Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Willing To Die.....

I smiled as by using the force I had survived the blast. And this was only getting good. Looking to my right, I saw that I was far away from the man, a good 20 meters. With his single orange blade now, I saw him grab for something. As he reached out, and hearing the blasts of a pistol, I smiled broadly. My left hand reached to my side, and with ease, I grabbed three of my daggers. The loops on the grip allowed me to swing as many as four at once. However, I only grabbed three.

Swinging my left hand up, all three of them left and were shot towards the man at incredible speeds. While my lightsaber was used to deflect the blaster bolts, back at the man. Three thrown daggers, and four blaster shots coming at him all at once, Followed by myself enhanced with the speed of the force, I charged the man, willing to get him now.

@Jai-Fohro Krava
The White Knight smirked beneath his mask. He saw that three shimmers were coming at him. It was three knives, as well as the four blaster bolts. The man dove towards him as well, with the speed and intensity of the force. The White Knight stopped dead in his tracks, hooked his gun back on his belt and very quickly dropped two small canisters on his side. One was a ray shield, the other was a bomb. He dropped them both a little ways in front of him. He knew that the blaster bolts would deflect off the ray shield and that the bomb would explode inside of the ray shield. If he was lucky the man would dive into the inside of the shield on accident and explode within it. He saw the man flying towards him and knew he'd have trouble stopping himself, since he was jolting with the force. The White Knight held up his saber, preparing for what would ensue.

@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I smiled as he ran to me as well. The thing about traps were that you had to do is discreetly or before hand. Throwing two things down, and what looked to be only one activating into a shield, I knew something was up. With my line of work, I always had to be careful about what was happening around me. And seeing this only made me more cautious of him.

Instead of slowing down. I decided to go faster. And changed direction just a little. Up.

As I took another step, I was shot from the ground like a rocket above the dome as the bomb inside exploded. I was so glad that it did happen without me in there. Smiling as I was sailing over the dome, I welled up my force powers and came in for the strike. Using the move called "Falling Avalanche" Increased with the force, and from this height of about 3 meters over his head, I came down at him hard with my green saber. Intending to blast him into the ground with the sheer force of my strike.

@Jai-Fohro Krava
"Such a primitive move," The White Knight whispered. He jumped to the left, his coat tailing under him. He saw that the man was attempting to smash him. A simple side-step would send the man flying to the dirt. With that in mind The White Knight jumped out of the way, smiling as the man came crashing down. He knew that true battle was about to ensue, so he quickly allowed his mind to sweep the area in an attempt to locate his missing saber. He located it's energy about 30 meters away, closer to the initial wreck. It was far, too far to pull with his weak sense of telekinesis.
As he went through the air everything went in slow-motion. The man came flying down, GasMask went gliding left, and his mind saw everything happening. This was it. This fight would decide his fate. He knew he must prepare himself. If he lost, god knows what would happen, if he won. Well....
"I'm ready," He thought to himself. This was going to be fun... and hard.
@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
The thing with this style of fighting, was that I can move my attack to change in an instant. As he side stepped me. What he didn't sees was that with him standing there not doing anything to hinder my attacks. I was allowed to do just about what ever I wanted.

I allowed the force to be channeled into my hands. And push them into the groud with all the force I had coming from the air. What ensued was. Force wave all around me. The ground under me buckled in and caused a crater the size of the house that was now destroyed to form at my feet.

What happened to the man? I know not as of yet.
A crater is probably a good word for what formed beneath the mans feet. It was bigger than he expected. A shockwave of force projected outward from where the man landed. The ground crumpled and cracked into oblivion, spraying sand everywhere. Everything was still slowmotion. The sand smacked into The White Knights gas mask and beat down on him in a hailstorm of sand. The sand had reached a climax in the air about 20 meters up, then the shockwave hit The White Knight. It sent him flying back, everything clicked back into real-time. He skid across the sand on his back before rolling up and landing on his feet. His saber in his right hand and his left hand on the ground, leaving a trail of caved in sand in front of him. The sand pitter-pattered back onto the ground, where the man stood in a crater. His crimson robe on his back, his breathing steady. The White Knight was about five meters away, staring at the man. With that The White Knight stood up and charged at him his saber in his right hand.
"Now the battle begins," The White Knight thought to himself, and we was certainly right.
@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I smiled. Still hunched over as the man flew a few meters back. I had not looked up, but I could tell that he was ready, He spoke of the battle really beginning. I smiled and stood up, Still not looking at the man, I thumbed a switch. WIth a flare a second blade emitted from the rather long cylinder hilt. Having a double bladed lightsaber was good for me. Being how I was better at using two than one.

I then faced him and nodded my head, "Yes it will."

