Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Too Many Masters In The Kitchen

I still think Class 99 armor is overpowered, even for a cash shop item. I advise we don't put it any higher than Class 70. That puts it on par with the [REDACTED] that we'll be releasing next month, but it's still rewarding people for spending money to support the site.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] When uou say Master Padawans can you give an example, a Master of the force isn't a padawan and Masters were very powerful.
You know to expand i may be a force user but i am a shit force user, yea i am a master but my character is basically a beserker who uses everything in close quarters. He isn't going to hurl a lightning bolt at you except maybe a super weak one you can side step. Any trained fellow master can go toe to toe with him and wear his rear end out, or any NFU with a few guns can keep a safe distance and wittle at him.

If you are under the impression the master tag = God you are mistaken as this place is one of the few places it really isn't. The RPJs are there is you think someone is being insane or OP'd.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
So is this thread basically just a bunch of masters giving each other self assuring pats on the back and comforting each other that their characters aren't OP? I mean if it is that's alright, everyone needs group therapy every now and then.

[member="Arumi Zy"]

I will explain the master padawan or "Goddawan" as some may refer to them as.
You see a Goddawan is a padawan whom is written with godlike powers.
In my early days on this site I ran into one such character whom shall remain nameless.
The character not only force ripped my arm off, but warped between 60 meters of plasma shooting droids.
Stole a lightsaber from the hands of my IC best friend (who was a knight at the time) cut her arm off with it then proceeded to say they could breath in mustard gas because they trained in the force to sense things even when they should be incapacitated.
It is also worth being noted that the are very few people like that on this site. BUT it does suck Bantha fodder when you encounter one.
And that is my example of a master padawan.
@Break And did you report said person to the RPJs, because if you didn't that is on you entirely. Any single one of those things would have gotten the hammer down on them pretty dang fast and the only way to fix that is by reporting it. We can only self police so much, and in that case that was a need immediate Admin intervention because that dude be rediculous. Other then that it seems you have a individual problem not an over all problem, with a smigeon of i wanna be able to own Masters mixed in. But just a smidge.
[member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Mazarr"]

Yes they were promptly reported and we all went back to the mission everything turned out well in the end and we did end up having him later in our faction (he was known for doing this I guess) afterwards he left and I haven't heard of him since.

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