Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Come For Booty (Dominion Dom of Chiloon Rift and Irn)

"Well," the youth stepped off of the transport. "Investigation might be a good start," Cedric offered Ra an easy smile, before turning to the forest at large. His feet crunched masses of leaves beneath him, and the very earth itself seemed to hold shudder at his presence. Not only him, but the arrival of his companions as well. This forest, shrouded in darkness and death, was deeply touched by the force. It reacted particularly strongly to even the faintest presence, and the three force sensitives were more than enough to signal a coming.

"Keep your weapons ready, but take things in stride," Cedric instructed his guardsmen, "We don't know what awaits us beyond this clearing, but we could run into some locals. I'd rather not shoot any villagers." The words spoken, Cedric found himself nodding in agreement with Bhakt's words. The Nikto had a strong point.

"I want you to connect with me if you can. Reach out into the force. Focus on the presence of my mind, and cling to it. Together, we might be able to pierce this miasma," gray eyes squeezed shut, and Cedric reached out far into the ethereal realm. His mind brushed every root, animal, and person in the beyond. This extended to a point, but failed once it approached the greatest source of the darkness.

A sentient approached to the east. Cedric's eyes shot open.

"Someone is coming."

[member="Vishkar"], [member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Bhakt Wemk"], @Ra'a'mah
Taking [member="Cedric Grayson"] suggestion to keep weapons at the ready, she drew her blaster and kept it at her side. He asked [member="Bhakt Wemk"] to connect with him through the Force. Her own training was limited, but she reached out, not connecting with anybody, but the world itself. She felt the wildlife and something else. Ra couldn't place what it was, but could feel it none the less.

At the same time Cedric mentioned somebody was coming, she felt it as well and turned to face whoever it was.

Her braided tail switched back and forth across her back like a pendulum.

One other person stood out among the guards. She felt the gaze of [member="Grace Darkson"], but her face was hidden by the mask. She narrowed her eyes slightly, but moved out of the shuttle to join the others on the ground.
Post 3
Location: Chiloon Rift
Objective: Find and destroy the pirate base

One of the Mandalorians that the Dominion picked up had entered the bridge, Zaz Tal'verda, and inquired as to the current situation.

"We've identified the route in and out of the nebula that the pirates use, it won't be long until their base is within our grasp."

Just then a wookie had found it's way onto the bridge, and although it took a moment Bartic recognised him as Shorarri, the same wookie that had caused him plenty of embarrassment back on Serenno. Batic was willing to let bygones be bygones, that wa until he puked, far more than Bartic though possible, across the entire command console rendering it useless unless he wanted to dip his hands into the half digested meat slurry.

Bartic snapped at the nearest officer, "You. Get someone from from maintenance up here to clean this up." He then turned to a pair of troopers, "You two, get this man down to the sickbay, he's clearly unfit for duty at this time."

[member="Shorarri"] | [member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]

(FS)Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bravery Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)
I am a son of the Mountain.
{Location: Chiloon Rift}
{Allies: [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] @Shorarri}

It was not every day you watch a Wookie stumble onto the bridge of a warship and void his stomach over the nearest console that had the sorry pleasure of being in his way. Zaz turned to watch the scene with an expression of amusement coming over his helmeted face. Not feeling a need to comment on the display he merely turned back to the Commander, gesturing towards the vast display ahead of them. "We can make short work of these pirates. Any advanced defenses we should be expecting."

As he spoke he allowed a quick double-blink, pulling his HUD up over his helmet. His systems recognized the Commander as Captain [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] and made sure to make a mental note of the man's appearance, finally matching a face to the name. "If you don't need me here I'll prep the landing teams for departure."
Vishkar felt darkness around him, seeping from the forest trees and life around him. It was... It was overwhelming. It made him scared. it made him angry. It made him vengeful.

