Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Don't make me bite you...
Absentmindedly testing the weight of her empty shot glass, Switch glanced over at the newly introduced man to her left, "Call me Switch." Now he was speaking her language, in more ways than one. "By all means." She gestured vaguely in a second attempt to get the bartender's attention, her initial hostility towards the armor-clad stranger all but forgotten with her lightening mood. After all, there are very few reasons to turn down a free drink, and this was the second one she had gotten today.

[member="Novin Jackal"]
"Call me Switch." Now he was speaking her language, in more ways than one. "By all means." She gestured vaguely in a second attempt to get the bartender's attention

Novin nodded and called over the Bartender speaking briefly, The bartender was back in two minutes. Novin handed Switch her drink. "What bring's you to Coruscant Switch?" Novin asked. Still eating some of his soup.


Don't make me bite you...
Taking the offered glass from Novin, the slicer took a quick sip of gin before setting it back down in front of her. "Work, I guess." Switch neglected to go into further detail about her business, figuring that the armored figure to her left was still a stranger in spite of his introduction. "Coruscant's a decent place to keep busy if you know who to talk to." It was a bit evasive, but not impolite as far as she was concerned. You don't get a life story for one drink.

Taking another sip from her free drink, the brunette swiveled a bit more to the left to give the mandalorian a bit more attention. "How 'bout you?" Running circles along the rim of her glass with her fingertip, she made a face at the clear scent of recent violence coming from him, wondering what he and his furry buddy had walked away from. "You hardly strike me as a school teacher."

[member="Novin Jackal"]
the slicer took a quick sip of gin before setting it back down in front of her. "Work, I guess." Noving nodded slowly analyzing the such data given to him, "Coruscant's a decent place to keep busy if you know who to talk to" Novin nodded chuckling a bit he took a swig from his drink.

"How 'bout you?" Switch said to him, "You hardly strike me as a school teacher." Novin chuckled, "I'm doing bounties, I'm the best Bounty Hunter on Coruscant, Or in the Outer rim, So I was hit up, I was told to assisnate a Jedi Master, He's some where here, Raas my wookie friend, We just met but a few hours ago." Novin said, "Raas is a violent person, but a good friend and partner to have" Novin said.


Don't make me bite you...
Sipping her gin, Switch listened as the Mandalorian further introduced himself. "The best, huh?" She had certainly met he fair share of self-proclaimed "bests", but she didn't feel the need to sour her drink with any jabs. "That's impressive, and a Jedi too?" She raised her glass briefly as the Wookiee was introduced, casting a wary glance his way at the idea of him being a violent person.

"So this Jedi master... he live around here, or are you just slacking off?" There was a hint of sass in her tone, but the smile on her face was meant to keep from offending anybody quite yet.

[member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Raas Namal"]
"So this Jedi master... he live around here, or are you just slacking off?" He heard Switch say, He chuckled, "I'm doing Recon and collecting Info, If I were to attack him now, I would be killed. I'd rather grab intel study his fighting form, then attack him, having a plan it the best. It's a way you never lose." Novin said.

He slowly put his Westar's on the table. "These are what get the job done, they're modified to lessen cool-down speed and it's capacitor has been upped to be able to handle charged up shots" Novin said.


Don't make me bite you...
Switch grinned in spite of herself, listening as Novin went over the bare bones of his plan. Gathering intel, huh? In here? The slicer could hardly imagine a Jedi Master spending a lot of time around here; however, it would stand to reason that one with a bounty on their head would be at least a little unconventional.

"Well, don't get caught, I guess." Finishing the last of her gin, Switch reached out to spin one of the displayed blasters around on the bar's surface. "...and can't they just block these?" Not that she had much in the way of experience fighting Jedi, but that was one of those details everyone seemed to know.

[member="Novin Jackal"]
"Well, don't get caught, I guess." Finishing the last of her gin, Switch reached out to spin one of the displayed blasters around on the bar's surface. "...and can't they just block these?"

"You'd think I just shoot at them, Alright lemme say this" Novin said, He pointed to his ear, There was an Earpiece in there, "He's on a landing pad talking with a dealer, Also, I'd use a EMP to take out there Saber's, It would fry most of there component's in the sabers. I would then smoke them out with a Toxic Gas Grenade, Very useful" Novin said.

