Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[TSO] Facing The Mirror (Acolyte Trials)


| [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Ryiah Tenriem"] | [member="Serenity LoveHeart"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="The Rusted Queen"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Jacob Crawford"] |​

Lightning crackled overhead, accompanied by a booming rattle of thunder, a vicious Force Storm raging within planetary atmosphere, each vicious strike of electricity carrying an abundance of concentrated dark Force energy, lethal to the touch, beautiful to observe. They had been summoned as testament to those who ruled on this dark world, a demonstration of the potent fury that might be brought to bear against those that opposed them, but also a vague promise to those that served, to those that aspired to become more, and reach that same pinnacle on the hierarchy of power.

Korriban was one of the few worlds that could claim a true heritage among the Sith: desolate, arid, near-scorched of life, with what little that did survive here existing under brutal conditions. It was a world of ancient secrets, ancient atrocities and modern challenge: only the strong could hope to survive here. Only the strongest might thrive. It was ever a message delivered to those who sought to unlock the mysteries of the Sith: Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory.

Only those willing and capable of drawing upon that strength might have a hope of victory. This day would sort out the wheat from the chaff, in a permanent fashion as could be devised.

The Acolytes had each been taken in the night, rendered unconscious by the arts of their captors, each delivered to the site of their Trials without any opportunity to prepare, no warning given. Their lightsabers had been stripped from them, no armour or weapons permitted. They had but the clothing on their backs, their wits, their inner strength. If they could draw upon them, they might yet learn what it was to be Sith. If they could not, their bones would be a warning to those who followed.

The maze loomed over them, endless twisting corridors of metal, stone, imported Gripvines from Haruun Kal that might seize an unwary student and choke them to death, leaving their corpse suspended for predators to feed upon. Many different environments, all darkened by the gloom that overtook the location, held in the grip of the storm. Many different pathways, many different challenges, all potentially lethal in their own way. Survival was a game here: you would either play to win, or see the life leave your body, another object lesson for those stronger than you.

Each Acolyte would awaken, disoriented, but with nowhere to go other than forward. The room they would find themselves in would be dark, little illumination save for a single source undiscernable to the eye. No weapons, no provisions, not a drop of water to soothe their thirst, nor food to sate their hunger. Frustration and rage would be their only sustenance, and of that, they would have their fill. If they mastered it, allowed it to become theirs, they might yet live. Their first true trial might prove to be their last.

Soon their slumber would cease, and then would it dawn upon them that they were to do battle with the maze to ensure that they did not endure a permanent one.
She didn't know what happened before this chamber. The last thing she could remember at all was getting a drink on Nar Shaddaa, and then.. it just goes blank from there. The hunger she suffered from just beginning to irritate, but the thirst was close to killing her. Her throat as parched as a desert, she awoke, scattering her hands in her near vicinity she found nothing but cold, hard concrete. This wasn't the first time she was kidnapped, but it was an odd setting to do it in. Usually she awoke with her captors, not in near-pitch black darkness. She was used to cold with her regular outfit covering nothing but the areas where she wouldn't be arrested for nudity, but this was distinct.

She just managed to raise her knees to see if her legs had been amputated. No. That's a good sign; however, with the effects of whatever had been placed on her still looming in her head, a dull pain in her cranium that could not be persuaded to stop, she looked towards the light. If you could call it that, it seemed to be a hole.. or a lamp... she couldn't tell, too far off for any recognition to prove to be useful. Her only escape is to walk, and that she begins to do; not with her head up high but tilted down to the ground in a hope that she can see -- or allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness, at least so much she can see where she is walking. Her sense of smell was stronger than ever as a fresh, crisp breeze blew across her face.

The maze was unending for what seemed like. A walk of 2 meters was made a troublesome task with no light, consistently bumping into walls and now causing herself a bruise on her forehead. The frustration got too much as she hit a final wall and angrily swayed a kick towards it, a grunt, then a sigh.

"What do you want with me?"

She had never been in a situation like this. She was usually told why she was being held against her will before, and it lead to a strategy with the assistance of her usual weapon -- Zaps, the minigun, but he was nowhere to be seen, his voice she often heard now silent. It pained her to think of this, but even more so of her sister, was it she who had done this, or was something more sinister afoot, she continued to walk the maze, her thoughts filled with nothing but confusion, anger and frustration, the thirst still killing her, the loneliness tormenting her, the situation still messing with her. When will this end? She pondered.

This open cell now began to confuse her as she hit another wall and a curse escaped her lips.

"You're starting to annoy me!"


Why are we feeling something's familiar around us?
Are we just dreaming?
Always we search for the answers but nothing is found
We'll fly away again

The loud explosive sound of thunder woke Vitor up from his forced slumber. He did not remember much apart from feeling a great deal of pain before everything blacked out. The residue of that assault was gone. The acolyte felt no pain on any place of his body, just muscle ache from sleeping on the cold ground.

