Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Upon the Bedrock [The Jedi Praxeum]

When it raines... it pours.
Outside on the grassy area w/[member="Zak Dymo"]

The Nautolan definitely is a show boater... but Chiassa had to admit he owned a pretty good imagination for a boy that is using the hard biscuit as a hacky sack, and some skill too. Now the small swimmer sent it back her way!

The young Tholothian reached out with her hand and using Telekinesis picked up two other hard biscuits that hadn't been eaten yet by the other younglings, then grabbed the one whizzing towards her head with the other hand and began to juggle the three naturally.

"Seems we are competitive by default... I am Chiassa by the way," she grinned softly.
[member="Harper Kade"]

He didn't try to give her more than she needed.

This was still... strange.

Since that one night there was a certain tension between them that hadn't been there before. Mostly because before they were constantly on the run, trying to survive or being beaten up by forces beyond them. Not really any time for introspection or external consideration. With things calming down a bit... that was different now. But Alden didn't want to make it awkward and tried his best with that.

Al nodded. "Yeah, I was worrying about that too. These are good people and they don't deserve our problems on their neck." That was a worry from the day they set foot on the world and thinking of what they had left in the Galaxy.

A Sith Empire... a First Order... Mandalorian Empire... plenty of things that would want to snuff out whatever they were trying to build here.

"One thing at a time, yeah? Figure out what we are building and then see about how we can make sure these people don't suffer for us." They hadn't chosen that and it would be completely unreasonable to expect them to. This was their mission, their path and they couldn't expect anyone else to follow it with them. Hope? Perhaps, but that was about it.

"Want to walk a bit more or head back?"
She nodded absently, lost in thought more than paying attention to their surroundings specifically. Feet moved silently over the thick layer of moss, cushioned and restful even beneath the movement. The air was thick with the smell of life. A cool fog had started to rise from the lowest points of the Spring Canyon, chill and heavy but carrying a weight that was easy to bear.

"The history of the Jedi is littered with that," she muttered before looking over at him, head tilted slightly. "That's our history too. I know a lot of people don't want to think about it, or want to say 'well we're not like them'. But we can't do that without knowing what's come before. Pretending that it didn't happen or that it can't happen to us just because we say it won't....."

She trailed off finally, shaking her head.

"Never wanted to be a Jedi Al, you know that," she said, a bit ruefully. "I just...."

Again she trailed off, then sighed.

"I want to do what's right."

By the people here, Praxeum and Eiran alike.

By him.

"Just gotta figure out what that looks like."

The fog lay heavy on them and she shivered again. They paused at the edge of a precipice, looking deeper down into a rift in the canyon. If they went farther down she knew that they'd hit one of the hot springs that made these slices of the planet habitable at all. But now wasn't the time.

"Definately back," she confirmed a minute later. "I have more to do in the workshop. That'll warm me up."

[member="Alden Belmont"]
Even after he'd kicked the biscuit over, the boy had continued shuffling his feet.

A wave seemed to pass from his feet up to his head, after which the wave spread outward to his arms with a pop-and-lock motion.

He probably would have transitioned into doing The Droid, except Darth Cooties summoned two more biscuits to hand. This was about to get serious.

...then she started juggling?

The Nautolan's jaw fell open as he watched the telekinetic display. Zak was terrible when it came to anything that required concentration. Force Speed, Art of Motion, and Force Jump all came easily enough, but the boy's Featherpush was more like a Featherpuff.

A simple laugh trickled playfully from him. His abyssal eyes even wider than was normal, alight with a multitude of swirls as he smiled brightly and watched the juggling display with a sense of wonder and awe.

"I am Chiassa by the way."

Huh? She said something? With a shake of his head, the young Nautolan tried to snap back to the reality of facing off with one of nature's most dangerous predators. Girl Jedi.

"Oh, uh, I'm... uh, Zak," the Nautolan managed finally.

No, he wasn't sure.

