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Where Darkness Gathers [TSE Dark Council]


The Dark Council Chamber
Imperial Palace, Bastion

Deep within the Imperial Palace was a secret chamber, known only to a small handful of Sith that constituted the highest echelons of authority within the Sith Empire. Not even the Crownguard who safeguarded its entry were allowed to gaze within, with any who overstepped their bounds being executed on behalf of the Emperor's will. Inside were seven chairs, raised high upon pillars of black metal streaked with red runes written in the language of the ancient Sith of Korriban. Five were raised to the same level, the sixth was raised above them, and the seventh was raised above all others. It was this chair that was reserved for the Sith Emperor, master of all he purveyed, while the second highest was reserved for the Shadow Hand; [member="Darth Prazutis"], his second-in-command and arbiter of his insidious will.

The other five were for the Shadow Council, the Emperor's advisors and administrators of his Empire. These chosen five were given authority over an aspect of the Sith Empire that best suited their individual talents and dispositions.

At the head of the Pyramid of Sith Doctrine was [member="Kassandra Distorith"], a beauty whose loyalty to the Empire was matched only by her devotion to the Rule of Order that governed all Lords of the Sith. At the head of the Pyramid of Military Command was [member="Kor Vexen"], a warbringer whose mind of cogs and gears led the Empire to countless triumphs over their numerous foes, securing their dominance in the galaxy as the apex predator. At the head of the Pyramid of Scientific Advancement was [member="Kascalion Giedfield"], a beast whose inquisitive nature and hunger for knowledge has broken down scientific barriers once thought impassable and elevated the fields of science to unforeseen heights. At the head of the Pyramid of Civil Administration was [member="Darth Athora"], an accomplished admiral of the Imperial Armada who has turned her organizational genius to manage the vast bureaucracy of the Empire's political apparatuses. And finally, at the head of the Pyramid of Galactic Influence was [member="Darth Ophidia"], Queen of Shadows and mistress of Sith Assassins who has turned her talents in espionage and secrecy to expand the Empire's influence across the galaxy.

It was on this day that these five Lords and Ladies of the Sith were called to gather on Bastion, either in the flesh or by hologram, to be in attendance for another meeting with the Emperor of All Sith. Lord Carnifex was in attendance himself, his muscular body adorned with metal armor that covered his scarred flesh save for his face and his left bicep, which was imbedded with cybernetic materials connecting to his artificial left forearm and hand. He sat atop his throne and looked down on those that had gathered, his eyes little more than orbs of fire in smoldering sockets.

"This meeting of the Dark Council will come to order."
The Devil | Kavar Lok Kas'Oni
The Devil Lion gazed upon the magnificence of the Council Chamber, soaking in every minute detail available to the eyes. The room and its furniture were predominately black with shades of red and some gold, particularly on his throne, one clearly designed to allow his usual massive frame to rest upon it. The thrones themselves were designed of some type of onyx and were most likely impervious to forms of damage, if such risk could even make its way into the chamber to begin with. Kascalion admired this craftsmanship and always felt a sense of security he only felt in a handful of other locations: his laboratory, Noxis, Helgard, Arrakan, and Gal'Dios. Such places offered defenses known to very few and available to fewer. Today, he was glad that he felt the same sense of safety that he felt with those locations, even if he was present for this meeting in the leather clad body of a proxy rather than his true, monstrous form.

The proxy he had chosen this day was shorter than most, standing roughly five feet and eight inches, a marked difference than the others which stood at exactly six feet. It was also of a different color, being red haired rather than golden with pitch black patches and gleaming silver eyes that exuded a sense of individuality and desire. Why this one was so different, and why it felt so individualistic and perhaps alive not even Kascalion could discern, hence why he chose it.

Additionally, attached to his hips on either side were two curved lightsaber shotos made of phrik and electrum that, when ignited, produced gold-purple blades humming with a deep bass rather than a sharp hiss. Interestingly, this was only one of five proxies that wielded a lightsaber, and the only one to use two at the same time, although one of the proxies utilized a dual-bladed saber that produced silver blades. Why Kascalion chose to appear armed and perhaps ready for a fight was anyone's guess.

