Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Come For Booty (Dominion Dom of Chiloon Rift and Irn)

Post 6
Location: Chiloon Rift
Objective: Destroy the pirate base

The fleet broke out of the cloud into the proto-solar system forming in the heart of the nebula rather than the few ships like he expected the entire debris field lit up with some sort of engine, the freshly cleaned command console showed over 357 individual contacts ranging from starfighter sized to corvette.

Over the alarms Bartic shouted, "Launch the first wave of fighters! Burn us at full speed for the base! Ready the third wave to go out with the second wave and troops!"

This battle was going to be hard fought, if the fighters and bombers could keep the pirates at a distance then they had a good chance, but with the burn needed to give the troops the chance the needed to actually reach the base was going make that a difficult job. Bartic expected that there would be many brave man and women who would not be making it home. His thoughts were interrupted as the gunners acquired targets and started firing, they were too far out to actually hit anything but it would get a few captains thinking that this fight might not be worth their lives

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] | [member="Shorarri"]

(FS)Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bravery Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master
The Nikto looked down at the now pitiful being that laid before them. The poor man seemed completely horrified by what he'd done. As he went on he mentioned dark feelings and Bhakt's eyes narrowed. He knew exactly the road this man, Vishkar, would be walking down if not intervened. Despite his soreness he was honestly happy that it was the Dominion that ended up stumbling upon him and not some other faction of force users. Bhakt sighed and knelt down next to the man with Ra and Cedric.

"Don't sweat it, I've been hit harder trust me."

Bhakt gave a bit of a chuckle to help keep the mood light, though the disturbing essence to the North never quite faded from his thoughts. He stood back up and let Ra and Cedric handle Vishkar from here as he wasn't much of a healer or soothsayer. He went back to work making sure the peacekeepers with them were ready to move out.

[member="Vishkar"] - [member="Cedric Grayson"] - [member="Ra'a'mah"] - [member="Grace Darkson"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
{Location: Chiloon Rift}
{Allies: [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] Shorarri}

The troopers of the Dominion loaded into their transports, most participating in a final check of their weapons while they waited on their departure. It was not until a voice rang through out the hanger that Zaz's attention was torn from his own checks on his weaponry. "Alert: Attack group Alpha you are cleared for departure." Several of the ships in the hanger began to raise off the hanger deck, slowly levitating out of the ship's shielding and deploying out into the dark void of space.

With the first detachment deployed Zaz knew it would be his soldiers turn next. Loading into the last transport he watched as the doors to the shuttle were sealed closed. The soft hum of the shuttle's engine was the only thing that could be heard as the ship awaited it's own orders to depart.

Again the deck officer's voice came over the intercom system. "Alert: Attack group Bravo you are cleared for departure." With the all-clear given Zaz felt his shuttle leave the hard surface of the cruiser's deck and begin to fly out into space as the last detachment had done. Setting himself down in his seat he prepared himself for the ride to come.
Nodding at Cedric, Ra left his side and went to the check on the condition of the dazed guard. She had him sit down as he looked like he was about to fall down. Removing his helmet and chest guard, Ra felt around his head, neck and torso. He had nothing more than a hit on his head and the wind knocked out of him, after about twenty minutes should be fine.

"Take it easy, you'll be fine."

She patted him on the shoulder and turned to head back to Cedric. One of the guards, the one that had been watching her earlier had taken off her armor and was standing next to Cedric. Ra raised an eyebrow as she approached hearing the comment about growing breasts overnight, but kept her silence.

There was the stunned body of an Ithorian on the ground, slowly coming to. The translator box interpreting what was said and passing the message to them. Saying sorry and that he didn't know why he had attacked and he came across like he was lost and confused.

Ra felt another something in the forest nearby, she turned her back on where the feeling was coming from and continued to Cedric.

"There is another something in the forest, but not approaching. I feel it about one hundred yards behind me."

Having the opportunity to look at the other female of the party, Ra takes her time to observe the woman. She's about an inch taller than Ra and built wonderfully, slightly skinnier as well. Ra could only imagine what she might be able to accomplish. She also sensed something different about her, but could not place what it was. Not showing anything outwardly, she mentally shook her head.

