Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Through The Fire | GA Populate of Ponemah Terminal

OBJ. 1: I Hate Sand.


Atmosphere III.

Tag: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan | Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez
Equipment: Gorthalon's Greataxe, cortosis forearm guards, IB-series blaster, a single radiation grenade.
Elpsis draws the flames that have resulted from the explosion into herself, subsequently extinguishing them. The explosion was a distraction by young refugees to steal speeders and look for riches in the Sea of Sand.

The flames rose. The stormy winds became even fiercer. A terrible shadow of unease loomed over the horizon.

Without hesitation, the great beast drops to all fours and races towards the ongoing flames that are bent almost in half by the shrieking winds, leaving Elpsis behind. Rude, yet from his point of view understandable, given that lives might be at stake.

Each of his four limbs tear holes in the soft sands as his gallop thrums deeply, sounding like kicks to a large, hollow leather drum. Racing past the dignitary and her escorting guard, he omits any form of greeting. Upon arriving at the camp grounds, he gradually slows down and stands up straight, receding into a light jog and then a slow crawl through the masses, so as not to topple the frightened refugees. All of them are blindly funneling out through the only entrance that the makeshift camp has, while Gorthalon is struggling to advance against the flow of people. His menacing height now an advantage, he hones in on the epicenter of the inferno. Repeatedly sniffing the air, he tries to ascertain additional information as to what could have contributed to the dangerous combustion, yet the oncoming tempest diffuses any olfactory knowledge to be gained.

With each step come more and more questions; with each step the temperature rises. How could this terrible accident happen? Or worse, a question that he did not want to face... yet it festered in the back of his mind all the same; was this a deliberate act? But if so, by whom? And why?

The Yuzzem stands helplessly, as the three tents in front of him are engulfed in flames. The peacekeepers are doing what they can, but the heat pulsing from the middle is so intense, and so unforgiving, that any attempts to douse it are rendered meaningless. The dignitary and her escort arrive. Gorthalon heard their coming and voiced his suspicions of this sequence of peculiarities; with his pitch black eyes still gazing deep into the foul, dark flames, without turning back, he shouts over the cacophony of air and fire.
– Interesting, to meet a dignitary down here.. Ma'am. – Ominously, he turns back to face the delicate lady, but before anything could be reciprocated, Elpsis arrives.

Still with a slight limp in her gait, she emerges from the entropic crowd and as if it were the most natural thing in the sector, she walks past all the guards, preacekeepers, and the Yuzzem, and into the hellish inferno ahead.
– What the --- - Gorthalon is utterly dazed by the sight. He had heard about the magnificent exploits of these so-called Jedi since he had enlisted in the Galactic Alliance Army, yet what he saw here, defied all logic. Elpsis became one with the fire. The cracks on her skin now lit up like an erupting sun shimmered; her hair a crown of light, blazing beautifully.

The fire, as mind-numbing as it is, seeped into her; locked behind the white-hot eyes and smoldering frame. In the mind of the Yuzzem soldier, it was nothing short of a miracle. With all his might, all his cunning, and all his experience, in that moment he truly, and finally understood what terrible power the wielders of this Force carried; and how insignificant he is in the face of such a thing. It was a brilliant gift; and a dangerous burden.

Mouth slightly agape, the Yuzzem watched speechlessly as those around him slowly took in what they just saw and resumed their investigations; for the reason for this apparent accident was still a mystery to be solved. Taking a few steps towards Elpsis, Gorthalon spoke up.
– I… have never seen anything like this before. – The Yuzzem turns his head for a moment to watch the dignitary and her escorting guard begin to prowl the camp grounds, looking for answers. The sight of the fair dignitary with a blaster in her hand made the soldier raise an eyebrow. He turns back to Elpsis. – Thank you for this.

As they stalk the premises in the following hour, looking beneath every nook, inside every tent, they conclude that no skeletal remains or important clues can be found in either demolished or still standing tents. As of yet, it seems no casualties can be confirmed. – Was this a lucky accident? – He shakes his head. - My instincts tell me otherwise. – He says, lowered on one knee, with an elbow on the bent knee, and the other hand sifting through the smoldering ashes.

