Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Day We Fight! (Iron Empire Tier 3 Dominion Ilum Hex)


Phrik, that was one of Daegon's favorite words.

"Wonderful," he whispered as he scrolled through the list of phrik products that were available to purchase. "We'll take as much as you're willing to sell of everything in that line." Phrik items were quite rare so, an opportunity to purchase some in bulk was not one to be missed.

"We'll also take the Force-imbued bracelets and blades," he added with a grin and made his way to the crate to examine the weapons. Had he been equipped with his proper prosthetics, the Lord Commander would've happily picked up the weapons and tested a few of them out.

"I will trust that your items are good. Phrik and Force-imbuement pretty much speaks for itself."

[member="Miss Blonde"]​
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra, Low Orbit
Post: 1/38

The only reason Alexei was not on the bridge of the frigate he commanded was due to Rear Admiral Mant's personal request of the lieutenant to join him in the political dealings with this shady Chiss character. The admiral seemed to have ambitions of making Makarov his own protege and the former One Sith naval officer was at first reluctant. Mant was an enigma to the lieutenant, all of those faces that were non-One Sith men and women before struck him mysterious as much as the Unknown Regions.

Nonetheless, the recent Academy graduate could not deny the man's skills in commanding a fleet. His political prowess, according to Makarov's little knowledge of politics, was as sharp as his naval skills. What was the reason that the Rear Admiral had brought Alexei to this conversation ? Perhaps, teach the former One Sith officer a lesson in politics and negotiations. When Makarov put his head into it, he did find the connection. Often in history, Admirals were those that ended up heading a headless government and had to sustain it. More often than not, admirals had been at the center of politics for different governments. It was a good lesson for the young man.

Staying silently a few feet behind the admiral, he intently listened to what the Chiss was saying while retaining a typical erected posture of an officer. Even with his complete lack of political skills, it was not hard for Alexei to realize that the situation down on the planet was nothing but a mess. A mess they had to fix. Isamu Baelor, the famed general of the One Sith and a man Makarov looked up to was hellbent on fixing messes. The man's dedication to the people was what made Makarov follow him when the One Sith Empire finally crumbled. Many powerful men like Baelor turned into warlords governing tyrannically sections of space, he had heard while the Iron Empire's founder and leader had went ahead and done what he always seemed to have wanted - create a safe and stable nation for everyone.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]​
Objective 3: Evacuate Civilians and Capture One Sith loyalists
Location: Enroute to Ilum
Posts: 1
Allies: [member="Garm Berik"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Damon Grisom"] [member="Vinten Veers"]
Equipment and Troops: Infantry X128 with and

Viktor was back......after so time away he was back. He had found a new home and a new purpose. That purpose was Ilum and the intent was to see some old acquaintances relocated. Viktor had been further away than the Rest of the Iron Empire so he was a little late to the party but he was not empty handed. He came with a Company of Infantry troops to help in the goal of liberation.

Viktor stood on the bridge next to the Ship's Captain. The other officers on the bridge feeding him information being relayed between Empire forces already at Ilum and the surrounding worlds. Viktor looked at the Commander.

"Please open up a line to Admiral Grisom and High Warden Veers above Ilum."

Viktor waited until the Commander nodded before he spoke.

"Admiral Grisom..............Warden Alexander." "We should be coming out of Hyperspace at your location in the next .............................."

Viktor glanced over towards the Commander getting an updated ETA before continuing.

".........20 minutes with a Company of Troops to begin securing Ilum." "Requesting an updated approach vector to the surface."

Viktor was already calculating possible ground deployment schemes for once they reach the ground. He knew in order to best secure the cities he was going to need to deploy individual platoons to multiple cities. Once he touched based with the Admiral he would leave the bridge and talk to the Soldiers and hash out the details.

He figure the Captain had already gather the Platoon leaders together waiting for any updated information.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra, Low Orbit
Post: 6/38

Fantastic. A 'field trip' back to the very place that had staged a coup, only now, it was the attackers seeking the attention of the Iron Empire.

Looking to a huddled group of his officers, he nodded. Almost immediately, they set forth to complete his silent instructions. Troops began rushing back and forth as it the ship was under attack. In reality, they were preparing for an excursion back onto Ornfra. Zeradias Mant wasn't being as friendly as he was the first time around. Then, it was a diplomatic meeting of two governments looking for the best interests of their people. Now, it was everything but a raiding party, sanctioned by the very rebels that fought against the meeting he had intended to be at in the first place.

