Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aboard Nocte Aranea, near Figaro Favoura VII | Wearing this | Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs

"The plans are ready," A.K.R.I. informed Katrine as a hologram emitted, coding flashing quickly as the Lupine observed, arms crossed over her chest. "You know I don't read code," the Lupine pointed out after looking at it for a few moments, "for all I know, you could be making a bomb, and I'd have to agree to it." A.K.R.I. was well aware of that flaw in her owner, for sure; causing her to give a small chuckle. "Yes, Katrine, I'm building a bomb right under your nose because that's my ultimate purpose," the AI retorted before rolling her eyes and vanishing. "Oh, come on, Ari. I'm sorry." Honestly, that AI was hard work for her sometimes. Katrine couldn't for the life of her understand why she had to model her after the memory of her own mother. Mind you, she didn't think her own mom was like that but somehow A.K.R.I. developed with that healthy dose of sarcasm that could be a pain in her arse sometimes.

A moment later, the AI had appeared in front of her, giving a quick wink."We will be arriving at Figaro Favoura VII in a couple of hours," the hologram announced than disappeared again, leaving the Witch to her own devices for a moment. The blonde reached for the small device left behind. They'd been talking about this for a while, ever since Larentia had been born but until now, A.K.R.I. hadn't finalized the code. Now, Katrine could reach out to acquire what she needed.​

Just days ago, Nocte Aranea had been host to many Agents on their way back to H.O.P.E. and Eve; she had witnessed the deaths of the refugees after the failed negotiations on Siskeen... perhaps that hadn't even been the proper term, betrayal would have been better. Why Derek Dib had even reached out to the Agents was a big mystery too her. True, he was a politician but she hadn't thought of him this cunning. Perhaps she didn't know the former Mandragora member at all. Muad Dib had struck a much deeper pain into the former Nightmother though. His act of terror against the sphere had been monsterious, that even Doashim had denounced him on the spot, claiming Larentia as his Shaman without ceremony. Katrine suspected the three had an inkling as the three often did. Katrine was permitted visions but they were limited and guided by the spirits more than anything. Perhaps, it was why she was blind to the outcome on Siskeen, perhaps it was why she was always blind to certain things. Sometimes, it is necessary, Jart interrupted her train of thought. "Deaths were necessary, is that what you're telling me?" Katrine argued. ​

We are not all-seeing, Doashim roared, but his sounding did not threaten the First Mother at all. "Aren't you supposed to be?" Katrine chose to challenge instead. Perhaps, Lylek interjected, a soft hiss in his voice. Perhaps we too were once frail. Instead of anger, Katrine felt confused by the meaning of those words. "What?" Silence fell. Neither of the three would respond to her now, leaving her to question its meaning. There was something in the words Lylek had offered, the deceiving spirit. Was he lying? Was it just something to distract her? The Spirits sometimes kept things from her, yet, she often wondered why. Their vision was wide, Katrine had already seen this; they could see through the fabric of time and space, but they didn't reveal all with her as if certain vents had to take place unaltered.​

"You're talking to yourself again," A.K.R.I. spoke through the communications system even though she hadn't shown her protection. "I'm fine. Any chance of some kaf, Ari?" Katrine answered with a sigh, ignoring the question altogether, as the machine behind her came to life. In just a few hours, she would be home; with her daughter, and in the wilderness of her world. Where she could be free, where she could breathe; far from the galaxy politics. Perhaps that was what she needed. And thinking of what she needed, Katrine wondered where Aston was right now. This was, after all, his first trip to the Lupine world. "Ari, find Aston, tell him I'm getting us some coffee and he should join me," Katrine had spoken but received no response from the AI, assuming she had already gone to find him.​
Nocte Aranea

It was here that Aston had his first few nights of untroubled sleep in a long time. Nightmares had plagued him recently, more so after the events of Hapes. It was a big wake up call for him, even though he knew how the world worked. He allowed himself to get wrapped up in its politics and he took his eyes of the truth of things and what really mattered. It wasn't long before his heart began to ache and he found himself back in the presence of Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld . She didn't know how much he loved her, and he wasn't sure she would ever know. He knew that when he was near her his trouble nights became calm and soothing.

He stirred lightly in the room that was prepared for him on the venture home to Figaro. Aston couldn't help but be excited at the fact that he was going to be meeting Katrine's daughter very soon. Aston had taken the time to dealing with those in the medical bay as well as taking this time to meditate and center himself with the force. Looking to Allya for guidance for one of the first few times in months. Long he had avoided things in his life, it was time that came to an end. He checked the time and he let out a small unsettling groan. Aston didn't plan on sleeping in for as long as he had been. The night before did include a rather vigorous force training session. There was still much he had to learn, and with no one to teach him. Most of it came from teaching himself and remembering back to his long studies in the archives during the time of the Republic when he was younger.