The swirls in his eyes seemed to look away for a moment. When they looked back at the Tholothian, the boy had brought and arm back to awkwardly scratch at his head-tails as he added, "You... your juggling is, like, okay, I guess."

[member="Harper Kade"]

Alden nodded.

He hadn't spend as much time with the Kismet Holocron as Harper... it somewhat felt odd to him truth be told.

Talking to the ghost of a ghost of a dead person (disappeared? Nobody knew what happened to Bethany) and getting answers from them. It send a shiver up and down his spine. But that was something Alden needed to work on, he knew that, because if there was one thing the Jedi couldn't afford was deny knowledge that could help them all. It was their responsibility, no? Learning from the past, the mistakes that were made and make sure that they wouldn't make the same ones.

That was what Al though anyway.

Whatever the next thoughts were got squashed when he felt her shiver against him. Alden blinked, glanced over and sighed. "Come here, you idiot." Pulling her gently in, wrapping his arms around her with the rims of his coat enveloping her as best as Alden could without freezing himself.

Looking down at her, just then actually realizing how close they suddenly were.

"Um. Better now?" He did his best to keep his attention on her eyes. He failed, somewhat.
She Left Behind A Legacy
Her eyes grew wide; she was then characterized by a curious tilt of the head. So he did see her...

Shrug, not that she didn't agree she was hard-headed but...

It was true that she lacked the experience, Veiere put a lot of trust in her. She really wanted to draw the line at the appointment to the Council but...he insisted. She still lacks any understanding of his actions then. However, she could understand how Kahne may have felt displaced after being asked to leave his situation to help a friend, only for that discomfort to increase when Veiere stepped down himself.

She understood all the perspectives.

"I understand that." she responded, "Completely." she inhaled before releasing her cup for good. "It was never my intention for those specific series of events to transpire that way. master had always taught me to follow through. As much as I disagreed with his decisions, I did my duty to the Order." She looked up at Kahne. "I swear I learned so much just from that alone."

She giggled a bit. "Make it up to me?" Her face scrunched up in a bit of confusion.

"Sure. How so?" she shook it off, preparing herself for something outrageous.

[member="Kahne Porte"]
"Pleasure to meet you, Felicity."

Odin took a small sip of the tea. It was a little hot, but he hid his reaction to burning his tongue well. Besides the burn, the tea was rather good. As a connoisseur of fine teas. Travelling the galaxy in search of fine teas, Odin has had a whole assortment of teas in his time. "A fine tea this is."

Odin turned to see his astromech playing with the children and smiled. "I came to help with the building. And to make sure everyone is having a good time." He took some more of his tea and let out a smooth exhale. "And you?" Back home, Odin was a damn good carpenter. He loved to work with his hands to build things from little shacks to strong cabins. It was his passion along with piloting.

[member="Felicity Skye"]
When it raines... it pours.
[member="Zak Dymo"]

Why was the Nautolan so surprised she could juggle... or maybe he was just plain jealous. While on Coruscant, many times had Chiassa seen street venders do it for show and credits in the park near the Jedi temple. To be honest, she wasn't even using the Force now to rotate the hard biscuits. Once one got into the rhythm of it, the balance was set.

"Hi Zak... Nice to meet you. Would you like to give it a try?" the Tholothian asked, collecting the three food objects within her hands and offering them to him.

Sorry for the delayed post... All of a sudden I have too many irons in the fire so to speak. I forgot I owed you a post here.
She wanted him to... wut?

Putting his hands up, the Nautolan's head-tails bounced as he boy shook his head. "Oh, no... I'm not any good at that kinda stuff."

Zak's Jedi skills amounted to hitting things with a lightsaber. Repeatedly.

He really was very good at hitting things though.

Lowering his arms back down, the boy added, "I'm kinda more of an... uh, aquatic type. You can't really juggle underwater."

Well, you could. But it would totally float away on you.

"You did do a good job. It is an experience, isn't it." Kahne said with a small smile as he thought back to many years ago, during his time as a member on the Jedi Council. He was young, proud and extremely hardheaded. That was a long time ago, he had grown wiser much wiser than he was that time ago. Kahne chuckled lightly at the face she made and just shook his head slightly.

