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War waits for no man (Mandalorian Assault of Schesa)


It was about this time that things did not start to go their way. With tensions up above starting to rise, the cannon began to come to life, as did the people inside after they learned the mysterious pair of force users disappeared. Patrols began to travel the area, looking behind, in, on top of anything they could think of.

Krest muttered a swear under his breath before nodding once to Minna. "We gotta get in there, as quick and quiet as we can." Of course, way easier said then done. If they could kill quietly, they would have to now.
Ginnie Ordo | Anija Ordo | Arla Balor | Siobhan Kerrigan [member="Ordo"]

Prison ship

[member="Ginnie Ordo"] " You carry yourself like a petulant child, not as an officer. Your very demeanor towards one of your ori'vod and a loyal verde shows much about your leadership" Arumi said as he came into the brig. A cigarette hanging from between his lips and his fur coat dragging the floor. The enigmatic dark sider looked around at the assembled mandalorians before him and the imprisoned ordo. He didn't know why he was jailed, fact of the matter he didnt really care. In fact he was here on behest of his friend Strider Garon, one of the few Mando'ade the thousand year old mandalorian knew in this new world and age.

" Respect is earned, not given. Standing here when the battle commences instead of where a commander of their first assault should be is not a very good sign to the troops. A commander leads from the front, not hidden away" he said as he took another drag from his cigarette and took a glance at the Tuk'ata. It had been many years since he had seen a tuk'ata, he had been the sith Empires Councilor of War and had lead the Sith on many bloody battles. But as things often do, that changed and the Empire fell. Not that he had any particular loyalty to the new breed of sith that were soft and weak. He took another drag from his smoke and cocked his head at the assembled Mando'ade.

" Have the Mando'ade fallen so much that we imprison our own, instead of allowing them to redeem themselves in blood? Have we given to giving ranks for relations? to those who seem unready to lead? Who care so much about rank that they forget that they are all brothers and sisters, whos blood will be shed beside them, for them, by them? You children disappoint me in so many ways, so much disdain for one another, so much sorrow and sadness" he said as he knelt down to look at the deck of the brig " Neither of you may be breathing by the days end, do you really wish your final moments be remembered by all as a whinny, combative episode of disrespect and posturing?" He reached his hand out towards the Tuk'ata keeping a safe and respectful distance from the beast.

" Weather you care for the words of an old timer, or not i do not care. Throw me in the brig, execute me for insubordination, but my words will ring true. Stand with pride and honor, cast away the idealism of superiority and embrace your Ori'vod. Lead us with no tears in your eyes, lead us to victory or to death, but bloody act like a leader and lead. Your father will be here after the battle, the men need their commander". The Former sith Lord and Bralor was ready to act if he needed to act, he had seen the galaxy around him change and had lost more then these children could ever understand. He would be damned to the abyss long before he would allow such bickering to continue, even if he had to put a painful end to it himself. " We all are Mando, we are all children of the Mandalore, of Mandalore".
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Rena Kryze"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Anija Ordo"]

Ordo sat up from his bunk and listened to the angry worda of his youngest and the reproof of his quartermaster Rena. He walked forward and slipped his big arms through the bars. His black tattoos showing as his sleeves caught on the bars.

"Ya know women fighting over me sounded a hell of a lot better twenty years ago when I was too much of a mir'osik to know better. " he said as he looked at them all. "It's ok Rena they haven't seen me for a long while I think they'll have time to catch a drop ship."

He looked down at his daughters.

"I'm gone a few weeks and you can't keep outta trouble?" He asked them all, "must be a family trait."

Catherine Romanov

The deadline had passed, and scores of shuttles and drop-pods had already made their way onto Schesa, beginning the invasion. The surrounding landing areas were filled with empty, abandoned drop pods, as the warriors that arrived intact went about their missions.

Catherine was one of those ships on the planet. She dropped of the squad of elite commandos who then went off on their way, focused on their task in hand. Catherine, too got off the ship. Using her remote auto pilot function, she sent the ship back up into orbit, ready for pick-up anytime.

Nearby, there were a group of Mandalorians who seemed to have just landed as well. Catherine recognised one of them to be Rally Master Anastasia Rade, her presence ever recognisable from her distinctive pink beskar'gam. Walking over to the group, she gave them a quick wave "You mind if I join you lot, Rally Master?"