These invaders were coming to Irn to bring death and destruction to the clans, the life on the planet, for what? Whatever their reason, he was not going to allow it.

the Ithorian stalked through the forest, feeling raw power grow within him as he felt angrier, stronger; he would not allow these outsiders to bring the planet to its knees.

Vishkar was running now, spotting the small crew and ship in a clearing ahead. The Ithorian breathed in deeply, taking in energy from around him, rage and anger building within him. And he roared. His vocal chords and four throats expelled air at such a strong velocity, powered by the power the forest around him seemed to create, sending deep, powerful and possibly concussive Ithorian scream. He never felt he would have such power within him... But the devastation around him was visible. Tree branches and leaves shook and exploded around him, sending rocks flying and dirt soaring towards the crew.

And when it was over, Vishkar fell to his knees in exhaustion, his energy seemingly expelled as he looked to the invaders before him.

He could barely... breath...

And Vishkar fainted
Shorarri was approached by two troopers and they looked at the Wookiee with utter disgust. Meat and slobber coated his fur in a sick trail of slime. "Please come with us sir," One of the men asked as he grabbed Shorarri's arm. Shorarri went with the pair willingly. His stomach felt terrible and thought he may hurl again. But, he managed to make it to the elevator okay. They went to the sick bay and Shorarri was approached by a doctor. The man gave him a pair of pills and Shorarri took them. A few minutes later his stomach began to calm.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
@Zaz Tal'Verda
He was taking another sip of his whiskey when he felt it, a small cluster of the force gathered, both potent and profoundly glaring in comparison to the rest of those blessed with the force on that planet. "What the hell...?", Varus whispered to himself as he glanced over his shoulder and towards the door of the establishment as he felt around further in the metaphysical world beyond his own.

It couldn't have possibly been one force user, for the power was too great. Rather it was a group of them, like a cluster of flames flickering in a storm. One could go on unnoticed or be mistaken for a reflection from a pane of glass. Perhaps it could have even been mistaken for a star in the distant night sky, but with enough of them all gathered together they could not be mistaken for anything else. Force users... and talented ones at that.

Without a moment's hesitation Varus pushed himself up from the table, downed the rest of his glass of whiskey and clicked it down on the table top. He then tossed down a handful of creds that would have been more than enough to cover the tab and rushed out the front door of the establishment to find his way to his ship. "Alright, old bird. We've got some flapping to do.", he said with a sarcastic smile as he walked up the ramp and into his freighter. "And over the hills we go...", he whispered as he sat down, centered his mind as best he could and pinpointed the location in his mind. He then took the controls, fired up his engines and the ship began to rise up into the air.

His fingers danced quickly across the control panel as he keyed in the coordinates nearest where he had felt the disturbance in the force, and then, like a lightning bold, he was gone.

[member="Vishkar"], [member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Bhakt Wemk"], @Ra'a'mah
"Something is wrong." Cedric muttered as he turned to Ra. The creature that approached began wavering within the ethereal realm. Energies of the sort Cedric could only associate with the Great Ocean had begun to coalesce within the creature, and they were begging for release.

The stranger had become a living bomb.

The negativity of this place weighed heavily upon its heart. It, combined with the fear of Cedric and his companions, had caused this. Before the Archlord could do anything to dull what would follow, a massive book thundered through the forest. It lifted Cedric up off his feet and sent him flying many meters across the clearing. When he fell to the earth, it was at the entire other end of the clearing. Blood dribbled from a busted lip as he right himself; his entire body ached.

One of the Red Cloaks was pressed against a nearby tree, dazed but alive. The other, well, Cedric could not see her...

"Ra, Bhakt!" The Archlord shouted as he stumbled to his feet, his ears still ringing. Shattergun in hand, the youth approached the inert form of his attacker.

"He's out," Cedric murmured, a heavy sigh falling from his lips. The ringing began to fade. "Is everyone okay?" He asked, wiping a trail of blood from his lips.