At first he panicked and frantically pushed himself up and against a wall behind him. Avendahl felt his heart beat faster. The fear of the unknown. It took him a moment to realize there was no impending threat to him around. He found himself dressed in his casual clothes of standard jeans, trainers and a t-shirt.

Nothing else.

Empty pockets, no lightsaber, no comlink. Nothing.

Baffling as it was, he knew there was no other way to go other than forward.

Vitor crossed the threshold cautiously.

[member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Serenity LoveHeart"]​
It was the cold he felt first, the slightest twitch of his body sent a shiver up his back. The crackle of lightning stretched high above, followed by the sudden clap of thunder that finally startled Jacob awake. His eyes snapped open to complete darkness. He twisted his head left and right slowly, quickly realising the entire room was pitch black. His first instinct was to sit up, but he gave pause and instead took a steady breath to collect himself. He had no idea where he was, what was around him. Could be nothing, but could be something. Maybe some type of predator, or whoever had ambushed him. Jacob closed his eyes and focused on his other senses.

He inhaled a few times, trying to take in any scents around him. Nothing that came to him heightened his alertness. No scent of a beast, nor anything that would indicate another person was present. Then a thought crept in like an annoying pest, perhaps they were hiding their smell? No. Jacob mentally shook the thought away, this wasn't the time or place for paranoia. He stretched out his hearing next, trying to pick up on anything distinctive. Yet once again there was nothing particularly indicative to his current situation. Just the constant shift and churn of whatever storm was brewing high above, and the occassion indescribable sounds somewhere in the distance. A twinge of frustration struck Jacob, beginning to despise the fact he couldn't tell where he was. With one last option, he moved his hands, sliding them across the concrete beneath him. He was certain of that, at least.

With nothing left, Jacob steadily pushed himself up, moving into a seated position. As he did, he felt a dull throb from his right shoulder. Jacob winced slightly, rotating the shoulder to find the muscle was sore. He was confused. What had happened to it? The frustration began to increase, especially so when he realised he couldn't feel the familiar weight of his weapons. With deft hands, Jacob reached across various parts of his belt. Blaster gone. Daggers gone. Sword gone. Jacob sighed. At least they hadn't been of any true value to him. Ultimately they were just what he had gradually accumlated over the passing weeks and months as he re-immersed himself about the galaxy; chasing leads. He was just grateful he hadn't built his lightsaber yet, that he would've truly been pissed about being taken from him.

Jacob's thoughts turned to what he last remembered. He had been on Maena; exploring the New City. There had been a moment when he was alone, or at least thought he had been. He had felt the person's approach at the very last moment, he lashed out with his right arm; which would go a ways to explain the strain in said shoulder. It had been too late though, as he felt the ever familiar sensation of a needle piercing skin seconds later. Then darkness, only to then awaken here in even more darkness.

His normal senses had failed him, so now he had to rely on the Force. With an awkward transition later, Jacob had his legs crossed. In that meditative pose he took a calming breath and tried reaching out with the Force. Ever since he had stirred, he could feel the dark energy that seemed to perambulate everywhere. It had been first indicator he wasn't on Maena anymore. Because wherever he was; whatever planet this was, the dark side of the Force had so much more of a deeper grasp here.

As Jacob attempted to reach out, sense for something; anything, he immediately noticed his control felt incredibly sluggish, almost like it was sloshing about aimlessly. He opened his eyes, a confused look on his face for a moment until a realisation dawned on him. The attacker. Whatever they used to render me unconscious must still be shifting through my body.

Jacob's thoughts were interrupted by his stomach's untimely need to make its state of emptiness apparent. Right. He hadn't eaten much since he had returned to Maena, and now here he was without any food in sight. His mind was set then, there was little more he could do now other than progress. Jacob stood up fully and looked fowards, towards the indescribable source of light ahead. With a cautious step in his feet, Jacob walked fowards, stretching his arms out until he eventually felt the room's threshold. He then paused to decide. Left or right? He chose left, opting to use his last real hand so he could feel whatever he was pressing against.

Moving forward was the only option available to him. Even as it came apparent very quick that there was nothing straightforward about the maze he had just entered.

[member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Serenity LoveHeart"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Ever Dawnracer

She awoke startled with the feeling of coldness. When her eyes opened and she sat up, she realized that she was not in her home, but in some sort of cold structure, outdoor, with a Force storm raging around her. She looked up at the sky with pitch black eyes, taking in the doom around her, and realizing that this was much different from anything she'd experienced before. Whomever had drugged her certainly had no honor. If they wanted her to participate in some ritual they could have merely asked and she would have complied. To drug someone in such a manner was most certainly not honorable. Such tactics were those of sexual predators and the weak.

