Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Lore  "The Way of the Guardian" (Shield Kata)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an original fighting style unique to Connel Vanagor and Connel alone. Image Credit: N/A Canon: No Permissions: My Subs Links: Teras Kasi, Rek Dul, and Broken Gate GENERAL INFORMATION Holocron Name: "The Way of the Guardian" (Shield Kata)...
  2. Connel Vanagor

    Work In Progress  "The Way of the Guardian" (Shield Kata)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an original fighting style unique to Connel Vanagor and Connel alone. Image Credit: N/A Canon: No Permissions: My Subs Links: Teras Kasi, Rek Dul, and Broken Gate GENERAL INFORMATION Holocron Name: "The Way of the Guardian" (Shield Kata)...
  3. Lossa Aureus

    Private  The Galaxy Finds a Way

    Location: Skynara, System Station Equipment: Outfit Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone Weapons: Turmoil - Lightsaber Ship: Skiptown Tags: Trextan Voidstalker SID-10S "Sid" was stuck on the Skiptown for the time being with Zeriana, while Lossa sat in the terminal. Waiting as her eyes darted...
  4. Brandyn Sal-Soren

    Private  Shiraya Falls: The Untouched Way

    Sleep evaded him. He had left his ornate room in the Elyance Estate to walk the rivers edge nearby. He and Cybelle had made it a habit to walk this path each day. It was her attempt, and his, to try and simply be. The itch was persistent though. Brandyn did not like to be still and just exist...
  5. Caltin Vanagor

    Public  Pitstop on the way to the spa

    LOCATION: Chommell Sector - Naboo System | OBJECTIVE: Travelling to see Connel Vanagor | POST #: 1 TAG (ALLIES) : Joran Del-Finn TAG (FOES) : @ .Caltin had no intention of staying long at Ko's party. One too many Masters was like chaperones, and on top of that, he really did not know, or...
  6. Oleander Webb

    Private  Reawaken

    Deep in space, in a ship no more familiar to him than a rental room, Death was in his quarters. It'd belonged to one of his victims mere rotations ago, the ill-fated pilot's name forgotten save for the note kept in the cockpit should the need for an assumed identity arise. The small room had...
  7. Liorra

    Private  On My Way

    Liorra was on her way back home to Keldabe from Cormond of Brentaal IV. The Crescent Serpent needed refueling and Lio needed something to eat, there was a local Dex Diner nearby. The teenager wearing casual clothing, beskar'gam and jedi robes tucked away in the wardrobe on the ship. The port was...
  8. Sila

    Faction  Seek Our Way [Chiss Revivalists]

    Seeker Facility Theartarra Sila walked through the facility with only the beam of a flashlight lighting the way. She had to get the power back on somehow. No use in trying to get the movement going under the illumination of one flashlight. Once the power was back, she'd be able to prepare the...
  9. Lilith Nytehand

    Private  Way overloaded

    Wearing: Cybernetic Assist Armor Armed With: Herself Earlier... Doctor Stalk (See Bio) had been in control for days, ever since escaping DarkStar with Sam Kolburn . Her mood went between crying at how she had been irreversibly altered cybernetically, to having severe panic attacks at the...
  10. Katarine Ryiah

    Private  Black Marsh Files: Way Down Below

    Location: Jedi Temple on Coruscant - Hangar Objective: Meet padawan and start mission Tags: Aveline Cuiléin Katarine was inside the hangar waiting to meet a padawan. The padawans name was Aveline Cuilein and hopefully she was a good pilot because Kat was a dreadful one and they needed to go...
  11. Valery Noble

    Private  Way of the Sarlacc

    Niv Hani Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring Weapons: Blasters | Lightsaber Tag: Aris Noble Last time they had gone on an adventure like this, Aris had shown a lot of excitement. He had nearly dragged her along to the ship, just so they could get to New Cov already and be Jedi there. But New...
  12. Laphisto

    First Reply  Spiraling down on the way to ordo

    Location: Unknown. 1-3 hex's from the Ordo system Goal: Survival, identify location, and get a signal off-world to call for help The unexpected gift of freedom as the Silver Jedi grandmaster pardoned him of his crimes still sat uncomfortably with him. it was a double-edged sword for Laphisto...
  13. Laphisto

    First Reply  Spiraling down on the way to Ordo

    Location: Unknown. 1-3 hex's from the Ordo system Goal: Survival, identify location, and get a signal off-world to call for help The unexpected gift of freedom as the Silver Jedi grandmaster pardoned him of his crimes still sat uncomfortably with him. it was a double-edged sword for Laphisto...
  14. Aelina Corsanis

    Approved Lore  The Haikage Path - The Way of the Hidden Shadow.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: create a really unique force tradition Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Tradition Name: Haikage Path Tradition Type: Decentralized, Mystical, Warrior Tradition Focus: Spiritual, Physical Influence: Interplanetary...
  15. Victor Thrash

    Private  Our Own Hydian Way

    Wojtek "Get a move on! Be careful! Stupid hunk of junk," Victor kicked at the loading droid, his boot creating a resounding metalic thud but managing little else than to cause his foot to begin to throb. It had just dropped one of his crates, a medically sealed cargo crate filled with ryll. It...
  16. S

    Approved Lore  Beskar Kom'rk | The Way of the Iron Gauntlet

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify Selle's style of hand-to-hand combat and open it up to others. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Teräs Käsi, Stava, Mixed Martial Arts GENERAL INFORMATION Holocron Name: Beskar Kom'rk: The Way of the Iron Gauntlet Alignment: Not...
  17. Impulse

    First Reply  It Happened on the Way

    ASSOCIATES: Open LOCATION: -redacted- TIME: -redacted- The noodles had been cooked to perfection. To some the fascination with the dish was odd, but Pulse rarely cared what others thought. He could have been at some seedy pub getting drunk like most of his ilk, but he would rather keep his mind...
  18. Lossa Aureus

    Private  We'll Learn the Hard Way Then

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby Tools: Fusioncutter Ship: Skiptown with 'Skid' Tags: Lily Decoria...
  19. Lucaant Vaneric

    Private  The crusader's journey: Chapt. 1, a new way of doing.

    "Oh my God will certainly forgive you, but unfortunately..I won't." fa-play fa-pause Location: Military base, somewhere in the Outer rim. Objective: Clean the area. "People" involved: Far-right military organisation. Luccant was walking through an alley, in what would like like a Crusader...
  20. Kahlil Noble

    Private  Way Of The Ystervark

    Actual spacer work was boring. That much would've been clear very quickly. Drive from point a to point b, shipping wares to the clients as needed. It was just freighter work, and what the Bastion was built really to do. Mix that with the kids, stuck in the small apartment sized vessel, and it...
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