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Aaden Renolds"] [member="Caden Fett"] (I'll join you guys if you don't mind)
As Ordo came forward and his meaty arms curled through the bars, Ginnie dumped her crush gaunts and buy'ce and rushed for her father's hands. "Buir!" Grabbing them in her tiny palms, the deaf girl pulled her father's hands to her cheeks. Tears were caked on her face, the callouses of her father's skin rough against the scar tissue which hid what small horror had become of her burned off ears. All the child could so was hold on to her buir. "I was too late t'save you, buir. I won't let them hurt you. I wont! I promise I'll do good out there."

Her red rimmed dark brown eyes glanced up at his face, where laid there was the sometimes naunchelant ease of Jasper be Ar'klim. All she needed was in his eyes. He loved her, he was alive, he would be proud. She pressed her forehead into [member="Ordo"] 's Palm and bolted out of the room, straight into her sister [member="Arla Balor"]. "Arla! I just wanted to see Dad before the battle and that girl yelled at me. I'm glad Dad's alive." She put her face in her sister's chest and bawled. Wembley sniffles and snapped at the usurping non family members, and picked up Ginnie's helmet and gauntlets, nuzzling against her side. It was near time to hit the dropship.

Slick bursts of flame flickered off the force sensitive alchemist girl's hair and armour, calmed only by the beauty of family. "I gotta go to my dropship but someone's gotta stay with daddy."
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]

Arla kneeled down and held onto her sister Ginnie, she looked into the room and heard the words of the stranger, and looked over at her buir, and then to her sister Anija. She pulled backs lightly and cupped Ginnie chin and tilted it upwards, "We are Clan Ordo, we are Rally Masters, we do our duty for our clan, our people, and because the Mand'alor orders it."

Arla wiped the tears from Ginnie's cheeks, "don't let them see your tears sweetie. Buir will be here, they wouldn't dare harm him with all of us around." Arla could see the other stranger that must be the one that yelled at Ginnie whatever was said it would matter little in the passage of time. Arla studied her sister's face, "Do your duty Ad'ika, I'll be following you down shortly." She wished she had better words for the youngest Ordo, but she didn't have them for herself she wasn't sure what she could say to Ginnie.

Then Arla pulled her into the hug holding her tightly to reassure her, of all her sisters she was probably closest to Ginnie. "We will have uji cake when this is done" Becare and come home she thought.
"But the Mand'alor said Dad was innocent." Ginnie burst out, rubbing her eyes and trying not to be an emotionally shattered little girl watching her beloved father from behind a cell. "He told me so! When I was helping him engineer war droids, he told me he knew Dad didn't do it. So why don't he tell the Field Marshals, Arla? Why don't [member="Azrael"] tell them to let Daddy go?" Her lip wobbled, she looked from [member="Ordo"] to [member="Anija Ordo"] to [member="Arla Balor"] and snuffled loudly. It wasn't as if the deaf little girl could hear the sounds she made.

"It's not fair." she whimpered, putting her crush gaunts back on. Arla was right. She needed to do her duty and worry about her father when Schesa was under Mandalorian control. Hugging tight to Arla's chest, GInnie got that bit of familial comfort she'd missed with her father missing, then absent from the Force itself. How terrifying would it be for a child to suddenly feel like their father - their perpetual guiding star -

No longer existed?

This was the fear which had brought Ginnie to the Brig and the fear which had caused her to try and see with her own eyes that Jasper be Ar'klim, Field Marshal Ordo was still alive. Him not wanting his thirteen year old ad'ika to break him out at the same time was a bonus. Ginnie clipped her buy'ce on and as the systems booted up, the auditory receivers gave her use of sound again. Yet, it was not true sound, but an expansion of a computerized ideal.

"Uji cake? I love uji cake. Mom's is the bomb ain't it Arla? Can Anija, Arrbi and Aran come too? I wanna have all of us together. Even [member="Aran Ordo"] 's new girlfriend. She was nice to me, when I was an orphan. Killed a Sith Hydra with nothing but her bare hands and a long knife. Was pretty sweet.

I still think killing a Leviathan by myself by crawling into its eye and blowing it up was more impressive, though. Being my first battle and all." The girl nodded and saluted to her family. "Do you think he'll listen? Do you think the Mand'alor will listen once I've burned Schesa to the ground?"

He'd better. Otherwise, Ginnie Ordo was going to eviscerate [member="Strider Garon"] for arresting her father and causing this mess. She whistled and Wembley snapped to, standing on his hind legs and throwing up an awkward salute of his own before scurrying out. Ginnie headed to her dropship. Either the Chiss would capitulate, or Ginnie would start with the military installations and work her way forth until someone told her to stop, or let her Dad go.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ahani Najwa"]

Ziggy Starflower danced across the ground while a Jawa band played in his wake. His stunning boots moved with a practiced grace of a true star sage/musician. He snapped his fingers as a jawa slid between his spread legs and began playing a solo.