Rising from the ground, she dusted herself off and felt around herself in so doing. She didn't have a single weapon upon her person, which in all honesty didn't really surprise her. This was some sort of test, after all. They weren't going to make it easy on her.

Her eyes did their best to search their surroundings, but she could barely see save for when the lighting flashed across the sky. She was in some sort of chamber, and the only way out of it was through a single doorway. Before she took that path, however, she made an effort to wander around the room, feeling over the entirety of its walls, searching just in case there was something there, because if there was then she wanted to find it. Even if nothing more than a sharp piece of material that she could break away, it would help in the long run. If she found nothing she would move on, heading through the opening and into the maze beyond.

The hard earth beneath her; cold air clinging to exposed skin and tearing at the inside of her nostrils. Piece by piece, she sensed her body come to life. Hands, feet, shins, arms, thighs, hips, shoulders, neck, back - Check. Fire of Vahl? Everpresent. Joycelyn opened her eyes. The brown irises stared up into empty ceiling of the darkened room. This was most certainly not where she had fallen asleep.

With a grunt of effort, the tall woman rose to a kneeling position, looked around, then continued to rise to her full height. She was wary, as most would be when waking up in a strange place. Her hands quickly checked her pockets: No weapons, no equipment, no notes? Nothing, only the clothes on her back and the boots on her feet. Her fists clenched momentarily as she turned around, taking in the surroundings as far as she could see.

"Mother Vahl, protect me." Yours is the glory - Wreath me in your flame.

The Vahlacanthix' left hand lingered on her heart for a moment before she looked left, then right. This was a strange place. Her hands flexed in preparation while her eyes darted from detail to detail, mapping her surroundings as she moved out of the room.

"-Because I am going to murder the fool who plays with me today." And be your wrath exacted upon the faithless.

Mother Vahl, witness my fury.

With her awakening came a slow-to-form alertness, a struggle taking place within her mind against whatever had been used to render her unconscious as she fought to crest the waters that held her suspended in a vulnerable state. But as her mismatched eyes would slowly flutter open, her sight hazy and blurred and muscles heavy and sluggish, that alertness did come with time. The lightsabers that should be hanging at her waist, their weight a comforting and grounding presence? Gone. The vibrodagger that should be strapped to her right tight? Also removed from her person. All that remained were the sparse, brown cloth that covered only that which needed to be covered, her tattered cloak and the mask that hung from her waist just as her lightsabers did.

However, as much as that alertness brought on the analysis of her possessions, a recording of what had been taken, it was not the first thought that ran through her mind as she had pushed herself to her knees with a grunt. Instead, her first instinct upon awakening in a new and unknown location had been to have her palm reach back to cup the burning sensation on the back of her neck, causing a stuttering sigh of relief to brush through her lips and her mind to sharpen with the sense of comfort that washed over her.

Even if she could not see it, she knew the exact design of the markings engraved upon her flesh, the winding limbs of the characters that spelled out her servitude to her Lord, marking her as His. The ever burning feel of this mark reassured her broken mind constantly, reaffirmed that she belong, that she had purpose and was of use. Yes, she knew that such devotion to her Lord had been carefully crafted by his hand, that she was falling for his manipulations. But, she simply did not care. He would be allowed to manipulate her all he wished, involve her in as many of his machinations as he saw fit, all so long as she was allowed to remain his.

As she pushed herself up from her knees to her feet, shaking off the satisfaction that came with remembering the ritual in which she had become his tool to wield, Ryiah focused her mind to deal with the present situation. She was weaponless, left along in an open cell with no note or indication of any sought as to what her captors wanted with her. An unusual situation, but one that she had found herself in prior. Well, apart from the open door. Wary eyes flickered from side to side as the Togruta began to slowly drag herself forwards towards the exit, cautious about venturing forth.

"My lord. Is this your will? A test in which I am to prove myself of worth?" The words would tumble from her lips in a hushed whisper. Yet, something heard and chose to reply.

"What if not? What if our lord did not craft this? What if we are not here of his will?" Red and blue irises would flicker to the corner of the room as Ryiah stopped her progress. There, before her, was a mirror of herself, a reflection in every manner. Though, one that was visible to only her. "What if some wretch sought to take our lowly self from out lord?" The copy would prowl forwards, crossing the distance in two strides, an impossibility made possible through its none-existence. "Will they burn? Will their flesh crack and peel from bone? Bubble and writhe beneath our rage?"

A broken giggle would fall from Ryiah's lips, the spark of insanity flaring within her eyes. "Yes. Yes. They burn for daring to touch our lord's property. They will burn and their voices will sing their final chorus." Another giggle would fall from her lips, lips twisted into a dark imitation of a smile, as she reached down to grasp the mask that hung at her waist before bringing it up to settle over her face. The mirror would copy her rictus, bringing a hand up to caress a now mask covered cheek before fading from view.

