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While We're on the Subject, New FU Rank Titles?

The reason for the witches tag?

The witches of dathomir was a major faction for over six months until the witches decided to peacefully join the Mandos ( they had no desire to invade anyone or do any dominions. They were happy just with Dathomir and still had a healthy active member base on the current rules at the time )

That is why they had their own tag -- and why they were kept.
Rhoujen said:
"Not all Mages are Witches" So make something like it was when I first got here, where it just said "Acolyte" and "Elder" and such terms.
I'm a Magic user and I don't see a problem with any of these tags. Of course I'd much rather have the Neutral tag be more Grey rather than white, but I think most of them are fine as they are. If it's ain't broken, don't fix it. I think unique tags and the like should remain in signatures as they are. There haven't really be problems regarding little images below avatars, so it's not a big deal whatsoever.

Just my two cents.
It's easier to give the Non-Force Users because I like them more. And as is stated... You don't have enough variety?

You can use the Force.

And we don't even know what half your rank titles even mean.

And you get three rank titles by default for every new one we make.

Force Users, we literally cannot make you more awesome. Let the Non-Space Wizards get some love.

Cody Weadge

Weadge, Cody Weadge
For awhile the CIS Templar and Imperial Inquisition had their own force user tags as well. Then during the general downsizing of rank titles these were removed. The remaining tags were generally neutral enough that I could not fault the decision to leave them. Now, however, the witches have gained an exclusive title from what was previously a generic title. If the witches, as a former major faction, get special tags while the other groups do not I find myself questioning why.
[member="Cody Weadge"] - If you're a Sith using magic and dark sorcery, you'd still use the Sith rank titles. Same with Jedi, and everything in between the two. If you're a Dathomiri Witch, however, you're not any of these and therefore they warrant their own ranks. It's got nothing to do with factions, as is the case with the Mandalorian title.
As said above "if it ain't broken, then why fix it?" Well I (a future car mechanic) like to think of this site as a car.

You have the different parts all running and having fun with one another to make the car function. What I see is that the tags are like amps or music accessories. We don't need music when we drive, nor do we even need it ever. We have it because it's fun and feels good to listen and to have. For the tags it's just about the same thing. We don't need them, but we like to have them because it adds flavor and color to the site.

While yes, you can upgrade tags and stereos/amps for your car, about the only way you do so is because the current one you have is broken, or you find something better.

SOOOOOOO what I recommend is that instead of just focusing on the force users, focus on a few of the non-forcer titles. Make a few to how you would like to represent them as, and then post them so people can judge on them, as well as allow the Staff to say yay or nay. if not, use them for your titles in your sig. That way you have not "wasted" your time.

Cody Weadge

Weadge, Cody Weadge
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Of course, but Templars and Inquisitors (and Imperial Knights for that matter) are not Jedi, Sith, or Witches. And it is entirely possible to be a force user that wants to use Elder that is not a witch, such as a Shaper of Kro'var.
Cody Weadge said:
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Of course, but Templars and Inquisitors (and Imperial Knights for that matter) are not Jedi, Sith, or Witches. And it is entirely possible to be a force user that wants to use Elder that is not a witch, such as a Shaper of Kro'var.
1. What is the longevity of the rank title? How long will people use it?

2. How many people want to use it?

3. How does the rank title fit in Star Wars lore?

4. How annoying is the Rank Title to logical, rational people?

These are points considered when adding and removing official Rank Titles.


Well-Known Member
Not to sound abrupt, but why are you people focusing on making more? The notion of making more exists, yes, but I've had the fact that we have plenty of tags available as it is. My point is now about broadening the spectrum by making certain tags more vague.

Jedi and Sith. Those obviously stay, they're fething Jedi and Sith for Gods' sakes.

Rogue and Dark Jedi. Arguably two names for the same thing. Rogue Jedi and Dark Jedi are only dissimilar in my opinion by how dark their robes are.

Neutral tags. Good idea, but they seem a bit holy.

Witch tags. Extremely faction specific (as well as something rather obscure) and limits all other force mages. This is the part where I'd suggest extending the force tags by ONE set so the witches can have their... fun... and other "magicians" can have their wide spectrum tag.

I'm going to make my suggestion images and post them here. If you like them, Tef, great. If not, I'll just put them to different use. What I'd like to do, though, is host one if those competitions for designs.

Since I'm on my phone I can only tag one person easily

Also, joke time to lighten the mood. You're not supposed to have favourites, Tef! You're supposed to be a neutral robot!
[member="Rhoujen"] - The Dark, Rogue and Neutral titles are supposed to be vague. It means more people can use them.

