Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Way of the Sarlacc


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Valery forgot about the taste of sand in her mouth instantly, and looked at him, "Who are they, then? Thieves who got their hands on Beskar?" Valery pushed herself up and steadied herself on her feet. She knew that Aris likely didn't have the answers to her questions yet, but she trusted his judgement. If he believed them not to be Mandalorians, then they likely weren't. He had been reading up on their culture a lot, after all.

Especially now that there was a great likelihood for him to encounter them during the war.

"So, this is your Master, eh? I stand corrected. Oh, I'm glad we came back for her now," the brutish man said, as he approached without a helmet, but a newly acquired blaster rifle and pistol. He then looked Valery over with a somewhat too excited grin on his face, but was met with one of pure disgust from the Jedi Master in response.

"Can we head back to the ship now?" the woman asked, her eyes shifting between Aris and Valery.

Valery looked at her son.



Aris was gone in an instant. In the next, his fist had crossed the brutish man's face to send him sailing into the sand behind him. There was a lot he was calm about, even indifferent, but insulting his mother? Looking at her like that? Even Aris couldn't hold himself back from absolutely clobbering the man. It also confirmed it for him, though.

If they were Mandalorian's, they would've known the Sword.

"You're going to tell us where you stole that armor from, first. Then we might leave with you. I suggest talking fast."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Like father, like son, alright.

Valery blinked, and when her eyes re-opened, the 'Mandalorian' was down on the ground, unconscious. The others jumped up from pure shock, and fiddled with the weapons they had in their hands, but none drew. None of them dared aim their blasters are the kid, having seen that.

They could only imagine what more he could do, or what his Master could do to them.

"Are you threatening us now, Jedi?" The woman finally managed, still hesitant about seeming too hostile. "We don't have to answer any of your questions."

"Or will you leave us behind to be killed if we don't?"

Valery perked a brow, but decided to let her son handle it, for now.



"We assisted you regardless of who you are because you needed help. You no longer need that help."

They ultimately didn't. They would be able to escape here, if they wanted to. With or without Jedi help. But Aris had no intentions of helping people that had proven they couldn't be trustworthy. "Good day. I believe there is a landspeeder still undamaged within your skiv, from what I saw."

Then he turned to leave. He wasn't going to risk their safety.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"You're going to just leave us behind?" Her question was half surprise, but half anger too, as she stared at the kid in disbelief. He just... walked away. Just like that. The woman's blood was starting to boil, and the two others who had been silent stared daggers at the young Noble too.

Then, right as he turned around, one of them raised a pistol.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed out in agony, as the bone in his arm snapped in half. Valery's eyes were burning now, "You dare raise your weapon against my son's back?" All three of them froze, both because they realized what relationship the two really had, and because Valery held them in a fierce telekinetic grip.

But as she did, Aris would be able to see a cloud of sand and dust moving closer from the distance. Something was coming, and it was coming fast.



Aris didn't look back as he climbed up into the Bastion. Everything that needed to be said was said, and they'd made their choice. He felt no responsibility to continue to help them, not if they were so unwilling to tell their story. A story likely of thieves none the less. He made his way to the cockpit to get the Bastion ready for flight, not that he was really that learned with starships.

But he could at least turn it on.

"We're ready to go, Master Noble."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

With Aris moving into the ship, Valery twitched her hand, and all three of them fell. Not harmed, but pinned down until she felt it was safe enough fo let them go again. Valery then turned and walked into the Bastion herself, where she sat down and watched her son get them ready to leave.

Her son.

Perhaps seemingly out of nowhere, Valery closed the distance and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him close, and let out a soft, somewhat shaky breath. He had done well and given her no reason to be afraid

But he was still her son.

"I'm proud of you," she said softly.



Aris blinked in surprise as he was pulled into a hug. It wasn't the hug that had him surprised, but her. She was shaking. Nervous. Scared? He smiled after a moment, reached up to gently pat the top of her head given they were about the same height now. "I'm alright, mom. Don't worry. We should get back, though. I think the Mandalorian's are going to be here soon."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

The hug on its own already relieved much of the tension she felt inside, but when he patted her on the head, Valery froze for a moment. He had that same comforting touch his father had, and while the gesture was very different from her son, it seemed to have the same effect.

She pulled back, smiled, and seemed calm again.

"You really are growing much too fast for your poor Mom's heart." She chuckled and reached up to ruffle his hair. Perhaps, this might be the last time she could. "You're also right, let's get out of here." She turned back to the controls and started bringing the ship up into atmosphere to stay hidden from the Mandalorians who were on their way.

"So, quite the adventure, huh?"



"I'm not growing fast, this is just how Epicanthix are."