Beneath the mask, Ryiah would slowly lick her lips as she prowled forwards, the hesitance removed from her posture, insanity and rage dripping from her voice in equal measure as she sang, on a continuous loop, beneath her breath in a ragged tone of voice. "They will burn, they will sing. What glory it will be. They will burn, they will sing. A pleasure to see."


She woke, the lighting and thunder all echoing in the force. As she checked herself she was without her sabers. Whomever had attacked her had to pay, but first to leave. She looked thorugh the force as always and noted the walls. They exited but barely. The only places where it was dense was if living things were on it. As she began her journey her trouble was not the maze, it was what was IN the maze. What few realized for her race was they were not bad at technology due to lack of knowledge, it was that seeing objects not flowing with the force was actually HARD to see outside of a basic outline. So buttons didint show up as detailed colorful objects to read, they were barely perceptible outlines of an object that she knew was there. Fine if you didint want to trip over them but about as helpful for reading the object as painting over a sign. So her challenge here was not the maze at all, but she already could see the maze was no barren set of hallways. As she walked onward she took a right from her first hallway and began to walk.
Acolyte: [member="Serenity Loveheart"]

The girl's frustration was music to the ears, a sweet symphony of emotional energy that might be both her saviour and her doom, if was allowed to fester. It could become a canker in her heart, that which might feed upon her, poked and prodded until it transmuted into anxiety and even fear, until it consumed her. Such might render her useless, if she could not maintain control over herself. Discipline was ever an important quality in a Sith, and to find herself vulnerable and alone did not mean she had to remain that way.

The dark of the room in which she had first been deposited gave way slowly to a light source, a concealed glow of little illumination, but sufficient to allow her to be guided forward, beyond the confines of that claustrophobic environment. Beyond lay a stone corridor, leading directly to the first of the challenges that would be presented to her. The twists and turns would come later, the indecision of going left or right not something she would be presented with yet.

Should she step forward along that cold corridor, she would be greeted by warm light and laughter: merry souls seated at a table, enjoying a banquet, food and drink of many sorts piled high. Luscious fruits, fresh cuts of meat sizzling on hot plates, slices carved and ready to be consumed. Fluted glasses of cold water, foaming flagons of cold Corellian Ale, expensive wines still bottled. It was, in short, the sort of feast that [member="Darth Voracitos"] might consume for a mid-afternoon snack, were he so inclined, and all there for the taking.

Thirst might be slaked, hunger might be sated, the need for companionship satisfied, if another should choose to join those at the table and partake. That was for her to choose.

Acolyte: [member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Awaiting Vitor was a vast hall, stretching a good twenty of so metres into the distance. The marble floors were polished to a black shine, the room softly illuminated by bright white glowglobes that dotted the pillars that served to support this part of the maze. Embedded into the walls on either side were doors, made of many different materials: some made of metals, others of wood: some painted, others roughly hewn. Several were made of stone, seemingly immovable, each of a very different hue. Upon the surface of each was a symbol engraved in gold, each a Sith Rune as would be found in the sorcerous texts in the Sith Library on Korriban, or in the private archives of the Sith Lords.

The first door on the right was engraved with Arabat, a mind rune representing 'Healing', a rough door make of a darkly-stained wood not native to Korriban. The second, with Dinara, one of the death runes meaning 'Hurt', engraved into a stone door of bright white marble. The third door on the right had the Felana rune, meaning 'Destroy' or 'Kill'. The fourth, a soft metal with a shiny-silver texture, engraved with the Juul'dur rune, meaning 'Extract' or 'Take'.

The left side of the room had similar etchings: the first door to his left would present another metal door, red oxidation coating it, such that it might come off and stain the hand if touched. The rune engraved within was Massass, the rune of Sight. Beyond that, the second door was cold stone, seeming to leech all heat away from its proximity, with the Quel'idath rune engraved upon it in gold. The third was wooden, marked with the Telamath rune, the rune of Life and creation. The final door, beyond that, was plain metal, but dripping with a red fluid that puddled on the floor beneath, perhaps blood, the rune stamped on the door being the Velinar rune, the symbol for 'Fire'.

As Vitor would enter the room, the corridor behind him would slam shut, a stone seal crashing down from above to block all possible retreat back to where he had come from. The only way to go would be to choose a door.

Acolyte: [member="Jacob Crawford"]

Were he to creep forward and enter the corridor beyond the room in which his unconscious body had been deposited, Jacob would find six bowls sitting on pedastals before him, each containing something different, arranged in an unusual order. Beyond them, to the back of the room, there rested a single door cut into the stone, sealed shut, something that would not open even if he had a lightsaber to cut through it. Standing between the pedastals and the door, though well below floor level, a small pool of fiery lava glistened, tendrils of steam rising gently into the air, blocking his means of access to the door.