And then, a young peacekeeper comes running back from the direction of the entrance, panting with anxious excitement. Everyone present turns towards him.
They stole the speeders! - He exclaims, frantically. - They only left one speeder behind!

Arriving at the entrance, he is not his usual, stoic self. The foreboding, dark sandstorm behind him that is inching ever closer frames his brooding, robust outline. Drawing in a long, hard breath, he motions his right arm in a sweeping arc, non-verbally shackling the attentions of all refugees in front of him, and in his frighteningly deep, furious voice, he shouts. – If you know.. anything. Step forth.

For a few seconds, the gales of Ponemah are all that can be heard. Each refugee present is silently gazing at the terrible beast in front of them. Right as he draws in another breath, an old, Boosodian lady steps forth.

- We have lost everything at Jedha. – She utters in galactic basic, her voice cracking under the forced shout that she has to exert because of the loud weather. – Many of the young ones have been ... bewitched by old, old tales… of riches in the Sea of Sand… to the South. – Her numerous eyes revealing genuine concern. – Many of us begged them not to go… But they are foolish… and stubborn. Nothing to lose. – A single tear wants to roll down her cheeks, but is forbidden to fall by the angry winds. Please. You may still reach them. They might not have gotten too far… The tales also include… mentions… of terrifying dangers lurking beneath the dunes.
Please. Bring back our children.

They are all we have left.
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Gorthalon Gorthalon , Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

She became one with the flame. Fire consumed her, inside and out. And then the fire was gone and only she was left. Elpsis had dropped down to one knee, and was breathing heavily. Her body shook. Finally, she arose, wiping some sweat from her face. Various other people seemed to have converged upon the refugee camp. She perceived a woman and a bunch of minions. Elpsis lacked physical sight, so she could not make any informed comments about the woman's social status.

There was no sign of whoever had committed the arson. But Elpsis could not sense any dead or wounded either. Weird. The Yuzzem was already on the case. And then an old Boosodian lady stepped forward after Gorthalon demanded that they explain what the hell had happened. Elpsis was not sure whether to facepalm or not. A younger, more innocent Elpsis might have been more sympathetic.

Before Firemane, before Tephrike. "You're damn lucky these 'innocent young ones' didn't get anyone killed," she stated flatly. "Now you want me to stick my neck out for them?"
"Please...they were desperate. Afraid. They'll answer for their actions...just get them back. We have nothing else."
"How long's it been since you got here? A couple days. I'd buy your 'they were bewitched and had nothing to lose' line a lot better if you'd been stuck here for ages without any help."
"The Maw came and took everything from us. There's no one here who hasn't lost family. Many of the young ones are forced to care for their families because their parents are dead or crippled. Do you have any idea what that's like?"
Elpsis' expression was unwavering. "Yes," she said with a tone of finality. "And I didn't get handouts. No one rescued me from my stupidity. If they foolishly charge in, they'll either learn or not." If they didn't, the Lifeweb would claim them.
The matriarch seemed lost for words. "You...they're our children. Should we just turn our back on them?"

And then another figure approached. Shikoba moved as quietly and gracefully as a Partuz. "The endless sands hide many fallen, many lost. Those people will surely go to join them. Whether they remain is in the hands of the spirits." The Vashyada's serene, blank gaze outwards faltered, she frowned. "A dark essence lurks out there. A siren song which seeks to be found. It must not be recovered...for I sense the cold darkness reaching out to lure the unwise and incautious to their fate...." She locked eyes with her boss.
Elpsis clenched her jaw. "Fine. I'll go after prevent their foolishness from causing even more harm.'
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TAGS: Gorthalon Gorthalon & Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan


Tiresh had scoured the site, searching intently for signs of her assets fate. Nothing. Not even a single body. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved... or even more worried. Her blaster had long since found a resting place strapped against her side as she spent more time at the remains of a specific tent... the tent of her asset. There was nothing left, but it was safe to conclude that he was not here when the explosion went off.