"My moustache was stiffly waxed and one foot long, And I loved a girl while you played teatime tunes." He said though what he meant was anyone's guess,chamngerDear Rubber band, you're playing my tunes out of tune, oh, Rubber band, Won't you play a haunting theme again to me While I eat my scones and drink my cup tea The sun is warm but it's a lonely afternoon
LnOh, play that theme?
Halfway between Aran and Ahani, a jagged haired minstrel began to gyrate and sing. Jawas played instruments. Ahani did the most logical thing she knew to do: she checked her hands for bloody Knicks. "Araaaan? Did I cut myself on my sword again!?" Mouth hanging open, Ahani's lip quivered. Her eyebrow raised.

Why in the Force's Will had anyone come up with such tight pants?

"Ah.. I swear I'm not using! I'm not! I was careful! I wore gloves when I sharpened Anandi! I.. Ah... I.. I.. Yuh.. R.r.rruh..rubber bands don't sing. Th..they.. Thuh.. They don't play! They snap! Or bend! Or stretch great spanning distances! Can... Can one play a rubber band? Is that poooohhh I'm talking to a hallucination... I.. I.." Ahani whimpered and stared.

[member="Ziggy Starflower"] [member="Aran Ordo"]
[member="Catherine Romanov"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"]

'Ice' nodded his head toward Ana in confirmation of his understanding what the objectives are. "Copy that." He said with a smile before returning her kiss. He wondered if it was a bit unprofessional to be doing that in front of the other troops, but then he realized he didn't really care. He'd take one of her kisses anytime. A wink what shot her way after they pulled back from each other right before he put his helmet back on. "Let's get to it Rally Master." He added with a playful tone.

As they disembarked the dropship another person soon joined them. "More the merrier as far as I'm concerned." He said casually, but then looked to Ana as she was the one in charge and it was her call.

Indeed things were escalating on the ground, as Minna moved herself to the cover of a large rock to avoid being spotted by the now-alert guards. Three guards came worryingly close, and Minna could only think of one way to take them out. Closing her eyes and raising her palms, the Yodaling called upon the force to lift the giant rock a foot or so off the ground. The guards aimed their guns at it, spooked by the odd event. But, before they could call anything out or even shoot, the rock hurled itself towards them and smashed straight through their bodies. It wasn't a pleasant result, but it got the job done and surprisingly made little noise once Minna had carefully placed the rock down on top of the dead bodies. However, she had failed to notice another guard further up the hill. This one raised his gun, firing a few reaction shots down after he had witnessed what had happened. Igniting the white blade of her lightsaber, Minna deflected the bolts that came too close, then broke into an up-hill run. The guard panicked and sprayed more bolts, to which the Yodaling leaped over with ease. She landed just infront of the guard, bringing her blade straight through his shoulder and down out from his waist. Stealth hadn't worked out too well, and more guards could be heard coming, and eventually even seen. Her eyes darted around, she would need Krest's help if they were to take out the resistance towards the cannon.

Krest was close behind, having already pulled out his sword. The simple blade had a defining advantage over a lightsaber it was quiet. As the guards came around the corner he went to meet them, bashing the bolts fired at him back to their sender. Shein was the form he currently used, purposely getting in the way of the blaster fire.

But he was low to the ground, speeding his way forward until he reached the first. Taking a single step forward his blade would pass effortlessly through the man. Krest was a speed demon, with the strength to match. Even with just his right hand holding the sword he was able to go right though him. His sword caught another blaster bolt from the man just behind the one he felled, and the shit would smack into the gun, blowing it up within the mans hands. Stunned, the man could do little as the blade passed through his neck, and with a dull thud his head rolled to the side.

Now Krest returned to the defence as he continued to block the shits he could. After all, his goal was to make an opening for the yodaling.
[member="Krest"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

The Zabrak's skill was truly inspiring, but there was no time to stand and admire it. Minna broke into a run, swinging her lightsaber around to deflect stray blaster bolts back at their senders, allowing her to reach the cannon in no time. Several guards opened fire as soon as they saw the small creature, one of them having a heavy repeater which only made things harder. Using the force, Minna pushed back the heavy guard, then leaped across to slice straight through the two Chiss who were next to him. Their bodies seperated in one swift strike, allowing Minna to lunge forward and stab straight into the heavy's chest. With a twist and a pull, she freed her lightsaber from the man's torso and watched him fall to the floor; dead. The cannon was just above her, but more guards were coming in on the opposite flank to where Krest had kept her protected. There were too many of them to hold off, and so she simply took cover below the cannon, racking her brain for someway to take out all the incoming Chiss...