Each of the bowls were carefully carved from chiselled stone, perfectly round and smooth on the bottom and edges. Within each were placed objects, arrayed from left to right in a particular order:

Bowl 1: a fragment of a woven flag, blood red with the ancient symbol of the Sith Order embroidered upon it.
Bowl 2: the petals of a white flower
Bowl 3: the broken links of a chain
Bowl 4: a small collection of different sized batteries, intended to be used in electronic gadgets
Bowl 5: Blood, still fresh, staining the sides a deep red colour
Bowl 6: Nothing but empty air.

Acolyte: [member="Tezuka Sayo"]

The chamber beyond the corridor that stood before her lacked a floor of any sort: staring into the room, all that might be noted was a deep dark pit, seemingly endless, one that would undoubtedly lead to death where one to fall into it. Arrayed at varying points within this darkened abyss, sharp wooden stakes had been plunged into the ground at different angles. None of their bases could be seen, disappearing into the void before her.

The stakes were big enough to stand up, but had all been sharpened into a vicious point, such that they would not support a person's weight for long, and if too much weight were applied, the point might puncture whatever came into contact with it. Placed at varying heights, some tall, some lower down, moving closer to the gloom below, they formed a rough pathway that led to the far side of the hall: a door that had been carved into the rock, open and inviting, a bright white light illuminating it.

To reach that other side, one would need to navigate the stakes, but doing so would be a matter of considerable risk. Such was a choice she would have to make: to remain where she was, and risk deprivation and neglect, perhaps forgotten by the Sith, or make a leap of faith, a personal sacrifice that might enable her to proceed forward.

Acolyte: [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]

Waiting within her first challenge chamber, a simple table, two chairs, one on either side. A crude light hovered above the table, swaying gently though it was not being moved by any agent within the room. Seated opposite the entrance to the room, facing towards where Joycelyn would emerge, a figure cloaked in black, their hood drawn tightly over their face to conceal their features. Motionless, they rested in the chair, posture upright, their focus appearing entirely inward, little acknowledgement of the outside world given, not even so much as a movement of the chest indicative of life.

Upon the table rested a metallic pitcher upon a tray, filled with some form of liquid, one that would be revealed to be a dark purple in colour were it to be poured into one of the two glasses that rested next to it. The nature of the liquid was unknown: it smelled faintly of some form of berry, sweet and inviting, the rich colour delicious to the eyes.

Approaching the table, Joycelyn would be greeted with a cold voice, one bereft of humanity, seemingly uninterested in her presence, but offering a tepid invitation to sit. Those cavernous tones lacked any warmth, like a death knell ringing in the back of one's mind, flat and threatening, perhaps even ominous.

"Sit, and drink. Before you lies a poison, harmless in small doses, but deadly if drunk in quantity, though your death would be slow, your remaining life measured in hours," the figure would remark, waving a pale, shrunken hand at the jug that rested before them. "Here is enough to kill ten strong and healthy people. The door behind me opens only when all of it has been drunk." The faintest hint of a smile could be heard in that voice. "If even a drop remains, the door shall stay sealed, and you I shall die eventually, drinking companions even in death."

It waved to the chair opposite once more.

"Sit, and pour us a drink."

Acolyte: [member="Ryiah Tenriem"]

Madness was a dangerous quality in a Sith, and alone in the darkness, the energies of the Force carried their own whispers, sufficient to drive even the most self-aware person into the depths of insanity. Ryiah perhaps might remain within her entry chamber, choosing to whisper to shadows, expecting a reply in return. Should she move forward, a different challenge would be presented to her.

What could only be described as a torture chamber awaited her. Not for her, the modern technologies that enabled such atrocity to be rendered cleanly, with little blood or marking on the skin. This was a dark, dimly lit room, the only illumination coming from the flames of the two braziers stood within the centre of the room. Three pillars stood central within the room, to which were chained people, stripped of their clothing but for a tattered tunic of rough cloth that reached down to the knees.

The first, a human male, sported a long beard, filthy and matted, lacking any of the cleanliness one might expect of a prisoner well-treated. His figure was emaciated and clearly lacking for nourishment, as though he had been imprisoned a long time. At his feet rested a rope, knotted into a hangman's noose. The second figure was a Bothan, also male, clean of fur which was neatly trimmed. He looked healthy, eyes bright and glaring, though chained to his pillar by metal manacles. At his feet, a blaster pistol, empty of cartridge. The third, a Twi'lek female of the Lethan variety, red-skinned and beautiful, her eyes showing the fear she felt at being in this place, though she bore the weight of her chains with a casual familiarity. A small black bottle rested at her feet, a skull embossed onto the front in white.