The BV-47 shuttles were loaded, crew-served repeaters ready to be mounted once they entered Orndra's atmosphere. Squads loaded up and began to take off to recon. Rising from his seat, two marines approached Daelen's sides to escort him to the BV-47A that Zera would be boarding. "Leftenant.", Zeradias called. A man from the now smaller huddle of junior officers emerged and followed him. Of all the officers, he would be the one to join the admiral to the surface.

[member="Alexei Makarov"]
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra, Low Orbit
Post: 2/38

At the Admiral's nod, everybody turned and momentarily began the preparations for the excursion to the surface. Again. This time, though, Zeradias' troupe did not look diplomatic at all judging by the rifles that some soldiers hefted over their soldiers. Handpicking Lieutenant Gilmour as the man that would join the Admiral on this trip to the planet below surprised the former One Sith officer.

"Yes, Sir!"

Following the admiral towards the shuttle with a standard heavy officer's step, an absolute sign of a fresh graduate, Iain could not help but contemplate on what use he would be to the Admiral if it came to some sort of ground combat. He was trained to utilize weapons and some basic military strategies but that was about everything he was capable of in ground operation. Gilmour was a man of space, a proud naval officer of a reputable naval academy that most likely was defunct now or served the Alliance's cause. What business did he have ground side ?

[member="Zeradias Mant"]​

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra
Post: 7/38

The ride had been smooth for several minutes, Zeradias looking out to the stars out the small window available. The cabin of the shuttle was silent, save for the chatter of the pilots in the front discussion their navigational jargon. The shuttle hit some turbulence as it entered the atmosphere, shaking violently for a couple short moments.

As they neared their target destination, Zera looked at the Chiss, still in navy custody. "Enough games, Daelen. What are we looking for?"

With a silent chuckle, the Chiss grinned. "There should be a vault adjacent to the armory of the government militia. We've always had trouble infiltrating it. But now...", he said with a smile, looking to all the Iron Marines deployed on the surface as the shuttle door landed. "We have the means.", this time with an audible chuckle. Clearly the Chiss didn't realize how much he had to gain, or how much he had to lose.

"Get down!", a voice shouted from several meters away. Shortly after, gunfire erupted. Zeradias scurried to cover, Daelen and his escorts tight on his heels. "Yours?"

Peering above a construction barricade before being shot at, Daelen ducked and looked at Zera sarcastically. "Clearly.", he said rolling his eyes.

Collecting his thoughts in a matter of seconds, he called for one of the squad leaders. "Take your squad and try to flank them. Collateral damage is acceptable, but do try to keep it to a minimum." With a quick 'yes sir', he was off. Zeradias didn't take his sidearm with him, so he was reliant on his troops to handle the situation as best they could. The fate of their commanding officer, their mission, and their empire rest in their hands.

[member="Franc Kotrag"]
Objective 3: Evacuate Civilians and Capture One Sith loyalists
Location: Exiting Hyperspace in Ilum space
Posts: 2
Allies: [member="Garm Berik"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Damon Grisom"] [member="Vinten Veers"]
Equipment and Troops: Infantry X128 with

Viktor look to the Commander giving the man a nod once the response from the Admiral had been received.

"Please give me a ten minute warning to the surface."

Viktor turned leaving the bridge and making his way to brief the troops. On a ship that size it took him a few minutes to get to the briefing room. As he enter the Officers there snapped to attention. After all in addition to being a Warden Viktor also held the rank of Major in the Army.

"At ease." "Ok Gentlemen here is what we have."

Approaching the terminal the Captain first pulled up the map of Ilum and the surrounding planets.

"Our objective is the planet Ilum." "We are to secure the planet." "Objective one is to evacuate civilians and get them out of harms ways." "Objective two is to capture any remaining One Sith Loyalists that remain on the world." "we are expecting most of them to be civilian themselves but there may be a few combatants as well."

Viktor paused as the view was switched to the surface of Ilum itself.

"We have three possible points of interests." "A Canyon here designated Checkpoint old Temple here designated Checkpoint Bravo..................and a cave here designated Checkpoint Charlie." "The rules of engagement are fire only on armed combatants." "I want half of each squad to set their weapons to stun for the unarmed but aggressive and blade or blunt wielding threats." "The other half of each squad will have their weapons set to kill for blaster equipped threats and threats due to potential narcotic use that stun setting do not stop." "Remember gentlemen we are liberating a world from the remnants of a corrupt tyrannical regime." "This is not a search and destroy mission."