Katrine's ship was quite the ship too, it took him some time to get used to it. And not to mention his first run in with her AI, that was an experience. She got him pretty good as it scared him a bit as he jumped. But after a few times he got used to her. That first time was funny though. He wondered if she happened to record that to show Katrine. A.K.R.I. had notified Aston of Katrines message and he washed up and got dressed. He looked in the mirror and rubbed his chin slightly. "Nah. Can't do it." Aston smirked as he had a small inclination to shave but decided against it. He was really liking this look. He left the room and made his way to meet Katrine.

"Hey you." Aston said with a smile on his face as he leaned against the wall. "How did you sleep?"

As the kaf brew, Katrine moved into the kitchenette, getting mugs and ingredients like the milk, flavors, and so on. "This is not your father's fairytale; and not, it's not your mother's fault you fail..." she quietly hummed as she worked, waiting for Aston to join her. Katrine was practically counting the minutes to the two hours that would get them home, realizing just how much she had missed her little one. A.K.R.I. provided the melody to the words she was familiar with. "Goes once upon a time a girl tried harder... once upon a time she tried again..." With the music playing, Katrine wasn't completely aware she was singing her song now.

It was a strange choice of lyrics for Katrine to write; the girl who didn't lie yet when the words started coming out of her, they had just rolled off the tongue and felt natural. Somewhere along the way, Katrine had felt so terrible that she felt like she had been lying; a girl who only ever spoke the truth. Somewhere along the way, she had been so wrong that it inspired those words. "Life is not a storybook but life unfolds in chapters...," she kept on, pulling out the finished kaf from the machine before she had poured it, adding the milk and vanilla flavor extract into her own but leaving Aston's blank for the moment. "Odd one, that boy," A.K.R.I. suggested as her holoprojection appeared. Katrine just glanced up at her and rolled her eyes. The music quieted down under the AI's control. "You're an odd one," Katrine just responded after a bit, giggling before she put some cookies into the oven to heat up.

A few moments later, Aston had arrived; with the sound of his voice announcing his presence at the same time, the Witch had felt his presence within the Force. "Hey," Kat said before the question came. "Made you kaf, you're gonna have to finish it yourself." There were different flavor extracts, sugars, milk; he had the choice of how he drank his. One of these days, she was going to get herself a proper caf shop machine and make proper foam.

Oh, but there was a question there! "I didn't get too much sleep, more meditation," she answered truthfully, "I'll feel a lot better when we get home." What had happened on Ryloth, and even at the sphere was a big toll on her, the spirits of the dead were restless. Even far away now, Katrine felt traces of the pain her system, left-over from their journey to the sphere. It was never easy to be a medium; it was far worse to be one in the days like this. Then this bounty that had risen up briefly after was absolutely ridiculous in her opinion.

"How about you?" The Lupine returned. "I've been thinking about that stupid bounty from the Confederacy. First of all, Uncle Isley must be like super-mad with him; but as some of that stuff is ridiculous." Aston might not know just how irked she was by some of that stuff. Like at least half of those claims were wrong. "Like sure, I destroyed holy property so I don't really know if it's like public property, wanton destruction or destruction of buildings and property... It should be one of those three." She really didn't know why she was getting three warranties for one thing. "And then like, accessories to murder and attempted murder? Ashton, you know me. I didn't accessorize with anyone for murder, nor did I attempt to kill anyone national or official." Judd did wrong, and he faced the new Nightmother because of it. Katrine did not interfere, in fact, she had been sure she was going to kill him and still, the Witch did not interfere. And as for the attempted ones, she attempted nothing. Katrine was there to protect her own allies, she ensured their safety but she had never used her powers against them. "Uncle Isley must be very angry with me when I got all that," she said again, with a sigh and picked up her mug, taking a single sip before the oven had chimed.

Oh! Putting the mug down, the Witch took a cloth and took out the cookies from the oven, getting them off the tray and into a plate with a spatula. "Have some cookies too! We'll be home in less than two hours now," she told him before she'd grabbed one herself, nibbling the outside out of it while they were still too warm to actually eat. "You're ranting," A.K.R.I. announced, reminding them both suddenly she was still about. "And that cookie has to be far too hot so stop acting brave and put it down." Katrine just looked to her and rolled her eyes before putting the cookie back down. "Yes, Mom." The AI scuffed at her before looking to Aston, the look she'd given him reading a simple 'you deal with her' despite the slow fluxation of the hologram before she vanished, leaving them alone.

Katrine just rolled her eyes again and picked up the cookie for another quick nibble. Put it down. The strict voice a perfect communication of Curupira Hawk came through the speaker, making the blonde drop it, bringing memories of her own Mother. Katrine still wondered why she had made her be so much like her Mom; it was true, she had missed her so much; her real Mom. Perhaps though, it had been a mistake, she was starting to see since then. Either way, it was done. She couldn't trade her in for anything in the world. Even when the younger version of her mother was with her, looking after Larentia for her. It wasn't the same, it was never going to be the same. "She's a handful sometimes," Katrine just told Aston, a giggle in her voice as she did, picking up her mug for more coffee instead. It was another one hour and forty-five minutes before they were home.
Nocte Aranea

"Turn the page, and start to make amends." Aston said somewhat out of melody, but more so just showing Katrine he knew of the melody she was humming and the tune. "Thanks." Aston said as he walked up towards the Kaf and glanced around at the variety that were available for the choosing. Upon arriving next to her, he gave her the gentlest of nudges with his arm. Aston opted for the chocolate extract and added a few sugars to it as he stirred the cup gently, glancing down as the swirls were made and he chuckled. Things seemed so simple right now, it was just those small measure of peace within the hurricane. He was once told he was a kite dancing in a storm. She once told him this.....

