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Dominion Toxicity | Occupation of Bescane | New Imperial Order


Libertas quae sera tamen

TAGS //: Caligo Caligo | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus

"Are you forgetting the necessities of organics to eat? And rest? Or the fact they can be injured?" Lord Halketh was collected in his quickened quip, seeing no reason why he should not speak up to address what was being ignored. The electrum spheres swiftly found themselves pocketed and his now free hand lofted before him, holding fingers up in sequence as he struck each point he had to counter: "If you are going to argue costs and claim we fail to recognize the interim investment for droids is large, you may, but do not fail to recognize the long-term cost for managing slaves is much larger. Food. Shelter. Medical care, if one can be bothered to provide it. Not to mention the actual price of buying another life, as gross a notion as it is." He sighed, slowly lowering his hand to rest open palm flat upon the surface of the table, "And if one intends to work them to achieve the productivity you claim for them to be capable of, exhaustion and death would be inevitable. And then what? You've blood on your hands, and the cost of purchasing a replacement; it's redundant. Not to mention the blow to the work force's morale as a whole. Your argument, Caligo Caligo , simply is a sugar-coated reduction, and if we are to be grossly objective in this discussion, one simply cannot ignore such things for the sake of convenience."

The miraluka steepled his fingers before his masked lips with the turn of his head towards the Moff directly, "I believe this conversation has steered beyond the semantics; I suggest we take it to informal vote and press on to discussing plans and strategy instead."

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L O C A T I O N | Epitaph II
T A G S |
Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , Halketh Halketh , Kestus Bralor

Caligo Caligo , Josiah Navollius
T H E M E | Here.

G E A R | Here.

On the bathroom, Lunafreya sighted a few times while her hand instinctively went to the silky platinum hair, adjusting again what was already in its place. With her long, pointed ears flapping up and down three times, a plague of her kind as she would say if someone asked her about it, that sometimes moved by itself on very different occasions and much like the rest of her race, she was unfortunately still able to hear through thick walls quite well what was spoken in the other room. Grimacing in disgust as she was forced to hear the words of that hypocritical human creature that dared to say her name. Waving her face sideways she leaned over the sink, opening the faucet gently as she splashed fresh water on her face, drying it almost immediately with a towel.

There was something in the air, something heavy hovering in the shadows as she passed, stirring and creeping, as if something terrible was about to happen. Lunafreya leaned in front of the clean mirror, close enough to notice small spots over the surface of the glass, remnants of the clearly laziness of that ship's staff. Too small for anyone to care, but big enough for her to whip the servant in charge of this task, if it were to happen in her castle. She took the time to study her own face, that perfect mask of immaculate white flesh, with silky hair perfectly groomed, an upturned nose raised by natural arrogance and two eyes as sharp as a barber's razor, but the closer she got, the more she noticed something in her eyes, enough disturb her. And as if looking into the depths of her own soul, Lunafreya watched in silence as those sparkling amethyst orbs did the most unnatural thing by changing color before her gaze, the ink in its formation abandoning the violet shade and taking on a yellow tone like bright gold.

She closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and slowly opened them only to face two violet orbs again in their place, as if nothing had happened.

"Fascinating," she murmured to herself. She washed her hands gently, all the while staring at herself and doing it again before leaving the small room. Making the short way back to the Assembly table during the rhetoric made by the Mandalorian, perhaps in its midst, or perhaps near its end, she listened to his words while she just remained staring at the table in front of her.

And when all the others were done speaking their thoughts on this matter, she cleared her throat gently before deciding to answer again.

"It's amazing how debilitating the nature of human biology is, don't you think? While a human needs cyber enhancements to improve his performance. A member of my species is more than able to hear mice trotting inside the walls of a ship, and so while washing my hands I could hear the rat gnashing by this table and although I’m sure you heard it before, my lord, I will do you the favor of repeating ‘Sylugon ossēnagon va nykeā orvorta jorrāelagon hen sōvegon mēre’ and as much I doubt you know what it means, as you are quite unaware of the fact that I’m fluent in over fifty languages and I said mandatory, lord Avernus, not forced as most of your escorts must have told you in the past.”, she turned her attention back to the others, looking away from the yellow-haired creature. “If we continue to spend thousands of credits on corporations such as the likes of AvCorp and those of the Techno Union, this table will soon find itself in a tremendous amount of debt to the worst kind of scum this galaxy has to offer."

