Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We All Fall Down

Kirk Skobra

The scent of nicotine filled the room
Kirk Skobra
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Rishi Moon Outpost[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Status: Investigating Outpost[/SIZE]​



[SIZE=11pt]It was just after Kirk had made a sly comment about the bloody mess. Truly, the gore didn’t bother him in the slightest; he was accustomed to a wide range of body parts and organs. He was taking in the sight, to see if any of the terminals looked like they have way worked so that he could get his paycheck and leave the Imperials to whatever the hell they wanted to do about this mess. However, that was until room service barged in from the nearest hall with his guts hanging out; that’s when things got a lot more complicated, and in more ways than one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kirk would’ve caught the thing that walked out from the hall with a thousand-yard stare before being cut down by the protector. Kirk almost asked himself what in the hell that thing was. But, it all started to make sense in Kirk’s head, as he stood there, entranced in thought. “Damn spooks.”, the veteran grizzled to himself. The blasted bodies were gone because they just got back up. This must’ve been an experiment gone wrong, something deep in Kirk’s gut told him that; maybe it was his smarts, maybe it was his force-sensitivity. But, still if this was a damn attack, where the hell was the occupying force? This could’ve been a field test. But then, where was any evidence at all that a damn ship had been through here from one of the hyperlanes, and shot some sort of blasted canister through one of the durasteel reinforcements? Just from looking around, Kirk could tell that wasn’t the case. Kirk's detective skills kicked in, and the truth was apparent to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kirk’s mind speculated with a keen level of fervor. He was losing his nerve. All he knew for absolute sure was that this operation reeked of fish, badly, and he didn't mean the guts that 'room service' let loose after he dropped dead. Kirk grumbled under the tone of his voice, shook his head, and kept on his way. He wasn’t about to let some walking husk with a missing chest cavity and a missing lower jaw get in the way of his paycheck. It was in the deal he made, and Kirk wasn’t about to let a slip-up take a slide on his reputation. [/SIZE]
Luyioth Dakwin
Rishi Moon Outpost, landing pad and surrounds.
Interacting with: [member="Imperial Storyteller"]; [member="Labkahip Mordulla"].​

Even with vague precognition, it was a blurr of movement: the durasteel door was torn down, the beast sullied forth, and the sovereign protector promptly cut it down. Luyioth had only began to step forward herself with her saber in tow, a thrumming crimson pillar moving alongside her, when the encounter was over. Reluctantly, after a moment of pause, she eased her stance and started her way towards the abomination; with something not unlike a crack, the saber retreated back into the hilt, which she sat back onto her belt.

It was hard not to feel the tension in the air; well, tension wasn't fair: it was something much closer to terror. It'd be unfair to say that she didn't feel it herself: in honesty, she was terrified of what may have been happening at the moon outpost. At first, it was an uncomfortable seed in her stomach, but as she got closer to the former trooper, it developed into an all-encompassing sense of dread. It didn't take an empath to tell that the others must surely be feeling it too, evident with their questioning and suspicion towards the sovereign protector. A staple of her reconditioning was not to question authority without cause: to this end, she resigned with herself that she had no choice but to bear it. It was what must be done.

Letting the others question and speculate, Luyioth came to stand besides the fallen halves of the trooper. She paused for a moment, in thought, before she ultimately opted for a creative option: with one hand, she reached out to press the top half of the creature to the floor with the force by his neck, while she lifted the other to begin to pry off his helmet. She lifted her head to gaze to both the sovereign protector and the twi'lek doctor in sequence: to ask by expression through her sealed helmet's transparent visor - a precaution in case of depressurization - if she should investigate the trooper to the sovereign protector, and if what may lie underneath the helmet would interest the doctor.

In the pit of her gut, she knew she didn't want to know. She almost hoped she would be scolded and told to fall into line so that she wouldn't have to see, but until then, she refused to show weakness - at least, not while she could help it. Stubborn to a fault.
Prepare for your... examination.
The hulking almost rotten trooper cause flash backs for the doctor, it reminded her of the many unfortunate people to be at the receiving end of her 'mentors' experiments, the flesh hanging off the armor a sight somehow familiar but where. Her concentration was broken when said walking corpse was cleaved in half, some of the people reacting in shock, other asking question, but Lab more more interested in the decaying being in front of her.

