness unfold on Eshan, he chewed on a puka reed, which had a mild analgesic effect, and carved at a bit of veshok for a fellow Mandalorian who had commissioned him earlier. Any Force Sensitive would notice the objects faintly hummed with a serenity inducing aura besides a few that radiated angrily, and most anyone could tell a Mandalorian influence to the work. A hand drawn sign in a spidery hand proclaimed.

"Traditional Carvings on the material of your choice, infused with the will of the Manda"
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It was not unusual for Kal to spend time on Eshan, but today he was not wearing the form of an Echani. Today, he was a tall figure in a fine silk robe that seemed to drink in all light. Slender, paper-pale hands emerged from the sleeves but the face, if it even had one, was obscured in its entirety by a shadow so deep as to seem almost bottomless.

"Come one, come all - skills and experiences alike are available to those with goods to barter or credits to spend." The tone of his smoothly sibilant voice made it clear which of the two the mysterious stranger preferred. Credits were boring.

His stand held a number of vials and other containers marked with everything from machine-typed Basic to alien calligraphy. Behind it were several stands holding Antler-Owls, their feathers ruffling in anticipation.

Unlike the former, the Antler-Owls could only be bought by those they themselves liked.

Assorted Curated Curios (feel free to make up your own):
  • Native Fluency in Shyriiwook (Vocal Chords not Included)
  • Misty Black 'Fluid' (The memory of starving to death in an escape pod.)
  • Thick Yellow 'Fluid' (The experience of dying in the arms of a loved one after a life well lived.)
  • A Lifetime of Experience and Understanding Concerning Crop Rotation and Miscellaneous Agriculture
  • Galvanic Red 'Gas' (The cold satisfaction of avenging familial honour with bloodshed.)
  • A Profound Understanding of Hyperdrive Maintenance
  • Proficiency in Several Dances Popular in Aristocratic Circles [SOLD]
P.S. Payment is optional - donate some UCs, hand over an item (submission optional), or pay with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Up to you, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
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Serya sat cross-legged on the ground, a series of small objects laid out on a blanket under her. On was side was a small handful of lipsticks of varying colors. They looked innocuous, but had the power to paralyze a grown man in under a minute.

On the other side was a series of small trinkets-- key chains and charms that could be fashioned on chains. They possessed the ability to alert the wearer of when the Force was being used on them.

She straightened a lipstick tube and looked up, her breath puffing through the air.
Ivory Stroud did not pass through Eshan often, but on each rare occasion, she always enjoyed her brief stay. She considered both the planet and its Native People fascinating - an ancient culture of Warriors who's prowess in battle had become Legendary across the Galaxy. She had known a number of of Echani in her life-time, had even counted them friends & confidants, and appreciated their philosophical approach to warfare and life. In the past, The Family had even once counted an Echani in one of its highest ranks.

She'd long ago lost touch with the man... but her thoughts drifted to him and others as she strolled through the Bazaar. She would stop at every shop in turn, browsing the wares on offer, and spending some of her credits whenever something caught her eye.

Mercy Mercy

Ivory approached Mercy's stall, pausing for a few minutes to greet the powerful warrior and share a flask, conversing over the Firrerreo's ruggedly beautiful artifacts. The craftsmanship might have been... Ugly... But what intrigued her most was that Mercy, herself, alchemized each and every one of her pieces personally. "I knew there was more to you than met the eye." She grinned, giving the tall brawler a wink.

After perusing Mercy's wares, she decided to request a custom order: A ring, and Mercy's own choice of Alchemization. Regardless of what it was, it would become a cherished collectible.

Daiya Daiya

The cute little cat image outside the booth drew a curious Ivory like a cat toward a laser pointer. She giggled at the promotional images, grabbed a pack of Cat Snack Crackers, and a small bottle of chilled milk. She munched contentedly, accidentally brushing against the table; the smear of glitter would go unnoticed on her fur coat until much later.

She hung around long enough to finish the pack of crackers and drink the small bottle of milk. She was a cheese fanatic, and enjoyed the crackers immensely. The trash was deposited, kindly, in the provided bin nearby.

