Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Vanguard Campaign] Alliance Dominion of Karfeddion


Location: Southside
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Cameron Centurion"]

"Lotta questions," Abel said, not unkindly. He scratched a cheek, thinking how best to answer. Probably weren't the most qualified to explain things about the Force. If Padawans went around giving out lectures on how a proper Jedi should act they'd all end up a lot worse off. So Abel tried his best not to be heretical while still keeping true to the way he saw things.

"There's Force in everybody. Big energy field that's inside and outside everything." He remembered the Vong and ysalamiri. A slight frown wrinkled his features. "Well, almost everything. It gets confusin'. But basically, some people have a better connection to the Force. Same way some people are born with better eyesight. Just a natural thing. Training just hones what's already there. Can't have a knife without the steel."

"I don't know too much about why Sith fight, but they usually come up with a whole bunch of nice words. You know. Things that sound pretty on the outside, but are rotted when you cut 'em open. Bad apples."

Abel nodded to himself. "As for me...." he shrugged, lips twisting down apologetically. "I don't know if I know when to fight, but I know I don't want to. Not ever. Maybe it's 'cause I'm a bit frighted. But... Well, every one of those evil Sith out there had a mother. Had a father. Don't know what made 'em turn out the way they did, but they are what they are. Don't sit right, killin' people when you know there might be other ways. Maybe ways to fix whatever happened to 'em."

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Post: 2/20
Allies: [member="Olivia Durant"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Havock"] | [member="Trix Bastin"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Objective: Fight his way to the GA forces

"Jacen Voidstalker," the call came over GA coms, blasterfire and Mando'a calls and shouting could be heard in the background, "The Shriek-Hawk strike team has entered the starport. What is your position so that we can assist?" To be honest he felt like his men were getting a little bit bored. Outside of the occasional skirmish in the halls, it seemed that most of the enemy was focused on the GA's group, making navigating the starport much easier on his own men. But they weren't here to dilly dally, they were here to support, and they weren't doing much supporting back here.
Objective 2
Location: Spaceport - Engaging
Allies: [member="Trix Bastin"] / [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] / [member="Elaine Thul"] / [member="Joza Perl"] / [member="OK-3103"] / [member="Olivia Durant"]

Ayme rolled to the right of a makeshift barricade, slicing at the white armor and making contact with the nearest troopers shoulder pad. The trooper yelped in shock and pain as his shots went wild. Ayme lifted her leg and sent the soldier falling backwards as her blade barely blocked the bolt from his squadmate.

“Hey Jacen.” She grunted over the comm. Her saber took a sudden arc opposite to its previous momentum then spun low to collide with the gut of the second trooper. The first was regaining his footing which she quickly drew her sidearm and fired into the plasteel black eye socket. “Know what they say about never being caught in a foxhole…and something about being brave?”

Ayme ducked, using the barricade to get a view of the landscape. She was on the right flank of the hangar. She could make out the tell tale flash of lightsabers of many colors across the expanse and a few of a solid red.

She could see an opening to move farther along the flank and gain some ground. Her body pulsed to move then remembered why she bothered with the comm in the first place. “Boss, heading another half click or so along the right side here.” Her eyes looked down at the troopers. “I’ll try not to get shot, promise.”
LOCATION: Spaceport - Engaging
ALLIES: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Olivia Durant"]

Joza wasn’t advancing forward so much as she was blocking blaster shots, though not on purpose. While the thought of battle did make her nauseous, she wasn’t intentionally trying to keep herself back and away from the front lines. Seeing everyone fight so hard only encouraged her to be there alongside them, but she wasn’t that skilled with blocking…and moving forward. As silly as it seemed, the Padawan was just realizing now that she had only practiced Soresu when stationary, or with minimal movement. Blocking and moving at the same time was something she had never considered, and she had her inexperience to thank for that.

Growling, the Zeltron grit her teeth as she began to take awkward steps forward with her saber raised in caution. When she didn’t take a hail of blaster shots to the face, she continued her tentative movements, trying her best to keep an eye on both her comrades and enemies. A male voice she didn’t recognize crackled over the com, startling her into moving forward at a quicker pace. What the feth was a Shriek-Hawk? And oh, she had moved closer to the enemy quicker than she had thought. Her heart was beating in her throat now, so she made the decision to swallow her nerves the best she could. It was Jedi time!

Lowering her center of gravity, Joza took a swing at the closest armor-clad trooper. Her saber cut a swath across his chest, sending him stumbling backward into another advancing trooper. Urgh… She hadn’t expected his armor to have as much resistance as it did, leading the cut to be shallower than she would have liked. Frowning, she used her forward momentum to deliver another strike in the same area, this one cutting deeper and garnering a strangled yell from the man beneath the armor.