Dangerous thing.

Aston nodded his head when she mentioned she hadn't gotten much more sleep. He didn't want to press the issue. He wasn't trying to be that overbearing friend telling her what to do. She was an incredibly smart person and she knew what she was doing. However it didn't stop him from being concerned about her. He just hoped that as she said once they got home she would rest more peacefully.

He stirred the cup again and raised it too his lips and took a small drink. He let out a satisfied sigh and showed a small smile. "That's good." Aston muttered as he looked to Katrine and she began speaking about the bounty placed on her. "It is ridiculous Katrine." Aston said firmly, he shook his head slightly. "To hell with them for doing such a thing." Aston leaned back against the counter as he reached for a cookie and then hesitated when she put her's back down. "Still to warm?" Aston said with a wink.

"I know who you are Katrine. The bounty placed on you is vain attempt to repair their own failures. They can't have you. I won't allow it."

If there was any direction in Aston's life it was made clearer now. Aston wasn't about to leave her side especially now that the Confederacy had placed the bounty on her. It frustrated Aston to his very core, while he remained relaxed on the outside about it. The confederacy have corrupted their own purpose. It was evident and very clear, they've stooped this low. Who knows what else they were planning on doing.

Aston's mindset broke when she mentioned A.K.R.I. being a handful. He shrugged his shoulders playfully and laughed. "She's not so bad." Aston said in a teasing manner. The Prince, well ex prince reached for a cookie and took a small bite of it and nodded his head. "You did a good job with these."

"I missed this Katrine. All the times I was travelling and out there, looking for a place to call home. When my home was here with you all along. I'm sorry I was gone for so long."
Aston smiled as he took another bit and chewed slowly as he glanced at her for a few moments.

Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld

It was ever so slightly startling to hear Aston adding a piece of her lyric as he'd walked in, sapphire gaze looking up at him with a bit of wonder. Aston knew about the Galavision? It hadn't occurred to her he might have known about it or even seen it. "You knew?" The blonde managed for a split second as her mind processed the even.

Katrine had been holding her mug with both hands while Aston had addressed her little rant, agreeing with her first before calling them ridiculous, and then saying the hell with him. Her eyes lit up with curiosity just then as she had heard it. "Even my Uncle?" Isley Very, Darth Metus wasn't really her Uncle. Katrine wasn't silly like that. He had been a family friend since long she had arrived, he had been the stuff of stories from her parents. Both Mother and Father had worked side by side with him in the Confederacy that no longer existed but should have. And since her arrival to the Confederacy territory, he had been nothing but welcoming towards her, treating her as a family the entire time. Much to the traditional Mandalorian way where many of your favorites did not have to be and was not your flesh and blood. They too had clans as the Witches did. Still, perhaps every child had to eventually expend their own wings and fly away.

Maybe this had been her time...

Aston teasing her about the cookie brought her back from her thoughts, his wink making her smile before he had offered his smart and kind words at the same time. I know who you are, she'd heard and listened, near captivated; mug and cookies both forgotten. ...vain attempt to repair their own failures. He wasn't wrong, the Lupine knew as much though it was entirely too good to hear it from someone who hadn't been directly involved in any of it.

They can't have you. I won't allow it. Katrine blinked to the words. Her Dathomirian nature was eager to say she didn't need any help at all, she was female. Yet, another part of her; who had either missed Aston or longed for a companion she trusted without fault; at her side. "Promise?" The blonde was unable to stop herself, hand instantly shooting up with her pinky popped out. There was only one type of promise between them, and it was the truest form of a promise.

He offered a small comment with his laughter about A.K.R.I. Not so bad, she'd heard. Of course, A.K.R.I. wasn't bad at all, Katrine loved her so much even when the AI couldn't comprehend that. Her bond to the programming was somewhat irrational, she was aware but for a long time, she had been the only one she had by her side. Kat wouldn't have traded her for anything. There was also something about cookies? "Oh, I didn't make those. Curupira did. Surprised me too," she admitted, picking up again to nibble at the sides. A.K.R.I. hadn't said anything this time and the cookies had cooled down a bit. She was surprised with some of the talents the Dathomiri displayed sometimes, cooking and baking were certainly one of them. Maybe because Mother never really did that stuff growing up, not when they'd spent her early life on Dathomir where Nona and other family members excelled in the area that Mother hadn't had bothered or perhaps Katrine hadn't known her Mother was doing some of it as well.