Nei Nei

The Donna had always deeply appreciated hand-crafted art & cultural relics, and she was particularly drawn to a section which seemed more like a lay-out than an actual "booth". She offered a nod toward the powerfully built, tattooed Warrior chewing on a reed; watching him for a moment, clearly curious, as he practiced his craft-in-trade. She let him work without bothering him, showing respect. Instead, she took her time looking at every object on offer. The carvings were exquisite.

Eventually, she settled on two pieces: A small bass relief carved from sea-foam green Jade, depicting a tropical scene against an ocean back-drop and the image of an aquative reptile rising from the waves, and a small statute carved from some type of dense bone which looked like a man similar in size & stature to the craftsman himself, scantly clad and in the process of spearing a fish almost as large as the figure itself. To her well-concealed Force Senses, the bone statute radiated a feeling of accomplishment & tenacity... while the scene carved in Jade brought her a sense of peace, as if she were gazing over a calm ocean on a distant world.

She finally approached the Craftsman with a smile, kindly pointing out the two objects and inquiring about purchasing them.

Serya Talith Serya Talith

With a smile, Ivory approached the young woman with a wave of greeting. After browsing for a few moments, she selected two tubes of lipstick; one in a beautiful & vibrant ruby red, and another in Gothic Black. "Something for every occasion." She grinned as she paid.

Kal Kal

The being of Shadow drew her attention as surely as his feathered friends behind him. She approached the booth with a smile, bowing her head respectfully in greeting in the Spirit's direction. The goods on offer were unlike anything else she'd seen at the Bazaar... or perhaps anywhere else in the Galaxy. Her violet eyes perused the assorted offerings, a sparkle of excitement, amusement, fascination, and imagination shining in her violet eyes. She stretched out with the Force in a very small way, exploring the table... but her eyes were consistently drawn to the feathered creatures flapping and calling out every so often.

Eventually, she settled on a small vial filled with murky blue liquid which was labeled: Forgiveness For Past Wrongs, as well as showing interest in acquiring "Proficiency In Several Dances Popular In Aristocratic Circles." Her "Family Business" saw her traveling in many circles where such knowledge would be very helpful.

But, undoubtedly, she would be drawn to inquire about the horned owls behind the Shadow. She removed the signet ring from her right middle finger unobtrusively, which allowed her Force Signature to be visible to others... then opened herself to The Living Force, closing her eyes only slightly; choosing to direct her intention toward the beautiful birds. Her touch was gentle and subtle... an invitation, and a questing search for connection. If any of the beautiful beasts could sense a connection, she willed the creature to come to her.

A profound sense of hope and peace filled her; she allowed herself, for a moment, to become truly open to The Force in a way she had not for a very long time. The sound & fury of the Bazaar surrounding her faded for a few moments as she felt her body become weightless.

In the bustle of the crowd, she felt safe - for the moment - in making herself as vulnerable as she was. If nothing came of it, well... She was used to disappointment.
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Noelle entered the market, dressed down and wrapped warmly in a thick velvet cloak. "See now, It's already started," she told August Oreno August Oreno . She grimaced up at the man and slid her arm through his. "I told you we would be late." Though the delay had been... worth while, the stress of not being on time was not.

Noelle was nothing if not meticulous.

"Come. I see food. Are you hungry?" She pulled him towards the-- she blinked as she came upon the table covered in literal sparkles. "Oh my." Amused, she picked up a packet of Snack Cat Crackers on Daiya Daiya 's table.

Were these for children?
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Nei put aside the piece he had been working on, and a slow, smile split his face as a rumble like an avalanche erupted out his mouth from his belly, a genuinely pleased laugh. The woman had good taste, and he was pleased by the patronage. Many looked, but few appreciated the art he had learned from the Gesaril when he had visited with them while healing from battle. One she had picked that he had carved the memory of his first successful fishing voyage on Scarif as a young man. The other was the memory of the beach where his family had gathered to wish him well as he set off from their care to explore the world, what felt like a lifetime ago. Both were less popular, and both were favorites of his.

Standing, he scooped both up, and nodded, reaching for a satchel woven of sleik seaweed for them, soft as silk as long as it was watered every few months, and miraculously would keep healthy and growing, to some extent.

"Your offer?"

It came out rough, brass over gravel, and his craggy tattooed face added to the impression of anger almost, but he was still smiling.
Ishani was doing her best to both mind her booth, where she was selling alchemized perfumes and potions, and to mind the twins. No easy task, given that the two children wound up wandering off in two different directions, meaning Ishani's attention was split three ways.

