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Approved Planet Trigalis

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Name: Trigalis

Region: Outer Rim
System: Trigalis System
Suns: 1, Yellow Star
Orbital Position: Habitable Zone
Moons: None

System Features:

- Molkan: A small world very close to the systems star. Due to the gravity and intense radiation bombardment Molkan flows with rivers of radioactive lava. Little of its surface is left untouched by these flows. Only volcano's and high plateaus pushed up by the very active tectonic activity, rise above the burning landscape. Molkan has no atmosphere and is hostile to all life.

- Higarin: A large red colored gas giant. Comprised mostly of hydrogen and helium in a failed bid to become a star billions of years ago. A small dense core surrounded by a layer of metallic hydrogen holds the gasses together. It acts as the inner systems shield from asteroids and comets whether from The Belt out out of the system. Vacuuming up most incoming objects.

- The Belt: A large dense asteroid system between the two gas giants orbits that encompass the inner worlds. This navigational hazard blocks Trigalis from an immediate arrival out of hyperspace. Necessitating any incoming ship to navigate the belt before either successfully completing a micro jump or a slow sub-light burn to the inhabited world. It contains large amounts of the heavy element Tungstoid. Several small mining operations harvest this rare heavy metal, and other base metals for market.

- Torg: Similar to Higalin. Torg is made up much like its larger cousin. But contains about a 7% by volume; a great amount of Neon. Electrical activity can cause these gases to charge giving a very brief but beautiful light show. It's color is a bluish hue.
Coordinates: P-17
Rotational Period: 24 Hours
Orbital Period: 358

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 12,577 KM
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Hot and humid
Gravity: Standard 1.0

Primary Terrain:

- Swamps
- Rivers and deltas
- Flood plains
- Jungles
- Small oceans
- Murky lakes.
- Several small to medium sized mountain ranges.
Native Species: Humans
Immigrated Species: Falleen, Twi'lek, others in lesser numbers
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic
Government: Criminal Council
Population: 151 Million
Demonym: Trigalian

Major Imports:

- Spice.
- Weapons.
- Slaves.
- High technology.

Major Exports:

- Foodstuffs: Mostly rice cereals and fruits. Among other vegetation requiring vast amounts of water.
- Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries.
- Information services.
- Alcohol.
- Aurodium.
- Tungstoid. (Asteroid Field)
- Aluminum.

Affiliation: Black Sun

Major Locations:

New Coronet: The Capitol of Trigalis. Named after the capitol of Corellia, Coronet City. It is the center of commerce and criminal activity on the planet. Housing almost any service one would need, such as a space port or some luxury off world foods, all legal or otherwise. The city is built entirely above ground due to the water table being so high, and the swampy soils, requiring all supports to be built down into the bedrock. A large underground water works keeps the city from flooding.

Temple Ruins: Rumor has it an ancient temple lies somewhere far out in the swamps. A Templar Expedition to find them turned up nothing but more fuel to rumor their existence. Whether Sith, Jedi, or something else; only the ones who actually discover them will be able to reveal their origin.


The culture of Trigalis is split in to three facets. One is Corellian. Another is Falleen. And the last is the deeply entrenched criminal culture. The Corellians are the free spirited rebel rousers they have always been since their ancestors arrived from the homeworld. They are enterprising and industrious persons, making up the bulk of the high and middle classes. Along with most of the criminals, mercenaries and bounty hunters. They also continued to brew traditional Corellian drinks. The Falleen are the highbrow, classy, aristocratic for the most part aliens who control many important positions in government, industry and the criminal faction of Black Sun on world. They are for the most part passive and only seek to further themselves until someone gets in their way. Criminals, everyone is either a part of this system or a victim of it. There are the leaders and the lowly street thugs. All serve some function that perpetuates the system.

Daily life depends of what class you are. If you rule then you are tasked to do so. It is no longer mostly leisure time for them because they have a world to run. The criminals are either guarding some important place or person. Shaking down someone who hasn't paid their protection taxes or keeping the peace if in the employ of Black Sun. The average citizen is just going about their lives, they work, they play, they sleep. So long as their protection taxes are paid up they are under the protection they bought and things are fine so long as some punk doesn't cause you trouble. And a Sun didn't shoot him in the back for you yet. The lowest of all are the slaves. They work the dangerous Aurodium mines. They sleep, they work, eventually they die in an accident and are replaced. Though the lowest, they are what Trigalis' riches have been built upon. Security is tight though, so revolts are put down with the swiftest brutality.

The government is run by a criminal council of the most powerful crime lords. Their will is past on to the administration departments that actually make sure things get done. Despite many off-worders thinking this have ought to have collapsed forever ago from its own nature. It stands in defiance and runs a crisp, efficient system that keeps most happy.

The most popular sport on Trigalis is either speeder racing in the many waterways and rivers, or Boloball. Everyone loves to watch these two sports or play themselves in the armature leagues.

The military is nothing formalized. It consists of the foot soldiers under the governments employ. They mostly stand around protecting stuff or running patrols to keep the peace, or the local mercenaries on the pay too. They number in the low hundred thousands number. While many of the mercenaries may be experienced fighters who gained their guff in wars abroad. The security forces tend to only deal with the locals, acting like police or suppressing the rare revolt that isn't snuffed out at the get go from the slaves. They are not prepared to fight off an invasion.

Religion is something most keep to themselves. It is considered a personal matter to be kept to ones self or in the family. Most of the populace are atheists.


Despite being considered a backwater colony world for most of its inhabited history. Trigalis is up to date on galactic standard technologies. This is thanks in part to the Aurodium mines generating significant credit flow to the criminal government. Who have reinvested much of the excess profits back into the world. This brought industry and even more investment from outside sources to allow for a high standard of living for most of the populace. Not including the slaves of course.


Trigalis has long been a Corellian colony. Located only a few thousand light years to the galactic west of Christophsis and the Corellian Run. The first explorers found the world to be like a swampy version of their own homeworld. It wasn't for several generations latter that a permanent colony was established.

Before the Clone Wars the world fell under the control of Black Sun Lord Xist. Criminal activities, piracy, and bounty hunters quickly called this world home. These activities have become so entrenched in the world that a Black Sun faction still runs Trigalis 872 years latter. Mostly in a lawless state. Much like Nar Shaddaa it is unlikely this will ever change. During the Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi came to Trigalis looking for information to lead him to Asajj Ventress. Xist being an information broker and working for the C.I.S had the information he was looking for, but dueled the Jedi instead of readily giving up. Xist lost, giving Kenobi what he wanted, but lived on to rule his criminal empire long past that day.

In the last two decades significant sources of Aurodium, Aluminum and Tungstoid have been found in the system. Bringing heavy industry to the swampy world. The on world mining Aurodium operations are dangerous and most workers are slaves brought in from other worlds to work in the constantly flooding shafts. The casualty rate is high but the ore is worth far more than these lives in the eyes of the Corps and criminal government.

Trigalis served as a satellite world when Black Sun was a galactic government. The ruling criminals underwent a reformation to form a real standing government in this time. Providing services and upholding what they consider the law. Though twisted to suit the criminal world Trigalis is. This has continued running up to the present day and thanks to the natural resources has been able to stay standing and even shine.

Notable PCs: None

Intent: A cannon planet of importance to Black Sun. It will serve the same purpose for the current Black Sun faction.
[member="Rayl Wilded"]

I see nothing out of order here. Canon planet fleshed out in a way that doesn't contradict what is suggested by the little canon there is.

Approved, pending secondary

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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