As she ate, Aston spoke again; sapphire gaze rising up to peek up at him while he shared something far more serious. Home. The word was so loaded and serious. Katrine herself had been searching for it too long. It wasn't Dathomir anymore, and Ryloth had ceased being it so easily. Figaro Favoura VII sorta felt like it now with Larentia though she had been missing so much in her time there. For one, it had been the locked feelings for Scherezade which had been blocking so much in her mind. Then, now, as Aston talking about it, about it being with her all along. He apologized for being gone for so long. She could feel her heart swell up. He was her best friend, her truest ally. The one person in this family had had never let her down. He was here when she needed him the most, he always showed and now, he was saying he belonged with her that it made her incredibly happy.

Tear rolled down her cheek as she put the cookie and mug down, her free hand suddenly touching against her face when she felt it. "Always?" She muttered. She'd been hurt, she'd been broken and shattered; she'd used magic to stop herself from feeling, she had been a slave to a spirit, she had been cast out from a world where she had grown. All the while, there was one constant in her life, no matter what. Aston had been the kiss that broke the curse, the one that had helped her. She had saved herself, she was her own hero and yet Aston had been the one to guide her to her freedom and that had only been the first of the times she had needed him, and need him she did desperately. She couldn't help herself as she moved towards him, in search of another hug.
Nocte Aranea

Truth be told, when Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld could be heard about the Galavision. It was one of those things that he was slightly upset that he didn't ask her about, or even showed up for. But he had heard her voice that day he had happened upon Galavision. "You knew?" Aston smiled and simply nodded his head as he took a small drink of the kaf. "Yes, I knew." Aston set his mug to the side as he crossed his arms and continued his regular stance leaned back against the counter.

"Even my uncle?" Aston stared at her for a few moments and rubbed his chin slightly. Not hesitant about what he was going to say, but more so of what her reaction would be if he said it. But he knew already what was in his mind and heart. What the confederacy had done, and what they were about now. He knew deep down that if anyone attempted to harm Katrine or even refused to refute the allegations against her. Then they were no better than what the Confederates had become. "Even him." Aston's gazed lowered for a moment as he stared at the ground for a few moments before his eyes locked with Katrine's again. Almost as if he was afraid of her response to his brief words. He knew the importance of family, and Katrine was the most important person in his life. He would for all intents and purpose be forever loyal to her and as long as there was a single breath in his body, he would never stop defending her.


He watched as she raised her pinky towards him. "Promise." Aston whispered moving forward from his position and raise his pinky as well as the two fingers blanketed each other. Something they had been doing for the longest of times, it was a deep solid oath between the two.


"Oh, I didn't make those. Curupira did. Surprised me too,"

Aston's eyes raised in small surprise when she mentioned that she didn't make them. "Really?" Aston chuckled slightly as he took another small bite before setting the cookie back down. "They are well done." This technology was truly something wonderful, it had been a long time since he had seen something like it.

It was then that his eyes caught the tear that fell from her and he watched as her hand raised to breach the tear droplet. As he stared at her, it seemed like an eternity had passed. "Always?" The word itself caught him slightly off guard, yet he wasn't completely surprised by it. Aston cocked his head to the side and he just smiled warmly at her. The bearded man took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she moved towards him. Aston raised his arms as he took her into his embrace, holding her securely and lovingly. Aston leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead and he then whispered to her. "Always." The word itself said with a small tone but held a conviction unlike the galaxy had ever seen or heard before.

He was home with her, and that was anywhere she was. It took a long time for him to realize it, and he had no idea that was the case when he met her those years ago. He would do anything he could for her, he would follow her to the end. It was something that he didn't need to say, but she would know it.

"I love you Katrine."

A tiny smile spread across her face when Aston confirmed that he did know. The lyrics had been incredibly personal to her, her truth in variation yet he seemed to like it enough that he had finished her verse with her so that was a good sign, a really good sign in her mind.

She'd asked about her Uncle Isley. Aston seemed to hesitate and she had waited, even though deep down, Katrine knew exactly what his answer would be, knew what the answer would be. The truth of the matter. Even him. When she inhaled the next breath, the Lupine realized she had been holding it in suspense, waiting to hear it from him. It was easier to hear it from the person she trusted the most in this galaxy. The Warrior of Ulf said the galaxy was wrong, had to change. Katrine didn't fully understand what it meant but having come from the future, she considered that Larentia had visions, knew things about the upcoming storm. Perhaps this was part of that change - Katrine had to let go, embrace what was coming. She was a criminal in the world she had been part of. The spirits had instructed her with a special mission that day - make Mandragora be reborn, in her final act as their second Nightmother. It belonged to a new age of Witches, who didn't hear the spirits the way she did. So be it, the Three Spirits had released them because it had been time after centuries.

Perhaps Katrine herself had to release her past, embrace her future. The change.

Her pinky extended, she would only have to wait a few short seconds before she heard the answer, and his pinky linked with her. The most sacred promise of all.