"Kriff..." She muttered quietly as she let out a drawn out sigh, leaning back into her heals as she rested on her knees in the ash, at a complete loss for any clues or signs of what had truly occurred. "Are we looking for something in particular, mam?" Her armed accompaniment questioned, looking back towards the others. She rested for a moment, then arose to her feet and wiped the ash from her dress as best as she could. She turned and motioned for him to follow her without an answer to his question. He obliged.

She observed the massive Yuzzem as he scoured through the debris. She had not had any words to respond to him earlier when he had drawn attention to her presence being peculiar. It was an uncommon occurrence for sure, but she hoped that the precedent established from previous blaster-wielding senators would lean in her favor regarding the Yuzzem.

"What's your name?" She called out to Gorthalon Gorthalon suddenly in the midst of the wind and ash, holding her scarf across her face, standing solemnly. Upon his reply she would nod slowly, pausing for a moment before offering hers in return,

"Tiresh Kobitana... Senator of... Lujo..." Her words seemed to wander as her eyes continued to look back over the rest of the camp that was still in tact. Upon hearing him mention his suspicions that this was not an accident, she nodded in solemn agreement as her gaze finally landed on one of the Peacekeepers who was now running towards them.

The entire group made their way back to the entrance behind Gorthalon Gorthalon upon hearing that the speeders had been stolen. As the older refugee and the fire woman from earlier exchanged dialogue, her heart sank with sudden revelation as she pulled out her datapad quickly upon hearing the "rumors of riches to the south." It was evident to Tiresh that her asset had officially gone rogue, using the lore of this planet to rally the young to help him make a grab at the fortune that they had buried south of this location. It was to be used to finance the massive underground SIA black site, and it was completely unmarked and unguarded under the surface of the sand in large sealed containers... its exact location only known to a few souls... and unfortunately... her asset was one of them. He was an Elite Wayfinder, responsible for helping them discretely move large amounts of resources and materials planet-side in the midst of the harsh storms and dark nights, so as to not be seen or detected by anyone, even the military.

His cover was as a common refugee. He must have been planning this for some time now... And he probably had help on the outside. She assumed that he would have recruited smugglers in order to help him transport the resources off-world once he unburied it.

And the youth were swept up in his deception and manipulation... Not to say that the lore and stories weren't true... who knows such things... But he used it to lure them into sure death under the cover of a massive sandstorm. He would most likely dispose of them all once they helped him recover the resources... once he no longer had need of them. They needed to act fast, or their bodies would be lost to the dessert forever.

Tiresh unlocked her datapad and swore under her breath... Her first message had failed to transmit. The storm was too severe for any communication to make it through. Tiresh walked past the crowd, including Gorthalon Gorthalon and Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan and stepped outside the entrance putting her hand over her eyes to help with the sand. She was looking to see what they had available for transportation. It was pretty bleak... looked like it was just an older, beat-up shuttle and one speeder.

She sighed,

"We need to go out and try to find them! They won't last long once this storm hits!" She yelled, then turned back to the others, "But we also need to secure this camp and get everyone here safe before it gets much worse!"

She looked towards the fire woman, the newcomer, and the Yuzzem... obviously the most equipped and likely to survive the journey out into the dessert. The fire woman already expressed that she would pursue the children, and Tiresh responded...

"I will go with you... and you will fail to talk me out of it! However..." She motioned to Gorthalon Gorthalon , "I fear we would be at a loss to not have the Yuzzem with us!" Her dress whipped wildly in the growing winds, her weapon drawn back into her hands in a lowered position, and her hair, now coming fully undone from its head-dress, whipped around her face and body freely.

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if they're watching anyways
Auteme followed the Chancellor. She found it... a touch difficult to answer his question. Saan'an and Jem's particular lineage was not well-known, and she didn't feel it appropriate to start telling everyone. Of course, a Jedi being the child of the Sith'ari would be a rather scandalous thing, and perfect grounds to detain someone, if the need so arose.

"I get the feeling she doesn't like you," she said dryly. Still, her gaze softened. "Jedi aren't immune to fear or superstition. Trying to find meaning in life is a difficult thing -- and even more so finding meaning in death." Her eyes began to wander back to the ruins around them.

How many times would she walk in the aftermath of such destruction? Even 'saved', Jedha was a broken place.