She also reported her findings on the guard and the fact he would be fine in a few minutes.

[member="Bhakt Wemk"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Grace Darkson"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Vishkar"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Irn
Objective: Pirate problem
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 1/25

Yula had a few concerns about the Dominion's strategy: the Dominion may be a little overstretched if they manage to get both the Resurgent Empire and the Sith Ascendancy as their enemies. Thus far, they have achieved one of the two great objectives, that is, trap the Resurgent Empire in an encirclement maneuver. But the second objective is to advance towards the other Sith capital of Bastion. Nevertheless, the Chiloon Rift is of capital logistical importance: many kinds of natural resources are to be found in the Rift, and one third of the fleet was positioned there. Julie was in charge of the Irn pirate problem, knowing that the Chiloon Rift was dealt with by [member="Bartic Myth'rand"]. But she knew that the carrier must not be unescorted, even though said carrier was the very carrier used on Korriban. Julie was a little uneasy knowing that she used to be on the bridge even though she had a backup piloting station installed in the CIC once the Mateus entered Dominion service. But Yula would stand at attention in the CIC before any fighter wouldbe launched:

"According to the reports we have, the pirate problem is mostly a Chiloon Rift one, but there is a pocket of piracy on Irn. At this point, we are to make believe that the Mateus is actually a bulk freighter refueling in-system and then the pirates will come at us"

"Julie, perhaps you're a one-dimensional person but I'll take your word for it"

"All fighters, commence pre-flight checks!"

Capital ships:

Mateus (Mateus-class fleet carrier)
Luminole (C-9980-class assault frigate)
Luminole (C-9980-class assault frigate)

Attack craft:

10 Yutan fighter-bombers
72 TIE Advanced X1s
36 TIE Reavers
The lights on the ships still flashing, the youthful Admiral barked at Commanders in charge if the storm corps.

"Send down the sentinel squad and Captain Tulious's acclamator, we need 1st Attack battalion on the ground now!"

"Yes sir!"

The ships parted as the acclamator heated its engines and began approaching the world at a fast pace. It rocked and buckled, inside the bridge, Tulious commanded the men in his ship back and forth, the ship decended towords the ground. The fire wrapped around his ship as the inferno of re-entry covered the ship.
"Reverse thrust, full power!"
The ship buckled and bumped then slowed and tipped it's nose up. As the engines fired, the ship came down on a heavily wooded area. It lifted and landed in a clearing.
"Deploy the the battalion," the voice was soft and soothing, "and equip the Walker for a patrol."

High above Irn, Admiral Harris waited facing the stars, and looking out to the system. The Admiral was memorized by the slowly floating at clunky in the astride belt. It was the first peace he had in a very long time, his eyes were quiet and childlike with joy, then stern and strong as the holotable interrupted his trace.
"We have touched down and secured a landing zone, we are moving in the help the chieftains."
"Got it," he paused as the table powered down, "Set coarse for the Chiloon Rift."

The fleet flared and turned and in a line, disappeared into hyperspace with a boom.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Irn
Objective: Pirate problem
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 2/25

Yula knew that a seemingly unescorted convoy of freighters would attract the pirates' attention, as she made the pre-flight checks prior to engaging the pirates. Some old C-9979s are used for carrying vehicles to the ground, not unlike those carried by her Dominion allies: from the outside, there is little to distinguish a C-9979 from a C-9980 due to the retractability of the weapons, which means that those wouldn't register on an enemy's sensors until they are activated. Julie would not activate their weapons until they arrived within standard turbolaser range of the carrier, or so they planned. Then again, even the best-armed freighters Yula knew about were often likened to woefully underarmed carriers, if the wording from the First Order regulatory authorities were to be believed. Like the Ultima, whose chassis was ultimately used to build the Mateus-class; it seems that several ships Ringo built these days were dual-purpose, carrier or freighter. But there were several light freighters, grouped into squadrons, as well as a couple of larger ships, the largest of which is still roughly as fast as a C-9980, for about 70 contacts on the sensors, closing in on the convoy.