A small smile spread across her face a moment later as Aston showed his surprise over the cookies he was eating, complimenting them. "You can tell her that when we come home, I'm sure she'll enjoy the compliment." Katrine didn't really do it too often; it was a strange relationship between the future mother and daughter, even after the other woman had been at her side for two years now, for the most part, helping her with Larentia. They were friends, for lack of better word. Curupira was not her Mother yet, and Katrine was a distant future to the other Witch. As such, their relationship had to be adjusted to survive. It worked for them, at least.

The hug had been welcomed with open arms, her body leaning into his to feel the warmth and support of it. She felt the kiss on her forehead before he answered, mirrored her question with his answer. Katrine knew he spoke the truth, he always spoke to the truth. I love you, Katrine, she heard a moment later and smiled, looking up at him almost immediately. "I love you too." Truer words had never left her lips, for sure. Aston was always going to be her person.
Nocte Aranea

She spoke the words back and Aston just stared and smiled at her. Home, such a simple word yet held such gratifying qualities to it. He knew what she spoke was warm and true. She never steered him wrong, was always truthful with him and there were so many other things that he could have described to detail as to what he loved about her and why his loyalty was forever to her. He took both her hands in his and raised them up and he gave them a soft kiss and then squeezed them gently.

"I haven't been this happy in a long time." Aston said as he broke the embrace reluctantly and reached for his cup again and raised it slightly and nodded his head towards her and winked. "To my best friend." Aston took a small drink from the cup.

There was still a bunch of time to spare, prior to their arrival to Favoura, majority of the trip was spent in Katrine's company. Drinking and eating cookies with her as he told her of his stories from his travels. Some were really good, and some were just slightly bland at which he had to apologize for those. Not all of his 'adventures' were exciting ones, and to that end he couldn't help but laugh. However he did want to tell her about Hapes, and what happened to him there. While for the most part it was now just a scarred memory of his past, but he did know that he would feel better if he told someone about it. And what better person to tell it to than his best friend and greatest love. But he opted to wait until after they arrived at some point. Perhaps late in the evening over some drinks or something of that sort.

Signal had finally reached that they had arrived as the descent towards the planet had begun. And Aston for some reason, nerves began to set it.

"I'm feeling a small sense of nervousness." Aston admitted with a smile as he took a small glance towards her. "I blame the kaf." Aston said with a teasing tone as he nudged her arm playfully.

Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld

In the distance, a little girl had been waiting. She had been waiting for oh so long for her Mae to return. Not that her Ruu hadn't been enough but the connection between Mae and her was far stronger, she was almost trembling with excitement now. Seconds, minutes to count. Almost there; the little pupper could hardly wait for her return. The little one was hardly used to being without Mae now, after such a short life with her. Soon, the little one decided as she felt the spider ship coming down...


The Lupine heard those words, words that had made her so happy. He hadn't been this happy in a long time. They had made her happy, nearly full. Perhaps just a few years ago, Katrine would have been happy from just hearing those words alone but now, she had someone in her life that meant more, meant so much more. Yet, Aston said that made her happy still. Her best friend, her true hero. For a girl that didn't need a hero anymore, she still wanted one; and he was the hero that she chose.


It wasn't long before they would home. Katrine felt it, felt it them coming closer to the world she had meant to call home, and eventually did. All because the home was in the heart of a little girl waiting for them. Without doubt, she was; the blonde knew. Even when she felt the ship descending to the ground...

Larentia felt so close, even still so far away, even now. Mother and Daughter would be reunited soon.

He was feeling a small sense of Nerveousnessness, Katrine heard suddenly; on the last minutes of their flight. Aston blamed the kaf for it, making the Lupine chuckle. On the ground, she could feel her little one waiting for them, side by side to Curupira keeping her safe as she had promised. "You have nothing to worry about," she promised as the ship's trusters made the final descent, settling against the ground. "Yeah, It's only two wolves, one of which is practically a baby," A.K.R.I. intercepted with a small chuckle alongside her words. "Ignore her!" Katrine declared happily as she felt the ship reach the ground, settling against it.

It was seconds just before the wolf broke into a run towards the lower levels. "Come on!" Her voice echoed behind her as she ran, heading towards the hangar-bay as it was opening up, knowing the toddler would be all too excited to see her. She was just as happy, Katrine felt it; eager to see her little one. It would be just minutes before she would, the pupper barely making a small number of steps before Katrine had caught her, spinning with her daughter in the air. All too happy. "I've missed you soo much, little one," Katrine had declared all too quickly, enjoying the moment between the two of them shared.
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Nocte Aranea

Aston glanced to his side as he heard A.K.R.I. speak and he couldn't help but chuckle along with her and Katrine when she opted to ignore her. Aston could seen the excitement in Katrine's eyes. He could see the love that he had for this one, and it brought him so much happiness. He took off after her, reminding him of the times back on Dathomir. Aston fell behind a little bit as he saw the girl come into view, and he did not want to interrupt the moment between the two of them.