OBJ. 1: I Hate Sand.


Atmosphere III.

Tags: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan | Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez
Gorthalon's Greataxe, an IB-series blaster pistol, cortosis forearm guards, a single radiation grenade.
TLDR: Gorth collects information from the local peacekeepers on the Sea of Sand, takes their speeder and goes after the refugees.

- What's your name? – The dignitary kindly asked. Seeing as how no other suspicious clues pointed at her somehow being involved in what was happening here, the Yuzzem soldier backtracked on his previous stance and politely answered. – My name is Gorth'alon, First Lieutenant of the Pathfinders, ma'am. – His chest expanded as he inhaled. She too introduced herself. – I apologize for being curt earlier, senator. Although politics are way above my paygrade, I do bear respect for what senators do. – He nodded, as he always does. – But let us return to the task at hand.

Listening to the conversation of Elpsis and the old Boosodian lady, Gorthalon couldn't help but be conflicted by what he had just heard. Following the conclusion of their discourse, the Yuzzem turned to Elpsis and with brows furrowed, he spoke his mind, quiet enough so that only she and Gorthalon would hear their private conversation. – I understand we barely know each other, Lieutenant Kerrigan, and I already respect you for what you just did back at the camp, but I feel anger in your words. Just because you were left alone, doesn't mean those out there should be left to die. You deserved help, and even though you did not receive it, they deserve it too. I'm going after them, and I'm glad you are too. – He took another breath and concluded his monologue calmly. – Actions speak louder than words, and the fact that you brought supplies and … did whatever you did with the flames, is reflective of a good soul. Despite what you might think of what I've just said, I am thankful you've listened and glad we are together in this.

Without interrupting, he listens politely to any comments Elpsis may have, he acknowledges it with a nod and without further ado, he makes his way to the only speeder left behind. As he passes the Senator of Lujo, he hears her say: "I fear we would be at a loss to not have the Yuzzem with us!" The Yuzzem stops, the desert winds ruffling his fur, as well as the fair lady's dress violently, and nods. – If other senators are like you, then I suppose democracy is in … firm hands. - The robust soldier was unsure of what to make of her decision to join them on this life-threatening trip. He has only been part of the galactic community for about a year, and unsure of how well senators are trained in combat.

As he arrives at the parked speeder, he turns to the peacekeepers standing next to it. The Yuzzem locks eyes with the closest one and asks.
– Time is ticking. What should we know about this Sea of Sand? Make it quick.

One of them takes a step towards the Yuzzem warrior and shouts over the howling winds. – Everyone here grew up with stories of that place. Almost none return who go there. – He coughs sand. – A lot of geological fault lines converge there. Expect building-sized waves of sand, lava sprouts, ion storms, but the worst of all… there are giant sand worms that venture out sometimes, even towards populated areas. But their breeding grounds are in the Sea of Sand. – The peacekeepers present look down at the ground in unison upon hearing mentions of the sand worms. The Yuzzem curses under his snout. – If you truly wish to go after them, then I suggest turning back upon reaching these coordinates. – The peacekeeper hands over a smaller, more portable datapad. – If you haven't found them by this point, no use searching for them deeper inside the volatile area. None have returned in centuries who have passed this rocky plateau on the border of the Sea of Sand.

- Thank you soldier. – The Yuzzem turns to Tiresh and Elpsis and shouts, his face contorted into a grimace that reflects his opinion of the local weather. – They have a lead… maybe an hour's worth, or a bit more. The storm hits in about two, maybe three hours… but it's just an educated guess. If there are indeed electromagnetic storms down there, we cannot go by shuttle. We have to go with this speeder here, and only the ... four of us. - Gorthalon glances at the newly arrived companion of Elpsis. - This is your last chance to turn back.

Respecting their decisions, the Yuzzem steps inside the roofless speeder and reaches out towards the peacekeepers, motioning them to throw him the magnetic ignition key. He catches it, starts the engine and the vehicle lifts up slightly from the ground, its stabilizers whizzing loudly to compensate for the heavy individual at the wheel. He waits for his passengers to settle in and eventually races off towards the dangerous Sea of Sand.