The young inquisitor, [member="Luyioth Dakwin"] seemed to share the same interest in the creature, despite a certain some one asking the sovereign protector what it was Lab preferred to get hand on experience, proceeding to crouch down along side the body, pulling up a data pad and scanning the once living organism. She hopped Mr now in charge gave them the go ahead for remove the mask, no being should still be able to live with the wound present, but such a mystery might be solvable by examining the head and brain of the newly acquired specimen.

"Sir, would I be able to run some quick test on this individual, or would you prefer it be moved to another location, either way I would like to get underway on an dicection of some sort".
Equipment: Double-Bladed Lightsaber - Vibroblade - Heavy Blaster Pistol - Sovereign Protector Armor
Location: Rishi Moon Facility
Status: Taking Lead
Attn: [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Varik Ice"] | [member="Ailuros"] | [member="Anya Malvern"] | [member="DT-2417"] | [member="Labkahip Mordulla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"]

"First things first, Agent C'artyom. You will not address me by my first name, but as 'Lord Carlon' or 'Sovereign Protector Carlon'. I am not here to be your friend or your babysitter." He snarled, clearing his blade from the head of the creature and wiping a black liquid from the tip on the corpse's armor; The Sovereign Protector turned, approaching the Chiss agent with vibroblade in hand, towering over him in height, a malicious gaze evident through his mask even though his eyes were hidden.

Ignoring the agents that were actively threatening a high-ranking Imperial official, he bent over until his voice could only be heard by the Chiss. "Therefore, I command that you mind your tongue. A special agent and flight commander of Inferno squadron stupidly asking a sovereign protector to divulge Imperial secrets in front of several unauthorized individuals including paid mercenaries does not bode well." Carlon hissed "Unless, of course; You wish that I speak to the Grand Moff and the Emperor about rethinking your position in the command structure."

Not giving him a chance, and hoping that the agent would choke on his seething hatred, the Sovereign Protector marched back towards the corpse before glaring down the dark tunnel. "Pestilence, the Inquisitors, and I will take up the vanguard down this corridor that leads to the facility. Agents and Inferno Squadron should stay at the rear to provide flank coverage and ranged support, non-combat personnel wedged between us for protection. While we form up, the doctor can perform her tests." He announced, sheathing his vibroblade and grabbing his saber from his belt.
[SIZE=11pt]C’artyom heard what the Guardsman had to say. He didn’t like it at all, but Skaara personally having the Emperor’s ear made things a bit difficult. So, desmond swallowed his pride and heeded what the giant had ordered. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You heard the man Inferno, take the rear,” Desmond said into his commlink then he regarded the half naked catwoman with a inquisitive eye.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He found it ironic there was a feline agent, but kept the joke to himself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I suppose you should form up with the rest of Inferno,” He told her and Spectre gave the feline a wave. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Meanwhile over Inferno’s private comms Phantom spoke up again “I hope she’s not feral,” He said and Desmond smirked at the clone’s hatred towards cat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]This brought about a chuckle from Ghoul “I wouldn’t mind getting a few scratches from her,” The clone joked. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Desmond regarded both of them with a cold stare “If you don’t keep the comms clear you’ll be getting more than scratches,” Desmond said quietly. Then Desmond was racked by another coughing fit. Ghost came rushing over and patted his squad lead on the back. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“You alright sir?” Ghost asked.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Just get into formation,” C’artyom ordered as he pushed Ghost away. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He’d be damned if he was going to let a cold kill him.[/SIZE]

[member="Varik Ice"] | @Ailuros | @Anya Malvern | @DT-2417 | @Labkahip Mordulla | @Koda Fett | [member="Skaara Carlon"] | @Kirk Skobra
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Skaara Carlon"] [member="Ailuros"] [member="Labkahip Mordulla"] [member="Luyioth Dakwin"]

No real answer but she supposed since this man was higher then her it was safer to shut her mouth and simply do as told

She looked to the chiss agent as she saw him coughing again...he could draw attention in this base...she opted to not say a thing as she was not in control any longer, however she got in front with the sovereign protector and spoke

sovereign protector carlon sir, I advise that the chiss agent stays....his coughing may give our location away should there be enemies inside...or more of those...things

She said hand motioning to the body as she looked forward saber drawn but not on as she was ready
The almost barking from Skaara made Ailuros turn her attention to him and have to hide a smirk she had since none of that was directed at her. For once somebody else was getting treated like a cat. Turning when he mentioned agents, he had her attention.