I then rushed at him, Utilising the Strong Form. Made to be wide ranged and powerful, I came in with a flurry of lightsaber strikes ranging from the arms, legs and even just to try and hit his saber hard enough to smack it out of his hand.

@Jai-Fohro Krava
"A saberstaff. How... exciting," The White Knight said smoothly as they came at each other. The mans attacks came in a fury of well practiced form. The White Knight had defeated plenty of great swordsman, this was his job, he was more than ready. He parried each attack, they came down hard and tested his strength. Their blades met in firestorms of pure laser energy. The force of each strike was immense. It was intense. They were moving fast, but The White Knight was still on the defensive. Something he planned to change. With a quick movement he ducked under an attack and move behind the man, his white robe trailing behind him. He made a jab the mans back, aiming for the spine where the neck meets the back.
"Aaargh," The White Knight cried out as he jabbed, putting all his strength behind the blow. This would either continue the battle even more intensely, or end it right then and there.

@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I smiled. My attacks were bearing down upon the man. However he could still retain movement. The thing about double bladed lightsabers is that in order to use them properly. One would have to move the saber in many different directions to get one desired hit. As such I was moving at man times faster with spinning the saber around me. Even before I could hear the hum of the saber coming for me, I felt a twinge on the back of my neck just where the neckline on the back of a shirt would be. Without looking my saber came up and smacked the orange one away.

But it was so close. The saber came and scraped along the right side of nape of my neck. Cutting through the hood. I was pissed. Now I would have to sew my robes back together. What he did not under stand was that for tue longest time I wanted to be a Jedi. So much so that I practiced my lightsaber combat every day. My wife, Olivia should the gods rest her soul, hand sewed my robes. And took effort to give it to me on my 19th birthday. Only she clutched the present as she laid there in a pool of blood. I had taken it from her to remind my self of why I fight.

Anger raged inside of me. I could feel a burning in my veins. Before he could react I moved. My saber came round my right and attacked at his saber. The second blade shut off. Allowing me use of my left hand to draw on my of my two machine pistols with the incendiary rounds firing at a high rate at the man's stomach. This close, with a slugthrower machine pistol, prepped with incendiary rounds. I was sure to have my victory.
(I'm switching to first person for writing sake)
His parry was a half succeeded attempt. My blade made contact with his hood right where I'd aimed. Slicing it nicely as he batted it out of the way in a flash of green. He turned towards me, fuming. His hood hung on a thread before falling to the sand at our feet. His features appeared to me. He was a light tan, similar to my own skin-tone, his eyes were a mystifying emerald green. but what caught me off guard the most was his age. He looked so young, so small compared to the vastness of the universe. What was this young man doing here trying to fight me? I could sense it, he was filling with anger. So much emotion. Pain and suffering on par with my own. Maybe worse. I'd lost a father and a mother, a mother who despised me even in death. I'd never had true retribution. Sure, I'd killed the bastard who'd ended my fathers life and caused my mothers. I'd seen them all burn, I'd watched the Hutt choke on his own breath like I did everyday for so long, before I donned my mask. This man stood in front of me, no name known to me, why was he so mad? What pain had forsaken him. Then I sensed more, a shatterpoint cracked through me. I saw the vision.

A man stood there, weeping. It was the man in front of me. Then I saw a woman, dying in her own blood, a color that matched the robes in her hands. Then I saw nothing but darkness, not lack of light, true darkness, a form or figure. An entity. It was the dark side of the force. It was seeping into this man the same way it seeped into me. Then the shatterpoint ended.

It ended right on cue, as he came at me. He'd retracted one of his blades and quickly grabbed a pistol. Before he pulled the trigger I kicked at it, knocking it hard out of the mans hand. I didn't strike after. I blocked the mans hard attack and used my own power to force myself back a few feet from the man, out of attack range. I stood there and spoke quickly before he attacked, I had to level with him. Neither of us had to die. "Why are you here?" I spoke loudly, my low raspy voice scratching my throat, daring me to breath harder. I was breathing heavily and it hurt as it always had, I would need to clean out my gas mask soon, or risk choking. I wasn't much of a negotiator, but I had empathy for this boy. I hadn't felt anything but anger and sadness for so long. I hated myself. I truly hated myself. I wanted to let this boy kill me in some way. But I wouldn't. This man didn't appear to me as a killer. So I wouldn't let him stoop to that level like I had so long ago. "Why do we fight here? Huh? For some credits? You don't have to fight me, I don't have to fight you. I'm force sensitive, obviously. I can see things... Premonitions of a kind. I know what happened to you, at least on some level and I'm sorry. I truly am. Killing me won't solve anything though! Trust me I know..." I lowered my head...

"I know..." I whispered.