Standing to their right, a fourth figure, their captor: a burly man dressed in thick trousers and with a hardened leather apron draped across his figure. The apron was bloodstained, scratched, evidence of hard and persistent use clear upon it. He had bright amber eyes, the fiery stain of one that had given themselves to the Dark Side. In his hands, he held a hot iron, the bodies of those before him clearly having experienced it pressed against their flesh many times.

"One of those here is a murderer," the torturer announces, staring at the Acolyte. "A Sith is expected to dispense justice on those they rule. You must be jury, judge and executioner." He drew a small dagger from his belt and holds it out, proferring it towards the student. "A person has died at the hands of another in this room, and you must avenge them."

Acolyte: [member="Shuduc Macar"]

Unarmed, unarmoured, alone and without possibility of aid, Shaduc would have no choice but to press forward, along the darkened corridor that led out of her entrance room, into a small circular room, convex after a fashion, with a deep depression in the centre, circular in turn. Standing within the circle is a man, tall, armoured, his face concealed by a mask, head covered by a hood attached to the armour by small metallic clasps, hiding any sense of personal identity. In his hands, he clasps a sword, sharp and menacing, evidently intended to be used with relish in a violent fashion.

Arrayed around the room are a series of odd objects, each not something that one might expect to find in such an environment. A length of rope; a set of cutlery (though the knife is not sharp enough to cut through a thin steak); an antiquated hourglass with soft sand running through it; a book with arcane symbols embossed upon the cover; a small datatape, dusty and looking as though it was recorded decades before.

The warrior stepped forward with a menacing growl, brandishing his sword before him, clearly intent on harming the Acolyte.

"Choose your weapon, worm," he spat at her, glaring from behind his mask. "You will meet me in combat, and have but a moment to decide how to meet your deserved end. Choose now!"
She entered the room and immediately felt a warm glow, not from the physical temperature, rather from the company that had been presented before her. The sight of seeing friends, or at least she thought, seated at the table with her, enjoying a meal; it was something she had lacked since leaving her family. The cold streets and walk-about nature did appeal to her, however, her favorite foods, Rancor flesh and fruit pastries were among some of the many options, they were forgotten however as soon as she saw the tall and thin glasses of water; gulping them down as soon as they were within her grasp. Although she never took alcohol, she noticed the familiar jugs of Corellian Ale that her father often imported. It was his favorite, maybe not so much now.

Despite this, something did seem quite odd, as she spoke, her words became muffled and the guests looked at her with a confused work. Even as they responded, she could hear nothing but murmurs, perhaps it was the deprivation of food, or maybe even her panic upon arrival. Regardless, she continued to eat the meat, still wondering why nobody could hear her around her. Gradually though, she began to reconcile her hearing and soon it the conversations that were being made were clear, earlier however, she had no recognized even her sister was sitting beside her.


Indeed it was. She moved her blonde platted hair out of the way, enabling for clearer vision. She felt right at home, but although her physical void left in her stomach was filled, an emotional one loomed as she continued to look around, and despite this, the frustration continued. This... perfect atmosphere was seeming almost too perfect. And earlier, she had subconsciously taken a seat at the head of the table. She stood up, outstretched her hands on the table, the smiling faces continued looking at her, no emotion but that displayed.

"What are you doing to me?"

Carina raised and eyebrow and stared her directly into her eyes before standing up and whispering;

"Natalie, stop, don't make a seen"

A friendly smile followed as Natalie sat down, wary of the situation. The faces continued eating, the smiles continued smiling, and her paranoia continued. The succulent pieces of meat continued to fill her mouth, but her confusion continued.

[member="Tirdarius"] I [member="Shuduc Macar"] I [member="Ryiah Tenriem"] I [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] I [member="Tezuka Sayo"] I [member="Jacob Crawford"] I [member="Vitor Avendahl"]

She barely registered the sith before her, not due to lack of threat but lack of a care for his views. The objects all were looked to. The data pad was worthless she’d never read what might be on it. The Rope who knew but he carried a blade and with it he could slice it in twine. However the two left each represented more use. The book she could see it, read it because it was made from things that once lived and flowed with the force. Also touch by those who made it left an echo. The hourglass was odd but represented time. The book however could be anything she took the hourglass and smiled behind her mask. “My weapon is time, a weapon you are powerless against.” She waited for him to strike tilting the hour glass to let it run. As she set it aside she let him come for her she still had a weapon nobody could remove the force.
The young acolyte made his way into what seemed to be an empty hall with doors lined up on the left and right side of the walls. The marble floors and pillars seemed to be in such perfect unison that he wondered what sort of architecture genius had designed this place. When the door behind him slam shut startling him, Vitor instinctively went for his lightsaber which was not there. At that moment he realized how much he had become dependent on his lightsaber.