"We cannot afford... “ She tried speaking the next sentence as fast as a slug shot in the air. “And I believe I will say this again as I’m almost sure that some here are deaf…” She slowed her way of speaking once again. We cannot afford to keep spending money this way. The incomes on most of the planets we hold do not belong to us or are hardly enough to pay the bills, we do not discredit the corporate control of the most profitable institutions and direct them to this government, to each loan, to each new purchase, to each new weapon or armor created and to the production of machinery for the construction of androids, this Assembly sinks more and more into debts. Due investments already made in the damned diuretic currency of the Trade Federation, the coffers of this government are emptier than the summer tourism of Tattooine, we need mandatory laboring laws for penal labor with low wagers for at least the next three years if we are to pay the interests created by this Assembly, or we will find ourselves in the pockets of these enriched industry barons due to our own actions. I do not speak of slavery,

I repeat this, I speak of forcing the least desired class of society, such as prisoners and criminals, to work forcibly in the production of resources for production and trading to maintain things as they are now. Or do you all believe that if we find ourselves victorious in Bastion or whichever Sith planet we will have won the war and paid off the debts made by our government? This war is far from over, we need the economic boost that those condemned by the law can bring us, we need to learn how to make gold out of sand in any opportunity we can find. I emphasize again, as I believe that some here have difficulties in understanding my lovely accent. I do not speak of slavery, I speak of those unwanted people that I have full knowledge of that fill the prisons of their planets, I loathe the motion of slavery imposed on the table but I ask the others; Caligo, Dooku, Josiah, Bralor and... " Lunafreya skipped the last name of the human male sitting on the table, all because his name ran off the tip of her tongue. "May you take a moment to look at our needs and duties with the New Order in the notion of putting the unwanted to penal mandatory labor for the profit of this organization after the voting of the motion regarding slavery." She sat down in her chair once again, no more would she speak of this matter, but unfortunately Lunafreya reminded herself that she had forgot to translate to Avernus what her words meant, as she doubted he knew what language it was. She would later send a written letter with its meaning for his ship, 'Try sucking on a d**ck instead of being one.', Although she was most certain he had heard that many times that in the past, most likely on his knees.

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Josiah Navollius

Abolitionists: Halketh Halketh Avernus Avernus Kestus Bralor Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
Slavers: Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor Caligo Caligo
Others: Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus

The moff's jaw grew stern. A consistent flutter of blinking began to pick up in a moderate speed before Josiah's chin lifted up slightly. Another deep inhale, as if patience was infused in the air around him.

My children are more well behaved than most of the warlords here.

Rude and too busy fighting among-st themselves about petty insults and disputes. It seemed droids were the only option that the abolitionists were set on having droids lead the charge in labor. Josiah's gazed shifted from speaker to speaker before he interjected and threw his proposal on the table for all to here.

" Before any such vote shall begin, I will add where I myself stand on the matter at hand and give my proposal. " The man shifted in the seat and with the press of a button his recliner moved him in a more comfortable position. " On Thyrsus, my homeworld, all individuals are born into a caste lower than low. They are free people but their liberties are restricted. Those that show skill in any desired form are mentored, further trained and shown the way to achieve greatness if you will, but are required to work out of their circumstances as individuals, to gain more liberties and access more of their earned wealth. Some do not though. Other's ascend and aspire to reach the sun itself. In doing so the process weeds out those who are strong, willing and those who are weak or lazy. It gives incentive for both worker and trainer. The skill of their work is what will speak for itself. Nature helps those who help themselves and sometimes you must help yourself first in order to help others. Its a self regulating system once put into play. Checks and balances for both worker and supervising officers would be a need and would be no different than a standard workplace within the galaxy. " He cleared his throat and continued.

" This is my compromise and solution for you all."

"We would stand to benefit by allowing new citizens into the empire to inspire and also tax on different rates and levels. Keeping a base level of cheap labor but also adding to our own system physically and financially. Over time they as individuals will be able to decide where they will want to be positioned and how they will function in society. A perfect balance of both abolitionist and pro-slaver pros without their cons. Droids could be produced on a small scale to assist or replace those too old or weak for heavy labor. Droids in some small capacity should be used and managed any way, not on a grand scale. The only downside would be the upstart and initial investment for this process to start."

" Abolish slavery and grant freedom, but restrict liberties. Show them how to move up in the system through their various skills and reward those that take to it. There will always be those that flourish and also a steady stream of those that choose not too. Thus cheap labor is always accounted for but only as long as the individual. Do this and I guarantee there will be revenue in the short future to come."

He waited quietly and adjusted his seat once more. This time to a more straightened position of sitting. This was the system Moff Navollius grew up with in some fashion and it was also the system he was now putting into place on Adumar for those not fortunate enough to be born a duke or lord.
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Location: Lumchugger’s Hub, Bescane
Objective: BYOO
Kit: Skystas Rieve iv Tave Daboti Dvasi | Casual attire
Investors: Gat Tambor Gat Tambor
Post: I

“No no, I couldn’t possibly have one sherrick more. Divine. Please, give my compliments to the chef.”

Tithe smiled as the server droid collected the empty dish which had once held a pletik soup. The copper-skinned droid nodded in acknowledgement and trundled toward the kitchen where the Moff’s remaining eight courses of fine dining we being prepared. While his captors had certainly treated him well, it was good to enjoy a meal of such calibre.