An hour later, no sign of the escaped refugees can be seen, and any tracks they may have left behind have been blown away by the wind. The ground, however, rumbles ever frequently.

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Issue #7 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk


"Wait--" he grabs her by the arm before she'd storm off only for him to have to chase her like a loth-cat again. Jerking his head at the departing 'manifestation', he adds, "--they're leaving."

Giving it a few moments until the procession was far enough that they wouldn't pick up on anything they conversed about, Dag looks up back to her and asks, "You didn't answer me, Jem - what's wrong?..."

"... that made you move on the Chancellor with a hand on your blade..." his brow furrows, knowing Auteme Auteme had noticed it too.​
Jem closed her eyes, her throat bobbing as she tried to will the moment away. There was nothing she could say that she trusted him with, not even the confession that she kept hearing Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis in her head. Jem's walls drove a wedge between them. The attack had changed everything.

She felt so alone, even with him standing right there.

"It was nothing," Jem finally answered, her breath slipping through her nose. "I am fine-- unlike you. What happened?"

Obvious deflection number 1.
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Issue #7 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk


She was lying... or rather - not divulging the truth. Could he blame her? Not really but this mentor-apprentice thing, if it was to work, then they had to be open. No more secrets. No more walls.

He drags his teeth across his lip, biting them in the process then replies as hoarsely as before, "I fought your father."

"... I didn't... win." Dag adds, almost whispering and eyes looking away.​
Well that disarmed her.

Jem rocked back on her heels, eyes widening as she looked him back over with new focus. "You're okay?" She reiterated. All his limbs were there and he was standing. Anything else bacta could fix, but she needed to hear it from him.

"You shouldn't have done that. It won't make a difference, you'll just get yourself killed." The tension between their hands dissipated as she stepped back towards him.

"Did he find you?" There was an odd note of intensity in her tone.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
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Issue #7 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk


"I'll live." he retorts plainly, death had been only a heartbeat away. Then, he chooses to ignore her next remark, even if it sounded about right.

"... No. I sought him out..." his nose wrinkled, while his glare remained lingering in the distance, "... thought I could end it right there and then."

Finally, Dag looks up to his apprentice and somberly states, "We'll need to lay low for a while, Jem. You, especially."
"No," she countered, pulling her wrist away.

"I don't want to hide. There's a way to stop this all and I'm gonna find it." Her jaw clamped shut as she realized saying even that was too much. Dagon was too sharp-- she carried on before he could have a chance to bite. "You have no idea what this is like for me--"

"If you really cared you wouldn't lock me up. You'd let me help. You'd trust me. I'm sick of others treating me different just cause I have his DNA!"

Reaching. But okay.

"You don't get it at all."

Dramatic distraction number 2. It felt, and sounded, like a different person.
Gorthalon Gorthalon , Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

Elpsis glanced at Gorthalon. He seemed well-intentioned, but a bit idealistic. "Let's just get this way over with." The fancily dressed woman declared that she'd be coming along, speaking in a dramatic tone that implied she assumed Elpsis had some sort of investment in her not coming to any harm or would regard her as important. This was not the case, as Elpsis' unimpressed, dismissive expression showed. Judging from far too noble Yuzzem's words, the woman was a senator.

This only increased the Firemane soldier's irritation. Desperate to bump your approval ratings by playing hero after you lot handed thousands of Coruscanti to the Sith on a silver platte, huh?, Elpsis thought. This part was not audibly voiced. The GA would better off if the GADF just couped the senate. "Listen lady, I don't know who you are and I don't give a damn about you. You want to come along? Your funeral if you can't handle yourself. I won't be holding your hand. I don't answer to you or the Senate. I'd suggest wearing something more practical than a dress because it's going to be as much use as wearing nothing," she responded caustically.

Then one of the natives elaborated on the dangers of the Sea of Sand. "You want me to go on a cruise in a giant sandworm-infested death trap with minimal gear or backup on the off-chance that your idiot friends might not have been eaten?" she asked rhetorically, sounding incredibly irritated.