[member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Vishkar"], @Ra'a'mah, [member="Bhakt Wemk"]
Post 4
Location: Chiloon Rift
Objective: Find and destroy the pirate base

The troopers escorted the wookie out of the bridge, no matter what happened now the wookie would no longer be a problem, either by having him locked up in the medbay or by stopping his sickness from preventing him from doing his duty.

Bartic turned back to Zaz. "We expect there to be a large fleet for refitted civilian models up to corvette sized, we will have an escort to bring you to their base so you may secure it. We do not intelligence on the base layout but we expect a large sprawling complex built on the surface of and possibly into the core of a planetoid."

It was going to be a difficult mission, nothing was confirmed, everything was an estimate based off of reports and previous scouting missions to the area although none had penetrated the gas cloud. For all they truly knew there could a be fleet of proper warships in there and the entire force would be none the wiser.

[member="Shorarri"] | [member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]

(FS)Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bravery Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)
Ra already faced the racing form as it emerged into the clearing. She took a couple wild shots at it, but missed all of them. She looked down at her gun blaming it for being inaccurate instead of her lack of skill in using it. She knew differently of course, but still looked at it.

Seeing it was going to slam into her, Ra quickly rolled away. A full body slam was avoided, but the momentum of the form stirred the air so much it pushed her to the ground with great force. After it's passage, she picked herself up off the ground, leaves and dirt covered her front side. Not bothering to brush them off, Ra dashed over to the side of [member="Cedric Grayson"] as he was standing up.

Letting out a small sigh of relief, even though she didn't know this man, she was glad he lived through the attack.

"I'm fine Cedric."

Turning, she looked at the stunned guard and wondered if he had any internal damage they couldn't see.

"I have very little medical knowledge, but have repaired the small hurts of children if you want me to check on that guard's condition."
I am a son of the Mountain.
{Location: Chiloon Rift}
{Allies: Bartic Myth'rand @Shorarri}

The operation seemed as straight forward as they get. Seeing no need to continue wasting the man's time Zaz responded to him with a curt nod before turning out of the command center. As he did he brought his HUD online once again, linking his comm system to the ship's. Normally Zaz would have been accompanied by his own soldiers from his clan, but this mission had not allowed such a luxury. Instead he lead Dominion soldiers, many of which held an equal amount of experience to his own Mandalorians. His first time in command of the soldiers he was eager to test their mettle.

Zaz found himself in the ship's hanger, watching as engineer's and pilot's scrambled to their shuttles, taking care of their final procedures before it would be time to start the mission. However it was the platoon that stood in the stand by area that took his attention. He made his way over to them while running his hand over his comm unit. "Captain [member="Bartic Myth'rand"], I think I'm safe in saying my boys are just about ready, ETA to target?"
Post 2

The only thing that went through her mind as the Ithorian opened his mouth and let out the powerful scream was: Well, crap

She flew through the air like some doll, her impact with the ground hard and painful. Her body, still encased in its iron tomb, slid across the ground in the dark wood. Pushing herself to her feet, a string of words escaped her as she tore off her helmet. "Nesanto su'us iv zo sosera!" The curse was followed by the woman proceeding to tear the rest of the armor off, each part dotted with some pieces of a long-forgotten tounge and some expelatives, before she grabbed the rifle that had landed not far from her, and stalked to the clearing where the rest would hopefully be. Blood oozed from a gash on her cheek, and she bore a scowl that could curdle milk. Sweat-soaked clothes clung to her form as she stepped into [member="Cedric Grayson"]'s view. "Archlord Cedric." She said simply, her eyes shooting daggers down at the passed out form of @Vishkar.

"He's the ajeusona who attacked us, I take it?"

His eyes were scanning the tops of tall standing trees, green as far as the eye could see beyond the outskirts of Irnfall. It was beautiful, the vast expanse that reminded him of a planet who's name he couldn't quite remember. A place where he'd been stranded and managed to fall in love, and a place that he wished every night he could fully forget. With enough alcohol and buyer's remorse, he'd forget all about those days and step into a new, more fulfilling one. Assuming that he could figure out where he fit in before someone put a blaster to his head and pulled the trigger while being too drunk to care.