After slicing her way through the storm trooper, Joza tilted her head upwards in order to take stock of what she could on the battlefield. A metallic glint to the left brought her attention toward the group of troopers securing some sort of...large gun? Mortar? Either way, it didn’t look friendly. Shifting her course slightly, she put a hand up to the ear where her com was secured. “Olivia, Ayme…Looks like they’ve got some sort of cannon type weapon. I can try to take ‘em out, but I’ll need backup.” Yeah, no way she’d take that thing and the troopers out on her own. Nevertheless, she waited to see if she got any sort of response before rushing forward.
LOCATION: Spaceport - Engaging
ALLIES: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Olivia Durant"] [member="Joza Perl"]

Jacen continued moving down the right flank, pausing to acknowledge Ayme's request. At least when she radioed it in the riflemen could avoid cutting across her path with blaster fire.

The Marshal didn't use his saber. Instead he relied on the situational awareness granted by the Force and his Wardogs keeping the enemy pinned. When their heads were down he quickly moved from cover to cover. He flicked his rifle to stun. This was one of those rare occasions where he could afford to let principles override practicality.

Rounding a corner he found he had a nice line on two stormtroopers. The first hadn't even cried out when the second was fired upon. The right flank was crumbling, it wouldn't be long before the GADF broke into the main spaceport and the narrow corridors between all the bays. It was there, if anywhere, that the acolytes would ambush.

"We're in bay 35D [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"] if you're able to get to this position you could cut off the retreat of the stormtroopers trying to pen us in," Jacen replied to the mandalorian on the comm.
Objective 2
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] / [member="Joza Perl"] / [member="Trix Bastin"] / [member="Olivia Durant"]

Ayme’s eyes quickly darted in the direction of Joza’s course. She could just barely make out the large weapon from her position. There were explosions and smoke from blaster discharge disrupting her view. From what she could see there were at least half a dozen troopers attemting to move a very ornery piece of equipment into positon. For what purpose she could not determine but Ayme was never one to shy away from a challenge.

“Okay Joza, I can see it. It’s going to take me some time but I’m headed towards the BFG now.”
Ayme let her hand fall from the comm as she wrapped her fingers around the hilt of her pistol. She preferred two pistols over a larger rifle, something about the number of weapons she could carry over the size of any one always brought her comfort.

She reached into her satchel and felt for a flashbang. “Let’s see what those enhanced optics make of this boys.”

She tossed the grenade with a grunt and sprinted in the opposite direction, hoping the confusion would give her a slight head start.


Captain Meneer Chrome
Post 4/20
Objective Two

As he stood in line, not a single trooper moving even a single muscle, they were aware the enemy were in visual contact now. There were more Alliance troops than First Order. No sooner had the enemy began to charge, than the order came through to the entire unit. Their task was to delay the advance before falling back. The tactic as commonplace. They were not expendable - their training was too expensive for that - but they were the first defence on these occasions.

He had faced a range of foes - some used blasters, others sabers and yet more had natural weapons at their disposal. It was the latter that reminded him of what they faced now. Some creature with claws the length and strength of blades. The trooper next to him lost his nerve and ran. Another allowed his adrenaline get the better of him, for he rushed forwards - as likely to be cut down by friendly fire as an opponent's blaster. The remainder were like him. Steadfast and resolute. They simply fired their blasters into a wall of bodies - it was almost impossible to miss under the circumstances.

And then, amongst the throng he spotted her - a solitary saber blade glowing in the smoke and dust of battle.

[member="Elaine Thul"]
Objective: 2 clear out the space port
Equipment: A Lilac Coloured Lightsaber
90 thul marines/ full company (60 injured/dead) 90/150
gear Infantry armour, Infantry Blaster + auxiliary grenades

Allies: [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"] @Havock [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Enemies: [member="OK-3103"]

Her men where fired upon by the enemy as they charged the line this was expected, but her men suffered more than they should. They bunch close together, as they came down charging with the bayonets. Though the enemy line must suffered as well, as they had all fired the frag grenades into lines of the enemy as they did. They where in the enemy lines, it was hand to hand combat. This was one the good things about the infantry blaster it came with an in built bayonet. She had deflected the enemy blaster fire, it her light saber, and know was hacking into the enemy lines. It was fast her hatred of the sith and there lackeys was flowing through her, and still unknown to her this was the mark of her sith legacy hate and fear. She just thought that was trained her, and it was her feeling for them that fueled her. She hated one of them and wanted to butcher them all, every man and woman that ever joined them willingly. She seen what they did to people, and she hated the fact they still draw breath. As the anger filed up in side her and the rage in battle, she then let out a lighting strike one of the troops. She had no idea who was winning or losing, she was caught up with heat of battle.