"All units, go to condition 2, the pirates are closing in on our position"

"Roger, roger"

Capital ships:

Mateus (Mateus-class fleet carrier)
Luminole (C-9980-class assault frigate)
Luminole (C-9980-class assault frigate)

Attack craft:

10 Yutan fighter-bombers
72 TIE Advanced X1s
36 TIE Reavers
Post 3

Anger rolled off of her in waves, fed by pain in her legs and back from the tumble, and displayed visibly in the mask she wore. Scowling, she stormed past the Ithorian, who by now was muttering his apology. As she did, she spoke to [member="Cedric Grayson"], her voice lacking the usual mirth her words would imply. "You'd be surprised what science can do these days." Narrowed eyes scanned the horizon, and her lips curled up into a grimace. "Parod Tu'saen..." the phrase of Sith was muttered under her breath as she watched for anything that could be a sign of whatever enemy awaited them.

She could feel something, like a shifting chaos, far to the north, but beyond that she couldn't be sure. And she hated being uncertain. Part of her wanted to simply go find it, with or without the Jedi. But she was here only to make sure the others got out. The future of the Jedi Order rested on two of them.

The future of the Dominion rested on the third.

She began to pace, like a restless hound on a leash, just on the edge of the clearing. She needed to know what this was, and to get out of here. The sooner they got this over with, the better.

[member="Ra'a'mah"] [member="Bhakt Wemk"] [member="Vishkar"]
A quiet sigh fell from his lips.

With the situation more or less under control, Cedric rose up to his feet. He pulled his cloak back about him and turned to Bhakt, a smile flickering across his features as the Nikto organized the troops. "Good to see you're okay." He muttered, his gaze shifting over to Ra. he gave the white-haired woman a nod, and shifted over to the Ithorian.

The fellow seemed like he'd hurt himself more than he had done to anyone else.

"You're going to come with us, I think. We can't leave you out here - I suppose you could remain with one of our guards in the ship, but then he might end up taking off if he needs to." The Archlord scrunched his nose up with displeasure.

"Your call."

He nodded to Grace. "We should go. Whatever is in that forest isn't going to wait on us."

With that, the Archlord began to march off into the trees. He wasn't going to give whatever awaited them anymore time than necessary.

[member="Grace Darkson"], @Ra'a'mah, [member="Bhakt Wemk"], [member="Vishkar"]
Shorarri became panicked as the ship's sirens began to wail. "All hands report to battle stations! This is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill!" Someone shouted over the intercomm. The troopers that had accompanied Shorarri raced out of the med bay and scared looks grew on the doctors faces. Shorarri raced out of the med bay as the ship began to shake more so than usual. Shorarri had no clue what to do. He meandered through the halls in search of the hangar bays to no avail. "RORGH," Shorarri roared to a passing engineer, but the man simply kept running down the halls.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
Post 7
Location: Chiloon Rift
Objective: Destroy the pirate base

The first wave of fighters and bombers made contact with the enemy the tell tail expositions of destroyed ship told him so much, Bartic refused to listed in on the battle comms, as much as he wanted too the overwhelming numbers would make it impossible so he would have to rely his officers to relay the necessary information to him. Seconds ticked by, then minutes, a significant number of ships chose to ignore the fighter screen and attack the carriers, they got lucky, the pirates let the troop carries pass, probably because their leader put some reward up on the destruction of the Venators.

Bartic turned to the helmsman, "Put us at the head of the fleet and queue up the maneuvers for a Marg Sabl, hold the third wave of fighters until I give the order."

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] | [member="Shorarri"]

(FS)Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bravery Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master
Bhakt followed the Achlord and the rest of the troops into the forest. He was't sure what they'd find in forest but the deeper they went the stonger the disturbance felt. He looked to Grace and saw that even she didn't seem to be too comfortable marching toward it. Good. He couldn't help but enjoy the woman's discomfort. As they walked Bhakt made sure his armor was still properly in place and that his Ax wasn't damaged by the the tumble earlier. He then felt something in the force. He wasn't sure but it wasn't too the north, it was more to the west of the group. It must have been what Ra mentioned feeling earlier.

