Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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View from the Rooftops

Vrac Dajok

While dismembering my foes by hand. I always taste
Raas stood there. Barely affected by the force lightning, he gave a low chuckle "You are quite funny..It is quite sad that you're master never taught you that Force Lightning really doesn't affect my race.. You're pushing away your death. But it comes to all.."

Raas raised his saber above his head. And began striking Sky'ito's lightsaber many times with insanely powerful blows from above his head. Raas managed to shatter her saber. It fell to pieces as the Kyber Crystal fell on the ground in small pieces.

"Like I said... Death comes to all."
Novin still held his pistol's, A EMP right next to him, "Good job Wookie" Novin said nodding at the Wookie who had done insane damage to the girl's saber. He walked up still holding his blaster's, He aimed them directly at the Girl's face.

He whispered in the Wookie's ear, "If she has another saber, Pull back and I'll use this" Novin said barely showing him the EMP. "I suggest you get out of here unless you want to be hurt or you want to die. Your just a pawn in a game like this." Novin said to Sky'ito Yumi
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Her lightsaber was broken but not unrepairable, this fight was lost, for now, her eyes sparked bright yellow as she drew upon the dark side, "You underestimate my power mandalorion, don't think you have new beat so easily" in a fit of pure rage she sent out a huge force push on both [member="Novin Jackal"] and [member="Raas Namal"] slamming them into the wall with. She quickly gathers her lightsaber parts and crystal before force jumping out of the window and onto another roof. "I will get them back for this humiliation, they will both suffer emensily for what they did, hehehehe HAHAHA". she laughed like a maniac before jumping off the building, oh She was going to enjoy dismembering that guy one day but for now she had to repairs her blade AND TEST IT OUT ON SOME POOR SOD.
Novin used his jetpack so he didn't get as far force pushed. He felt the force, It didn't go through his Mandalorian Armor. Novin saw her running and raised his pistol's shooting at her, his shot's getting close, He landed a shot on her leg, It went through her leg, He smiled. He went back to the Wookie, "Good job, It's nice to meet you I'm Novin Jackal" Novin said looking at the Wookie, Novin was almost as tall as the Wookie, 6'7 to 7'3, Both really tall dudes.

"I say we work together. I'm good at killing people with blaster's and I assume your good at killing people with Melee eh?" Novin said asking Raas Namal

Novin sighed, "We should go get you some armor to fit you and go to the bar" Novin said.

Vrac Dajok

While dismembering my foes by hand. I always taste
"You can call me Raas... It is my human name, and I don't need armor, And I would like to join you." Raas grinned as his blood stained chipped teeth glistened with crimson.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She looked down at the blaster mark on her leg, her leg gaurds had absorbed and dispersed the full impact just leaving a small bruise behind. She continued into an abandoned building before sitting down crossing her legs and entering a metiative state. Lifting all the lightsaber parts together and bringing up some spars from her jakect, she let the force flow through her and into the blade as well as the crystal while putting back together. Upon the hilt being completed she activated the blade smilng sadistically as it emitted a red glow due to her current darkside state, now all she had to do was find someone to conduct a few... tests on. Lucky for her a death stick dealer happened to be outside around the corner apparently interested in the fight around the market, a perfect target to experiment on. Her smile widdend as she aproched behind the dealer putting a hand over his mouth before pulling him into tha alleyway for said experimentation.


Don't make me bite you...
Turning another corner, Switch saw what she could only assume was the same cluster of degenerates, grown in both speed and size. It wasn't often you saw fights break out so rapidly, especially over something so small. She could only hope the violence died off soon, as she had no interest in having to fight her way through the angry throng just to navigate.

The whole affair was giving the woman a headache.

Walking towards the violence a ways, the slicer kept to the side of the street as she scanned the signs before her. Just as she was in danger of being pulled into that mess before her, Switch ducked into a doorway on her right, stepping into an establishment at the edge of the increasingly chaotic square. She had not caught the name, but a familiar smell clued her into the venue's nature in a flash.

Any port in a poodoo storm, after all...

Slumping gracelessly onto the first stool she came to, the woman wrapped her knuckles on the bar top twice to get the aging bartender's attention. This seemed as good a spot as any to wait out this nonsense. "Taanab gin, if you got it." With an affirmative grunt, a small glass was dropped roughly down in front of her.

Pulling her goggles down to her neck in the interior lighting, Switch threw back her first shot. With a familiar warmth building in her belly, she swiveled in her seat to gaze out the window at the rising violence that threatened to breach the entrance of her safe haven. "I'd shut that, if I was you..." She hadn't spoken to anybody in particular, not even the bartender, but she kept an eye out for any danger while she was still lucid.