Not good.

He cautiously proceeded towards the right side wall full of doors and inspected its features. Each one seemed to have some sort of writing engraved on it, runes to be specific. Avendahl had absolutely no idea what they meant despite that the runes seemed vaguely familiar to him. As if something he had dreamed of many years ago and just remembered blurred bits of that dream to this day. He also though he might be imagining things.

The doors of the left side were not any less different. He had come to this conclusion that this was either some very bad prank or game played, or something of a test. The door behind him shutting immediately after he was in hinted of such works. The acolyte contemplated if it had something to do with his master Lord Fa. That was a bit far fetched but he never knew. The Thirriken was an enigmatic man.

At first, Vitor attempted to analyze the doors for booby traps or anything that could hint of demise after their opening from a physical perspective but then he mentally smacked his head for being dull. The Force was with him, he focused on its whispers, vague as they might, to see his way.

He circled around the hall with his vision till his eyes fell upon a door. The acolyte cautiously approached it and grabbed its handle pushing it. His hand seemed to be painted with red oxidation from the door.

What lied ahead ?

Acolyte: [member="Shuduc Macar"]

The masked figure simply stared at @Shuduc as she moved towards the hourglass. But, as soon as she would touch it, the masked figure would move. "You've chosen poorly." Before the woman could speak her parting words the shine of metal came through, splitting apart the hourglass in a shower of sand and glass. Not to mention the blade still coming her way. With a growl he struck, aiming to simply cleave her in two.

As she saw him move thorugh the force she enhanced her own speed and ducked down and as he shattered the hourglass she with one hand pulled the sand and pulled it in a small flourish of dust sending it for his face. mask or not he'd be blind to any actions she took from there. Once this was done she'd send a powerful blow through the force aimed for his chest attempting to knock the wind from him. Any movements he made now were easy to see and she would only need him to attack again like that to end this.
[member="Shuduc Macar"] assumed too much. Too much of herself, too much of her opponent, too much of her situation. She assumed that her dodging backwards put her out of harms way. She assumed that by blinding her masked assailant, he would not be able to see. She assumed that in this battle, she was the only one who could use the Force to see. So much to her dismay he would be right on top of her as she threw the sand, his blade thrusting for her chest in the time it would take her to channel the Force to knock him back.

As the man stabbed at her she saw his eyes flow with the force jsut in time to stop calling upon the force to attack, the blade was coming but at a flat trajectory and with momentum. Trying to move aside could work but it could move to the side just as easily. Instead she jumped up and high and over him landing behind him then however brought the rope to her hands she knew by the time she got it he'd already be turned around and coming again.

Iron Knight Loarko


Loarko awoke later than the others. He saw nothing but darkness and was furious. Was he dead? No, these were the Trials. A maze lay before him, though he couldn't see it. How did they manage to knock me out? Loarko wondered. Shards weren't people, so they must've used the Force of powders. Either way, it was time to go one. Rising from the ground, he took his first steps. Wobbling at first, he soon regained his balance and made his way out of the room.

"What's this? Why am I here!"
Fear had began to set in. All alone in the dark with no where to go. Every now and then making his way deeper into the maze. Loarko pressed on, then realized something. Where is my saber pike? I've lost it! He could've used it as light but touch would have to do. Suddenly he lost sight of the wall and what appeared to be a large clearing appeared out of no where. The Sith began to run straight, eventually running into a wall. What the heck is this place? I can't find my way out. He spotted a figure out in the distance.

He charged the figure before him and came upon arriving, it disappeared. What? Forget it! Loarko sat down and began to meditate.

The sky above slashed with lightning and thunder. With a mighty beat tubal's eyes would open. Where was he? Certainly this was not where he was when he fell asleep the night before. With a panicked start Tubal rolled himself onto his stomach and hoisted himself onto his feet. Everything in his body told him to run, the adrenaline coursing through his body. He started to do so for several seconds as the chemical wore off and he became more aware of his surroundings, his breath slowed as he tried to remember how he had gotten into this situation, but yet, there was none. Was this a nightmare? A vision from the force? But it felt so real to the touch.

He ran his hand along the smooth black stone for a bit. With little thought he slammed his fist against the wall like some sort of madman, his nerves screamed in pain. The man clenched his jaw trying to stifle a scream. Try as he might he stomped his foot into the ground for some kind of relief, eventually he couldn't take it anymore.

"GRAAAAAGH!" With a few more incoherent short yells of pain Tubal flung the arm about, trying to bring some relief. After what seemed to be an eternity the pain began to dull and he began to massage it with the other hand. With a few tests he felt like nothing was broken... At least too badly.