"They might have saber's but If your not skilled you're not going to be able to defend yourself. I have skill, There are ways to exploit a Jedi, Like disabling there saber, Aim to the Hilt break it in half, blast em down" Novin said.

"These blaster's have a heatseeking blaster shot, It takes time to charge up though" Novin said.



Don't make me bite you...
Switch ordered herself a refill as Novin went over some of his gear and plan, clarifying that this Jedi was off doing nefarious deeds somewhere nearby. By the time he was finished, the woman had gotten through the entirety of her fourth gin, leaning her face into her hand in a relaxed manner as she looked him over. "Well, you certainly seem capable... I guess." The slicer figured it wasn't that unusual to go over your strategies with strangers in a bar, but the Mandalorian was fortunate that she had no ties to this Jedi.

Taking a glance in the direction of the entrance, the woman listened for the distant sounds of fighting that were keeping her trapped. After several seconds, she realized she heard nothing, which means that it either moved on down the street, or the authorities had finally stepped in. Either way, she figured it was worth celebrating, pushing her fingers against her empty glass and sliding it toward the bartender, "Let's have us some more, huh?" She smiled when the server came back to give her a refill in a timely manner this time.

[member="Novin Jackal"]
"Well, you certainly seem capable... I guess." Novin heard and chuckled, "I guess so, I just like planning most of my thing's out." Novin said as he drank the last sips of his Coruscant Brandy.

"I'll have some more too.." Novin said the bartender looked at him, "Sir you've already had 10, I think you should-" The Bartender was cut off, "I'm not drunk. It'll take alot to get me drunk or any Mandalorian drunk" Novin said looking at the Bartender, The bartender nodded and came back with another drink in hand, Novin continued to sip at it.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She opened the door the the bar not really caring to take note of its name, she had to much on her mind at the moment and she didn't care if the other patrons though she was some dalapadated drunk with now life. She walked to a comer table head handing not taking not of the other people at the bar, even the two that had tried to kill her earlier. Sitting down she produced to lying her head on the table looking at the wall and attempt to clear her mind of any dark thoughts that would cloud her vision reciting some personal saying to herself. "Their is emotion yet their is peace, there is anger but also love" she proceed to let out a sigh while clearing her mine oblivious to to [member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Switch"] and the others at the bar.


Don't make me bite you...
Switch set her glass back down with gusto, imbibing the last of her drink with a satisfied sigh. Empty as her stomach was, she was feeling the full effect of the gin taking her system by storm. Leaning back from the bar, the slicer brought a steadying hand forward to keep herself from falling. She really should have stolen some of the fruit from before; clearly it would have been easy.

The woman was shaken from her reverie by a familiar notification tone from below, the chirping from her datapad snapping her back into work mode in an instant. Well well... bastard made good time. Fishing the custom device from her belt pouch, the slicer absently got to work repelling a meager attempt at retaliation from her former employer. Probably hired some cheap street hack. In mere moments the issue was resolved, the probing data turned on its head to assault the other slicer's systems before she even had to get creative.

Stowing her datapad once more, a satisfied, almost girlish grin spread across Switch's features. "Guess four times pay is better than double," she trailed off, speaking to nobody in particular as brought a fresh cigarette to her lips. "Day's getting better and better."

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Novin Jackal"]
Novin looked at Switch, seeing here stumble around and such, Before stopping, He didn't want to get drunk did he. He slowly got up and stretched slowly, craning his neck revealing a few pops and such. He had a long day today, he slowly chuckled. He checked the time and slowly looked around.

