Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why make a Mandalorian?


Well-Known Member
I think relatively soon I'm going to work on Zaiden being a Mando...maybe after his Master rank gets reached (if it ever does :'(). I'll probably have him hide the fact he's force sensitive

Jorn Mair

It doesnt matter if he is a FU or not, You just have to accept the Terms and conditions as a Mando then you could possibly train me!
;) @[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]
If I recall correctly, I did ask to join the mandos but there was an uproar when the possibility was raised. I mean who would think they would carry a grudge. hahahaha.

I was going to make a mando hutt but the muse got run over during my hiatus. But you never know I might just change my mind if I can find spare time.
New writer here. I'm making this character a Mandalorian Naval commander of some sort, but I've yet to nail down the specifics. Any chance I could get a little intel on what roles the Mandalorians could use getting filled, as well as what scale of vessel I would have access to as a new character?

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