Sieb Tevv

Objective: 1
Location: Above Karfeddion
Enemies: [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Dax Ragnar"]

Sweaty fingers gripped the yoke of the TIE. A single shrieking eyeball with two flat panels attached on either side by support struts. Screaming through atmosphere like a banshee. Hot bolts of plasma whipped back and forth through the sky. Raph's breathing sounded obnoxiously loud in his own helmet. Trapped in a tiny ball in the middle of the vast open.

Raph pushed the TIE up and slipped the bounds of gravity and into low-orbit. He gaped as he looked around at the sheer scale of the combat raging around him. He'd never felt so small. So helpless. Not even when he stood in the dueling ring with thousands screaming his name. Not even when he'd suffered his father's scorn for the loss. The simulators hadn't prepared him for... for this.

Whole squadrons rushed through the void and collided with enemy squadrons to form a maelstrom of tiny, spinning metal coffins. Like a swarm of insects. Beyond them loomed capital ships. Raph's squadron broke off and engaged a cluster of X-wings. Raph groaned inwardly as he glanced out the cockpit viewport and saw a TIE go spiraling back toward the planet below, guttering flame and smoke into the abyss. Sucked in by the planet's gravity. The young pilot cursed into his helmet.

"Eject," he whispered. "Eject."

The floating eyeball exploded in a brilliant starburst of orange.

Raph's gut twisted.


He followed his wingman and they tangled with the nearest T-70. The targeting reticle shifted as Raph tried to center it around the bogey.

"Damnit, hold still."
LOCATION: Spaceport - Engaging
ALLIES: [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Ayme Katash"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Trix Bastin"]

Voices filtered in to her ear with the insistence of a link directly to her as opposed to channel-wide chatter, making her pay even closer attention as another Padawan appraised them of what she saw unfolding in front of her.

A cannon-type weapon? Was that the same group of stormtroopers she’d noticed gathering around something a distance off in front of her? Darting her eyes around she tried to catch a glimpse of Joza in between her checks for cover and assailants coming at her, eventually finding a line of sight on her fellow Padawan slowly advancing through the field. The redhead was a little east of her, approaching in a more direct way from where they’d entered the confrontation than Olivia had managed. They could probably meet up at about the same time, barring any random obstacle that managed to pop up. She couldn’t catch sight of Ayme - though already she might not have been surprised to find out she was near the sudden flashbang explosion a distance off to the left. Reaching up to her commlink to respond, she flattened herself against another huge piece of shrapnel for cover as she spoke over the din of battle.

“Alright - I’m West of you, Joza. As long as I can keep pace I’ll reach the target at the same time as you. Can’t see you Ayme, but I’m making my approach!”

She wanted to be there to support Joza the second she was needed, ducking back out from cover after taking a peek and letting her graceful stride fly. Her shoulder was aching, but she concentrated on her task, not the pain. The Force rang in her head - a warning bell to duck just soon enough to avoid having her head sheared off by the shoulder-launched missile screaming by.

She was already exhausted. But she had fellow Jedi and a planet full of innocents to help defend.

The stormtroopers, still busy trying to haul what was an incredibly cumbersome weapon from its storage and onto its stand, hadn’t yet taken notice of any of the Jedi closing in directly on them.
LOCATION: Spaceport - Engaging
ALLIES: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Olivia Durant"] [member="Joza Perl"]

Trix dropped an empty sink, snapped another into her pistol her with left hand, then let loose a trio of shots over the shoulder of the commando on one knee before her. Apart from the meathead crouched at her feet, and the other reloading at her shoulder, the rest of the Wardog squad she’d attached herself to were bundled in a pile of disembodied limbs back where a grenade had hit ‘em a few moments earlier.

Her first two shots went wide of the four squad of bucketheads advancing slowly but surely across the hangar floor towards her tattered group. Her third shot scored the lead trooper across his gleaming chestplate. A follow up from the commando at her feet hit home in the joint between thigh guard and meat, setting the trooper spinning to the duracrete like a ragdoll.

The rest of the stormtroopers, clearly taking offence, lay down a return volley that turned the world around Trix red. She threw herself down and to one side, hearing the grunt of the crouched Dog as he took several shots to his face for her trouble.