Thankfully Eloise returned from the Hello Cathar booth covered in glitter, which she proceeded to lick off of herself. "No, sweetheart, don't eat it," Ishani said with concern.

"But it tastes good," Eloise protested, continuing to lick her hands.

Marcus, meanwhile, was chasing after a ginger cat he had found wandering the bazaar. Despite the frantic squeaking of Nostre the snow mouse, who was riding around on top of the boy's head, Marcus was determined in his pursuit of the kitty. He was going to pet it and nothing could stop him.

Nothing, except perhaps his mother. "Oh, Force—here." She sat Eloise in her chair behind the booth, within sight of the beautiful barn owl perched on a stand off to the side. "Stay here with Neppy, and don't move. I'm going to go find your brother and bring him back. Alright?"

Eloise nodded. While Ishani rushed off to find Marcus, the little girl continued to snack on the glitter. A few passersby approached the booth, curious about the wares. Eloise took her fingers out of her mouth just long enough to say, in imitation of her mother, "Fifty credits per bottle."

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Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin | Daiya Daiya

"Well, yes," He said with the most consolation he could muster. His hand absently patting her arm, while they walked through the marketplace. It truly was something nice to see. Time had been rough on Eshan. The war put strains on them all. But the last year or so? Things were clearly improving for the best and now Eshan was taking its first careful steps out into the light.

"-but you are Queen, Noe." She hated that nickname. It made him smile. "If you can't take advantage of it in even the little ways, what's the point?" A little tease as they approached Daiya's stall.

"Oooh. Yeah, a little bit." He looked down at the packaging which seemed to be marketed for kids. Then his eyes were drawn to the advertisement line.

Made for younglings of all ages.

"Well, I still feel quite young, so we can grab a few of these, can't we?"
Forgiveness and dancing. A peculiar combination for a peculiar individual.

"Excellent choices. I trust both will be advantageous to a woman in your position." Turning his shadowed gaze towards the owls behind him, he quirked his hooded gaze as if listening to something unheard my most. After a long moment, he nodded his head, one of the owls ruffling its feathers in response before jumping from its perch to sit on his shoulder.

It was a moderately sized specimen with a luxurious coat of feathers and a pair of luminous silvery antlers rising from its head. Its black eyes seemed to track Ivory's every motion as if attentively scrutinising her very being.

"He is willing to be bought by you, it seems." Placing the bottled memories in front of her, a flash of pearlescent teeth were visible within the shadows of his hood - a broad smile. "There is the matter of payment, of course."

Nei Nei

The big man's laugh erupted forth with force. She watched him uncoil from his stool - impressed, immediately, at the power he seemed to hold back. She grinned, feeling dwarfed by the Warrior... but she was a Warrior too. His gravely voice, sounding angry, might have elicited fear in others... but not Ivory Stroud. She returned his smile with a grin of her own.

"Unfortunately, I have naught but credits to offer a skilled Warrior and Craftsman... Three Thousand credits for your fine work." She hoped the offer would not offend him. She had weapons... tools... ships... vehicles... but none of them present, and none except her own personal compliment of equipment.

Kal Kal

It seemed this being of Shadow could see beyond the outward face she portrayed. "...A woman in your position." he'd said. The sudden flapping of wings nearly startled her as a silver-horned owl with great, beautiful black eyes left its perch and landed atop the being's shoulder. Ivory's eyes went wide - she had not expected such a boon. As unobtrusively as she'd doffed the ring, she donned it - concealing her capabilities in The Force once again.

"For memories, and a beautiful creature... I offer a trade." She said, standing tall - her head held high. She expected the Shadow would be interested.

"I possess memories of my own... which I am willing to offer. The memory of my first kiss... and the memory of my first kill." She knew what she was offering, and was willing to part with them completely if need-be. A woman in her position would be no stranger to such means of barter.
Back at it again on Eshan.

When she'd lived on Terminus, Yula had managed to muscle her way into the local junk bazaar. The sprawling venue of tents, tables, and booths offered something for everyone—materials, food, handmade goods, electronics, you name it. All pristine and legally acquired goods. Yep.

