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To The Ranges [Galactic Republic and Allies, PM to join]

It was the break of the day. The sun had only begun to rise over the Republic Capital of Onderon. Being up and ready was normal for Jaccer at this time, however it could've been seen as peculiar, even abnormal to citizens not affiliated with the military. Usually, on a average day, the lieutenant would've been breaking in new recruits at the assault course. Today was different. He had instead been forced to prepare and oversee a firing sessions for citizens and anybody else interested, it was a new protection act that would be enforced on a number of Republic planets to help prepare people as the threat of One Sith invasion continued to increased.

The firing range that was to be used was located on at a military base on the outskirts of Onderon’s capital city, Iziz. It was a rare occasion that the gates of the base were left open to the public, however, anybody who did enter would be escorted to the firing range and observed throughout their stay to prevent any wondering. Anybody who attempted to leave the designated area would be detained and in serious instances, eliminated.

There was 4 separate ranges that the shooters could choose from. A 30 metre range for the less confident people. Jaccer expected people who were new to firearms to start at this range and slowly progress upwards to the longer ranges. The second range was 100 metres. This was for the more confident people and would still act as challenge for them. The final of the normal ranges was 200 metres. Jaccer didn't expect many people to even attempt this range. The weapons that would be provided were more than capable for hitting the targets at this distance, but it would take skill to make any sort of grouping. Lastly was the moving targets. The targets varied in distance and speeds. This range was likely to be used by people who enjoyed shooting and wanted an easy and achievable challenge.

Dressed in his completely black combat gear, Lieutenant Ramirez would wait for the first few people to show up. When they did, he would provide them with a weapon and begin the firing.

[member="Faith Balor"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Mark Crassis"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] (If you decide to join) |[member="Tomas Raynor"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"]
Faith was up early just before dawn she stood outside stretching moving through a slow dance of intricate turns meant to focus her thoughts and strengthen her body. She had taken this up after hiding in her rooms on Alderaan when her family went missing. There were rumours of crashes but no wreckage. Rumours of being prisoners but there was no demand for ransom. They had simply disappeared.

She stood facing the sun her mind on nothing except movement. A sweep of her hand the straight lines that pushed power. She had decided to take the classes at the range today. Blasters and grenades. She stopped. Exhaled.

The sun was moments from rising she had time for a run and then the range. "Captain Neal are you ready?" She turned. Her constant companion. Protector of the Crown Princess of Alderaan home of all manner of Vong creations. "Yes Mam"

Off they went.

An hour later they returned Faith showered and dressed in black cargo pants, black tank top, black sneakers, and a black jacket. Faith mourned still it was reflected in her clothes. Even if no one saw it in her face.

She and the Captain headed to the range. She watched the scenery while they drove. So many things. This would give her a distraction and the reason to put holes in something.

Pulling up she looked out and then exited the pod. She started toward the range. Who else would come .

[member="Jaccer Ramirez"]
Orick sighed as he entered the range, he wasn't sleeping as of late. His last good night of sleep was long since forgotten. He wasn't happy to be on Onderon at the moment, he had planned to not be back here until he got his next date with [member="Anastasia Rade"]. But here he was, meetings and fleet deployments were beyond his ability to change. Ship hours weren't anything like planetary hours, especially when planets kept different hours depending on when and where the planet was. So here he was, his weapons bag slung over his shoulder and his duty uniform on, sans the uniform boots; he would only put up the uniform issues for so long and his boots were the perfect fit.

He looked around and saw that the range was empty except for a single figure who looked non too happy to be there. Orick tilted his head as he walked closer, he finally saw a rank tab and smiled when he finally got closer, " Got shafted with range detail, lieutenant?" He said as he walked up to the man. He wasn't worried about formalities and decided that this early in the morning, with just the two of them there, he would offer his hand as opposed to waiting for a salute. "Orick T'ane, pleasure to meet you"

He dropped his weapons bag lightly on the ground, and looked at the different ranges, deciding on which one he wanted to start with.

[member="Jaccer Ramirez"] | [member="Faith Balor"]
The Republic capital was having a field day. Not a literal field day - no one would ever show up to a barracks cleaning if given the choice - but a civilian field day. The base outside the city was opened up, the people were allowed to come through under supervision, and everyone would have a grand ol' time putting rounds downrange. Well, mostly. Until someone inevitably got shot.