The Tyrant of Trade, Gat Tambor, entered the restaurant and made his way to Aerarii’s table. Always the gracious guest, the Moff stood as the Skakoan approached the table and offered a nod of reference. The two took their seats across from one another, and Tambor made his opening offer.

“Yes, the Sons. Their, how do I put this, ah, dedication to their professional is estimable.” He raised his glass of thwill-wine toward the helmeted Mandalorian standing at the bar who had refused to let Tithe out of his sight, seemingly not trusting his combat droid jailors.

“The thing about investments, which of course you already know and please, excuse any offence - is that they are not without risk,” Tithe mused as he took a sip of the wine. “I’ve made many an investment in men, companies and empires, as I’m sure you have as well. Most pay off - I wouldn’t be here if they didn’t. But it’s the ones that don’t which haunt me.”

Tithe placed the glass of wine on the table. Had Tambor wanted him dead or disgraced, he had no doubt that the two of them wouldn’t be sitting here. “We’ve both made significant investments in the current market, and it would be a shame - oh boy, a big shame indeed - if they didn’t payout.” So long as Tambor saw value in Tithe, the Moff had a chance of negotiating.

“While we find ourselves on opposite sides of this conflict, I can’t help but think - and please, stop me if I go to far. Ah, well I can’t help but think that maybe there’s an outcome from which we could both mutually benefit.”


G A T _ T A M B O R
Lumchugger's Hub
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

A single nod of his head and a motion to Tithe’s seat as if urging him to sit back down, be comfortable before Tambor himself sat down across from the Sith Imperial Moff.

After his initial inquiry which was more of a posture than anything else which contrasted the circumstances of their last direct rendezvous on Mygeeto yet the change in Tithe’s circumstance as a ruling Moff to a man in exile was all that was needed to judge the result of that encounter and who really emerged on top. At least, as the New Imperial Order’s militiary using the equipment manufactured by Technoid and Kuat-Entralla knocking at the gates of Bastion was certainly vindicating.

“That we have both made investments, Mr. Tithe, that we have. The difference being that one is proving far more fruitful than the other...though as you mentioned, I do understand the initial risk though to me...the writing was on the wall a long while ago. Had it not been for the Silver Jedi Concord’s fragrant inconsistency or the Republic Engineering Corporation’s choke-hold of the Galactic Alliance I would’ve seen fit to move my investments from the Sith Empire much earlier...but alas, we are but mortal men who can not undo the machinations of time and our own folly. And so then...I am curious to hear of your proposition as I do hope it involves you...well, shoring up your investments into more fruitful pursuits.” Gat Tambor insists. Tithe had far too much potential to ever kill or harm intentionally, otherwise the SIBC chairman might've seen the vaults in Mygeeto more fit for a tomb.

"OOOOWOWWERERRRREEE- Regardless, do tell."
Operation: Deer Dance

The young Kyrel did not know much of the world known as Bescane. He never really knew much of the outside galaxy. What he did know, was that Bescane was yet another world in the ever-expanding might of the New Order. He did know that the world belonged to the Galactic Empire of old, then the Pentastar Alignment, and then absorbed of what was known as the Imperial Remnant. The world for all he knew was the birthright of the New Order. What the Sith sought to destroy, the New Order would rebuild. In due time he knew that the Sith's days were numbered. The march would lead them to the heart of the Sith, all the while for the Knight Errant, he had wondered what would happen following the end of the New Order's expanse through the Braxant Run. Would they work in showing other nations the might of Neo Imperialism? Would they become isolationist and work on expanding basic needs such as the struggling war economy, or social services for all beings and taking care of all those that had been displaced under the yoke of the Sith. He didn't know, but as an Imperial Knight, he had sworn an oath that was for life, what the Imperator commanded he would obey for honor and discipline was his creed.

Jin was among those that took part in the briefing, despite sitting around listening to the words of Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt trying not to show the boredom he always felt before a mission briefing. He chalked it up as another assignment, another test on which he would take part in to show his potential in becoming a true Knight of the New Order. Despite his wandering mind here he was with a squad of Stormtroopers sent to the slums of the city. The worst areas of where he had heard the attacks had hit hardest, what beheld his sight was the suffering and cries of pain, the pleading for help from the ravaged victims of the bio attacks from what was simply referred to as the terrorists known as the Green Pact. They selfishly used acquired Yuuzhan Vong tech to achieve their own ends. What he had seen had left quite a horrifying impact. "H-Help me.. Please!" Said an elderly man that tried to clutch on to Jin's leg in vain, The Knight Errant even in his skill in Nightsister Magick could not help these desperate people. It wasn't before long before the spores on the man caused his untimely demise.