She hit the ground heavily on one shoulder, the impact jarring up her arm and neck, before flipping herself right way up and bringing her other pistol up in her left hand.

There were only two bucketheads now, the third a smoking heap of red goo courtesy of the last Wardog. The commando was on her side, screaming from a retaliatory gut shot, the whites of her eyes showing.

No help there.

Trix hurled profanity as she lay down a stream of blaster fire, barely pausing to aim and she hauled back on the triggers.

One of the bucketheads panicked and maneuvered right into the maelstrom, doing a little dance in place as his dark blood spattered into the air, before lurching onto the ground for the big finale.

The second charged right at her, firing his rifle from his hip as he came.

Trix felt a shot superheat the air near her cheek, another sizzle the tips of her spiked hair, before she roared and charged right back at him.

The trooper hesitated, stunned that a woman half his height had bothered, and it was enough for Trix to drop a pistol, slide a vibroblade out from her right wristguard and jab it home under his helmet until it scrapped bone.

Trix pulled in a deep breath, bent over to retrieve her pistol, and snapped a fresh sink into place. The crackle of her earpiece alerted her to the progress of Durant, Katash and a red-head towards a group of buckets with a mortar rising in their midst.

She spared a glance at the final Wardog of her squad, limp hands still clutched at her gut, her lifeless eyes staring up towards the sky.

Bad way to go.

Trix bared her teeth, then stalked towards the group of female Padawans to assist.


Captain Meneer Chrome
Post 5/20
Objective Two

At first, it was as easy as it had ever been. The enemy appeared – Alliance soldiers – and the rifle kicked softly in his hands. More and more converged on their position, and OK-3103 fired again. There was a rhythm to it, and his shots were going where he wanted them. A new target appeared, and he tracked it, fired while moving, scored the hit. The targets started coming faster, and he stopped thinking – his training and reflexes taking over, allowing him to enter what troopers called the zone. He would only leave it if he were killed, the enemy were all killed, or he was ordered to retreat.

[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Dax Ragnar"] | [member="Raph Tritum"]

“Starting our attack run!” Asmus called over the battle network. The Golan platform loomed large in his viewscreen. His co-pilot had already picked several targets on its surface. Each was a weapons platform that would shortly be disgorging streams of laser fire in their direction.

As the flight of Y-Wings accelerated, his cockpit was lit up by streak of hot white that lanced across the sky. Long range ion fire pummelled the Golan’s shields as they made their run, giving them a chance to land some hits.

There was no particular skill now. No dodging or duking to avoid a fiery death. Follow the attack vector and hope. Little squares of green light from the quad lasers came out to meet them. Asmus simply tried to keep his hands from shaking as he held his course. He dipped down to angle into the plain of the Golan station itself, coming out of the firing solutions for a few moments of safety.

And then they were back above the surface again, passing it by at extreme speeds to try and avoid the gunners. The sound of proton torpedoes being fired filled the cockpit. Asmus pulled on the trigger and angled towards an emplaced weapon. A number of weapons stations lit up as the Y-Wings complete their run, but in their wake they left a number of rapidly expanding balls of flame of unfortunate pilots.

“Green squadron have all been destroyed, that thing’s shield generators are still operational. They are at sixty percent combat effectiveness. Gold squadron come around for another pass on the deflector grid this time.”

Asmus banked around, his screen lighting up with red tracks. “We have incoming TIEs, need support here!”
Objective One
Location: Firing Range
Allies: [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Dax Ragnar"]
Enemies: The Golan defense stations

While the fighters tangled, several TIEs sporting the colors of the First Order, Taeli's PulseFlare had moved into position. The Golan station that was in her crosshairs had started to fire at her cruiser, but they were just beyond their range ... that wasn't saying Taeli wasn't in range herself. There was a reason this was called a Heavy Cannon Cruiser.

"Fire when ready," she said.

A few seconds later, there was a whooshing sound as a huge ion blast left the cannon, heading right for the starboard Golan station. Right behind it was a massive ball of roiling plasma, looking like the harbinger of destruction it was supposed to be. Taeli watched impassively as the ion bast tore a hole in the enemy shields and then the plasma impacted with a tremendous explosion.

