Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question What new feature do you want at Chaos this year?

More contests tbh.

I know I say “be the change” but this is literally one area where anyone can do it, and I already do so much. I ask Staff to do it, they quit after one. I ask Codex, Factory to do it. Literally one or two and never again.

I see OCCASIONALLY the Majors do it. But not nearly enough. Yall could be doin it all the time. I love contests. If you need ideas just DM me i got like a billion but DO NOT DM ME without having a proven track record of doing shit.

I dont wanna talk to you just to talk to you. I wanna make moves for the culture.
A way to be able to properly review via an index or a search method to see what is actually in the Codex for species, locations, and the like.

I often want to use species, planets, or locations on the Codex, but unless they were just posted and approved, or someone links them to you, they all sit there just unknown unless you go hours deep searching what is there.

Getting a proper index to use them would be great, because they are not tagged easily to see what are playable species, which are just pets, or which are just cool animals to rp with.

I feel a lot of this is left as a black hole that one can't really use unless we go digging for them and I think that is a real shame.
More flair

Seriously though maybe a status update section visible on home page? Granted a hundred status updates a minute might get lost but it’s been handy in my experience for stuff like “hey i just lost my fingers so owed posts might come tomorrow”
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
I would be happy if the number of 50 images that can be published in one post were increased to 55-60 I would like to say that I would be happy if this would be unlimited, but 55-60 would be enough; Because if a faction wants you to make full Codex/Factory headers for them, or you want to make it for yourself, then at the moment there are 54 headers. And it feels quite bad that you have to send this in two posts, because the limit is 50.
I would be happy if the number of 50 images that can be published in one post were increased to 55-60 I would like to say that I would be happy if this would be unlimited, but 55-60 would be enough; Because if a faction wants you to make full Codex/Factory headers for them, or you want to make it for yourself, then at the moment there are 54 headers. And it feels quite bad that you have to send this in two posts, because the limit is 50.

Why is it 54?
Something to sort factory and codex subs better. Not sure if that should be a wiki format or something else - I'm not a coder - but I agree with Zaiya that a lot of stuff is made and just sort of tossed into the void.

Maybe more sub-maps for future subs? Sort planets by their place in the Galaxy and the type of planet etc

Might be too much work and maybe there are better ways to do it. But a way to search and find things would be neat.
A better way to keep track of threads. There are round about ways to keep track of the threads you're posting in, but something that allows you to save and list out the threads for you so you can see them/see where you need to post, etc. would be useful.
A better way to keep track of threads. There are round about ways to keep track of the threads you're posting in, but something that allows you to save and list out the threads for you so you can see them/see where you need to post, etc. would be useful.

I'm gonna piggyback off of this: a better way to keep track of threads that aren't in the roleplay forums, like in the Art & Design forum and Pre-Factory forum.

I can't tell you how many times I've lost the thread where I keep my divs. Which is entirely my own fault, but it would be nice to be able to track it easier.

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