"Sir! Look!" One of the troopers shouted, as between the ruined buildings covered in the attack emerged a swarm of Vong razor bugs. "Find cover now!" Jin shouted in haste as he activated his crossguard saber, narrowly managing to slice one in half. While a few of the enemy emerged, covered in Green Armor. "Leave Outlander, or suffer the rather nature will be wrought upon you!" One of them shouted, Jin gritting his teeth while the troopers tried desperately to find cover, attempting to shoot through the razor bugs, the bugs already cutting down a couple in the squad. "Surrender, and I promise no harm will come to you if you give me the location of the one you follow." The reply that he was given was met with another volley of razor bugs. "Sir, we need to find some way through this onslaught, or else we will literally be torn to pieces out here!" Jin had to react fast while trying to deflect the organic weapons being used, he had to think quickly spotting an opening into one of the buildings. "Follow me! Remain together at all costs move now!" He said as they quickly moved, the Troopers providing cover fire, and Kyrel trying to deflect or cut any of the weapons being used on them, while they hastily made it inside. It seemed now that this mission might not be as smooth as he had first thought it would be.
Supreme Ruler of The Aeten System


// Epitaph II // Bescane // Imperial Assembly //
Theme //

Cutting through the echoing voices of the Imperial Assembly meeting room like hot knives a high-pitched laugh bellowed out from one member coyly watching her inferiors babble like the Momong they are, she had let them have her fun, for she didn’t have much to interject. frankly, she couldn’t be bothered with the dealings of banning slavery, even if it was a law the wealthy and powerful needed their cheap labour and it would come one way or another, those in power, those with their preordained divine right to rule such as yours truly, dominated over the masses who cannot control their archaic ways it was just the nature of the universe in her eyes. No matter what they did, cheap labour would exist under another title and she couldn’t be more thrilled.

Nevertheless, she waited, ordering her “servant” to fetch her another refreshment with but one glance from her cold lavender coloured eyes, causing her labourer to nearly reel over and faint, the room thus far seemed to lean towards outlawing it in some capacity and to cleverly not make enemies and to be on the side of the fence less how you would say polarizing she took her chance to speak, despite the fact her true allegiance remained shrouded behind the veil of her mind.

“Ahem...” Minerva exclaimed loudly and rudely perhaps as a means to strike nerves.

“If I may be so bold…”

“If The Sith Empire is our enemy, and within its borders exists entities such as their own quote on quote “slave empire” why are we partaking in an export of theirs as lucrative as slaves? Wouldn’t embargoing the import of slaves or banning the practice outright do nothing but benefit us and hinder one of our adversary's major industries? And even if the pro-slavery members of this assembly hold strong on their ideals who’s to say we cannot… let’s say lift the ban when the Sith have been annihilated or tensions reduce?” She began loudly and obnoxiously cracking every joint in her fingers, “I’m newer to this little game of ours so I am not sure how far our trade sanctions against The Sith go but nevertheless us involving ourselves with a business so synonymous and engrained in The Sith Empire exports gives them power even if not trading directly, at the very least we are supporting it by title alone,” Minerva gave a playful shrug leaning back into her sea as she bit her lip and reached out an open palm that had a fruity drink accompanied by a tiny colourful umbrella placed in her hand within seconds, just before remarking with a patronizing tone, “this is so dreadfully simple; for a table of fully grown men and women you sure do seem to know nothing about basic economics and advertising.”

Caligo Caligo Josiah Navollius Kestus Bralor Halketh Halketh Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus Rurik Fel Rurik Fel
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// @IAmDarthAvernus Halketh Halketh Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Josiah Navollius Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor Caligo Caligo Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Minerva Winaeor Minerva Winaeor //

Sitting in the Imperator's seat at the head of the Assembly table was an odd sensation. Having the Knight Commander to his right was even stranger, somehow. The Grand Vizier remained silent for a tangible stretch of time as the Moffs and Warlords spoke. Tired eyes wandered lazily between each face as they articulated syllable after syllable, orchestrating their argumentative symphonies. Tyrell already knew where he stood when he sat down for this assembly, but he allowed all to speak purely on principle.

"Enough," the Vizier ordered with a harsh raising of his voice. "You are the highest echelons of the New Order, conduct yourselves as such," he snapped, pointing his gaze at no one in particular. Tyrell sighed, resting his elbows on the table and steepling his fingers in front of his face. "Were it up to me I would have annihilated the very idea of slavery from our modus operandi, but we have set a precedent that does not allow me to be so bold. I will heed the desire for the council to take a vote, although what good it will for those who call for it, well, I have my doubts."

Tyrell gave a wave of his hand, clearly over most of this. "Go on, then."


Wilhuff Krieg


// ALOR'AAN //: Warlord of Echoy'la
// OBJECTIVE //: Prison Song
// FOCUS //: Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Caligo Caligo | Halketh Halketh | Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Josiah Navollius | Minerva Winaeor Minerva Winaeor

What came next in this discussion, gave presence to a modicum of suprise in the Mandalorian. Between the two 'Princesses' of the New Imperial Order, he was not expecting such an eager change of heart from origins which welcomed the ownership of sentient stock.