That's how things went.

But that wasn't exactly what brought the Lord Protector here on this fine day. Lord Protector Potteiger, first name classified. Not literally. But clad in the digitized greens, browns and blacks of the Protectorate, boots appropriately bloused, the bearded man made his way into the base and towards the firing range. As a mercenary far from home, he was covered by a thick plate carrier that rose into a blast resistant gorget. A blast resistant mask hunt limply from his neck, a battered brown ball cap set square upon his head, tufts of hair sticking out from beneath it.

Black eyes the color of the void glittered from beneath the brim, scanning the people who'd assembled. A pistol was set onto his thigh that likely wouldn't be taken, but he wasn't planning on using it. He imagined they'd have their own weapons here. Didn't need people carrying them onto the base. That would be a mess. His attention was arrested by a young lieutenant - young relative to Sarge - and he gave the man a brief once over.

He didn't know either [member="Orick T'ane"], or [member="Faith Balor"] but he knew [member="Jaccer Ramirez"]. At least by rank and name tape.

"Lieutenant Ramirez. I trust my presence is allowable." No doubt his superiors had been informed of the Lord Protectors coming, but he doubted it had funneled down quite yet. Sarge had a habit of showing up unannounced, meaning the big wigs were likely scrambling to cover their diplomatic hindquarters.

But Sarge spoke with the quiet, raspy voice of a man from Northern Corellia, one used to being heard without having to be loud. This would be a fun day indeed.
Tomas stepped out of the Republic military ground effect vehicle and pulled his sunglasses onto his face. This was really, very early for him. He had made sure to have an easier night than most last night, but he wasn't used to it nonetheless. He waved at the guard and made to pass on through. The guard hurriedly moved to block his path.

"Sir, this is a restricted area. Only official Republic business today." The guard pointed his blaster in Tomas's general direction. Tomas looked back at the Republic vehicle he had just gotten out of, then back to the Republic soldier.

"Son, I'm going to say this just once." He pointed back at the vehicle "That is an official Republic vehicle. I am an official agent of a Republic ally. Now move out of my way."

The guard was stunned by the lack of fear in Tomas's voice and aggression in his stance. He was more so stunned by the fact that he just walked past and over to the group of people who were gathering.

"I apologize for my tardiness." he addressed the group and nodded to each in turn.

[member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Jaccer Ramirez"]
Jaccer only replied to Orick with a grunt. If it wasn't already obvious that the Lieutenant didn't want to be here, it was now. However he would still ha e to show respect and therefore reached out to shake Orick's proposed hand, "Jaccer Ramirez. Happy to meet you." By the man's feet was a gun bag, guests weren't supposed to bring their own weapons. But Jaccer really didn't care, whatever floated their boats. However he was curious on what was inside, "So, what's inside the bag?" He asked, nudging it slightly with his foot.

As the officer was replying, a newcomer caught his eye. The sight of this man caused Jaccer's eyes to light up. "Is that the Lord Protector?" He asked, interrupting Orick. At first, he doubted it was. Surely he would've been notified if someone of that importance was to show up. Then again, after the the disappearance of trillions of people during the disaster codenamed Netherworld, the Galactic Repulbic High Command had been flooded with problems across the galaxy. The lieutenant squinted to try and get a better look at the figure. From his current distance he couldn't distinguish much, apart from that he seemed to be geared up for an invasion, not a firing exercise. When he had neared, it did turn out to be the Lord Protector. Jaccer was geniuly surprised. "Yes of course!" He replied, "Any ally of the Republic is welcome onto my range!"

Over the next half an hour, many more men and women had arrived. Jaccer, with the help of some soldiers managed to herd the crowd over to the armoury. This would be the difficult part. Standing in front of the ever-growing group, the Lieutenant would address them in his rough voice. "First things first, has anybody here not fired a weapon before?" A few hands were raised. Great. He was foolish to think that he would be able to start shooting so quickly. "All you with raised hands please make your way to Master Chief Sully." He pointed towards an older soldiers. Sully would take this group over the basic mechanisms of the weapons before they would be allowed to handle anything from the armoury.

