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Train for Perfection (FO TIE Pilots/Invite)

0500 came early, but it was always 0500 when the alarm went off. Flaa had little time for a quick shower, then he would be off to morning PT. The rec area was large enough for what it needed to be. A running track was situated above the main floor where many of the free weights were. Other rooms were off to the side for units that were training together on specific cardio exercises that could be done in a more confined space. It was the goal of the First Order Navy to keep their soldiers in peek physical condition. Armies and Marines may do a lot of the direct hand to hand battles, but a strong Navy always determined whether a long term war would be won. This was the nature of intergalactic warfare.

Carten arrived with fifteen minutes to spare. Early was on time, on time was late, and late was unacceptable. The last thing he was going to do was upset his CO and the XO by being late to something. He was dressed in the given PT uniform. A gray t-shirt with the word Navy in black letters on the chest, a black pair of sweat pants, and a black pair of running shoes. The schedule for the day was full, and all of it was training. The first hour of the morning would be PT, followed by breakfast, fifteen minutes for a shower, then simulators until lunch.

The PT routine was simple. First the pilots of Delta Squadron would meet together for a for stretches, jumping jacks, pushups, crunches, sit ups, and other cardio and strength training exercises. After that they would go for a two mile run, followed by free lifting for the remainder of the time. Since Carten was early, he did what he should be doing, he started some early stretches to warm up for the hour of physical training ahead. Carten was looking forward to getting this part of the day over with so he could tend to his fighter, and then relax in ten forward when he was off duty. He was nearing the anniversary of his loss, and there was bottle of whiskey with his name on it.

[member="Daska Tess"] | Any other FO pilots
Lieutenant Daska Tess had forgone a shower upon awakening as she was going to get sweaty during PT anyways. Instead the blonde TIE pilot dressed quickly in her PT uniform, pulled back her golden tresses into a neat ponytail, then stopped in the mess to grab a hurriedly drank stim tea on the way to the rec area. It was how the Bastionian started every morning off, then would continue partaking of it throughout the day to keep her energy and alertness up. Yes, she was addicted to caffeine. The stimulant also helped to hide the fact the lieutenant was not a good sleeper due to insomnia; or more so Daska was afraid to go to sleep due to horrible nightmares of a previous flight incident. A near-death experience often did that to a person. PTSD was common among not only TIE pilots, but stormtroopers too. At least she had hers under control or so Daska told herself that.

Arriving probably just a minute behind her wingman, Daska walked over to where [member="Carter Flaa"] was stretching out. Scarface, as was the beefy pilot's callsign due to a jagged scar above his right eye running up into his hairline, had been assigned in her flight trio. He wasn't one to say much, but when the man did it usually was cocky based. Was it true bravado or was Carten covering for something.

"Morning, Lieutenant," Tess offered while setting up to do a hamstring stretch on the floor mat legs spread apart in a V. She was very flexible and could lower her chest all the way down to the matt chin up. "We are supposed to get some replacement pilots and gunners today. How are you and Grunter working out?"

@ Other TIE pilots

Deck plan for ISD.
Right on his six was the lead pilot of his trio, [member="Daska Tess"]. The blonde was gorgeous, a great pilot, and seemed to have a lot of walls up. Flaa hadn't tried to break in, but it took one to know one. Everyone had their secrets, and Carten had come to the conclusion a person's secrets made them who they were. The things they didn't openly share with people were the most formative things about them. For Carter, it was the reason he seemed so cocky on the outside. It was a defense mechanism, something to keep people from prying to deep, including himself. It had been five years and some change, and Flaa was still lying to himself and refusing to let people in.

"Good Morning," he said fairly normal which was different for him.

A slight chuckle escaped at her question. That was odd considering he woke up in one of those moods, the one which usually sent him to the bottle by the end of the day. That was the hardest secret to maintain. He didn't want anyone knowing he was drinking to hide something, or escape something. He was certain they wouldn't understand, and he was also certain he'd get discharged or forced into a military run rehab program. How the blonde managed get a chuckle out of him was a mystery. It was likely he just didn't expect the question.

"He grunts, still," came the reply as Flaa changed to the other leg, and looked over at Daska.

Wow she was flexible. It hurt just thinking about trying to stretch that far.

"Well fresh batch of recruits are needed with the heightened sense of conflict coming. We are going to be heading into war, I can feel it. The Alliance pushing for power in the region around Eriadu is only going to push us right toward what we've been training for. I might actually make...."

Carten caught himself. He was about to slip up. When things got close to the anniversary of the deaths of his wife and daughter, Flaa tended to have to be more vigilant about his secrets.

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