She was trained in close quarter combat with limited range ability.

"Sir, if you would like I can sneak and scout ahead."

Being quick on her feet, the cat figured she would easily escape any of the shambling husks if they all moved like the one dead at their feet.

Nodding at what Desmond said though, she noticed the wave of one of the clones in his party. He let out more coughing and she looked at him again about to make the same suggestion she had before. On the way here he had not been coughing or showing signs of being ill. Anya beat her to it though, she only nodded in agreement.

[member="Anya Malvern"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Skaara Carlon"] [member="Labkahip Mordulla"] [member="Luyioth Dakwin"] [member="Kirk Skobra"]
Prepare for your... examination.
Lab stared blankly around as the others argued, the [member="Skaara Carlon"] giving orders but not answering her question at all, his cape fluttering behind as he lead the vanguard down the hall way with inferno squad and [member="Anya Malvern"] but her attention was drawn to [member="Desmond C'artyom"], his sudden coughing fit sparking her medical side.

"Miss Malvern does raise a good point, if you would like I can give you a quick cheek up, but before that, trooper, take go to my shuttle and retrieve a operating bed, I wish to take this specimen for testing". Her private Lambda-class T-4a shuttle being converted into a movable medical facility, not the most advance but enough for the testing she had in mind and to give the Chiss a once over.

If what ever was making these 'things' was what her former teacher hinted to in his own experiments she would have to start her dissection around the brain. Though from physical inspection she could see that the brain was most likely the only possible part of the creature still intact, or was intact.

[member="Luyioth Dakwin"]
Luyioth Dakwin
Rishi Moon Outpost, landing pad and surrounds.
Equipped with: dark robes, sealed helmet, saberstaff.
Interacting with: [member="Imperial Storyteller"]; [member="Labkahip Mordulla"]; [member="Skaara Carlon"].​

"Pestilence, the Inquisitors, and I will take up the vanguard down this corridor that leads to the facility."
Luyioth, holding her gaze with the sovereign protector, offered an affirmative nod. Quietly, without offering a vocal response, she turned back to the corpse and the doctor hovering over it. After a brief moment to look between the two, she simply released her telepathic grip on the bisected create, letting the tension on its neck and helmet frankly vanish. she offered the doctor a parting glance before turning towards the sovereign protector, moving to take up a post by his flank.

As Luyioth took up a position on the guardsman's right, she slowly took her saberstaff off her belt and tucked the long hilt along the inside of her dominant hand's forearm; while deactivated, she kept it well within arms reach. With weary and cautious eyes, she kept her direction towards the tunnels ahead, waiting to follow the sovereign presumably into the depths.
851 ABY
Call-sign Pestilence Actual
Post Two
Objective: Form the vanguard alongside the Inquisitors and Sovereign Protector.

Into the heart of darkness.

​As the Sovereign Protector barked his orders, Pestilence moved immediately. With several garbled transmissions from the Captain, his men formed up into an arrowhead formation; 6 on each side. Of course, this formation probably would be crushed inward as they moved into the tunnels, however keeping the width of the formation as spread as possible gave Pestilence the advantage of bringing their full firepower to bare. Even if it took to a case where their way became to cramped for such luxuries of spreading out, DT-217 was prepared to adapt and overcome whatever difficulties they were faced with. Though, in reality, Pestilence had no idea what they were truly walking into. Still, within the absence of emotion was the absence of fear. Pestilence would face the unspeakable horrors that awaited them in the dark.

Even in the face of evil, Pestilence would not falter.