Shikoba seemed to have lost interest in the exchange. "I am not used to the sand and this abominable heat," she declared. She wiped sweat from her brow and opened up a flask to pour some water over her head. "Still, my duty pulls me onwards."
"Can you track the dark artefact, whatever it is?" Elpsis asked.
"'Tis no science like the machines your kind is so enthralled by, but I can sense it."
"Good. Shoulda brought bigger guns." And worn better armour, she mentally added. She was wearing a light combat suit beneath her uniform, but nothing close to her usual gear.

Shaking her head in annoyance, Elpsis activated her comm as she slipped into the roofless speeder alongside Shikoba. Between the four of them, it was probably a bit cramped. "Diona, what's your situation?" There were a couple moments of static before she heard Diona's clipped and precise voice. "En route on a transport with Rhea. Have you found the perpetrators?"
"Some dumb kids staged the explosion to go treasure hunting."
"Foolish. This community doesn't know how to discipline its young ones."
"Yes, but Shikoba sensed a dark artefact or something. In the Sea of Sand."
"Then we will link up with you there."
"You can't go there with the shuttle. Seems ion storms are frequent. You got a speeder?"
"Yes, one."
"You ever ran into sandworms? Because they're there, too."
"Yes. At the battle of Alamain. This is a terrible plan."
"We are still en route. We may have to take the shuttle and meet you halfway."

An hour later, the speeder bearing Elpsis, Gorthalon, Shikoba and the senator was rumbling across the desert. There was no sign of would-be treasure and artefact hunters. The speeder blew up clouds of sand and the wind howled. Then the ground started to rumble...
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TAGS: Gorthalon Gorthalon & Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan


Tiresh had apparently rubbed the Firebrand the wrong way, staring at her blankly as she rebutted against what Tiresh represented in her eyes. She had been misunderstood it seemed in what she had said, as she was not as much concerned with her own protection as she was with them attempting to leave her behind. However, she understood the bias, especially with her current posh presentation and the murky reputation the Senate was unfortunately touting. And honestly, she agreed with some of her remarks regarding the state of the Senate. But she couldn't allow for her face to show acknowledgment. However, a slight smirk still briefed her face subtly as she wondered if the Firebrand might have changed her tone if she had known that Tiresh was, in fact, infiltrating the Senate in an effort to uncover and expose the embedded corruption. Were they not so different?

Well... thinking back to her impressive display with the fire... perhaps they were very, very different. Tiresh couldn't help but roll her eyes and sigh at the remarks towards her garments. She pulled down her shirt enough to reveal to the Firebrand a more appropriate attire hidden underneath. Obviously, being on a dessert planet, she had prepared for a more harsh expedition.

"Is that better?" She asked sarcastically and with an edge of annoyance.

Her head guard ran up to her, shaking his head with concern, "Senator... This is not a good idea. You should stay here. Let them go into the dunes..." She put her hand on his shoulder, "I understand your concern, but don't forget... We're from Lujo." She gave him a smile through her scarf, "We're built tough, isn't that right Aidren?" His eyes furrowed as he looked out towards the storm, "Let me go in your stead, Senator... Please..." She shook her head with respect as she walked over to the speeder, placing her hand on its side, looking back to her guard, "Not this time... I am responsible for these kids... this is my camp, and I'm going to bring them back safe... they have suffered enough as it is." She motioned for the small blaster strapped to his side. He sighed as he pulled it out and handed it to the Senator. "Very well. I see there is no reasoning with you." She smiled at him as she took the blaster and jumped into the speeder gracefully. Aidren locked concerned eyes with Gorthalon Gorthalon , an expression that communicated his hope that he would do his best to protect the Senator.

"Take care of the refugees here." She said to him. He nodded as the speeder accelerated away towards the southern dunes.

As the four of them zipped across the sand, Tiresh shook her head as she overheard the conversation between Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan and someone on her comms. How come she was getting signal and Tiresh wasn't? Must be some high-tech equipment.

"Wow..." She said flatly upon hearing the Firebrand express her distaste for the "dumb kids" in her comms, "Arn't you just a ray of sunshine!"

They continued on, nothing visible around them except sand. She looked over at Gorthalon Gorthalon as he piloted the craft, taking a moment to take in the great Yuzzem. She had never made an acquaintance with a member of the species before, but she felt grateful for his presence. He seemed like a pure soul.