"Okay," Jaccer continued to his now smaller group. "Today we will be using the standard issue VLR-5 Assault Blaster. This is a very dangerous piece of kit, so try not to shoot anybody with it." "You will be given one each, failure to follow the safety regulations will end in immediate disarmament and a free escort away from my ranges." Several soldiers under the lieutenant's command would begin to hand out the blaster so. "If you have brought your own weapon, for whatever reason," Jaccer took a glance towards Orick, "You may use that."

Now, hopefully, they could begin shooting.

[member="Faith Balor"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Tomas Raynor"]

OOC Note: Sorry if I have a poor writing quality, I am very sleep deprived. My next reply will also be delayed as I need sleep.
Ric was ready to test out his new firearm. The ARS-15 was a new blaster pistol he had aquired, and was looking forward to seeing what it was like on the open range. A group of other soldiers, and military were gathering at the range, so why not see what it was all about. The fighter pilot was a crack shot anyway, he just prefrred fighting in space than on the ground. Nothing wrong with his peepers as his sight had to be pretty damn good in order to qualify to fly.

Dressed in his orange jumper, Ric clearly identified himself as part of the Republic Navy. His belt carried the holster for his blaster pistol, which was laid on the counter of the range stall he was signed in on. The muzzle was pointed down range as safety protocols demanded. Once he was set, it was to meet the others who were gathering. He offered his hand to each as he approached.

"Ric Ardellian, newest Blazing Angel. They call me Trix, ask later," he said noticing there was a female among them, and a pretty one at that.

"This ought to be fun," he thought to himself.

He wondered if the other men realized she would likely do much better than any of them could hope for on their first time out, if this was her first time out. Women were better shots when the playing field was even. Ric's years volunteering and a sidearms instructor showed him that over and over again.

[member="Tomas Raynor"] | [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Faith Balor"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Jaccer Ramirez"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Tomas Raynor"] [member="Ric Ardellian"]

Noah was dressed more similarly as the Lord Protector in the standard digitized greens, browns and blacks that all ODF and Pyre soldiers wore for ACU's, though Noah took a few more liberties just like most contractors in the Omega Pyre took. The first deviation was a pair of black hard knuckle tactical gloves Noah had from his old days as a commando in the Republic. Next was a black and grey digital face wrap and a pair of sunglasses, a a ball cap in the same camo as his ACU's and to top it off a blast vest.

Slung over his back was a duffle bag filled with a multitude of weapons. His custom RAB, his custom Model 8 SMG, his custom M9-T11's, his custom OPSR-1, his custom AR-35 and a Mark I Bolter and all its special ammunition, even though he wasn't going to use it just show it off, he had also brought along his sword, knives and blade just in case.

Finding a table Noah began to unpack his weapons and set them down on the table, all of them were set up or more likely in the case of the bolter it was set up in a display fashion for all present.
Sarge found his lips smirking faintly at the Lieutenant. This was dressed down for the Protectorate, but he saw the look he got. Next time, he'd show up in just his fatigues. But if he thought the Lord Protector was overgeared, the one and only [member="Noah Corek"] came next. The man was a walking gear fetish, and it showed. The group thinned, newcomers going elsewhere to receive more basic instruction.

And that was about the time that [member="Ric Ardellian"] came through, shaking hands. Sarge was a bit distracted, but he managed to catch himself in time to give the man a firm shake with rough padded assault gloves. There wasn't time to remove them, but it wouldn't matter. It was a shooting range; no one expected perfect decorum here. A momentary look of displeasure crossed his features as the man left, said displeasure centered on Corek.

He gave the Lieutenant a quiet, apologetic look. It wasn't exactly a professional display from a Colonel, but they were a mercenary unit - some leeway was to be expected. Sarge took the offered VLR-5, never having known exactly the sort of weapons the Republic actually used. Small, simple. Looked sturdy. Felt sturdy. Probably had decent kick too. Someone wanted a weapon they could throw into a wall without fear of even scuffing the paint.

That put a smirk on his lips as he sighted downrange, needing to get used to the feel of the weapon. He'd been at this long enough to be able to pick apart the weapon with a cursory glance, though it took him a moment to find that part of the power supply was actually in the front. Odd.

Whatever. Not his weapon to use in the field.

Try not to shoot anyone.

Highly likely that was actually going to happen.

[member="Jaccer Ramirez"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Tomas Raynor"]
Mark Crassis rose from the chair and felt his back crack loudly as he did. He'd been sitting in that position far to long. The male Twi'lek in front of him was passed out across the table, a number of empty bottles knocked over in front of him. Grabbing his cane and leaning on it a little more heavily than usual, Mark downed the last sip of Correllian whiskey and placed his hat upon his head.