[member="Nephenee Aemaris"]
Novin took the silence as a response, "Follow me" Novin said to Raas Namal Novin slowly walked along the path, soon finding a door, He opened the door revealing everyone at the bar, "Welcome to the Bar Raas. This is where I love to drink, It's a good place to put all your despairs and worries behind you!" Novin said with a chuckle as he sat down on one of the stools. He sat next to Switch

Novin got the bartender's attention, "I'll have a Coruscant Brandy, What do you want Raas?" Novin said as he took off his helmet revealing his face.

Vrac Dajok

While dismembering my foes by hand. I always taste
Raas was sitting on a bar stool, chugging a Coruscant Brandy and treating himself to Bantha Steak, he ate with surprisingly well manners for a Wookie. "Mmm... Novin, my friend can we come here more often? This food is great!" Raas said with a cheerful expression on his face. About an hour later, a very cocky looking Rodian approached Raas with a arrogant expression on his face. "Would you like to arm wrestle Wookie?" the Rodian said. Raas agreed and set his hand on the bar counter, waiting for the Rodian to do the same. When the arm wrestle started, Raas lifted his arm and brought up the Rodian with him, he slammed him down on the table as it broke, the Rodian rolled around in agony gripping his wrist firmly. "That wasn't even a challenge.." Raas whispered in a low tone.
"Mmm... Novin, my friend can we come here more often? This food is great!" Novin chuckled, "Sure, It's my favorite place overall" Novin said acknowledging his new friend. He saw when the Rodian was approaching Raas, He let out a sly laugh. "Would you like to arm wrestle Wookie?" the Rodian said. Novin expected the worst.

He slowly drank at his drink, He already knew what was happening. He heard the crash and cringed, His drink fell as it happened. That wasn't even a challenge.." Raas said. "Challenge pfft, That Rodian was going for strength. That Rodian was stupid for challenging a Wookie, He was doing it for shit's and giggles" Novin said sipping at his drink. He looked around, "Try not to cause to much of a scene" Novin said with a chuckle.
Nephenee sat at the bar for quite some time, just staring off into space. She pulled on a thread from her jacket and nursed a beer. It was nice in this bar, the bartender wasn't chatty and there weren't many people inside. Although, the ruckus outside was growing increasingly more intolerable.

She sat for a while longer until her attention was regained when someone walked inside and sat down a few stools over from her. She gave them a sideways glance as they ordered their drink. It was a woman, probably around the same age as Nephenee. Nephenee was about to return to her beer when the woman spoke,

"I'd shut that, if I was you.."

Nephenee glanced up, assuming she was referring to the window and the fight outside, Nephenee responded, "My thoughts exactly." She stood up and walked to the front of the establishment. She pulled the door shut and closed both windows, she also closed the blinds for good measure. Now the only light can from the dull lamps hanging overhead, but there was a lovely absence of shouting now. Nephenee sat back down on her stool and took a swig of her drink.

Maybe it was the three shots she had earlier or the adrenaline still pulsing through her veins, but Nephenee got the bartenders attention and said, "Two more of what you just gave my friend over there, please and thank you." He nodded and slid the shot glasses over to her and she pushed one towards the woman on her left, "To silence."



Don't make me bite you...
Casting a wary glance up at the dim lights above her, Switch absently fingered the goggles around her neck as she turned back around to face the bar. Swallowing a lump in her suddenly dry throat, the slicer looked over to the new shot glass before her, before running her gaze up the offering arm to the woman at her right. Arching an appraising eyebrow at the generous redhead, Switch decided to take the this development in stride, lifting the offered shot in a courteous gesture of solidarity.

"To silence..." Before she could drink to that toast, however, the recently closed door behind her slammed open once again, causing her to flinch at the sound. Glancing over her shoulder, the brunette saw a Mandalorian accompanied by what appeared to be his Wookiee bodyguard, the former extolling the virtues of the establishment.

Great... a regular...

With a grimace, Switch turned forward again as the Mando walked in like he owned the place, her shoulders lifting defensively when he plopped down in the empty spot next to her. The whole display brought a nearly inaudible giggle from her lips, as she gave another, ironic toast with her emptied glass. "To silence."

[member="Raas Namal"] [member="Nephenee Aemaris"] [member="Novin Jackal"]
Novin finished his drink calling the Bartender over to get his fourth drink, He tipped the Bartender 400 Credit's and nodded. He nudged Raas. "Alright soon we have a bounty, On a Jedi Master, Somewhere on Coruscant, We'll have time to drink though" Novin said.

He heard the giggle and looked over. He knew who this person was, He had a datapad on her, he chuckled. Wondering what was so funny to her, "So Raas, What do you think of Coruscant? It's practically my home" Novin said with a grin, He heard.