The guns would recharge in a few moments and prepare another volley. It would take a few more before the Golan was completely gone.
Objective: 2 clear out the space port
Equipment: A Lilac Coloured Lightsaber
90 thul marines/ full company (60 injured/dead) 90/150
gear Infantry armour, Infantry Blaster + auxiliary grenades

Allies: [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"] @Havock [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Enemies: [member="OK-3103"]

Elaine know was in the heat of battle, she was losing herself in it. Her eyes went yellow, and unbeknownst to her the dark side of the force and descend on her. She had nothing but hate, for towards anyone who fought willingly with the sith. In her mind they where vile beyond reason, and need to be destroyed. She then grabbed a trooper, and pulled in directly on to her blade. As her men where in hand to hand combat with enemy line, and other troops where know descending on to and into the start port. She however did not care if they tried to run, she would kill them all to very last man, they deserved nothing else.
Objective 2
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] / [member="Joza Perl"] / [member="Trix Bastin"] / [member="Olivia Durant"]

Ayme could see the flashbang go off out of the corner of her eye and had to raise her hand to shield her own vision from the blast. She jumped over several twisted pieces of metal and slid behind a shipping crate just in time to miss being hit by a series of bolts. She could see the artillery, which was her target, just a few hundred feet away from her current position and could almost make out her allies closing the distance. If they hurried they could just about make it in time before the stormtroopers fired the large weapon. She could only imagine what their intended target was, but she knew it was nothing good.

With a grunt Ayme jumped up only to run directly into the line of fire from a startled stormtrooper. The soldier quickly raised his blaster which prompted Ayme to drop her blaster and ignite her lightsaber just in time to deflect the bolts. She was exposed and needed to find some cover. Fighting one stormtrooper was her current limit based on her lightsaber training sessions, if she had to deal with crossfire or multiple combatants she would be in trouble. The only option she had was to make a run for a set of mangled debris and hope she didn't encounter any more enemies along the way.


Captain Meneer Chrome
Post 6/20
Objective Two

In the zone time seemed to slow. The enemy was thinning now - as were the line of troopers - so he had to choose his shots more carefully now. But his strike rate was still impressive, despite the pressure of knowing even a stray blaster bolt could kill him. There would be no skill involved, just an unfortunate accident.

And then he saw the anomoly in the opposition. A saber-wielder. Jedi or Sith? He cared little. It was not a Knight of Ren, and therefore was an adversary. He dropped his rifle and removed the Z6 riot control baton from his back. The young Force user was killing too freely and someone needed to either kill her or slow her progress.

So he activated it and on his left arm picked up a betaplast riot shield. Unlike the baton, it was not impervious to sabers, but it was better than nothing.

[member="Elaine Thul"]

As she was striking out at the enemy, she was beginning to get surrounded by the enemy troopers. Her soldiers where holding there own, but had experience than the enemy. Then it came some one with a baton hit her from behind, she fell forward with into a pile. She turned around with lump on the back of her head, she was dazed by it. She then let out a force push onto her trooper that struck her, she could not fully focus on it though. She was unsure much power she had put into it.....


Captain Meneer Chrome
Post 6/20
Objective Two

The eyes. The eys gave it away - she was a Sith, or at very least a Dark Jedi. Not that it made a huge difference, but at the very least, he knew they were unlikely to look to take him hostage and would more than likely look to kill him. Just what he needed. But if he didn't stand up to them, countless troopers might die. He owed it to the 501st.

As he thought, he was lifted off his feet and thrown a good six metres backwards. The baton was good against sabers but was useless in stopping the Force. Winded, he picked himself up. It was likely he'd broken a rib, maybe two, but his arms and legs still worked - which was a bonus - should he have to make a swift retreat. "Come on Sith, is that the best you can do?" He bated her to get her undivided attention, to buy his comrades more time. It was a brave move. Foolish, admittedly, but brave.

[member="Elaine Thul"]
[member="Cameron Centurion"] [member="Abel"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Loske Matson"]

If there was one thing Micah Draith Shamalain Talith knew far too well -- is that things always had a tendency of changing at the drop of a credit.

And that his uncle had the unnerving knack of appearing at the right time at the right place to tempt the Talith into an impromptu game of wits and skills.

Micah could never turn down a challenge; much the less, when it appeared that his uncle was here for a particular reason. Could it be the slaves? Perhaps. If anything, if it resulted that his uncle… there would be no one else to really be able to take his attention.

A grim line drew over his lips.

[ Vex… gotta say hi to family. ]

His voice would crackle through the comm. Through their bond, the Defel would get a sense of growing excitement with a token of stubborn determination.

[ Stay low! ]

With that, now that more of Alliance personnel were moving throughout the slave pens, Micah immersed himself in the Force.

This would be a doozy.

Afterall, Aatrox, the Moross God of thieves and assassins was no one to take lightly.

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