[member="Luyioth Dakwin"] | [member="Skaara Carlon"] | [member="Varik Ice"]
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Sealed Helmet - Initiate Robes
Location: Rishi Moon Outpost
Status: Taking point
Varik listened to Carlon's orders, and didn't acknowledge them. They wouldn't have to be, obedience in this case was to be expected. Even in simpler societies like his home, a hierarchy was always understood. Perhaps that was something of an advantage he had in the Empire compared to others who came from kinder homes; he knew the harshness of the structure, and how to climb his way up it. He kept his saber in his hand, though it stayed low and didn't ignite. He listened carefully to the other force users, though he was curious about this other initiate; he hadn't seen her much before, she seemed to turn up recently. It was intriguing; he wondered where she came from.

He stepped forward, joining the Vanguard alongside the others assigned before they began moving forward. Though the presence in the forces was strong here, thanks to the other Inquisitorus around him, he focused, almost in a meditative state as he walked. The light often served the Empire as well as the dark, and perhaps both would be useful here. He listened through the force for any presence or creature, whether sentient or animal that was still alive on this ship.

He was helped by the fact that he found most of the others' presence harder to detect than the norm; perhaps due to various forms of training, mental guards or simply a weak connection. Still, as he listened in on the suggestions he wondered inwards if the concern for the special agent's health and the possible liability was due to self-preservation, kindness or since the Sovereign Protector already had his attention pinned on him, and the suggestion would perhaps warm him up to whoever gave it. Perhaps it was all three, or none.

Things were much more complicated in the Empire, and he had the feeling there was much that they did that he had yet to discover.

Kirk Skobra

The scent of nicotine filled the room
Kirk Skobra
Location: Rishi Moon Outpost
Status: Guarding the Rear-Flank

Kirk wasn't too keen on leading the charge anyway.

The idea of following orders came naturally to Kirk, coming from his background. He waited aimlessly for all the others to file into the corridor, before taking the rear up for himself alongside Inferno Squadron. Kirk got a minor chuckle out of the agents being chewed out in the open; it fondly reminded him of his time in the academy in the CSA Security Police. Although, Kirk used this as a guise to weigh his options in his mind as he provided cover from the rear flank, his Westar M-5 raised and aimed down the corridor from whence they came.

It must've been about halfway down the hallway Kirk realized that there was no way any of them were walking off this damned ship - not even him - without containing whatever the hell caused this outbreak.

Kirk was mild-mannered, frank - but ultimately selfish in nature. If anyone were to tell him that, he'd scornfully remind that everyone's selfish; nice people just do it especially when it's not convenient; that was the difference with Kirk, with himself consistently being caught in between the rock and the hard place of being a good man or a bad man. Unfortunately, Kirk was too grumpy to care about anything more than getting a job done. That was his code of conduct. It at least was more than most of the galaxy could boast. Even then, he didn't want to get off this ship though. Because, that would mean that this job wasn't getting done - and he still wasn't about to let him and and a couple of corpses get in the way of his reputation.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
Rishi Moon Outpost

Koda became increasingly agitated at the situation, this Sovereign Protector just barking orders and acting like a child that couldn't have it's way. Although he was accustomed to the respect desired in a military. The difference between a name and a rank was familiar to him, so much so it even made him think for a moment. Yet still that wasn't the only thing getting on the Mercenaries nerves today, these... reanimated organisms reminded him all too much of those Geonosian Brainworms from all those years ago, a time in the galaxy in which everything made sense, or at least to him. His place, where he belonged, if even that.

All the while Fett appeared as devoid and vacant of any thought and emotion from his cold exterior. He walked alongside the other Mercenary, Kirk Skobra, he'd heard of him, quite the reputation, one that may even rival his own. Perhaps they'd get along, share stories, become allies, help each other out when the situation required. Unfortunately that wasn't anything Fett was interested in these days, not anymore. He tried his luck at friendship, and that went down in flames, quite literally. Was he saddened by the thought of it? Who knows, not even he knows what to think of it.

All this idle time, all this boredom left him alone with his thoughts. A bad thing, a terrible thing, something that'd only end in the suppressed coming back. You left her. I didn't mean to. You still did, you even left him. It wasn't my fault, there's nothing I could do. In the end who else is to blame? He conversed with himself like madman, his actions coming back to haunt him despite the lack of control he had. It was as if he had another person inside his head, no matter, Koda disregarded it as he did with most others. Though in the end it's hard to ignore something that hits you with the only thing you don't want to hear, after all, you know how to hurt yourself more than anyone else.

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