Viktor paused letting it all sink in before speaking again.

"First Platoon you will take Alpha, Second you will take Bravo, third will take Charlie, and the Captain and I with the remaining troops will remain at the LZ for Command and Control."

"Any questions?"
Post 3

Time and time again, Iain cursed his fate at the sudden eruption of gunfire. He, like the admiral, was unarmed. Why would he be armed in the first place? Now he regretted his decision of not picking up a side-arm with him. Staying behind cover a few feet behind the Chiss and the Admiral, Iain kept his face down as rubble crumbled from everywhere as the hectic shots landed in all sorts of random places.

The Iron Marines were quick to retaliate and their superior firepower suppressed the enemy's surprise attack. Nonetheless, the Imperials had limited knowledge of the area. They were the away team here and Gilmour wished he was currently ordering a strike upon the opposition from the bridge of his frigate.

You can't have it all though.

"Marine, side arm, please!" Iain'd half-order, half-request pierced the noise of battle and the officer received a heavy blaster pistol to use. Hell, there was no way he would sit down and not shoot back at the bastards.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra
Post: 8/38

Chaos ensued in the firefight on the surface of Ornfra. Blasters firing, bodies dropping, Zeradias couldn't anticipate how long it would last. He wasn't going to stand by idly though, ordering a marine to give him his sidearm. Blindly firing over the barricade, Zera heard his blaster bolt make contact followed by a short scream.

Without eyes on the developing situation, there was no sure way to tell when the battle would end. Lieutenant Gilmour was leading the charge on flanking the opposition. Waiting wasn't something Zeradias liked unless tactically applied, and he didn't like this.

He fired off another burst of rounds, this time aiming from cover. Two bodies dropped. Despite being in command, he hadn't lost his touch for combat. Soon™

[member="Franc Kotrag"]
Post 4

With every exchange fire between the two parties and the advance of the Iron Marines, it was logical to conclude that the opposition were nothing but a band of rag tag rogues with no formal military training. Even a man used to commanding a ship, such as Gilmour, was not finding it too hard to push on and flank the enemies. The Imperials pressed on ferociously and the enemies began retreating as the firefight drew to a closure.

"They're retreating! Marines, regroup, regroup!" Came the sharp voice of the Marines' commanding officer before he turned to the veteran admiral for orders. "The enemy is retreating, Sir, should we pursue and push on forward ?" Zeradias could also make out the disgusted look the Marine gave the Chiss. Iain noticed that and wondered if the Marine had been a former One Sith officer such as himself and participated during the crisis on Csilla prior to the establishment of the Iron Empire.

Lieutenant Gilmour moved in closer to where Admiral Mant was with a side arm himself and a calm expression on himself. The naval officer felt sweat break on his frow and noticed the numerous dirty on his uniform. It was certainly not tailored for ground combat.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]​

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: Ornfra
Post: 9/38

"Good work, lieutenant.", Zeradias said as Iain and the Iron Marines made quick work of their opposition. Daelen, the enigmatic Chiss, was right beside Zeradias throughout the firefight. He didn't trust to give him a weapon, even for self-defense.

"The vault?", Zeradias obviously subtly nudged the Chiss. With a sarcastic moment of remembrance, he led the admiral and his leftenant as well as squads of Iron Marines through corridor after corridor. It was almost eerie how little opposition there was after their landing.

Eventually they eventually reached a sealed door. It didn't look to be anything special, except for the studs on the metal frame of the door itself. After examining it briefly, he stepped to the side.

"Open it.", Zera ordered the Chiss. Stepping forward, Daelen inserted the key and the door hissed as it began to open to the side. Raising the pistol he used from the firefight, he shot the Chiss in his head. His body fell as the door continued to open. Standing over the body, Zera looked in as it opened.

Tons. Tons of galactic credits lay on shelves upon shelves. This would certainly aid the expansion effort of the Iron Empire, and maybe the people of Ornfra as well.

"Load it up.", Zeradias commanded. The marines began scrambling to collect the credits as Zeradias and a small protection detail followed him back to the shuttle. It was time to move on to the next system.

