Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Threads For The Thread God

Well, let me just spitball here and see what comes out of it. Could see it working with several of your characters, so I'll leave that choice to whichever you're most enthused by. ^^ Rayia comes from a lower-technology world that has the occasional pirate problem from beyond the stars. Cowardly pirates won't face her in a fight and knock her out with chemical weapons, taking her off world to be sold somewhere in the less scrupulous reaches of the Outer Rim. The husk of a starship is found floating through real space, sending out a distress signal that is decades old. Long gashes appear to have been carved through the durasteel and there is only one half crazed life-sign aboard really looking for a home among the stars despite heritage curses come calling.

Asha Sar'andor

Rayia Si Rayia Si

Are you having it be that the ship is the pirate ship, or are these two different 'prompts'?

Asha would be the most likely to pursue pirates to help free someone they're trying to enslave, it's sort of her MO at the moment.

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