@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I was half surprised that the man could kick the gun out of my hands. But even more when the force push he sent my way made me fall back slightly. Even as our single blades were humming I smiled at what he was saying. Understanding what he had and the idea at what he was getting. he may have had a past life. But he didn't know what it was like to have your family killed, then no one give two Feths about it. or the long time that I had dealing with the police and how they couldn't find the guy who killed my wife. But what he didn't see, was that she was only four weeks pregnant. I knew that I had a son, because we had just gone to the appointment the day before to see about everything.

A being of live that I created naturally was killed, and the woman that I loved so much, that I had left my family who disowned me for her. There was hell to pay, but not for this man.

I let my head drop, my left arm came up and the three knives that I threw, and my pistol that was kicked were lifted from the sands. They came closer to me and were put into their respective places on my body. My hood came up from the sands and was grasped by my sand covered fingers. I shut my lightsaber off, letting the Single orange one hum. looking up at the man, with it clearly visible of my long hair, sharp facial features, and Emerald green eyes, and pointy ears, I nodded my head. "I need the credits to find someone. Someone that must pay for what has happened to my life. And I took the chance." I put my saber on my belt then extended my right hand to him, as though I were giving him a handshake, "You are a good fighter, and I want credits, and you want this bounty off of your head. I say we give them a show."

@Jai-Fohro Krava
He spoke and extended his hand. The battle was over, thankfully. Nobody would die that day. I smiled and walked towards him slowly, of course prepared in case he tried anything. I sheathed my saber, but kept my left hand close to my hip, ready to grab a gun just in case. But he appeared done. He looked angry, but he also looked sincere. Bad things had happened to this man and someone needed to pay. Who was I to say don't do it. Sure, it may have left me empty, but perhaps it would help this man.
"Oh, they'll get their show," I said smiling as I clasped his hand. "But how can I trust you?" I asked the man, half joking but still serious as I peered into his emerald eyes.
@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I looked at the man as he took my hand. To let him know that I would no go against my word in a very serious tone I spoke almost in a whisper like the wind. "I swear on my unborn son." revealing this to him would offer him my trust. As well as allow myself to maybe make a few allies. It never hurt to have a few.

"I need to trust you ghost. Give me something to hold for your word." I didn't let go of the man's hand, because I wanted him to give me his word in return.
His words hit me hard. Cold, and serious. There was more to his pain. An unborn son, something I hoped to never feel the weight of.
He needed something from me. I couldn't reveal too much and risk giving away my true identity. So i looked him in the eyes, hard, and serious and I spoke, "I accept what you've said. I trust you know, and that means something for me. I don't give my trust away lightly. I swear to you, I give my trust to you and hope you do the same. I swear on the grave of my mother, a woman who died bringing me into this cold world, that I will not allude from the promises I've made to you." I continued looking at him, our grip hard, waiting for him to release and signal his acceptance.
@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I was right about him losing something as well. He lost his mother. And both of us seemed to be orphans. Either way his words gave me something to hang onto for this man's trust. Nodding my head I ended the handshake.

Even then I still looked at him with harsh eyes. "names Shawn Jenson, and yours would be?" I wanted something to call him by other than ghost. Regardless, I looked around to see that my speeder was only knocked over inthe fight we had. Smiling, I knew that my helmet was inside there, ready for me and my needs.
He released my hand, "I've got two names kid, The White Knight, which is a mouthful, GasMask, which is well deserved or if you like, just Gas. But I like Ghost, it.....fits." I couldn't give him my real name. I didn't entrust that to anyone. Names are dangerous, even among friends. Someone found out he knew my name.... the things they'd do to that poor boy. "Look, call me what you want," I said, my voice growing raspier and more damaged by the second. I was starting to choke a bit, "S'cuse me," I said coughing. I then reached towards my belt and pulled out my pump. I connected it to the right chamber on my gas mask and turned it on, it made a loud sucking noise as it cleaned out my mask. It lasted for 30 seconds, then I flipped it off, and return it to my belt. "Much better," I said, my voice returning to a low and smooth rumble. "Wanna help me find my saber?" I asked the kid, as I turned and walked towards the rubble.
@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I watched him as he put the pump in his mask. For a reason unknown to me he needed some kind of treatment to help his breathing or something. Still I mulled over calling him Ghost because it really did match him. It was a title that would fit well with his uniform. As it was ending I nodded my head as he wanted me to search for his saber. I smiled with a nod. "I have just the thing."

Walking to my speeder I grabbed the helm fromthe bag that rested in the second seat. Producing a crimson and emerald green helmet. I strapped it on and turned onthe heat vision. As the saber was really just heated plasma I would be able to tell where the light saber was just by looking for the still warm internal workings, and or the warm crystal as energy was put through it.

Within a few seconds I found it under the pile-o-rubble near where the end of where the training room would be. Pointing it out for him I smiled, "Right there."