Ornfra belonged to the Iron Empire now.

[member="Franc Kotrag"]
Objective 3: Evacuate Civilians and Capture One Sith loyalists
Location: Enroute to Ilum
Posts: 3
Allies: [member="Garm Berik"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Damon Grisom"] [member="Vinten Veers"]
Equipment and Troops: Infantry X128 with

Just as Viktor finished the briefing the ship's Captain came over the intercom.

"We are ten minutes to the surface...........I say again we are ten minutes to the surface."

Viktor turned to the Officers giving them a quick nod.

"Ok Gentlemen let's get it done. You have five to brief your men and prepare for landing. Let's do the by the numbers..........this is to be considered a hot LZ."

After a minute Viktor turned and may his way to the bridge getting there right has the ship was beginning it's final landing sequence.

"Commander please do a quick long range scan...........hopefully we can get some up to date intel before our Troops hit the ground."

Viktor waited to see the results on the scans before nodding. So far they had manage to avoid any unwanted attention. That was good. Now they needed to prepare for possible refugees. That was going to be a bit of an issue until they got more support. It was a good size ship but it would not hold both his troops and the least not very comfortably.
Location: Iron Empire Flagship above Ilum
Allies: [member="Viktor Alexander"] [member="Damon Grisom"]

The space battle was one sided. Almost laughably one sided. The Iron Empire fleet was just shredding through the enemy fleet. They stood no chance, not to mention that they were outgunned, and running low on fighters. Vinten was no military commander, but he could easily tell that the enemy was grabbing at straws, hoping for some last minute option to win the battle. But it was clear, they weren't going to win with the troops they had left, and it seemed that the battle on the planet below would not take too long.

Vinten walked over to one of the officers working at his control panel. "Captain, contact Warden Alexander. Ask for a status report on the battle below and what the state of the enemy forces is."

Vinten then turned back, not waiting to listen for a response from his colleague on the planet. He walked over, standing beside Admiral Grisom, looking off at the ships exploding. "Well Admiral, I think I will take my leave. I will be headed down to the planet to the command center to help oversee enemy surrender and refugee transport." He didn't know what it was, but Vinten liked the admiral, and he hoped that they would come into contact again. Vinten needed allies, and he wanted this admiral to be one of them. "Good luck Admiral. I hopefully will see you after this whole thing is over with."

And with that Vinten headed over to another officer that was walking back toward his station. "You!" He pointed directly at the officer. "Send word to the hangar bay that I am on my way. Make sure they have a shuttle with an escort prepared when I arrive."

"Yes sir!" The officer was quick to calling the hangar, but just like when he asked for them to contact Warden Alexander, Vinten didn't care. He was giving orders and he just wanted them carried out. If they weren't then he would deal with it, but he didn't care to hear what the others thought about it.

And with that, Vinten was off, headed toward the hangar, and in time, the planet.
Objective 4: Expand the Illum production factories to produce droids as well.
Location: Angamar Industries Illum Production Factories
Posts: 1
Allies: NA
"Yes, the power generators will need to be replaced. We knew that at the start. What I'm wondering is how much it will cost." Kham replied irritably to the work manager, "We need the production facilities to work, not siphon power from the other areas." Designing was definitely not Kham's strong point. But Kham would do what he had to do to set up droid production facilities here. The place was perfect because if they worked on this infernal planet, they would work in most other places. After these were set up, all Kham had left to do was to travel to Maramere to set up the military camp. But he was here for now.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: ISV Retribution, Ornfra, High Orbit
Post: 10/38

Aboard the ISV Retribution, the crew was winding down from the excitement on the surface. Daelen, the enigmatic Chiss from the Sons of Csilla, now joined the corpses that lay in the corridors of Ornfra's government offices, waiting to join a mass grave. The BV-47A armed transport now escorted Zeradias and his entourage of officers and senior enlisted advisors to the hangar of their flagship star destroyer, the only one present from the five star destroyer fleet dubbed Task Force - Majestic.