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Krest"] [member="Minna"]

Alexandra smiled as she stood at the open port of the ship and let her voice carry down the halls of the ship. "HEY EVE, I THINK ITS TIME THE CARGO IS DROPPED." She smiled as she heard the Ai in a human body shout back and opened the cargo ramp as Krest and Minna would see the stealth ship arrive over them. With that Alexandra jumped out, a jetpack on the back of her armor that allowed her to shoot straight for the two while Eve aimed the torpedos at the Chiss, still well under the firing arc of the ion cannon. Alexandra dropped down on the two closest Chiss that were aiming at Krest and Minna, plunging her sabers into their neck as a salvo of torpedos were loosed on those farther away from the three, scattering the oncoming chiss for a few moments as alex took cover with the other two.

"Hows it going." She would say with a mad grin as the AI took the stealth ship out of range of sensors and would be waiting for extraction.
Arla looked at her little sister, "I wasn't aware that [member="Azrael"] knew [member="Ginnie Ordo"]" she raised a very interesting question, why hadn't Azrael said something to prevent this.

It wasn't like him to be so detached from his Field Marshalls, and from her encounters with him she felt he was definitely more in tune than this. She wasn't sure how to answer her, Arla could tell Ginnie was still upset.

She didn't say it, but she was thinking it, maybe Azrael was humoring Ginnie and did not truly believe that would account for his silence, and allowing [member="Strider Garon"] to do as he pleased with [member="Ordo"] .

She looked over at [member="Anija Ordo"] , "Do you know anything about what Ginnie speaks of?" Were there more witnesses to Azrael knowing that their Buir was innocent.

Was she the only one that wasn't in on this, she shook her head of course that is what it would turn out to be. That once again the Clan had excluded her, the family that claimed camaraderie with her. Right. She would never be fully accepted into Clan Ordo it was time to accept that. Ordo had adopted her because no one else wanted her and he couldn't' bear to see her without a Clan. She owed him for that for certain.

Arla felt the anger rise up and fall at the same time. Giving her some peace this is the sensation of knowing the talisman was working for her.

She knew she had to getting to her drop ship, she hadn't seen [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] and wondered if he was able to make this trip. She knew he had been off world lately.
She knew smooching her love in front of the troops was unprofessional but Ana honestly didn't care. The young woman knew full well how short life could be and she didn't want to go into battle without him knowing how much he meant to her.

"I don't mind at all. We are on our way to the city." She stated motioning straight ahead to where her coordinates had told her it was. "You can hook up with our comlink on channel 5." She managed to get out before spinning as a big loud boom was heard behind her. Rifle raised Ana motioned for the group to follow her as she would head quietly in that direction. The strange thing was she heard the noise but didn't see anything.

She assumed that if anybody had seen anything they would have told her as such. "Be on the look out for them. They are sneaky little.." Ana let her voice trail off as she realized she was getting a little personal there. If they didn't surrender and Ana believed they wouldn't she got to blow up all their stuff. She was banking on that as she had made some grenades she was dying to use. Ana was all for blowing things up and not sneaking around unlike the enemy it seemed.

[member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Aaden Renolds"]
[member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ordo"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Rena Kryze"] | [member="Ordo"]

Anija's eyes narrowed at the strong words from the red armored Mandalorian (Rena), and she took one step closer, her fingers curling into fists again before she worked to calm herself. That was not a place she wanted to visit again. "I know you work for Ordo," she said firmly, her words sounding soft, but able to carry to Rena's ears. "And I understand you need to speak with him. But so do we."

A sigh fell from her lips and she eyed Ordo for a moment, her gaze shifting to include Arla and the others. "You know us too well, buir. I came to speak to Ordo on a private matter. But since it seems like it's visiting hours, that can wait." She squeezed GInnie's shoulder for a moment again. "I needed to know he was alright too." She frowned then. "I'll stay.... I really needed to talk to him about something, anyways..." She eyed Rena for a moment and the others, daring them to disagree. With that, she rested a hand on each of her sisters' shoulders, trying to lend them strength for the coming battle. "Arla... Ginnie: If there is anything you need, just let me know, and I'll do what I can."

However, Ginnie's next outburst drew her up short. That very same subject had her concerned as well. "I don't know why the other Field Marshals don't know... or don't want to accept it.." she said quietly, her gaze traveling to Ordo. They knew the truth, but she knew there had been many who had been unwilling to accept the fact that Ordo had been a puppet. She knew the truth, and had seen it with her own eyes on Aeten II. For a moment, she just breathed.