The bio scanner bleeped.
Hasjo was visiting Tatooine on grounds that a wanted criminal of the Republic was hiding out here. He was known as The White Knight. The Nautolan gently released pressure on the accelerator and firmly placed his leather boot onto the brake. The Q3-R Landspeeder coming to a halt atop a dune overlooking desert plains. He unbuckled himself out of the harness and climbed out of the vehicle. To the surprise of those unaccustomed to this land speeder bike, they were surprised by the lack of a frontal window, or back for that matter. The bike relied on outer-cameras that projected a dashboard hologram of the outside view to the rider. Hasjo reached to the sliver of room between the single seat and retrieved a set of MB450 Macrobinoculars. He placed the binoculars to his large, black, beady eyes and twisted the nozzle. The view zoomed in to show the aftermath of a recent fight.

He waited what seemed minutes as two people spoke. He couldn't tell if one of the men was the one he was searching for. He sat down into the seat of his land speeder, keeping firm eyes on the two through the macro binoculars. He radioed in to his command droid, "[member="B1-883331"], this is Captain Hallu, do you copy? Over." There came nothing, only radio silence and static. "Threes, this is Captain Hallu. I repeat, do you copy? Over." Once more, silence filled the deserts. He was perhaps one-hundred kilometres away from the location of those he spied. Hasjo lowered his binoculars and switched the communication link to his personal astromech droid, stationed in Mos Eisley with his Delta-7. "R9, keep my Delta-7 on standby. Can you jump a transmission to Threes? Something is messing with my hardware. I can't get a decent link on him." The astromech whistled and tweeted, agreeing to his orders. Hasjo climbed out of the seat and approached the bikes frontal camera. He stood before it, sending a holographic transmission to R9, whom would send back to Threes. "B1-883331, this is Captain Hallu. I've found a possible suspect to the wanted criminal White Knight on Tatooine. Requesting backup." Hasjo ended the transmission and resumed his watching of the pair. He heard the familiar company of another land speeder, his Magnaguard IG-59 was right behind him. He'd been searching Tatooine with Hasjo.

@[member="Jai-Fohro Krava"] @[member="Shawn Jenson"]
"Thanks," I said as he pointed out my lightsaber. I walked over and quickly removed the rubble, it was still alight. I turned it off and sheathed it on my back where it belonged. Then I turned and strode back over to him. "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease," I said. "Cancer's been cured for thousands of years, but when it's mutated by pure dark energy its a little harder. I have Lung Cancer, to add on to the fact that my lungs are underdeveloped. I was born premature, forced out on Korriban. The ancient Sith planet, you know it?" I said this to him. Maybe it would further bond us, maybe I just needed to get it off my chest. Only 3 allies of mine knew about my disease, but somehow I think he deserved to know I was more than a guy trying to look cool with a mask. As so many people thought I was. I typed away a few keynotes on a pad on my arm. My left gauntlet was also a remote-control, among other things. Suddenly there was a deep rumbling, a large gaping hole opened up, it was a giant bunker beneath my large hut. My StealthX StarFighter, along with my R9 Astromech droid. It came hovering out from below, rubble brushing off of it and falling into the landing platform below it. "That's my ship I said to him, like it?" I smiled at him.

Then I felt it. I was lucky enough to be given the ability to view Shatterpoints. I saw them constantly. Cracks in the force that I could peer through, this one was bad. I once again saw a flash of green, lightsaber on lightsaber like before. I again saw myself in shackles being dragged away. It was the same Shatterpoint from before the fight.
"This doesn't make sense," I thought to myself, as I brought my hand to my head. We'd finished fighting, we were allies? How could this still be happening. Something was wrong. Why was I having the same premon- wait...... There was a voice that time. A serious one. One I hadn't heard before. It said...... "Your under arrest,".... No. No it couldn't be? I had a bounty on my head, sure, but this was Tatooine. They wouldn't... no. I looked up, not caring about what Shawn though at this point. "COME ON JEDI!!," I screamed out, unsure of what was going to happen next, or if I was even right. "COME OUT AND FACE ME! MAKE MY PREM-O-NITIONS TRUE BECAUS GOOOOOOLLY I CAN'T DO IT MYSELF!" I was growing hysterical. The Shatterpoint had hit me hard, I could feel darkness creeping in as it always did. My head hurt, and I felt pain. I sat there, arms out wide, waiting for what would happen next as my StealthX hovered there and Shawn stood behind me. What next....
(Note: Shatterpoints happen instantaneously)

@[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
@[member="Shawn Jenson"]
I watched as the man, Ghost found his lightsaber and proceeds to put it away. Witha few clicks a break in the ground has made a ship reveal itself. I smiled and shook my head. While he had this one ship, I had two, along with another speeder that was being stored on my larger ship. Still it was impressive to see an older ship model still around.

Then he suddenly went berserk. And well that was not a good thing.

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