All the same, he was more intent to observe. His rhetoric was starkly clear and given the current circumstances of the Mandalorians, being abrasive to slavery as they were a people scattered, enslaved or in his own case, rather gentrified, it was no surprise. Allowing the Lord Halketh and the Warden of the Prism to discuss between themselves, Bralor was more interested in indulging the Moff Navollius and Lady Winaeor.

Understanding and agreeing to the rhetoric of Tyrell, the Mandalorian Warlord spoke up once more.

<"I could only agree with you, Grand Vizier. All the same, to the Lady Winaeor and Moff Navollius as well as the rest who have spoken up in abolishing this institution. The longer we tolerate its implementation, the longer, to the rest of the Galaxy, we appear to be the Sith Empire with a different face. This among many reasons should justify its dissolution. While the Sith had seemingly entertained dissolving slavery following a trade deal made in place to placate the Confederacy of Independent Systems, it is posturing, true and simple. They sought to tug on the violet curtain at some vain attempt at getting the Confederates to fight their war for them I can only guess."> Bralor states outright.

<"What is troubling, is its long term implementation, freeing those who have been enslaved within our borders. The Moff of Adumar argues a fine point and one that I believe draws a line of similarity between this Order and the Thyrsians. You get back exactly what you put in. We are no lawless waste such as the Outer Rim would proudly claim itself to be, in that we should strive for an Order that prioritizes the security of its people above all else. All the same, power should belong to those who are capable of wielding it. Keeping our people in chains, prohibits us from realizing their true potential.">
The Mandalorian claims.


// PARABOL //: Imperial Knight Commander
// OBJECTIVE //: Prison Song
// FOCUS //:
Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Caligo Caligo | Halketh Halketh | Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Josiah Navollius | Minerva Winaeor Minerva Winaeor
Even as the assembly strayed from the course of its initial topic of discussion, Rurik was curiously...silent, in spite of his role as mediator. Too often was the opportunity to enforce, very rare was the opportunity to observe. To observe a class he'd been separated from since he was first exiled from Serenno, far younger and far before the young Prince Lucien Dooku ever was. To observe how these Moffs and Warlords saw fit to represent their constituents in one of the few venues in which they could present the face of their demesne to the New Imperial Order's higher leadership.

"If I am to believe then that the abolishment of slavery is the stance of the Sovereign Imperator Tavlar as well as what seems to be a majority of our provincial governors, what might be a line of inquiry as well is the enforcement of illegal slave trade within our borders. Recent events have shown that even our allies in the Galactic Alliance are not immune from this plague. With the war ongoing comes many people displaced from their homes and thus easily taken by criminal elements to be sold into slavery." The Imperial Knight says, rather pessimistically as he explores the true nature of the Galaxy's underbelly.

"Where as of now, on some planets there are legal circuits to which they might conduct business, following a decree from the Imperator, they will not have such opportunity and their activity will be criminal. All the high of a priority do we place in making due on our morality? Perhaps...which might be in our interests both, as Lady Winaeor states within a 'perception' standpoint but as well as outright pragmatism might be the establishment of a task force between each member world of the Order and even, a treaty with our neighbors to cooperate in the elimination of illegal slave trade." Rurik proposes.

"Though while the Alliance and Concord posture being so anti-slavery...their recent activity paints a more...grey picture." The man of Serenno in-exile suggests.


Location: Lumchugger’s Hub, Bescane
Objective: BYOO
Kit: Skystas Rieve iv Tave Daboti Dvasi | Casual attire
Investors: Gat Tambor Gat Tambor
Post: II

The Moff continued to enjoy his wine as he listened to Tambor. Tambor was an industrialist who headed some of the largest manufacturing corporations in the galaxy, while Tithe was a Sith-Imperial bureaucrat and governor with a history in high-finance. But ultimately - and importantly - the two of them were not that dissimilar. Reaching an agreement between themselves was inevitable, and likely, highly profitable. Both had long ago accepted that the universe was not ruled by territory holdings, political influence, or the mysterious Force. The galaxy turned on one thing, and one thing alone - credits.

“The galaxy is, ah, full of lucrative markets,” Tithe noted. He himself had spent his career seeking them out. “Through serendipity and happenstance, however, we have found ourselves inexcusability tied to the same one. I propose to facilitate favourable market conditions, beneficial to your investments.”

Despite the near-destruction of Sector Group II, Tithe still wielded influence within the Sith Empire. His contacts within the SIBC run deep. The numbers of favours owed to him from granting otherwise disallowed permissions in his capacity as the Chair of the Foreign Investment Board were immeasurable. He had no doubt he could bring to the table what he was promising.

“In return, I ask for two things, just two things. Protection, and a full seat at the table.”

