Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yet another new person

This is where I should probably post something super witty that marks me out as an individual and a super awesome person who does super awesome things, but I got nothing.

So, that said, Hello!

I did use an exclamation mark with that Hello, so.... Good enough! ;)
Thank you everyone, also Cabur, kudos on the Gif.

:) I appreciate the extra effort, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Neskar A'toll said:
I, for one, welcome our new wakka-wakka overlord.
I shall rule with an Iron Fist. Dealing out harsh judgement upon all those that add an extra K to their beloved overlords name!

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
WakaWaka said:
Thank you everyone, also Cabur, kudos on the Gif.

:) I appreciate the extra effort, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I shall rule with an Iron Fist. Dealing out harsh judgement upon all those that add an extra K to their beloved overlords name!

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