Aston stood off to the side and he knelt down as he watched the pair. It reminded him of so many things in his life and the moment was too perfect. She picked her up and spun her around and the bearded man glanced down for a moment before looking back up towards the pair. In all of his travels he hadn't seen something so beautiful as he saw this. He didn't noticed until it was halfway down his cheek that a single tear had escaped his eye and was rolling down his cheek.

"Beautiful." Aston said as he stood up, holding his hands behind his back.

Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld

Her little one giggled as she was spun around so Katrine did it a couple more time, getting more of Larentia's sweet giggles. The wolf knew she had missed it this whole time and yet she didn't realize just how much before she had heard it. It always took her back to those nights of false contractions and the fear of losing her, all alone on this planet. It was a good thing Curupira had finally heard her calling, finally came to her because Katrine didn't know if she would have managed on her own, not delivering her little one all by herself. So many times, she had called out to her Mom and she had never responded, never came to her but she did when she needed her the most.

In truth, she had never really needed her, not in the way she did in those nights. So, Curupira had truly come when she had to and not before.​

"I've brought you someone, he's very anxious to meet you," Katrine whispered to her daughter just as her sapphire gaze noticed Curupira not too far off, a small smile on her face before she nodded. She wasn't approaching them just yet, the blonde realized as her little daughter peeked over her shoulder to look at him, curious to who it was.​

Katrine turned again, hearing a single word from Aston even though she couldn't make out just what he had said. "What?" The Lupine asked as Larentia kept stealing glances at him. "Who?" A little voice chipped in, eager to be heard, eager to an answer to her question. "Ashton, come meet my daughter, Larentia Satara Van-Derveld," she announced, a little head rising proud and happy at her own introduction. Katrine smiled widely at Aston before she looked back to Larentia, her forehead leaning into the smaller one. "This is Aston, Larentia." It was all she would say before little sapphire eyes widened in realization. She's heard that name before, she had heard the stories, there was no denying that in her eyes right now.​
Figaro Favoura VII

Aston watched as she was spun around again and memories of his life as a child began to flood back into his mind. Before life and responsibility overtook their lives and they were forced to grow up. His thoughts drifted to his mother momentarily and he hoped she was doing okay. He would definitely have to make plans to go and see her. Deep down though he knew she was fine, she had Madoc and vice versa.

Just like he had Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld

When she began the beginnings of the introductions he noted Larentia kept glancing his way, he wasn't too sure if she realized who he was yet. And it wasn't until Katrine said his name and then he took a few steps forward towards them then he heard her name and Aston paused for a moment and showed a big smile.

In his opinion, she had the look of her mother. It was evident especially in her eyes. Aston could help but laugh, simply because he was so happy in this moment. "Larentia Satara Van-Derveld, you have a very strong and beautiful name." The bearded man glanced from her to Katrine and back to Larentia. "You look very much like your mother." Aston said with a big smile on his face and it was then that another tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek. He raised his hand, palm facing up out towards her, to see if she would take his hand.

"I'm so happy to meet you, little one. Your mother is my best and truest friend. And I am yours, for all time." No truer words could've been spoken on this day.

Curiosity was written all over the little one's face as she kept staring at him, a prince of her Mae's stories, she'd heard of him plenty. Katrine just kept smiling, watching between the two of them; with her daughter still in her arms for a few moments later. Larentia was raised to be wary of strangers and while Aston was far from a stranger in the stories, Katrine still let the little one settle in for a few moments before she would let her. She rarely trusted anyone enough with her daughter but Aston was something entirely different from anyone else.

First, Aston repeated the girl's name, calling it strong and beautiful before saying she looked like Katrine. Larentia looked up at her right away, as if she was confirming if she really did. Katrine's smile just grew a little wider. "Ruu says so," Larentia finally said as she started wiggling out of her Mom's embrace. Katrine let her go then, watching the two-year-old who was surely closer to a three-year-old in development and appearance; move closer to Aston though carefully.

A big hand reached out to her, startling her slightly as her head bobbed up to look up at him, noticing something on his face. It had been what gave her courage as he spoke up, her little feet moving closer to him as she used her little finger to call him to crouch down to meet her. Larentia hadn't missed what she was told, Aston called her Mae his best and a truest friend or that he was hers too. "Fwriend?" The little one repeated her word. "But you're prince," she pointed out as if it made all the sense in the galaxy, and it did to her. From behind her, Katrine giggled, understanding what her daughter was saying. "He can be the prince in the stories and your friend, Ren," Katrine spoke up, making Larentia's eyes go wide again. "Really?" It seemed impossible to her little mind.
Figaro Favoura VII

"Does she, smart girl." Aston said with a smile as he glanced around for a moment before his attention settled back onto Larentia. She mentioned prince, and while he wanted to say that was technically ex prince now. Word before had reached his ears that his sister had given up her throne. Even if it wasn't explained to him as to why she did it, he felt in part that he did understand. He never pushed that title upon himself, nor so did he ever fathom wanting the throne at all. However, he was still a prince to little Larentia, and to that path he would continue to be that to her. A friend, and even more so a hero if she decided that.