"Good evening!" He said turning to the unamused human waitress who was approaching with a tray and a towel. She, regretfully, seemed to have drawn the short straw and was given clean up duty.

"Evening is long since gone." She said placing the tray on the table and her hand on her hip. "Its dawn!"

"Yes, well, my apologies for the mess. It seems my new acquaintance here can not hold his liqueur." Mark said and handed a couple credits to the woman. She eyed the money for a moment and than smiled warmly at him.

"Good morning." She said and turned to clean the table. Mark eyed the woman for a moment and then turned away smiling broadly as well. To anyone watching last night and into this morning, they would think that Mark was just another drunk....albeit a well dressed drunk. But in reality, Mark had come here for information and while the Twi'lek had been a cautious man at the beginning of the night, the liquor that the two ingested had quickly changed that. Now, as Mark's cane tapped along the city street as he left the cantina, he was walking way a more informed individual.

A chirp on his datapad told him that he needed to be at a meeting. Glancing at it he shook his head in disbelief. This had to be his secretary. Mark Crassis was not the sort of man to ever have a meeting this early in the morning. Grumbling in annoyance, he made his way toward the firing range.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Noah Corek"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] | [member="Tomas Raynor"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Faith Balor"]​
Before long, another geared newcomer appeared. He was similarity dressed as the Lord Protector, Jaccer guessed he was also apart of the Protectorate. However this man was different from Potteiger. It seemed that he was carrying enough weaponry to successful raid and obliterate the whole military base. The lieutenant like his style, even if it was putting the entire population of the base on high alert.

"You don't carry this everywhere do you?" Jaccer smirked as he walked towards [member="Noah Corek"].

The rather impressive array of weapons that now lay on the table could rival the base's armoury. A smile appeared on his face as he thought of the impressions that the guards must've given at the front gate. Each weapon seemed to be of the highest quality and must've cost a fortune. Jaccer could only dream of a personal collection such as this. Some of the weapons and blasters were recognisable, but other were completely unfamiliar to the Lieutenant. Strange, considering his long military career.

"May I?" He inquired, pointing towards the bolter that stood in an upright position.

[member="Noah Corek"]
Faith walked over motioning for Captain Neal to wait she looked over to the gathering group. There was enough fire power on this range that protection from the Captain was not needed. Gathering her courage she walked over nodding to everyone she tried to pick up names and assign them to faces.

It had definitely turned into quite the morning to have brought out so many.

"Morning everyone" She smiled, "I'm Faith Balor" She looked to the Lord Protector, "Morning Sir pleasure to meet the Lord Protector ([member="Sarge Potteiger"])." She looked to the others, "I'm sorry I did not quite catch everyone else's name."

She looked over at the weapons carried by the military types it was not an unusual sight for her to see she did not know the different types and calibers but she knew one thing, how to pick a hand gun up, sight it, and squeeze. That much she could do to protect others, and herself.

"I may have come a bit unprepared it seems, no one said it was BYOG" She smiled. She had a great deal of respect for the military and what they did.

[member="Noah Corek"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] | [member="Tomas Raynor"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Mark Crassis"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Jaccer Ramirez"]

Noah chuckled at the Lieutenant as he walked towards him asking if he carried these weapons with him everywhere. "Nah Lieutenant, just to place and events like this to show off." Noah informed the man with a smile. "The name is Colonel Noah Corek, I'm the Colonel of the Omega Pyre which makes me the de facto field commander of the Pyre." Noah informed the man as he took his face wrap off wrapping it around his neck instead and then laid his sun glassed on the table along with his hat.

When the Lieutenant pointed towards the bolter Noah smiled grew even wider. Pick the weapon up Noah held it in his hands like a cherished toy. "You have a good eye Lieutenant. This weapon right here is the Omega Mark I Boltgun often referred to as the Bolter. It weighs in at eight kilograms and eight-five centimeters long without the stock folded and sixty-three with it folded. A ten round magazine that holds ten 30x45mm explosive bolts. It pop of sixty rounds a minute with up to five-hundred meters being specific aimed shots while up to a thousand meters being for area suppression/bombardment. Besides the explosive bolts it comes with five different other types of bolts. Buckshot, Slug, Blind, Flare/Ilumination and Ion bolts."
"Lieuteant Ramirez, Special operation officer." Jaccer announced with pride in his voice. "But you can just call me Jay. No need for formalitly today, it's my day off." Personally, he hated addressing his fellow soldiers and friends by rank and would accept any chance to not need to. At the end of the day, it was his base and his rules. He'd prefer a relaxed atmosphere for the members of the public present at this time.