While his tenure as the Sith Empire liaison to the Trade Federation had been profitable, the wealth he could accrue as a full board member was beyond the comprehension of most sentients. Thankfully, Tithe could fully comprehend the riches which awaited him. “A small investment I would hazard, given the circumstances.”
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// Legion Commander //
Objective // BYOO - Imperial Memorial Site
// Focus // Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar CLOSED
// Thematic //
Someone Else

“How many times did I tell you this would happen?” Lyra asked, her tone light but terse-a steely visage before the holo picture. She was too numb in her grief to truly be surprised, Lyra how ever had not expected Irveric to be the one to show up. Maybe her father, maybe the handful of connections she had left on the world. All but him, and Lyra ran her a hand over the swell of her stomach. The only reason she could fathom as to why. She folded her hands in front of her neatly and a soft exhale escaped her. There was a moment of silence before she dared speak again with a leveled tone, “my security measures would only do so much for the NCO’s and Officers...Darth Maledictus was not shy in description of their evisceration... He hunted the families of the twelfth down, of the five hundred and first across the sectors, he saved her and my father for last. I’m not speaking to you as an advisor, I am speaking now as someone directly affected.”

She had watched the lightsaber ignite in one minute by the Inquisitor's hand, her mother had died in terror in a flash of violent energy. Lyra screwed her eyes shut tightly at the thought, she inhaled deeply through her nose as her servo clenched her hand far too tightly. He wasn’t still in the right of mind as far as she was concerned, but she pressed through the fog of anger that grew like a storm over her.

She had tormented herself with the failures to procure, to delete their traces from the system. The rosters upon rosters-there were too many remote back ups. Lyra had risked tipping off intelligence sending out the vague warning, there were too many ways of tracing data-from the academies to the enlistment stations across the Empire. It was difficult to
truly disappear. She had tried and in so many ways, it still had not been enough. Lyra craned her head to watch him from the corner of her eyes, her brows furrowed as she pressed her lips in to a thin frown if only briefly. She was sick of the runaround and wanted the tangible from him, she wanted justice. Lyra didn't want the promises of violence in this moment, though the voice in the back of the recesses of her mind whispers for revenge, still urged her to reach out-

“The troopers signed up for war, their families however didn’t. I told you that almost word for word if I recall, and you were okay with them paying the price. All for the greater purpose you parroted? You may feel guilty or simply not care, out of sight out of mind if I understand? Who will mourn them, what will you do for them Irveric?” she questioned-she demanded.
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Libertas quae sera tamen

TAGS //: Caligo Caligo | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus

Patience was a virtue well worth more than its weight in credits. A lesson he had long since learned in his years which, hilariously enough, all led him to this point. He considered those years for a moment, pondered them even, and whether or not some mistake or slip up had shoved him into a room full of people he had absolutely no idea how to engage with. Was he speaking the right language, even? It was most difficult for him to even tell. But truly, his ego did not need the fluff of being directly acknowledged or referenced, in fact, it was in his subtle motions and anonymity that Lord Halketh most reveled. Instead, he had resigned to sit back and just listen to the others as they exchanged.

He had said mostly everything that he cared to, in fact, there was not a single point really that Kezec considered he may have missed. The need? Check. Economics? Check. Morality? Check. He did, however, pause in his idle considerations to attempt remembrance on whether or not he had outright disclosed the disgust he held for the practice entirely. Before his masked lips, his tapping fingertips paused. Had he? Did it even matter? Agh, so many questions. So many questions. But a silent brooder he always had been, and thus, tackling all of them was of no problem.

The tendrils of his consideration crept from the fringes of his focus and curled through the words floating in the room, grasping at many of them to file and store for later. How much of it was farse? That question made him snort softly, the first external sign of life he had shown at all since he resigned to passivity, and he rolled his hooded head back in an effort to relieve the tension mounting in his neck.

His next statement came from the blue and was cast out on the coattails of a breathy sigh, addressed to no one in particular.

"I concur."



"If we simply abolish the act of slavery and do nothing to end the oppression of those disenfranchised, we are doing nothing.

Debt bondage, indentured servitude, and life contracts are all still legal forms of practically stripping one of their freedom and forcing them to work against their will and best interests. And the corrupt will continue to conjure many creative facades for the act of slavery if we simply make a proclamation that slavery is abolished.

If you really are seeking justice and morality, then new institutions to eliminate corruption, crime, and oppression would be implemented, alongside state-wide educational, training and investment programs into the lower echelons of the New Imperial Order. The act of slavery should remain to be used as a punishment for the worst of our kind and our enemies, as the institution is merely an instrument and its potential sin lies in the hands of its users.

But no. We just want to wave our hands and give the Holofeeds a flashy title to rally public sentiment. Play your games and watch the Empire crumble."

And so, Moff Caligo sat down and opened his datapad. If the New Imperial Order would do nothing to help its people except shower them with pretty words, it would be up to him to improve the lives of its citizens. And he had no issue of endlessly expanding his prison population with the enemies of the state to fuel their prosperity.



