Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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View from the Rooftops


Don't make me bite you...
Keeping to the sidelines, Switch maintained her distance from the escalating conflict between the Jedi. Gripping her blaster tightly in a defensive, two-handed grip, her aim constantly shifting targets as the clashing of sabers burned brightly in the orange hue of her low-light goggles. Most of all, she kept her eyes on that insane furball, his behavior sliding further and further off the rails all evening. It also irked her that he had somehow recovered his lightsaber from her pack in all the confusion.

Keeping her obscured eyes glued to the action, the slicer gritted her teeth as the very public fight grew more and more intense. Against her better judgement, the woman felt the need to speak up. "Are all of you crazy!? Are violent sprees required to get a saber or something!?" It hardly took a genius to realize there was more to the situation, but the battered and tipsy woman was absolutely not having a good day anymore.

[member="Talis Palecrest"] [member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Raas Namal"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
She leapt atop a building making sure she had put enough distance between her and the other ([member="Talis Palecrest"] [member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Raas Namal"]), her search for the Sith gungan didn't seem to be going well, her frustration and anxiety getting the better of her. Even so those two left alone would just start killing everything they saw, she had to get help but she douted that the Jedi would be of use. If Talis was apart of the Jedi order he'd most likely just get the other to help track her down, the only way to fight something of that power was just as equal power. As of now she had to regard herself as a criminal, if word had spread of the fight, shed have to keep a low profile for the time being while in search for an ally. She felt sorry for [member="Switch"] how was left with the crazy duo, but the galaxy is a survival game, if she was what Sky'ito though she was, (a sllicer) Switch would know how things worked already. "I should be safe here, come on Sith come to me" She meditated on the dark side hopping to attract the gungan with her evil thoughs.


Don't make me bite you...
Gritting her teeth, Switch's eyes followed [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] as she went sailing up over the top of a nearby building, leaving her immediate line of sight. The girl had gotten a little strange as she drank, true enough, but she ultimately struck the slicer as one of the more normal weirdos she had crossed paths with today. Now she was left with the Mandalorian, the Wookiee, and some equally dangerous newcomer. It certainly felt like a good time for the woman to bail out.

Taking off into an almost feral sprint, Switch holstered her blaster as she skirted the perimeter of the cluttered square. With a skid, she whipped around the first corner, her eyes scanning the encroaching darkness for a speeder she could steal.

[member="Talis Palecrest"] [member="Novin Jackal"] [member="Raas Namal"]

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