"Alright...", he whispered to himself as he took over the controls after entering the area of the coordinates he'd entered. "...let's see who's throwing the party.", was all that left his mouth as his blue eyes searched the forest floor below, making sure that it was suitable for landing upon. After all, if it wasn't then he'd be digging the legs of his ship out of swampy muck later that day, which did not at all sound appealing.

The ship slowed above a clearing and carefully began to descend into the forest below, well aware that he wasn't yet close enough to disturb those he'd been seeking out. Still, if they were as talented of beings as he had assumed they were, he had a feeling they already knew he was coming.

"Let's get into a little trouble.", he said aloud to himself as the ship's platform lowered to the grass and he trotted out into the open. Then, without another moment of idol hesitation, he started off in the direction of the resonating force.

[member="Vishkar"], [member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Bhakt Wemk"], @Ra'a'mah

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master

Bhakt looked back to Cedric as he stepped off the ship and nodded and briefly closed his eyes. He sent out a small tendril of his mind to Cedric and found his mind waiting. He connected to the young man but was immediately snapped to attention as he also sensed the coming being. He saw the...Ithorian rear back and could practically see the force rippling around him. He was standing practically dead center. He didn't have time to dodge so all he he could do was slam his ax into the ground and get as low as possible to brace himself. The force wave rolled over him and he held to ax for dear life, but the force of the wave still manged to dislodge his ax and send him tumbling back several feet back.

He growled and stood. He could see the attacker of course now passed out after that kinda of power display. He walked over to Cedric relieved to see he was ok and also saw that Ra was ok. The attack didn't seem to have killed anyone actually, but it had certainly scattered everyone.

"Ugh I'm fine....what the hell is this guys problem though."

[member="Grace Darkson"] - @Ra'a'mah - [member="Cedric Grayson"] - [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Post 5
Location: Chiloon Rift
Objective: Find and destroy the pirate base

"Our ETA to the expected base location is 30 minutes away, our long range scans show a young star with a debris field containing one large object and a significant number of small ones. We'll be launching in three waves, you and your men will be launching in the second wave with a fighter escort. You should probably start prepping your men once we break out of this cloud I expect to be swarmed almost immediately."

Bartic tuned to study the holomap, he expected that there would be ships hiding on some of those objects and several more hiding on the main planetoid, this fight was going to dirty and Bartic expected for at least one of the ship to have to repel a boarding action, so in case everything failed he had the self destruct for each ship routed to his wrist communicator so that he had a guarantee that none of the ships would fall into enemy hands.

[member="Shorarri"] | [member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]

(FS)Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Bravery Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)

Fearless Venator-class Star Destroyer
T-65B X-wing (192)
BTL-S3 Y-wing (192)
RZ-1 A-wing (36)
A quiet sigh of relief fell from his lips as the group confirmed their status. He'd been worried that someone might have had their neck snapped in the ensuing crash, or something even worse. His worries allieved, the Archlord fell to one knee alongside the Ithorian.

"See what you can do Ra. Any help is better than nothing," the youth muttered in agreement. He gave the white-haired woman an encouraging look, before returning his attentions back to the alien. He was not a native of this world, but rather a visitor much like themselves. A pale hand was placed to the Ithorian's trunk-like neck.

"Enough of that. Quiet now, and dream of better times. We will not harm you. You are safe here," the words carried on beyond the physical, flowing through an ethereal link that Cedric had quietly established with the stranger's mind. The words spoen, Cedric rose to his feet and broke the tie.

"I don't think he intended to hurt us. I believe it was fear that drove him to attack. It's clear to me that we need to find the source of this corruption immediately," the youth paused, a raven brow raised as Grace announced herself. "I thought something was off with my second guard. He doesn't have breasts, and most men have trouble growing them overnight. I figured that might have been you."