G A T _ T A M B O R
Lumchugger's Hub
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Tithe of course had Gat Tambor's immediate attention. In spite of very few encounters between the two, the Tyrant of Trade was always enamored by the Sith-Imperial Banker of Aargau. There were many bright souls within this galaxy, most of them delusional enough to think it was by their own will alone that they could stand to be influential within the Galaxy.

Rarely was that the case.

Aerarii was smart to blend himself in with the current infrastructure, as Gat did even though now he had an infamy all his own.

"ERRRRERREEEEUUUUUU- Ah- I see now you realize what I told you on Mygeeto and are making due on what I wished to offer you. Good. Of course you may have your seat at the table my friend, it's been a very long time coming. All the same, my offers very rarely have expiration so long as you maintain your edge. And that, mister Tithe, you have. And as a Trade Federation asset, you receive the Trade Federation's protection. We can...handle the matters of the Order and the Empire later." Gat iterates.

"But yes...what exactly is your proposal?" The Skakoan inquires.



Objective: Operation: Deer Dance
Tags: OPEN
Forces: x50 Sentinel Droids


Hour: 0
Battle Sector 270: Commercial Zone

IO-21'S chassis stood straighter then relaxed into a balanced standing position, blaster carbine held firmly in the metal fingers "Acknowledged." In the darkness a chorus of "Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged. Acknowledged." responses could be heard overlapping one another, all with the same voice. Daylight breached into the shadow and what IO-21 beheld was a verdant horizon marked with the drowning duracrete structures of a long since ruined people. Stepping outside, with one hundred feet, the mechanical platoon emerged from their dropship. The starship's engines pushed away, burning, the foliage below it as it took to the sky once more.

"Designation; Control. Protocol Aurek Four. All units begin operation." commanded an organic voice in the minds of IO-21 and its compatriot droids "Acknowledged." they replied audibly. IO-21 was within the front rank as the droids began to move out, blasters at the ready. Unlike their much less developed B-series cousins and even some HK-series droids, the new and improved Sentinels of the 860s were programmed to utilize advanced team tactics, weaponry, and shielding. While not as durable as a Droideka or wielding the firepower of a B2 nor the intellect of a Hunter-Killer, the Sentinel was a remarkably competent and versatile rank-and-file synthetic soldier.

"Green Pact! Attack!" shouted a voice from the rumble, hidden by the vines and sundered structures. Accompanying it was a flurry of blaster bolts. Several Sentinel Droids were struck with accurate attacks, and promptly fell to the wayside. In unison the formation activated their personal shields, and blaster bolts dissipated around them. IO-21, with the others, took aim at several likely hiding positions from which the blaster bolts traced back to - and returned fire.

IO-21's photo receptors could not see the targets, but they were indeed there. All of his processes determined it to be a near statistical certainty. A section of droids broke off from the group and began a flanking maneuver while others found hard cover or concealment. IO-21 was one of the droids to take cover behind a slab of duracrete.

Soon organic voices rang out in terror as the flanking droids began to sweep through the ill prepared ambushers "Units, Control, press the attack! Continue your mission." IO-21 stood and began to slowly walk out from behind cover, his metallic finger squeezing the trigger of the carbine in a precise and timed manner. A blaster bolt struck true and from a makeshift rampart, behind a hoisted log, toppled a insurgent.

Operation: Deer Dance had begun with mechanical perfection. Soldiers who knew no fear, nor mercy, would purge Bescane of this threat. If not for their orders then for their programmed loyalty to the New Imperial Order.


Tempest, a.k.a. Fog Two, was one of the hands of Diab and the de-facto second in command of the Fog Cell. Founded by Corulag native Caligo, the Fog Cell was a four-man group of Death Troopers that now served as the wardens of the Prism. To the inmates of the Prism, they were nameless, but when they were called by the New Imperial Order to execute its will, Tempest reconnected to his old identity.

The role was the same but technology continued to evolve, with Hellion-class Commando Armor Mk. I replacing the Tenebrae Pattern Commando Armor Mk. I. He had honestly preferred the Tenebrae Pattern over the Hellion-class, but command had distinctly delineated the combat roles of Death Troopers and Dark Troopers. Before, these roles were only differed in operational scope and chain of command, but now, Death Troopers were distinguished in the military organizational structure as being a far more mobile component in terms of strategy and execution. Thus, now, the heavier and more daunting Tenebrae Pattern was replaced with the flexible, agile and lighter Hellion-class.

It honestly didn't fit his MO, as Tempest enjoyed the thrill of staring down his enemies as blaster fire scattered around him, brushing past his armor and thumping against the composite layers of durasteel. Slowly enjoying each and every step as the terror and panic in their eyes became clearer and stronger. Until he lifted up his heavy repeater to mow them down and trudge to the next target.