"To silence" Novin disliked the Resident's here, Such as.. Switch he just thought they could say anything to anybody, Novin then called the Bartender over for some food. "Can I have some Gi dumpling soup?" Novin asked the Bartender nodded and placed the soup infront of him, "Vor entye very much par ibic skraan bal bless mhi" Novin said in his home language Mand'o, He then dined on the soup, It was delicious!
After making her toast, Nephenee barely had time to touch the glass to her lips before the front door was slammed open. "Fantastic." She thought. She swallowed her shot and ordered another beer before spinning her chair to face the new entrants, a wookie and a Mandalorian. Nephenee giggled to herself, at this point she'd probably had too much to drink but before she knew it she was speaking.

"You know, th-this whole thing looks like a j-joke." Nephenee stood and pointed to the newcomers, "L-listen, so a Mandalorian and a Wookie walk into a bar." That was all she could get out before she fell back onto her chair in a fit of giggles.

[member="Switch"] [member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Raas Namal"]

Vrac Dajok

While dismembering my foes by hand. I always taste
"Hmmm.. I enjoy Coruscant, even though it is crime infested. It just makes it all the more fun." Raas had said with another cheerful expression on his face. He began looking around the Cantina, admiring the many paintings that had been posted on the walls.

Raas had picked up what the woman had said "To Silence.." he began questioning in his mind on what it meant, he didn't really care though. He just liked pondering. Soon enough he tried to make conversation with the women. "Greetings!" Raas had said. Trying to act somewhat normal and like a citizen of Coruscant.

Nephenee Aemaris, Switch, Novin Jackal
"Hmmm.. I enjoy Coruscant, even though it is crime infested. It just makes it all the more fun." Novin heard Raas say, He had to agree with his friend, He loved Coruscant because of its such Crimerates. It's what made him accept bounties and do the very such here.

"You know, th-this whole thing looks like a j-joke." Nephenee stood and pointed to the newcomers, "L-listen, so a Mandalorian and a Wookie walk into a bar." That was all she could get out before she fell back onto her chair in a fit of giggles. He heard the girl say, He suppresed a Chuckle, He turned around to look at the two.

"Greetings!" Raas had said. Trying to act somewhat normal and like a citizen of Coruscant. Novin this time let out a laugh, "Greetings? That's the best you got," Novin said with a grin, "Nice to meet you both." Novin said, The alcohol had dulled his emotions, He wasn't drunk but It helped him be nicer.

Nephenee Aemaris
Raas Namal
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Leaving the remains of the drug dealer in the alleyway she staggered into the building next door, Igniting her lightsaber she was relaved to see it purple blade being emitted normally. She knelt down and started to weep at what she had done, sure the guy was a law breaker and ruined a lot of other life but he didn't deserve the suffer the way he did at her hands no one should. Looking towards an old mirror she was her eyes linger yellow for a bit before turning back to thier regular blue. Getting up she shook of any dust and composed herself "alright calm down it was a one time thing wound happen again, at least I hope not maybe that mandalorian was right after all was she's just a pawn, she alway tired to let the force guide her action but a pawn?. I need to take a load off" . She walked out of the building making her way back towards the fruit stand fight. Looking around she notted the bar, 'might as well take my chances there'.

[member="Novin Jackal"]
@Rass Namal


Don't make me bite you...
Switch raised her eyebrows at the man to her left, briefly catching his rather bright eyes before turning her attention back to the right. She felt like she should be insulted, but could not decipher the meaning behind his foreign words. Her confusion made her angry, causing her to wordlessly tighten her right hand into a fist on the bar.

Before she could do anything, however, the woman to her right stole her attention. She seemed to be starting up a joke, barely able to contain her mirth as she worked up to a punchline. Strangely, though, the payoff never came about, the stuttering redhead falling into a fit of giggles before getting to the meat of her joke.

After a beat, Switch felt a tugging at the corners of her mouth, a bright smile lighting up her features at the infectious laughter. The joke had not managed to go anywhere, but the giggles to her right seemed to be contagious, and before she knew it she was giggling along with the teller, a steadying hand briefly landing on the redhead's shoulder as she regained her composure.

...and I'm still sober, too...

Clearing her throat, the slicer waved over the bartender for a refill, before noticing the the Mando's Wookiee companion had addressed her. "Say what?" She put two and two together, realizing what had been said by the pale, furry stranger, "Oh... Hey."

[member="Nephenee Aemaris"] [member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Raas Namal"]
the slicer waved over the bartender for a refill, before noticing the the Mando's Wookiee companion had addressed her. "Say what?" She put two and two together, realizing what had been said by the pale, furry stranger, "Oh... Hey."

Novin chuckled, "I'm Novin Jackal, It's nice to meet you" Novin said to Switch a smile perched upon his face, he had his helmet next to him, "Can I buy you a drink? You seem like a good person to get to know." Novin asked, He would like to try to make some friend's on Coruscant. Hopefully she would accept the drink, He wasn't trying to be weird or anything..


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