The Lieutenant then turned his attention back to weapon that was now held by Noah, "Interesting..." This type of weapon was new to him and peak his interest. The brief description of the guns tempted him to give them a go on the range, with the Colonel's permission of course. "With weaponry like this, I wouldn't dare face you Protectorates on the battlefield."

"Feel free to use these weapons on the ranges, they may be a fun alternative to to the Assault Blaster we have set up. Just don't go using those explosive bolts, I want my range to remain in useable condition. Or you'll be the one paying." He joked, itching to get his hand on some of weapons the colonel had brought.

[member="Noah Corek"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Jaccer Ramirez"]

"Republic Special Forces Division huh? I was a special forces officer in the SFD as well, served twelve years in it before retiring." Noah informed the man as he looked over the bolter. When the man said he wouldn't dare face the Protectorate on the battlefield Noah broke out into a grin. "Just ask any Fringer, Fed or Sith about how dangerous that weapon is and they'll tell you. Or you could ask a Reaver but I'm pretty sure you won't wanna talk to them for any amount of time."

When the man informed him that he could use the weapons that he had brought Noah smiled. When he also basically mentioned not to wreck the range with the explosive bolts. "Ah don't worry, I would never use a bolter on a standard rifle range. Back on Fondor we have special ranges dedicated to practicing using bolters." Noah told the Lieutenant as he took the bolter back and set it down.

"So Jay. want to try any of my other weapons out or want me to explain them?"
Finally Jaccer had found someone with the same interests as him; guns and firing said guns. Previously a Special Forces officer as well? It seemed this man was the Protectorate's double of the lieutenant, albeit he did have much more badass and frightening weapons. It seemed these two were destined for some type of friendship, and hopefully they could both be apart of some joint military operations in the future, the Repulbic had been implementing missions like that recently.

"Any personal recommendations?" The lieutenant asked Noah, concerning his question on if he wanted to try any of the weapons.

"But do be aware, I don't want anything I can hold with one hand." Jaccer had always preferred heavy weapons. People often said mobility was more important than raw firepower and he had always disagreed. In his opinion killing the enemy who was shooting at you was more helpful than being able to flee. However, it didn't matter much considering they were at a relatively safe firing range, not a battlefield.

[member="Noah Corek"]
[member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] [member="Tomas Raynor"] [member="Faith Balor"]

His green fatigues sporting his triple chevrons cross rifles and rocker on the lapels were clean, for once, and his brown ICB's were brushed properly. He wore his cover high on his head as he stood silently by the Lord Protector. His rifle hung from a combat sling across his chest as he listened to the exchange between the republic contact and his boss man with half an ear as he fished in the pockets of his H-harness for a cigar, or what was left of one.

His fingers finally pulled out the half smoked tobacco cigar and he jabbed it between his lips, a two day beard on his face and the hope that he didn't have to don and clear a gas mask in his mind as he watched the republic kids play soldier boy for a day. He left the cigar unlit preferring to just let it rest. The sounds of blaster fire surprisingly sparse he waited to see how things would go.
Orick stepped up to one of the lanes on the 100 meter range, the bag making a light thud as he puts it down. Opening the bag he pulls out one small pistol, and then a larger one, placing them side by side on the table. He pulled out the final weapon in his bag, his short barreled assault blaster. He checked that each weapon was set to safe and that none of them were loaded before he placed the bag on the ground under the table.

He glanced around, noticing that several of the others were using the VLR-5. He didn't dislike the weapon, but he had spent a lot of time on his own before rejoining the Republic military and he was comfortable with the weapons he had. He understood why the Lieutenant had given everyone the standard rifle of the military, it was a good solid weapon and one that was easy to train on.

Pushing a new power-pack into the weapon, he takes aim and glances down the fixed sights, frowning a bit as it seemed that they had become a bit off centered.

[member="Wes Redtree"] [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Ric Ardellian"]

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