Aston hadn't been around a child in a long time, so he glanced to Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld for a moment to really gather what the little one was saying and just as she said it , it became clear to him. She motioned with her finger and Aston smiled and knelt down to where he was eye level with her. Aston couldn't deny it that he had already fallen for the little one. Would it suffice to say she had him wrapped around her finger, not quite yet, but it was getting there.

"Really." Aston said to Larentia. "Anything you want, Larentia."
Larentia nodded her head intently, answering quietly. Yes, did Ruu say so. Blue gaze kept watching him, he was like Mae described him yet different; it was strange but he was nothing like Ren had thought he would be. He was blonde, his nose fit but there was soft, gently in his face. Far more than she imagined from the stories she heard Mae tell her. He seemed kinder than a prince saving Mae would appear.

It seemed just weeks ago Larentia hardly allowed anyone near Larentia; her precious girl, she couldn't have even gone to Scintilla without her daughter, leave her alone with Curupira. Katrine didn't have the faintest idea what she kept locked away deep inside her until the spell had been broken. She had been far more protective, far more suspicious of those around her. Even those she thought she could trust, like Curupira. She knew better now, she had been the one to do wrong, she had to trust again. Curupira may have not been when she had first come, in search of Chloe; but she had been there for Larentia since the day she had been born and ever since.

Aston was different than that still, he had been the Prince that had never betrayed her, always came to her rescue. Ren knew all those stories which were why her little one was watching him in awe now, studying his face and every move. She'd let her at it, allow her daughter to know the one man that had never let her down. Ket should be in that category but the older she got, the more she came to see that Ket was an absentee father in comparison to her Mother. He had been there sometimes, he had loved her, and yet he had been absent for the most part. Then there had been the things Seren had said upon his arrival, painting him as a monster that scared him. It worried her all.

Anything you want, Larentia, Aston had promised, causing the little one to form a wide grin on her face just before she'd look to Katrine for approval, who in return offered a big smile of her own and a nod of her head. It was enough for the little wolf before she'd turned back and raised her arms before wrapping them around Aston's legs, a hug matching her height. "Welcome!" Larentia followed, ever so happy. There were so few people she was familiar with, close to that it certainly brought her a lot of joy to have Aston here.

From behind them, Curupira moved forward to the group. "Shall we? I sent Kree to get some food on the table. You must be hungry?" The blonde suggested without so much as a greeting. The Dathomiri knew who Aston was, even though their paths had not crossed before. Her time on their home planet had been limited, after all. "Ruu, Aston is my fwriend!" The little one had announced ever so happily at the closest thing she had to a grandmother. "Wonderful," the blonde responded before glancing over to Katrine. This had been the longest her daughter had left the two-year-old in her care, without. Though she had been left with the droid at their side, who very much looked like her, it was a rather surprising development after the last two years. "Welcome, Aston." The female finally offered to her kin.
He would be a prince to them both for all time. He stood up when Larentia glanced between the two of them and even Curupira who he could see in the distance. Aston glanced towards Ruu whom he had never met before, but as their families were interconnected he had heard about her. He gave a small nod in her direction as he was sure she would be moving closer soon. Aston couldn't hide his happiness and excitement when she hugged him. He let out a small chuckle as he leaned down and hugged the young girl in return.


"Thank you, sweet one."

Aston straightened up as Curupira approached them and Aston glanced towards Katrine and gave her a small wink. He smiled when Larentia spoke up and nodded his head towards the little one. "You heard her." The bearded man said with a small smile.

"It's good to finally meet you Curupira." Aston said as he smiled and gave a small bow of his head towards her.

Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld
Larentia received her hug from him, holding tightly to the man before she had finally released him and ran to Katrine's side, the blonde Lupine picking up her daughter almost immediately as Curupira approached them mentioning Kree before she had addressed Aston. "Starving," Katrine admitted to her would-be-Mother someday, even though she had resolved over time to call her by her name as if for her own peace of mind to explain that the woman in front of her was not her Mother yet, and she should not blame her for keeping away from her for so long. It was a tough burden to lay upon a woman that still had much growing up to do before she would call herself Mother. Katrine understood this now, she hadn't before when she had cried out for her for so long, or when she had A.K.R.I. made. She had just been a girl longing for her family at her side.​

"Indeed," Curupira had replied to the man. "I've heard plenty of you from Satara," the woman responded. Even before Satara had revealed herself to be her great-grandmother, she had told her of her own children, including Spencer and Aston. It was only after the natural redhead had learned the truth did she understand why the old Witch had revealed so much information about them; they were, after all, her own blood.​