"Hmm yeah I can feel whatever it is that Ra felt. I think it's following us."

[member="Cedric Grayson"] - [member="Grace Darkson"] - @Ra'a'mah
Post 1

Allies: [member="Bartic Myth'rand"]

Jakkor was onboard the bridge of the Fearless, it had been a long time since he had set foot on the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Especially a Venator, now he had been given command of the old Venator due to his combat expertise during the Clone Wars. For once Jakkor felt at home, as he knew combat all his life and at times despised it but even at times he considered it nessecary despite his contradictions. He watched as the fleet neared the pirate base, along with Bartic and rest of the fleet, the fighters were sent out and soon a boarding party would be sent through the old LAAT gunships of the Clone Wars. Jakkor would be ready, as the first fighters and bombers were sent an officer spoke to him from the lower deck underneath the catwalk. "Master Jedi the first wave are sent, what are your orders sir?" Jakkor looked out into the window for a moment as he looked back and responded. "Commander send out the first wave of our X- Wings and Y- Wings to move in carefully, we shall stick close to the fleet and contact Bartic on what we shall do?" The officer nodded as Jakkor went to watch the Fighters being sent out.

Jakkor than contacted Bartic and waited for the holo to appear of the fleet commander as the fighters were dispatched, he waited to for the blue form to appear, after it shows up he spoke "Greetings Bartic, The fighters are sent to reinforce the wave would it be wise to keep the fleet together for now, and than send the boarding?" He asked him inquisitively.

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)
Shorarri wandered around the ship aimlessly. Then the the hall he was in began to shake vehemently. Unable to sustain the damage a power coupling overloaded and exploded. Shorarri roared fearfully. A terrible wind began to tug at him as a small window had shattered. Steel bulk head doors began to shut and a man was sucked into the vacuum of space. Shorarri fought ferociously against the tugging of the wind, but the doors closed before he could get to safety. Shorarri raced to a door that remained open. As the oxygen was sucked out of the cabin his limbs became heavy. Shorarri trudged on valiantly. A man was already passed out on the floor. Shorarri picked him up and threw him through the open door. Shorarri entered after him and smashed the button to the door control. The door slammed shut and oxygen came rushing back to his lungs. Shorarri took in deep heavy breaths, but then the room he had entered began counting down.

"Launch in 5, 4, 3,"

Shorarri had boarded an escape pod

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
Through the trees, the darkness swayed. The air hinted with the stench of something most foul, the blossoming of decay. Heavy clanking fell into the soil with rhythmic pounding, twigs and fallen branches snapping under the pressure and force of something stirring within the forests of Irn. Loneliness consumed, stranded without ambitions, a mere soul looked upon the sky and felt the pull of its shell's weight upon its shoulders and neck. A brief shrug, then a continuation of aimless wandering.

Leaves crunching, soil disturbed. The very skin of nature torn and displaced by evermore unnatural means. Low groans of old wood creaking in a slight breeze caught the mere soul's attention, and within that gathered moment of focus something else suddenly happened by chance...

That scent, the energy.

A stranger this way comes. But from afar, the darkness grew.

Stranger things were all but yet discovered.

[member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Grace Darkson"] | @Bahkt Wemk | [member="Vishkar"]
Post 8
Location: Chiloon Rift
Objective: Destroy the pirate base

Turbolaser fire splattered against the shields, they appeared to hold until the ship shuttered and an officer shouted "Sir! Deck eighteen is blew a power coupling, blast doors are sealed, damage control team are deployed, and one escape pod was launched."

Bartic turned to the tractor beam operator, "Hook it and bring it in, line it up with the bridge airlock, keep it out of the fighters' way."

He returned to the display, the Fearless was lagging behind, it's first wave fighters launched late, they would be acting as reinforcements rather than part of the screen, and it appeared that it had not launched it's troops yet.