Eshan was cleaner, but that didn't mean she couldn't make a pretty credit. Outer Rim tech itself wasn't pretty, but it was functional and clever.

"Geeeet yet EMP grenades here! Itty bitty mobile EMP grenades! Just 10 for 500 credits, special promotion!"

The EMP ant grenades could be found in an old shoebox, crawling around and trying to escape the perimeter. One even managed to fall from the cheap pazzak folding table, hitting the ground with a small pop! that caused Yula's cybernetic eye to shut down. Among the less problematic wares were a benign-looking garbage gulp droid, a sleeve of slicing gloves, a pile of multi-sensor chips, and a set of weaponized nail implants.

Beneath the thrift store tablecloth, unseen by passers by, something rattled and snarled in a cage.

"Gen-u-innne Outer Rim tech here!" She called to the milling crowds while munching on the strangely addictive Cather-shaped crackers from Daiya's booth. "Cheaper than those fancy Core world gizmos and just as good!"


To be prepared, was to be alive.

To be alive, was to live for another day.

He had a lot of uses for a device to detect when the force was being on him- though, the circumstances of his "birth" prevented it from being used in such a way that would afflict him- too much. He had heard that great and powerful Jedi and Sith were able to tame even an Epicanthix mind, and something to thwart that?

Well that peaked his interest.

The Mandalorian, great in stature and distinct in appearance to those that knew the sigil on his shoulder, approached the table, pointing a crushgaunt-adorned hand to one of the trinkets.

He had a distinctly kind voice.

"How much for one of these, if you wouldn't mind."

Serya Talith Serya Talith

Ivory Stroud did not pass through Eshan often, but on each rare occasion, she always enjoyed her brief stay.

Serya Talith Serya Talith

With a smile, Ivory approached the young woman with a wave of greeting. After browsing for a few moments, she selected two tubes of lipstick; one in a beautiful & vibrant ruby red, and another in Gothic Black. "Something for every occasion." She grinned as she paid.
Serya smiled back, pocketing the credits with a knowing smile and nodding as the woman left.

Well that was dinner for a week.

She readjusted the display to fill in the new holes, a slight pep to her as the next patron came over. She followed his gaze to the trinket he pointed out. "Two-fifty," she lied, picking up a chain and rolling it around her finger in the air. "But for you, two-hundred. Alerts you to any force-mischief being thrown your way.


Fenn Stag Fenn Stag
Vetru had two modes of outward demeanour. He had confident swagger and he had suspicious lurk. There was rarely anything between the extremes.

The zabrak remained unaware of this fact. He also didn't realise that both of these modes drew attention to himself. A problem for an infochant that specialised in smuggling information and small illegal items to places they weren't supposed to be.

He wasn't here shopping for himself. At least, that hadn't been the plan. Vetru made his money smuggling small items to worlds with restrictive border policies using a very fast ship with a small, hidden and shielded hold. He was here to find business partners.

The notion of a trinket that could detect Force use caught his eye and for himself. A run in with some sector rangers and a jedi that had seen him spend a weekend in a cell made that very interested. He lurked patiently as Fenn Stag Fenn Stag conducted his business.
"Well, I still feel quite young, so we can grab a few of these, can't we?"

Noelle's lips twitched. "Very well." She plucked out out of the paper bowl in his hands and nodded appreciatively as she chewed.

"Cheesy." She moved on, mulling with the crowd through the stalls. She was about to ask him if anything had caught his eye when a set of glass bottles caught her own.

"Oh." She stopped short, standing before Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn 's stall. "What are these?" She unstoppered Echo and took a ginger sniff. Her pupils dilated, a memory of Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin chasing after her in the garden bubbling forward. They couldn't have been more than five.

August Oreno August Oreno
A trade and a trade in memories at that. Exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Lovely." Tilting his hood to the side, the figure scrutinised her for a long moment before nodding to himself. "You are willing to part with these experiences permanently?" It was a question, but one to which he already knew the answer. Knowing things was the very core of his profession, so to speak; the most valuable tool in his repertoire.

Assuming she did get cold feet, a silvery cylinder would slip from a sleeve into a hand, the Shadow extending it towards her head, placing the smooth metal against her forehead. "Envision the memories in question, please."

As she did so, they would slowly slip from her mind until only a memory of a memory remained.


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