The climb to the throne was rather lengthy for a normal sized being, given that the throne was designed for something much larger. Running a hand over the the seat of the throne, Kascalion was surprised to have found that it was smooth, almost too smooth, and somewhat reflective for it had been polished over and over again by its owner who at times fell into a cleanliness frenzy. Wondering to himself how he had never noticed this, the Devil Lion took a seat on the throne and marveled at how small the proxy made him feel and insignificant. Before he could voice any of his opinions to the other Dark Councilors, perhaps out of an attempt for humor, the Emperor, divine and demonic all the same, called the meeting into order and the Devil Lion, for all of his strength in the Force and all of his confidence, fell silent into obedience.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Kassandra Distorith"] | [member="Darth Athora"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Descending into the pit that was the Dark Council Chamber, Darth Athora moved with the grace and class that was demanded of the titles she wore: Lord Admiral of the Imperial Armada, Sith Lord of the Sith Empire, and Queen of Kulthis. She was clad in the Akute iv tave Asimi armor crafted for her upon achieving the rank of Sith Lord. As she moved, she glimpsed the others within the chamber who had arrived before her. The creature that was the Pyramid of Scientific Advancement had caught Zahori's gaze briefly before she heard the booming voice of the Sith Emperor, Darth Carnifex.

"My Lord, I came as ordered." Zahori bowed before Carnifex, showing her respect.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Kascalion Giedfield"]​
K o r _ V e x e n

The ghostly and holographic image of the Sith Empire's most able General and prominent head of its military branches appeared at the seat that belonged to the Pyramid of Military Command. Despite not being physically present, his appearance still commanded an air of respect and dignity as the armored Anzati stood with his arms folded across his chest. It was commonplace for the Sith General to not be physically present at such meetings, as he was typically far away from Bastion overseeing military operations at the borders or handling conflicts away from the core Sith Imperial worlds.

Presently, he was in the former Mandalorian systems, surpressing riots and any notions of rebellion with his own method of handling the situation with his own motives. Few escaped the wrath of his iron fist and foresight, a testament to his effectiveness and ruthlessness as a military leader.

The Anzati remained silent amongst the other Pyramids and Dark Councilors, not seeming to give them much thought or attention as his gaze turned to the Sith Emperor who sat upon his throne in brooding silence. He had a disdain for formalities and meetings, being a creature of action that preferred to let his actions speak louder than his words. He would remain at the meeting for however long was necessary, likely waiting for the time to take his leave and return to the field at its earliest convenience.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Kascalion Giedfield"] | [member="Darth Athora"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Kassandra Distorith"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"]
She had been standing there for some time already, like a hooded monolith in hues of charcoal and ash. Her eyes had been closed and her body stood as deathly still as a deactivated droid, one could be forgiven to think she was part of the decor. Her head was turned down and shaded by the low light of the interior, while her hands were clasped in front of her. She did not appear to be carrying any weapons, nor did her presence in the Force truly distinguish her.

In fact, she was easily forgotten when one did not look at her directly.

However, as the Sith Emperor spoke, she made a slow bow and raised her head. Her eyes opened, burning like cinders in the shaded ash of her face. Her lips moved from a passive neutrality to a wry smile, as if she was watching a scene in a play she had seen many times before.

She looked to Darth Carnifex, the smouldering eyes fixing on him with her usual intensity: As if she saw for the first time. Then, her eyes glided over each of the Pyramids in turn, but her face did not betray her thoughts or judgements, nor did they slip from the surface of her mind. Odd, as if she was never quite alive, or not quite present.

Having seen each, she sat down in her seat with a smooth movement, practised, eerily perfected. Her eyes kept lingering near the Emperor, but seemingly not on him. Her hands remained as they had been, clasped in front of her, half shrouded in the sleeves: Five fingers of ashen grey; five of black ink.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Kor Vexen"] [member="Darth Athora"] [member="Kascalion Giedfield"]

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