Zeradias grinned as he relished in the accomplishments of him and his soldiers. Recognition was due for a few exceptional individuals - Zeradias was thinking a couple thousand credit bonus. They could certainly afford it now.
[member="Iain Gilmour"]
Objective 4: Expand the Illum production factories to produce droids as well.
Location: Angamar Industries Illum Production Factories
Posts: 2
Allies: NA
"Now that the generators are installed we need to attend to the " Kham was interrupted by a man running towards him. "There seems to be a number of Sith who have managed to get into the caves sir." Kham gestured to the nine men who seemed to melt out of the shadows behind him. "Wraiths, come with me." He said, as they passed the man, he shuddered. They seemed to emit an aura of terror and uncontained violence. It was inhuman to say the least, bestially to be honest. Kham and the Wraiths marched towards where he sith were supposed to be, they would not stop his plans for long.
Objective 3: Evacuate Civilians and Capture One Sith loyalists
Location: Secure Ilum
Posts: 4
Allies: [member="Garm Berik"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Damon Grisom"] [member="Vinten Veers"]
Equipment and Troops: Infantry X128 with

As the troops began to unload a message came from the Ships Captain.

"Sir, Warden Veers is asking for an update."

Viktor made his way back to the bridge while Captain Stanforth coordinated troop deployment. Once he got there he opened a channel to his fellow Warden.

"'s Alexander. Phase one is complete and beginning Phase two now. Current enemy numbers are unknown intel is limited."

Viktor had the ships communications rerouted to his CP so he could give minute by minute updates as need. He then made his way back to the CP to begin coordinating the sweep.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Objective: III
Location: ISV Retribution, Ornfra, High Orbit
Post: 11/38

As the ISV Retribution distanced itself from the recently subjugated Ornfra, Zeradias strolled leisurely to the bridge from the hangar of his star destroyer. Between nervous and confident greetings alike, marines and crewmen scurried to rapidly offload the massive amounts of galactic credits brought aboard. Yes - this would do nicely. The ordeal with the Sons of Csilla was nothing more than an irritable inconvenience. That inconvenience was about to be festered though, as the alarms on the ship began blaring. Marines worked twice as hard to move the credits that were already off the shuttle before scurrying to their action stations.

"Action stations, action stations. Set condition one throughout the ship."

Zeradias was not privy to any new developments, as he had not yet reached the bridge. It wasn't long though before a junior officer ran to the admiral to brief him on the go. Several ships jumped through hyperspace and now attempt to stand in the way of the Retribution and her empire. As Zeradias walked urgently through the door to the bridge, he posted in the captain's chair at the top of the bridge while the rest of the crew scrambled to do discharge their duties as best as possible.

"Sir, we're being hailed.", the communications officer reported. With a nod, RADM Mant gave the go ahead to patch them through.

"You have 5 minutes to surrender.", the muffled voice said. The image appearing on the hologram was pure static, indiscernible. Turning to his side, he quietly said to his leftenant, "I want that cleared up."
​Between the psuedo-political rambling and incessant warnings, Zeradias didn't have the patience nor the inclination to show any mercy.

"Charge turbolasers and load the proton torpedoes. They have five minutes."

As his orders became reality, tension followed. With a scream and low rumble, the ships before them began to open fire. Five minutes had passed.

[member="Iain Gilmour"]

ISV Retribution (heavy cruiser, flagship)
[100%] Shields
[100%] Hull
x2 Iron Wrath bombers
x6 Iron Wrath fighters
x4 Iron Wrath interceptors

Liberator (corvette, flagship)
[100%] Shields
[100%] Hull
Spirit of Freedom (corvette)
[100%] Shields
[100%] Hull
Tyrant's Terror (corvette)
[100%] Shields
[100%] Hull
Objective: Meet the Iron Empire [Sith Temple]

[member="Reinhard Baelor"] | [member="Annaliese"]



Two days before the arrival of the Iron Empire.


A place of such history to Jedi and Sith alike, and the wheel of fortune had turned once more. No longer under the yoke of the One Sith, but what had they left behind them? What corruption had they spewed over the planet with their foul want? This was part of the reason he was here so far away from Silver Jedi protected space. When his father had asked for someone to venture so far away, to find out what had become of Ilum and the Sith, Théo took up the chance to go. Most of the time his duty was to Rhen Var, on the Watch of the Citadel on that icy planet not much different to Ilum in that sense and the caves of crystals. The Valkyri stronghold of MIdvinter more majestic and cold then the two put together, his home world .. born of ice he was into a noble family. He was here on Ilum to try and clear his mind, and to find a new direction.