The Archlord huffed a rare laugh. "The origin point of this influence lies to the north. Once we secure our wounded and you all are ready, we should get moving."

[member="Bhakt Wemk"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Grace Darkson"], @Ra'a'mah, [member="Vishkar"]
I am a son of the Mountain.
{Location: Chiloon Rift}
{Allies: [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] @Shorarri}

As Bartic spoke through the Comm unit Zaz gave the man an unseen nod, clearly understanding the situation. With nothing else to be said he switched his comm unit off and approached his platoon. The men had been briefed and were merely awaiting their orders. The Mandalorian gestured to the transport shuttles. "Ok ladies, we're moving out with the second iteration. Captain says he can get us close enough to breach the base so strap in and enjoy the ride. Last one in buys the drinks."

With nothing more to be said Zaz gestured towards the transports, giving the men leave to begin loading up. As they did he exhaled, looking over the fighters that were being prepped to escort them. The Mandalorian never cared for starfighters, especially relying on them for escort, but today there wasn't much choice.

Bhakt Wemk

The Prospective Weapon Master

Bhakt checked himself for any damage now that things had calmed down again and found a few small scrapes but nothing serious. He huffed and now realized that suddenly the darksider he met back on Vjun was here, Grace. Though after a bit more experience with utilizing the light, he felt more at ease around the woman. Still he kept a bit of distance. He hated that this woman effected him like this, but it was one of the demons he'd have to deal with over time.

He looked to the north not able to sense the exact nature of the disturbance, just that something was off. He gathered the men together and got them reorganized and walked back to Cedric.

"Ok men are ready. So even if he didn't mean to hurt anybody, we can't just leave this guy here by the ship. So we bringing him along? If so, not it on carrying him."
He couldn't hear or see them yet, but he knew they were out there. He could feel them, a hand full of beings, a few of which were talented with the force. They had gathered for something, out there in the wilderness like that, and Varus was itching to know what it was. Unfortunately for him, though, they had begun to move to the North. So, without a moment's hesitation, Varus began to move through the trees, quietly and carefully as he'd been trained to do as a Padawan.

His steps were light, his breaths were soft and his body moved rather quickly, as quiet as he was able to be. It was surprising that a man of such stature could move so quickly, but he'd always loved the wilderness, and for that matter, had grown accustomed to hunting when he was a younger man. It was always self serving to know how to hunt and survive alone if need be, and the rest just came naturally with what he'd picked up during his time with the Republic soldiers, who'd taught him most of what he knew to begin with.

"Where are you headed...?", he whispered to himself as he continued to slink through the trees like a tip toeing cartoon character hot on the heels of it's unsuspecting prey.

[member="Vishkar"], [member="Grace Darkson"], [member="Bhakt Wemk"], @Ra'a'mah
The Ithorian groaned as he felt his head and breathed deeply. What was this... This feeling that had just taken over him?

The Ithorian felt the presence of others around him. He heard them talk, but he couldn't take in what they were saying. He could barely think straight, as his head pounded with a killer concussion. He felt one stand near him as he slowly helped himself to his knees, looking about him with a fearful look in his peaceful eyes. Such an attack he had made against them... Such a move of hostility... it wasn't like him. He felt.. horrible.

When he spoke, his deep Ithorian dialect boomed about them, but when he finished what he said slowly and exhaustively, a small device on his neck pinged, and translated what he said into Galactic Basic.

"Apologies, humble, humble, great apologies. I had dark feelings of evil, in my head, yes. Hep, help I need. You come, this world. And invasion, harm innocents. Life I can feel, screaming..." the Ithorian lowered his head as he continued to boom in his deep Ithorian. The translator beeped. "Vishkar I am called, of Galactic Alliance. Please, alone I am. What I did, I know not powerful, can be." He raised his eyes to the one he believed to be the leader, Cedric, and opened his eyes wider. "Was this... The Force?"

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