By the Manda, she really hoped Garon had a good explanation for this. He fething better. Arresting a Field Marshal without trial, and imprisoning him was unheard of. And from the look of things, Ordo had not been given an opportunity to redeem himself as others had in the past. Though she knew he'd tried. She glanced up again at Arla's comment. "He knew... because Rianna and I told him personally. And he accepted it. As to why he's done nothing regarding it... to that I have no answer. Id have thought he would have..."

She shrugged a bit helplessly and looked back to Ordo and Rena, at a loss for words for the moment. Her gaze was drawn again towards the brig hatch as [member="Arumi Zy"] entered. She didn't know him personally, but had heard of him. his mannerisms and bearing reminded her very much of Field Marshal [member="Strider Garon"]... and she wasn't exactly sure what she thought of that comparison. But, His words struck a chord inside her. he was right. They were warriors. And they were raised and trained for war. She herself hadn't been given an assignment for the assault, but she knew the others had.

"I do not know why he was imprisoned instead of being given the opportunity to redeem himself..." she said softly. "Especially considering he was stripped of the Force.." she almost snarled. "Apparently... doing so was seen as the only solution, even considering the circumstances..." Swearing softly, she turned on back to Ordo. "I'll be back when it's less crowded in here..." she said softly before stepping from the room and giving Sio a nod as she did so. She'd only met the woman a couple times, but she knew that she and Ordo had a long friendship.
The world they encountered seem more of a ruin than anything else. The remnants of some long distant war, the likes of which they just still hadn't recovered from. At least this portion was. Just up ahead was the city. He brought up his SS-7 rifle and peered through the scope to the buildings beyond. A few emplacements. Nothing to fancy or fortified. But it was then there was a glint from one of the windows that caught his eye. Refocusing in on it he eyes widened.

"Sniper! Everyone down!" He shouted to the team as he hit the dirt not far from where Ana was. His natural instinct was to actually run for her and make sure she was covered. But then he realized she was just as much a warrior as he was. And he couldn't be constantly acting like she needed someone to watch out for her, no matter how much his protective side would kick in.

Just a moment later a round came whizzing through the group. Switching his rifle over to sniper mode, he army crawled to the end of a broken wall and peered around the corner. Taking advantage of his cloaked armor he attempted to try and locate that bastard. "This is going to be slow going if we're going to have to deal with snipers the whole way there. Any chance we can call in any kind of support? Smoke screen, decoys, anything?"

[member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Catherine Romanov"]
Among the armored hulks and behemoths of the Mandalorian fleet, a number of smaller, lighter, and faster ships moved in the shadows. Among their number, the Mandal Hypernautics prototype known as Naast'ika Laaran glided silently through space towards the Chiss world. The Mesen'loras and the crew within him could hear the realspace and subspace communication being transmitted between the Mandalorian Flagship, the Mythosaur and the various instillation on and around the world before them. Many were declaring their immediate and unmistakable surrender. Others were attempting to bargain for the best deal possible... And others still were declaring their defiant will to never stop defending their people or their way of life.

It would almost have been admirable had it not been for the odds stacked against the poor, miserable planet. Naast'ika's voice chirped excitedly within his own bridge, echoing slightly within his own mind as he heard himself attempting to communicate with Captain Tupu. The enemy had declared their intentions to bare arms against the Mandalorians. Naast'ika's question was a simple one that required no true words to convey.

"Can I kill them now?"
Captain Tupu smiled slightly at the eagerness of the ship to engage in combat. Naast'ika loved to serve his people, to explore the galaxy, and to... play with his food. Captain Tupu still wasn't sure if the ship simply saw the act as a game, as a way to play with other creatures within the galaxy, or if he truly understood the acts of murder he engaged in on behalf of the Resol'nare. Either way, Naast'ika Laaran was an amazing asset to the clans. More specifically, he was an asset to Hyperion Security.

Every ship, starfighter, orbital defense station, turret, component, soldier, platoon, tank, base, warehouse, highway, and power plant had a credit value. There was even a credit bounty on hospitals. The clans had plenty of Hospital ships that they could bring in as needed. And if its destruction helped to convince those on the planet to kneel, then Hyperion Security would be there to collect a paycheck.

Glancing at the timer on the upper left corner of his display screen, Captain Tupu answered Naast'ika's simple question. "The hour has passed. The entire planet is now a free fire zone." Before the Captain could finish, Naast'ika chirped excitedly and the ship lurched forward. Dovin Basals were pushed to their maximum output levels and the biological warship catapulted himself away from the fleet and towards the planet.

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