As for the Witch titles:

Thurion Heavenshield said:
If you're a Sith using magic and dark sorcery, you'd still use the Sith rank titles. Same with Jedi, and everything in between the two. If you're a Dathomiri Witch, however, you're not any of these and therefore they warrant their own ranks. It's got nothing to do with factions, as is the case with the Mandalorian title.


Well-Known Member
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
What I'm trying to say is that they don't seem to be very vague at all. "Dark Jedi" is a predecessor term for Sith, or what people in Skywalker's generation called Dark Force Users (Thrawn trilogy). "Rogue Jedi" strikes me as anywhere from Jolee Bindo to Revan and Malak. It doesn't say Jedi though, so assuming it's just Rogue of any faction or Rogue altogether, you've got Kreia, Bastila Shan, and some weird scoundrel Force user like Atton Rand.

The only three of those tags that strikes me as entirely unaffiliated is the no-nonsense neutral set.

Additionally, in all of these instances, it feels like of the three unaffiliated tags, two are dark side and one looks light.

Do you see the problem I'm having in perceiving these tags?

Edit: Fair enough on the witch thing. I don't know of any unaffiliated Magic people to make a valid counter argument on it.

Cody Weadge

Weadge, Cody Weadge
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Which again were handled just fine by the less specific tags in place before. The whole issue is that they were made faction specific by adding the word witch.

[member="Tefka"] I'm not necessarily saying that we should add tags for everything, but there have consistently been at least a few Inquisitors for close to a year now across various factions. They also have plenty of canon basis. Heck we know the main villain of Star Wars Rebels is an Inquisitor, and there are rumors of another Inquisitor taking the lead in Episode VII. However this entire discussion is a byproduct of the faction specific "witch" titles as they currently are as opposed to the generic "tribal" titles they were before.

[member="Rhoujen"] Dark Jedi are not Sith. Dark Jedi are members of the Jedi faith that used the dark side. Sith are members of the Sith faith. It's like calling a bad Jew a Christian. A rogue Jedi is a Jedi who does not follow the code, yet still uses the lightside. They are all very different things.
Rhoujen said:
Not to sound abrupt, but why are you people focusing on making more? The notion of making more exists, yes, but I've had the fact that we have plenty of tags available as it is.
Not to sound rude, but you made the thread with the title "New FU Titles"... That's why we're focused on them here in this thread. Kinda hints that you wanted to suggest... New FU titles, lol.

I'm down for contests and stuff, I love that kinda stuff. But I cannot grant you support from Staff.


Lightning-Struck Angel
The only new FU titles I want are a true neutral set that's.... prettier. I mean all the other ones imply Dark or Light, and the neutral one could just use a bit of color...
[member="Tefka"] I'm not necessarily saying that we should add tags for everything, but there have consistently been at least a few Inquisitors for close to a year now across various factions. They also have plenty of canon basis. Heck we know the main villain of Star Wars Rebels is an Inquisitor, and there are rumors of another Inquisitor taking the lead in Episode VII. However this entire discussion is a byproduct of the faction specific "witch" titles as they currently are as opposed to the generic "tribal" titles they were before.
*Sith Inquisitor

I'm not opposed to removing Witch from the rank title's name, but my problem is that someone reading it who is brand new will have zero idea that the rank titles is completely related to the Dathomiri Witches.

Which it is, and why the word witch was added. Without the Dathomiri Witch lore, there would be no Spellweaver/Elder rank titles - regardless of whether or not there is a faction delving into the same lore, and regardless of how many Shapers of Kro Var make the same claim to fame.
Morrigan said:
The only new FU titles I want are a true neutral set that's.... prettier. I mean all the other ones imply Dark or Light, and the neutral one could just use a bit of color...
It's neutral.

Why would you want color on something neutral.


Well-Known Member
I know, [member="Tefka"] (and I don't think that came across as ride to begin with), but discussion within the thread changed it from "make new" to "make better".

Also, what do you mean you can't give staff support? Does that mean that it'd be inconsequential if I hold a contest and if I say "this won" then it may just get ignored anyway? I don't understand what you mean.

[member="Cody Weadge"]
I didn't know the total differences in affiliation in that regard.

On a return to discussion to this alignment thing, though, that seems to make it look like this:

Jedi = Jedi
Rogue = Jedi with loose morals
Neutral = Neutral
Dark Jedi = Jedi who uses the dark side too
Sith = Sith

That looks quite Jedi-centric and not like a very good gradient.
I, for one, Like the neutral tag. it's white to symbolize not "Holy" or divine right, but a more Clean slate. a term that my father uses goes, "You are a white as a clean sheet." meaning literally, you are a clean sheet of paper. So in respect to that, Neutral people are clean of any factions. HOWEVER that does not mean they are not users of the Dark side, or the Light side alone.

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