Fortunately it's captain had contacted him and Bartic was easily able to get him back up to speed with the plan, "Launch your troops and escorts now, our second wave force will punch a hole for them to break through to the asteroid base."

(FS)Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bravery Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer (Captain [member="Jakkor Kess"])
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)
Shorarri roared fearfully as the pod drifted through the void of space. He peered out the back window and noted the pod was spinning, but every now and then he spotted the Venators drifting closer. He wondered how this was possible, then remembered many ships came equipped with tractor beams. As the ship slowly reeled them in the man Shorarri had saved began to awake. "Ugh, where am I?" He asked as he picked himself off the ground. [We are aboard a escape pod] Shorarri growled. The man rubbed his head a little then looked at the wookiee in suprise. "I guess you saved me, Thanks pal! The names Moe," Shorarri merely shrugged. He was sure the man would've done the same for him.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
{Location: Chiloon Rift}
{Objective: Get to the pirate asteroid base in one piece.}
{Allies: @Shorarri @Bartic Myth'rand}

Zaz stood up, his armored hand wrapping around the shuttle's support rail as it began to rock violently. He glanced over to the squad of Dominion Legionnaire's that sat silently as their ship rocketed towards the Asteroid Base. Cut off from the battle outside the shuttle Zaz had no knowledge of how far they were from their target. The pilot flying the shuttle spoke into the Comm system. "Commander! We're approaching the base now, but we have a problem!"

Immediately Zaz turned from the transport bay and moved into the pilot's pit. "What?!" He called out as he slid the door open. Immediately he saw something that caused his hand to tighten into a fist. Droid's crawled over the Asteroid, like spiders protecting their web. As they pushed off the asteroid base and flew towards the approaching force Zaz cursed underneath his breath. "Vulture Droids....Karking relics.....Take evasive maneuvers!"
The Ithoria wasn't staying where he was alone. He didn't want this dark, dark feeling to overtake him.
Whether he could trust these people or not, it was up for debate. But for now, he wasn't going to argue.

Vishkar drew his blaster pistol from his side and followed cautiously, his translator buzzing against his neck. He spoke deeply in his Ithorian dialect to those around him, his dark eyes watching over [member="Cedric Grayson"] as they walked together. "I thank you, friend. You, familiar are, to myself. On Mygeeto, we first met. During..." he hesitated and didn't finish his speech as he walked by their side. He felt the disturbance, whatever darkness it was, himself. However, the feeling of those, his new allies, around him, seemed to keep him steadfast and on his toes.

He wouldn't let this feeling overwhelm him again.

[member="Abraxas"] [member="Bhakt Wemk"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] @Ra'a'mah [member="Grace Darkson"]
"Yes, I recognize you," Cedric mused, his brow quirking up as the Ithorian spoke. The alien was one had he had come to assist on Mygeeto, though that seemed a thousand years in the past now. A hand was placed upon the Ithorian's shoulder, the fingers squeezing reassuringly. "You have the gift, and you must be careful with it. This place influences the mind like no other."

In silence, he nodded to Bhakt. The Nikto was most certainly correct. Whatever was going on here, the beings of the forest were out stalking. Some had already honed in on their position, and Cedric was sure they were making their way toward the ship as they spoke.

It was time to move.

Stepping through the brush, Cedric pushed his way through brambles and reeds. The source of the corruption was to the far north, and Cedric could feel it ebbing with power just beyond his mind's eyes. It was the soul of a demon.

"The Dark Side must be countered carefully," he murmured. "It can never be destroyed, but when it goes out of control like this, it needs to be halted." His voice was calm; utterly bereft of fear. "That is a Jedi's duty, but we must remain vigilant. We should not seek to harm what awaits us unless it is absolutely required. The force flows through all things. Drawing swords before we draw our tongues would disrupt that natural flow."

Little did he know how close one of those dark beings truly was...

[member="Vishkar"], [member="Abraxas"], [member="Bhakt Wemk"], @Ra'a'mah, [member="Grace Darkson"]

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