"Something simple enough, trust. If you didn't know that you had it before, you do have my trust now. I promise you that." Kahne cleared his throat a little bit before he leaned back against the small counter behind him. "If you ever need anything, anything at all. I'm there." The Jedi smirked slightly as his droid showed up and beeped and whistled a few times and Kahne nodded his head. "Interesting."

Kahne looked back to Romi "Looks like we are approaching a planet."

[member="Romi Jade"]
When it raines... it pours.
[member="Zak Dymo"]

"Oh... right," Chiassa said feeling a bit deflated, but she pushed that emotion away quickly enough to add with more levity next. "Well I guess that would be a difficult task to do underwater, and float away or even sink the objects would most likely... I didn't think about that, my bad."

The Tholothian shrugged with a small lopsided grin, then she put the hard biscuits down on one of the meal trays nearby.

"So other than water things, what else to you like to do?" she asked the small Nautolan. The youngling didn't know how to swim, never being around water much as Coruscant did not lend to such a thing. And of course, Chiassa didn't want the boy to know that.
The Nautolan started to open his mouth to answer...

No, surfing was a water thing.

Deflated, the boy shied back a moment as he tried to think about it. Other than water things? What wasn't a water thing? Swimming, diving, snorkling, surfing, wake boarding...

"Oh, uh, lightsaber velocities," the boy supplied finally, eyes lighting up as he thought about it.

Well, you could lightsaber underwater as well. But most Jedi didn't seem to think of it as a water activity. So, it might be cheating a little, but he was going to go with it.

"What about you?"

When it raines... it pours.
[member="Zak Dymo"]

Zak's question back to her caught the young Tholothian off guard just a bit. Chiassa had to think for a moment... What do I like to do?

It wasn't a particularly hard thing to answer, but yet it still was. The youngling just did what she was told to do by the masters mentoring her, not really considering if she liked to do it not, but more so because it needed to be learned to become a Jedi Knight.

"I do like to practice lightsaber velocities as well. I also like to study star maps. I look forward to exploring the galaxy when I am taken as a padawan learner."

I hope I am worthy to get that opportunity...

"Would you care to be my partner sometime for velocity training?"
She Left Behind A Legacy
Her eye retreated and darted everywhere else besides when Kahne stood, a gentle laugh brought about a jolt of her body, and all she could do was smile at the fact that he complimented her work. "Thanks Kahne. That means more than you know." she responded.

Back to her rather coy characteristics, "Well I'm glad to have finally earned your trust Master Porte." she lurched in while he casually laughed and shook it off. She watched him lean back, and she nodded "Of course. I'll happily come to you if I have any issues." she agreed. "Thanks."

Her head whipped around as Gala came into view, the erratic rhythm of beeps foretold of something else. Confused, she turned to Kahne with thinking the same though he put into words. "Really? That's interesting."

"I guess we should check it out..." She shrugged at her suggestion.

[member="Kahne Porte"]
The Jedi Master was glad that she had agreed as well as she did. It raised his spirits quite a bit knowing that she said what she had. As Kahne nodded towards her and then moved past Gala towards the cockpit and tapped a few buttons on the navicomputer and from his maps and such it didn't look like there was a planet that was around here. Which surprised Kahne, and brought the smallest tinge of concern to his mind.

Kahne took a seat as he glanced back towards Romi. "Strap in Romi, let's see what sort of trouble we find ourselves in. If we do get into trouble, I'm blaming you." Kahne said in a teasing nature as he shot a smile at her.

The ship shot out of hyperspace and began it's descent towards the planet surface. "Could you open a comm, see if there is anyone else here we should be aware of." The Jedi asked Romi as he glanced towards her for a moment. Th Jedi was sensing a surge of energy here, and it didn't seem like it was dark in nature. Something here was affiliated with the lightside of the force. He wondered if Romi could sense it as well.

[member="Romi Jade"]

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