"Guess four times pay is better than double," she trailed off, speaking to nobody in particular as brought a fresh cigarette to her lips. "Day's getting better and better." Novin heard from Switch He slowly looked over, "How's your day getting better and such?" Novin said asking wondering what she was talking about. He slowly finished his soup sliding to the Bartender. "I'd love to hear how you're going to have a good day." Novin said with a chuckle

He slowly looked around scanning the bar, he looked at Switch to see her holding a datapad. He then waited for a response from switch.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Laying against the table she inadvertently over heard the slight conversation [member="Novin Jackal"] and [member="Switch"] and how it had to do with the day getting better, hers couldn't have got any-worse when she decided to take interest, turning her head around slightly she cause sigh of the two instantly recognizing the mandalorian 'him again, HIM AGAIN' quickly she averted her gaze, 'no don't give into anger, just ignore him and maybe hell ignore you, ill just rest a bit and be on my way, he doesn't have to know I'm here' she covered her face with her spare hood and body with her cloak, it might not fool him for long, just enough time for her to calm down fully and wait out the riot outside, then she would leave this cursed place.


Don't make me bite you...
"Oh nothing..." Switch trailed off, casting a curious eye briefly towards the bar's newest entry. Figuring it was just another intelligent soul waiting out the hazards of the waning mob, the tipsy brunette dismissed her readily. She had always appreciated a certain level of privacy, and was usually willing to afford the same courtesy towards others. She's seemed to be having a bad day, anyway. "Just a payday, is all." She kept the more slippery details to herself.

Chewing on the as of yet unlit cigarette between her lips, Switch let out a sigh that fogged up the empty glass before her. Somehow she had ended up slumped onto the bar, her chin resting comfortably atop her crossed arms as she stared forward. "So..." She wasn't interested in drinking anymore, turning her glass upside down as she glanced up at the unusually friendly Mandalorian. "Jedi-killer, then?" It was a bit of a probing question, and Switch felt as if she were recycling an old topic. It was, however, the only thing she knew about the man, and she wasn't quite sleepy enough to totally tune out the room.

[member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Novin really this friendly, He just had to make a ally, He slowly tossed his glass to the bartender before putting on his helmet again, "Jedi-killer, then?" Novin heard Switch say, "If you want to know more about me just ask, I'm not usually all friendly friendly and buddy buddy, I'm a bit tipsy so I suggest you ask now" Novin said.

(Sorry for the short post I'm going to bed soon)

Vrac Dajok

While dismembering my foes by hand. I always taste
Raas had been sipping Coruscant Brandy before noticing Sky'ito Yumi. He was shocked that she was still alive but at the same time.. He was happy that she was, Raas approached Sky'ito hoping to make conversation and apologize at some point. "Hello... Uh, Miss.. I'd just like to say I'm sorry about shattering your lightsaber crystal earlier.. I have a strong hate for Jedi and don't really get along with them very well." Raas had said in a embarrassed tone as his surprising empathy bellowed throughout the Cantina.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She squinted at the wookie as he spoke ti her "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change, otherwise you will not..... also i am no jedi, nor a sith, just one who walk the line between the two in search of knowledge and wisdom, also plagued by the dark both we are, our own actions not always what we mean" she raised her head looking him the eye. "If you have something to talk about say it other wise i wish to be left alone, i have much to think about and I'm just here to avoid the mess outside until the authorities clear it up".

[member="Raas Namal"]
[member="Novin Jackal"]

Vrac Dajok

While dismembering my foes by hand. I always taste
"So.. You are telling me, I need to change the way the way I look at things..?" Raas had became somewhat confused but understood most of what she said. He sipped his Coruscant Brandy obviously intrigued by her conversation, it seemed as if she was a storyteller. Giving Raas wisdom and new points of view. "I do realize, I am plagued by the Dark but.. It's so overwhelming, the power you gain once you enter it's grasp..Is, insurmountable! I guess you could relate to that too but.. In the mean time, I'm going to ignore I ever said that." Raas had said, quietly snickering at his own joke.

Novin Jackal

Sky'ito Yumi
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
"Referring to everyone i was, we all must look at things from different perspective from time to time or the truth remains hidden, which is why i forgive you for destroying my light saber", She slowly undid one of her leg braces and inspected the blaster wound that she received earlier it was a bit worse than she though but not as bad as i could have been, the leg guards had absorbed the heat of the bolt but a decent amount of the kinetic force had left deep bruising. "Power, the dark side does gran this, but at the same time i brings anger towards other, this anger leads to unconditional hate, which leads to suffering both physical and mental". "True i use the dark side but if i do for to long it ensnares me and i do things that would make me a monster to most other people".

[member="Raas Namal"]

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