And Caligo pulled him away from his new favorite duty as the sadistic Warden of the Prism to go to Bescane. To take up the new branding of Death Troopers: quiet infiltration, a vibrodagger in the jugular, and a quiet exit. Such boredom.

A dropship in the upper most layers of the atmosphere lingered above the Green Pact's HQ and Tempest looked down.

Clouds swirled in the stratosphere as rich pastel green was scarred with grey, marks of civilization digging its claws into the bountiful nature of the planet.

He ignored the breathtaking view and focused on the empty space in his HUD to be filled.

Mission is a Go.

And he jumped. Wind cut past his armor as small debris pelted the surface of his durasteel armor, and the immense friction of his body slicing through the atmosphere increased the temperature. He could hear the cooling systems working in overdrive as coolant roared throughout the armor. The armor itself was vacuum-sealed so he could not hear the thunderous waves of air bashing against its metal plates, but inside, he was simply correcting his trajectory with short repulsor bursts from his repulsor pack.

The rich green views soon became overwhelmed with the color of grey, blurring and mixing into a sea of monochromic swirls. And just as he fully engaged his repulsor pack to break his momentum, the view dynamically shifted into the crisp outlines of a large building entangled in vines, trees, and flora; as if nature was in the process of devouring the building whole.

He gently landed at the peak of the building, spotting in the far distance through his telescoping visual augments a group of outdated combat droids decimating the defending guerrilla fighters. He muttered to himself.

"What the actual frak is that?"




BYOO - Memorial Site
C U D I _ M O N T A G E
Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt

She spoke with vindicated bitterness in her voice. A rhetoric shunned in delusion by the Sovereign. Even as he understood every word of it. Perhaps he was too detached, the gravestone of Lyra's mother a tangible link to that struggle. That price. A price he'd paid long ago. His name stood alone, there was no others surrounding him.

"I know."
He muttered, invoking bitterness all his own.

"I know its not right, I know its not...fair, what I believe. But what?" He asked.

"What am I supposed to do for them then, Lyra?" He asked, a tone dipped in shades of somber as he spoke. It all but seemed she had the answer. He certainly didn't, he never did. It was either live in attempted apathy to the bonds of subjugation to a dark creed, or fight to break them.



"Damn Ubese...Chopper! Board 'im!" One of the gangers shouted out in the wake of cloud of fire and steel that was left in the wake of Hastun's first kill. He'd surge the power of the engines on his airspeeder forward once more to propel him further along in the pack.

He felt the weight fall out of balance after the Rodian ganger surged unto the aft of speeder, a crimson blaster bolt ripping in the air past his head. The sensory envelopment instantly sounded his alarm, his eyes narrowed and he twisted his gaze back to pull the alien into view.

A vibroblade hissed out of the scabbard attached to his chestplate before he swiped it through the air and planted it into the chest of the Rodian, yanking it from his body before pushing him from the speeder into the depths below. His gaze reared forward once more to focuse on the race. The game.

// Legion Commander //
Objective // BYOO - Imperial Memorial Site
// Focus // Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar CLOSED
// Thematic // What Kind Of Man

Silence stretched between them and her shoulders tensed. Lyra stared at the holo picture of her mother as it flickered, and she let whispers from that night creep into her consciousness. She couldn't remember their last conversation, before that night. Lyra had failed her and her hands shook, it was on Dubrillion she had let herself feel the weight of it all..Irveric had no answer for her, and her eyes screwed shut. Each second staring at the woman dragged claws across her mind. Why was he like this she wondered, why couldn’t he just accept and try-the words he had whispered to her were once again no more than ash. He wasn't interested in the anty up, and she had let herself hear was she wanted to once again. Why did she have to love him?

“Never mind,” Lyra hissed in one breath, ire clear as day. Opening her eyes and heaving with a deep breath. She didn’t know how herself-not yet. It was a promise unspoken, she was witness to this crime. Perhaps she’d track down the surviving soldiers first-shift through the files in the system..His refusal to act in any form, her blood boiled. Her servo raised to her eyes to gently brush away the tears that formed at the corners, the by product of this frustration. She turned and brushed past him. Her boots clicking against the polished floors as she brushed out her dull coat again, to tame her fidgeting hands. Her only other option to avenge-for some fucking justice was to hunt. She knew where she would start, the solution was a bloody one and Lyra would have to buy her time. She was just just through with this.. Though in the end she would return the favor Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield had done herself. It was her mother for crying sake and a hesitant hand returned to her stomach. She didn’t need to reach far in the Force to reassure herself. “-I’ll do it myself Irveric. Tyrell cleans up your political messes and I’ll clean up your military failures.”

She made for the exit of the hall, lips pressed into a thin frown. Once more fond memories were left at the grave-site, there was no peace of mind here and Lyra had to wonder what he had meant to achieve by even showing up.
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