"So... what's your names then?" She called back to the two in the back seat of the speeder whom she had not been introduced to yet. Although she felt tension in the air from the Firebrand towards her, she knew she needed to do her best to establish some kind of connection, as her life may soon depend on it.

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Issue #7 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk


"I don't want to hide--"​
"--it's the be--"
"There's a way to stop this all and I'm gonna find it--"​
"--not lik--"
"You have no idea what this is like for me--"​
"If you really cared you wouldn't lock me up--"​
"--it's not loc--"
"You'd let me help. You'd trust me--"​
"--would you--"
"--I'm sick of others treating me different just cause I have his DNA!"​
"You don't get it at all."​

"--damn it, Jem!! Just listen to me for once!!" he snaps, raw pain aching across every fresh wound. So uncharacteristic... so foreign and yet, so relatable...

No more secrets, Dag.

The Jedi blows out a long-held fume of fiery emotions through his nostrils. When the composure is finally found, his eyes look back to her.

"...It's not just coincidence - me and you, Jem..." he begins, his voice still strained from the rampant turmoil of undesirable feelings. Still not fully certain, he continues nonetheless, "...if there's someone out there who knows what it is to have a Sith Lord for a father... then that's me..."

Narrowing his eyes, as a memory of his twin flashes in his mind, Dag carries on, "... you and I aren't so different, Jem. I know what it is to be carrying this... curse. Difference is my father got to my brother. Corrupted him, slaved him away to the Dark Side."

"And that's something I won't let happen ever again. Not to you. Not to anyone. And whatever the price..."

"... so when I tell you to listen, Jem, when I tell you what to do, where to be and so on and on, it's not cause I see myself as some infallible Jedi Master beyond measure. Far, very far from that."

"but because I've been in the same place as you. 'cause I know what it's like to be... misunderstood."​
The air left Jem's lungs.

She forgot where she was for a moment. She forgot what they were surrounded by. She hadn't known that about him. She had really thought that she an Saan'an were alone in this-- what were the chances. No, she chastised, humility warming her cheeks. Not chance-- The Force.

She had become so preoccupied with her own experiences she had forgotten to consider the wider picture. Never mind why this was happening to her, but what did the force need?

It had been practically thrown a whole lifeline into her face and she had been too blind to see it. The reveal continued to rock her, humility warming to her to core.

"But you-- you're still in the order. They knighted you-- you're're ok."

As the Trispray did its work and Jax Thio Jax Thio seemed to be recovering (as much recovery as one could expect from the medication), Lyrrin, stood and brushed off his hands while tossing the expended canister to the dust. Perhaps it could've been refilled but Lyrrin wasn't interested in carrying it around. The Farghul turned to see Traden Avarice Traden Avarice with a lightsaber on his hip then looked to Jax again as it dawned on him that they were both Jedi. Of course he was helping Jedi.

Lyrrin's expression became disdainful briefly then manifested into a disengaging "You'll make it." he pulled the hood closer over his head as he turned away from them to head back to the route he had been travelling initially. As he did so he was caught short by the iconic sound of a lightsaber igniting and the blaster bolts being fired. Instinctively the undercover agent dove behind a torn up market stall and hunkered down. He could not see what was going on but he could hear the fighting distinctly.

"Kriffing Jedi and their kriffing Sith." he cursed under his breathe. Where there were Jedi there was trouble as his grandma would say. And she was right, order and the Marshals closed down her heirloom spice trading business! As the agent continued to take cover he pulled out a hold-out blaster from his waistband and held it close to his chest. A series of words in the Farghul language that while many would not know what they translated into, anyone close enough to hear may reasonably assume that it was a veritable railspeeder of slurs.

He took several deep breathes as the skirmish continued to focus himself. Then with an explosive movement Lyrrin stood up into a half crouch so that he rested his arms on the side of the ruined market stall to squeeze off two shots at the Sith. The compact blaster's green bolts zipped past Traden Avarice Traden Avarice 's head and near hit the Sith in the same body part but still missed "Quit getting in the way you bantha-brained, furless, momongs!" the agent took aim again and fired once more. This time the blaster bolt impacted the Sith's left shoulder and caused the darksider to jerk away from Traden.