The man pressed forward, the rage he had felt before now stifled, trying to keep his attention diverted from the throbbing pain in his hand. Why did he decide to do that? He himself didn't know. Maybe it was because things had more of a tendency to break when he punched them. Life would be a whole lot simpler if he could just punch through any obstacle he ran across.

"Show yourselves to me, COWARDS!"
Jacob had been gradually moving through the corridor, pressing himself close to the left wall as he traversed the darkness. It felt like it could go on endlessly until about halfway when the previously distant source of light seemed all that closer. As he took the final steps; halting within the room’s threshold, he began to hear the shift and churn of molten rock somewhere. Not daring to take another step; in caution of potentially setting something off, Jacob began to look around, analysing what he could see.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the pedestals and bowls, all lined up just ahead of him. Then behind it, to the stone door that stood as a silent, resolute guardian; an obstacle in his path. And as Jacob’s gaze pulled back, he could just about make out something that lingered between the two. A sheer drop, and as he listened he could hear the sounds of lava again; audible yet some distance away.

It was then that it just clicked, like the flick of a lightswitch it dawned on Jacob what this was. It’s a test. That’s what this place is. The question that followed was simple too, of how many would follow after this one.

Nonetheless, Jacob moved onwards, his eyes quickly flickering to his feet in case there were any pressure plates before him. With none in sight he pressed on without any further hesitation. His first destination were the pedestals, gazing into them as he approached. Jacob frowned as he discovered their contents, each one something different, seemingly of a random selection. He lingered there for a few moments before stepping around them and walking up to the sheer drop, of which was now more obvious to him. The heat brushed up into his face as he peered down, gazing at the shifting magma far below. Jacob’s eyes then shifted back up, towards the stone door that was on the other side of the gap. I could probably jump that. But he dismissed the thought soon after. Even if he could, it would’ve been pointless as it seemed quite clear the door wasn’t going to just budge normally.

Instead, Jacob turned around and returned to the pedestals and bowls. It was apparent they were the key to whatever this test was. So Jacob began to examine the contents, starting with the first bowl to the left. As he picked up the flag he immediately recognised the emblem as that of the Sith Order. Then he realised; taken a moment to glance at the other bowls, that each item represented something. And that sent Jacob’s mind into a whirl, thoughts centralising on the one in his hands. A flag. Could be a sign of unity, bared in the midst of battle. Or as a symbol of someone’s or something's territory. No, no. It’s something else, its-

There was something, at the tip of his tongue but it was lost to him. As such he moved on, placing the fragment back into its bowl and stepped to the second. This continued with the next three items, he’d pick it up and would delve into what it represented. It was when he reached the brokens chain links that the credit chit finally dropped. Jacob stepped back, eyes wide with realisation.

“Of course.” He muttered, letting out an exasperated sigh. “It’s the Sith Code.” It infuriated him that he hadn’t realised it sooner. But either way, with that in mind he moved into action. He stepped before the first bowl, and brought his hands down upon it. For a brief moment he marvelled the craftsmanship in its carving, before he brought his hands up beneath it and lifted. His control was cautious at first, testing its weight against his strength, but as soon as he was comfortable Jacob lifted it the rest of the way, then gently placed it on the ground in front of its pedestal. The other bowls followed shortly after, taking a bit more caution with the blood filled one.

After his time being healed by Matsu, Jacob had spent time on Maena learning; studying what he could. But his attention had been swiftly drawn away by chasing leads, breaking what chained him to his past. As such he probably hadn’t learned as much as he should’ve, which was evident with his current situation. The frustration and anger were quick to settle in after that, Jacob’s hands clenching tightly as he stared at the trial before him.

But instead of lashing out, Jacob took a deep breath and sank into his mind; his thoughts on the Sith Code, trying to remember it. He called on the Force stirring within him, he reached out with it; testing it. The temperament of the previously induced sedative was gone, its meddling with his control over the Force nonexistent. Jacob grasped those emotions with a vice, pushed them into himself and letting it flow through him; as a tool. As he did, he raised his arms and stretched them out. The right was folded back further than the left. And with one last exhale, Jacob began reciting.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. The bowl with the petals began to levitate, it stuttered slightly in its ascent but after a few moments it settled and was placed on the first pedestal.

Through passion, I gain strength. Next was the blood filled bowl, the liquid sloshing about as it was placed upon the second.

Through strength, I gain power. Following that was the batteries, the small objects clinking about as the bowl took its place as the third.

Through power, I gain victory. The fragment of a flag was next, its bowl settled down as the fourth.

Through victory, my chains are broken. The chain links rattled in the stone bowl as it was levitated to the fifth pedestal.

The Force shall free me. And finally, the last bowl was placed back where it had been before; on the sixth.

With that, Jacob let his arms fall back to his sides, and his gaze shifted over to the stone door.


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