Katrine nodded her head towards the passage from where Curupira and Larentia had come up, before walking towards it slowly with the two-year-old in her arms. "What have you and Ruu been up to?" She questioned Larentia as they walked together. "Ruu has been wreading to me," the little wolf responded before Katrine glanced back. Curupira had stayed behind with Aston, waiting for him to go before she would join them. She'd glanced back towards the ship, seeing A.K.R.I.'s hologram at the entrance glaring at her before she'd close off the hangar-bay doors. The two really didn't like each other, not since they had met; both of them sharing a face but one having been with Katrine longer than others. A.K.R.I. didn't appreciate the woman's presence in Kat's life, not after abandoning her for so long. Now, while the A.I. knew full well she was created because this Curupira wasn't the real Mother Katrine wished for, it didn't change the fact that she looked like her, and wasn't where Katrine might have needed her. In truth, despite being A.I., A.K.R.I. cared for her creator far more than she had openly admitted to anyone.​

"I'll give you a tour after we eat," Katrine told Aston as they made their way towards The Schwartzweld came into view in all its glory. "And that is The Schwartzweld, our home; the home of our ancestors," Katrine announced as they entered the courtyard, walking through the path to the entrance.​

Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
Figaro Favoura VII

Curupira mentioned Satara and Aston couldn't' help but smile as his thoughts drifted to his mother again. And he wondered how she was doing, while he knew the answer to that already. He just couldn't help but feeling a tad bit guilty that he hadn't been back in so long to see her. He would have to make himself a mental note that he would need to go and see her sometime soon. Aston glanced back between A.K.R.I and Curupira for a brief moment before he started behind Katrine and Larentia.

This was Aston's first venture here and he was quite impressed. When Katrined indicated what was to be Schwartzweld, and that she would give him a tour after they ate. Aston was always one for lore and such behind any given place. Knowledge was something that Aston felt he didn't have enough off. This reminded him of that night on Coruscant during the fundraiser for the Jedi Temple. It had been so long since he had been back their and then to see it somewhat restored to its former glory at the time, it was something to the like of amazing.

Aston knew that he would definitely be taking the time to get to know this place. Especially since he was going to be hanging around much, much more. He couldn't have been more happier in this moment.

"It's amazing Katrine." Aston said as he walked a bit by their side, as he then glanced to Katrine then, Larentia. She had said her and Ruu had been reading, reading was an important thing to do. He thought perhaps he would read with little Larentia during his time here. If she would be okay with that, given her reaction to him. The bearded man was sure that she would be okay with that. Aston was so happy that she took to him so quickly, this was probably easily at best, one of the greatest days of his life.

Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld
The former witch observed the mix of feelings within the young warlock, no matter his current path was, that he was thinking of his mother, her ancestor, but she had said nothing with her own thoughts. Each of them had their thoughts, their own paths within this universe. Satara understood this, even more than anyone else, and accepted this more than anyone else Curupira knew; she recalled the story of her own uncle training her sister who had presumed dead for so long only to turn out alive and then claiming a Nightbrother. Such were the many of the Hawk fates, such as what each of them had to accept. Much of the way Satara only partly understood was that each of them had to make their own destiny, their own fate. Katrine only understood this because of her own destiny but the more Curupira spent with her, the more she understood that each of them had their own destiny; and not all destinies were truly as important as the one Kat had.

The little one locked her little fingers with Ruu's hand as Katrine let her down, leading her way to the large estate belonging to the van-Dervelds. Home of her ancestors, home of her future; Katrine understood and Larentia learning of it in her journey; the young Jedi learning just.

The sapphire gaze glanced back at the man as she made it to the open gates that once remained closed and opened only or those of the right blood, now open because the blood on the planet was very much alive; the residents too were learning quickly that the Lupines had returned to the world. The Lupine heard the comment from her truest friend, offering him the biggest smile she could possibly muster as she walked the widely open main gates now, not requiring neither her touch nor blood to confirm her identity. The main entrance would lead through the lang hallway which first led to the wide-open library doors than to another garden doors with the open ceilings before they led to the throne rooms, each of the doors open wide with the presence with the future leader there, despite her being just a toddler; her grandmother just human for now.

The Lupine, the future Queeen, the present Regent was here now, in the present time though. "Welcome to Figaro Favoura, to the land of the wolves, the land of the Lupines; the land of our future," she announced as the ancient throne came to view. Her future; their future, hers, and Larentia's. Theirs. It would come. Sooner or later.
Aston couldn't deny the excitement in his heart and even in his body as they traversed deeper and more was explained to him about this place and what events had been going on. The bearded man stopped for a moment upon entry to the large hallway. He noted Katrine Van-Derveld Katrine Van-Derveld smile and he locked eyes contact with her for a brief second and he winked his eye. Aston had been around the galaxy several times, and everything had its own natural beauty. But this was something else entirely, he wasn't sure if it was just because he was here with Katrine and little Larentia or perhaps even a mixture of that with just being back to a place that could be and was home.

He found himself stopping again when he caught glimpse of the library and then his memories came flooding back to him back in the Temple Library or archives just researching and reading anything that he could about whatever topic he was on for the day.

"Home." Aston replied easily enough when Katrine spoke of Lupine's, their people and future. "I'm so happy for you, everything you have achieved thus far. It's not over yet either." Aston said easily enough with a big smile on his face.

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