Lyrrin saw a more conventional, blaster using, combatant moving to cross the street, with a flick the agent's left arm displayed a dart-caster which made a soft hissing noise of compressed gas being expelled. Faster than the Force blind eye could see a Kamino Saberdart was on its way to deliver its deadly payload.


Issue #7 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

"Okay's got a pretty loose definition..." he murmurs, cracking a soft smile and glancing at the bandages wrapping around his body. A year ago, Dag would've kept that to himself and maintained that endless spring of optimism but after the Sacking... he was flying at lower altitudes, let's say.

"I am." the Jedi nods, reaffirming her observations, "You're not doomed to fail, Jem, if that's what you're thinking. Twice I danced with the Dark Side and twice I had the help of friends and comrades, directly or not, to keep me from losing myself forever."

"...but it's not only the Dark Side that we've got to be mindful of-- can't count the times good intentions have cost me more than they had gained me anything." Tycho and Ayana's death, Djon's alienation, and so on and so on. The list's probably endless. "Lotta those times could've been evaded if I had a bit more... guidance. And that's still no bulletproof guarantee that you're not gonna trip and stumble. You will, but what matters is that you get back up and persevere through whatever's thrown at you..."

He stands up with a silent groan escaping his lips, slightly bends his knees to be her level, and lays his hand on her shoulder, "... your heart's at the right place, Jem... you just gotta stick with it through the worst of what is to come... because this path-- it's gonna leave you doubting every decision you make."​
"I am already doubting everything," Jem admitted, her teeth driving into her lips as the urge to confess pressed against her. She glanced up at him, the hand on her shoulder feeling like a ten pound stone of guilt. The more she resisted leaning on him, the wronger it felt. Despite everything he had committed to their paring, and she--

She looked down at the ground, her cheeks growing warm with heat.

"I've been thinking..." It all came leaking out, like hot air in a punctured balloon. "About him... He came to me for a reason. Why would he bother explaining himself? Why would it matter what I think? He's a sith, sith don't regret. ...But he did." She glanced up, braced for a chastising, but she pushed past it. Trust in the force, he should understand.

"I think a part of my father is still in there-- He was warning me. Or trying to help me? It doesn't matter. He said it himself-- Killing him changes nothing. His plan has already been set into motion."

The words felt like a loaded gun. She glanced over her shoulder, wary gaze following the dispersing crowd of guards and media alike. In the center of it all was one gray head. Dagon had asked her a question and ... maybe he deserved the chance to prove he'd listen.

"Don't you think it's weird... if Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis wants to take over this world... that he only eliminated us?"
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Ruins of the Temple of Kyber
Arlo Renard Arlo Renard


The Dark Lord's eyes widened as the black blood trickled from the male's temple, his head adapting to the crushing force pressed against his physical shell. A telekinetic push forced the Sith Master back, his arm shrugging off with a brunt of the empyrean wielded at his very command.


After a momentary reprieve the Elder advanced with a predatory pace around his victim, a slow stride with his sulfuric stare burning into the flesh of the Sithspawn. The activation of the foe's saber brought a brief light to the eyes of the Dark Voice, a conflicting shine against the hateful taint stained into his iris. Arlo Renard Arlo Renard closed in with a sudden advance, with swift grace he was on the Sith in the blink of an eye. The Dark Lord of the Sith's preternatural senses roared, he let the empyrean flow through him, instinctively carrying his movement as the enemy would thrust for his torso.

The Dark Lord juked to the right and ducked away, his footwork catching his movements with a cat-like grace. Unarmed, the Elder extended his hand outward attempting to force the mighty blade into a state of Force Stasis.

"What else are you hiding within that skull?"

He reached out into the metaphysical, even as his strength pressed against the assaulting blade with the empyrean at his command he unhinged his psyche and searched.. prodding for openings. Seeking entry forcibly into the Sithspawn's head.

"Give. Me. Everyth...."

His assault severed with the sudden 'feeling', the sudden sensing of his approaching daughter Jem Fossk Jem Fossk .



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