Is what he said, but for once he did actually understand what she was saying. There were few things that could make her sad like her children growing so fast. He didn't linger on that, though, just smiled and nodded.

"It was. I learned a lot."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"I knowww, but..."
Valery sighed in defeat and just nodded. There was no way to stop her little babies from growing up, and as much as she loved them cute and little, there was something fun about them growing older too. Now, she was out on training adventures and missions with her own kids.

Nothing could make a Mom more proud than that.

"I'm glad you learned a lot, and I-" Valery stopped, froze and gasped for her breath. Her eyes widened, and then she frowned.

"Something is wrong. I can feel something is happening on Ossus. With your father and sister..."



Aris's expression tightened in turn. He didn't feel anything, like he never would, but for once he wish he could at least so he might be able to tell the people he cared about were in trouble. He just nodded though. Whatever was going on he was certain Vera and dad could handle it. And they had the Bastion.

Which meant they'd be able to catch up easily enough.

"Let's go help them."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Valery's lips thinned in thought for a moment. As much as her motherly instincts wanted to get them straight to Ossus, she trusted her Husband to keep himself and their daughter safe. She had to, or else she'd be driven insane every single day they were out there without her.

"I'm confident your Dad has it under control, but... I feel a strange tension. As if their danger is ours." She looked at Aris and frowned a little. Usually, she always had the answers to these things, but she wasn't quite sure what was going on. Calling out to Kahlil now felt risky too.

What if she distracted him?

"Aris? Do you think you can call your sister? Maybe she knows."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Vera sounded very happy to hear his voice. Her preparations to welcome the intruders were nearing its completion, but she still felt a little tense over it all. She knew her brother wouldn't be able to feel that, but he'd more than likely be able to hear it in her voice. He was a good listener like that.

"We're being hunted by people with tattoos on their faces. They're using Void stone to hide themselves," she explained. "But Aris, they're not just coming after Dad and I. They're also coming for you and Mom. For the little ones." All except for Aurra, most likely, but even Aurra wasn't safe if these people came.

They had already shown capable of using hostages.

"I think someone on Niv Hani tipped these people off."



If someone on Niv Hani tipped them off, then..

Aris looked up to Valery. "We need to go back home. If they know you and dad aren't there, they're going to target them." Colette was still a Padawan. Stronger than him or Vera, but still a Padawan. He looked back to the hologram of his sister. "Get home as soon as you can, okay? We're heading there first. .. And be safe, alright?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"On it,"
Valery said before she turned the Bastion around and set a course straight back home. With her babies at risk, Valery wasn't playful at all anymore. There were no smiles, grins, or teasing comments for her kids. There was a fire burning inside, and until her little ones were all safe in her arms, that fire could never be dimmed.

Mom was coming home.

"I'll be safe, Aris. But I gotta go. Serenity and I are going to fight them." She smiled at her brother and nodded. He had his task, and she had her own.

They'd see each other again soon.

The hologram cut out, and Valery turned her gaze to her son for a moment, "You're worried about her," she stated. Vera wasn't really a fighter like he was, and she was about to confront these people. As his Mother, knowing how close they were, Valery knew he was going to be a little worried.

But she trusted he'd be able to focus.



"I am."

Aris stared at where Vera was for a moment longer before taking a deep breath and tucked the holodevice away. She and him weren't together. They usually were these days, but now they weren't, and she was in danger. He wasn't sure what to feel, but he did feel worried. And yet, they had to go home. They couldn't help her. He trusted dad to, of course.

But still.

"We have to get home, first. We'll see her when she and Dad get back."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"I am, too. But she's a tough cookie, and Dad will never let anybody hurt you guys."
Or hurt his wife. His strength and protectiveness always had her feel safe, and rarely made her worried the kids would actually get hurt. Though, right now, his focus was on Vera, and it was going to be up to her and Aris to secure the wee ones.

Mom was just as protective.

"We're almost there." Valery's eyes focused on the viewscreen ahead, as they broke from hyperspace awfully close to the planet. She immediately dipped the Bastion down into the atmosphere, and took them straight to the landing zone they had chosen just outside their house. The grass there had been removed and replaced with stone tiles, just to offer a flat space for them to land on. Valery touched down not a moment later, and lowered the ramp.

"Aris, get to the house! I'm going to scan the perimeter."




Aris didn't hesitate or wait. He was there at the ramp once they broke atmosphere, steadying himself, His mind. He needed to be able to run, as fast as he possibly could to get back to the house. To make sure the others were safe. Once the ramp was lowered he was off like a bullet. He knew he couldn't sense the others. He knew that if there was something going on, he wouldn't be able to tell until he got there.

That honestly freaked him out more than anything else. He just needed them to be safe.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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