Too much had happened, too much change had Théo uncertain of himself after the death of his grandpapa before that the direction had been clear. A young lad he had been and lacked the understanding of death, but not anymore, the lesson was learned hard and the force had other plans for him it seemed. He had to face the fact that he is ambitious, not a trait of a Jedi or to be encouraged in them, he tried to push this away lying to himself that he did not want for more in life and in doing so, he was seen to be doing the right thing.

But what was he ambitious for? He did not want for fame, to be known of the galactic stage for any grand deeds or power of strength, no others could have that. It was leadership, his royal blood thick with it and would not be denied as much as he tried, it simply clashed with his purpose of Jedi and his weakness if he was honest with himself. Midvinter would never be his, fate had dealt a hard blow. But time and the force, would reveal his true destiny.

Enough of the preamble.

For two days Théo had been tracking a small group of Sith, he had detected them within the caves of Ilum, a sect maybe he was not sure, but that did not matter. The Sith would never give up this place so easily, regardless that the One Sith have grown weak and displaced. The group had left to travel across the fields of ice leaving behind their leaders, Théo was very much in his element with his Valkyri blood accustomed to the clime, and in fact his blood relished it and gave him strength pumping blood to the body. He was in no position to be able to take on the group in the caves, the numbers were too great, but he was waiting for an opportunity to do something, anything to stop them. He just had to be patient.

He climb up the side of the ridge of snow and ice, a good distance from the Sith Temple and laid on his stomach to watch them through his binoculars. It was difficult to ascertain how many were in side, and the Temple was formidable in design. One man against incredible odds? Well he had his mother’s Corellian blood in him too. He lay there working out a plan to enter the place, maybe find some means to be able to cause them pause, blow something up maybe. Suicidal mission he doubt his father meant him to do.

It was now his attention drew to the skies, the appearance of ships entering the atmosphere the pull of the force telling him to wait, be patient and so he would.​
Post 1 of 38
Objective: 4 - Nap! The Final Frontier
Location: Surface of the planet Ilum

Finally, he got Master [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] to visit a proper planet.

The cub stood on all fours, head tilted back, a black, button nose angled into the wind as snow flurries stuck to the downy top coat. The round ears perked upward while the frozen breeze rushed over the resplendent white fur. The young Beorni could close his eyes and dream of a tundra in a galaxy far, far away from the stars over Ilum. See a fishing village cobbled together atop sea ice. And imagine, just for a moment, that he was back home.

Then the breeze had passed him by, and the boy opened his eyes.

The dream was gone, replaced by fields of featureless white as the snow-covered glacier extended in all directions around where the young Beorni had gone exploring in the icy reaches of the surface of Ilum. Master Theo was around, somewhere. No doubt waving his lightsaber around and having a jolly good time of it. Which, was something that the cub found he still didn't quite understand for himself.

So, while Master Theo was chasing the ghosts of Sith past, the Beorni had gone in search of art.

A rare and difficult thing to find, to be certan. A sketching pad of loub-paper and sticks of charcoal were in the pouch that hung off one side of the bear cub, as he ventured out into white out conditions to find something that would inspire.

But, art required concentration. And concentration required a sound mind. And a sound mind required a rested body. And a rested body required naps! So, before he could start seriously considering art, he first needed to find a good place to nap. And a good place to nap was also a rare and elusive thing to find.

There should be snow, but it couldn't be too snowy. Or too dry either, for that matter. There had to be just the right amount of snow.

Second, it couldn't be too sunny. The Beorni had an expression about having your head in the shade and your butt in the sun. It was sound advice for anyone who took naps seriously. And quite practical when looking for nap spots.

After awhile, the boy came across a spot on the downward slope of a hill. He pressed his paw into the snow-covered ground, and then looked around at the shading and light. No. No, this simply would not do. So he ventured onward.

Under a tree? No, those icicles in the branches were quite the menace.

He finally arrived at a rocky outcropping, the overhang ledge of which seemed quite ideal for providing shade for his head. And the sun-lit ground was blanketed with a thin, yet springy layer of fresh powder. Yes, this might indeed be the spot.

Unslinging the satchel from his body, the bear padded his paws around to make a rectangular bed underneath him. Then folded down so that he was laying lengthwise in the spot. Then, he rolled off to the left. Back and the right. Then returned to where he'd started and stood back up.

Circled around, thrice mind you, before planting his rump down and taking another look.

Yes. This would do.

Sliding down, his head resting on his forepaws, the Beorni cub signed contently as he laid down for nice nap in the snow.

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