Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wheel of Fortune (SSC Dominion of The Wheel Hex)

The Wheel
Docking Station Xesh Nine

Post 4

[member="Connor Harrison"] Nearby?

Valiens Nantaris said:
“Prospecting, hmm?” Giz asked thoughtfully. “Well, we’re doing some prospecting of our own. Searching for aurodium amongst the desk.” He clearly thought this was quite witty as he chuckled. “I think you’d better come with us, pretty lady,” he said, suddenly the friendliness dialled down a notch. “I’ve got some friends who are very happy to meet you. They’re quite demanding, so if you take my meaning, it’s not so much a request.”

Yup, not quite the welcoming party she was expecting.

Kaile's eyes would narrow slightly. In her mind, she already began to mentally count and consider the odds of successfully getting out of this. There was Giz to consider, plus his cronies. She had her blaster on her hip but other than that, didn't seem to be armed beyond your standard spacer attire. A slight tap of her fingers would play upon the fuel hose at her left, eyes panning warily from right to left and then back to Giz.

"...Well, reckon that would be very flatterin' Mister Giz," Kaile began, "But a girl likes to know just who these friends are that are so happy to see me?" she was trying to delay a bit, to get more information and watch just where the rest of his goonies were at. If she had her bearings then she could made informed decisions.

"And where you reckon this meeting will be at?"


Disney's Princess
w [member="Sabine Kurtass"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] p3

Karen and Tango Squadron received the orders to engage the enemy. Numerical advantage was always exceptional and she smiled at the thought. Though, her LR senors couldn't help but notice that the Eagles were a faster breed of Interceptor than her X-Wing. No matter. She would leverage with skill, turret, and a Jedi's magic perception. Tango Squad was seasoned and knew how to push the envelope anyway. This would be a welcome fight.

"Tango Leader this is Escort One at the bow. You are now given leave to engage enemy fighters in Attack Pattern Alpha. I will clear the debris as we go."

~ "Roger that Escort One. We'll hit em' hard as they come. Keep em' off our six, Jedi. Cheers lassy. ...Okay boys. You heard the woman. Go straight at them. Don't give them an inch." ~

R2 brought up the targeting que for enemy engagement and Karen cycled the TLR scanners to proximity vectors. Then the Starfighters closed the gap and joined the fray. The battle was engaged with gusto.

"Here they come!"


What followed next was beautiful beautiful chaos.
Ailles: me, Myself and Sabine
Enemy: [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Karen Roberts"]

The enemy returned fire focusing on same to frigates, there shields held for now.
Her command staff started give her there assessment of the enemy.
​My Lady they outnumber our fighters, in fact more than two one advantage.
She frowned a bit, and then gave her standing order for that.
Tell the Captains of The Saber, The Tail and The Claw, to come forward and get involved as soon as the fighters are engaged.
Tel Red, Yellow, Green and Blue squadron commanders, to fall back when they start to get into weapons range.
This would shorten the gap, between her interceptors and the fangs corvettes, when time came.
They have only four anti capital ships, these are two frigates and two cruisers.
This we truly out number them in, we have seven ships to fight back with.
So the work was going to bloody, her job was simple she had to get inside there formation.
This would risk the bombers, but with any luck the corvettes and her fighters, could hold them back.
All ships other than The Fangs, make a line formation.
Target firing on single ship, aim for cruiser defender.
Her ship's selected a speed and heading so they quickly line up into the new formation.
Magma, Hood, Banshee, Scorpion, Countess, Venom, Scipio, as they lined up they would move forward at same pace.
They all opened fire on single cruiser, in hopes to put out action quickly.
The fangs spread out behind them, but mirrored the actions fighters, so not to be caught flat footed.
The Eagles got ready to turn and run, so they could meet up with the fangs.
The enemy took out two of them, but before they turned they fired a full volley of proximity ion torpedoes at them.
They where designed not to hit or destroy the enemy fighters, but to disable them or slow them down.
Sabine new if she won, she have great advert her new ship.
Though the Silver Sanction would be asking questions, which may lead to further issues.

The Banshee I.M.D. Tarantula MkI Armament 12/20 Flak 0/20 Def 12/20 Spd/Man 13/13
Shields/Hull 600/600
The Countess I.M.D. Tarantula MkI Armament 12/20 Flak 0/20 Def 12/20 Spd/Man 13/13
Shields/Hull 600/600
Magma I.M.D. Boa MkI Armament 16/20 Flak 0/20 Def 16/20 Spd/Man 11/11
Shields/Hull 400/400
The Scorpion I.M.D. Boa MkI Armament 16/20 Flak 0/20 Def 16/20 Spd/Man 11/11
Shields/Hull 325/400
Scipio I.M.D. Boa MkI Armament 16/20 Flak 0/20 Def 16/20 Spd/Man 11/11
Shields/Hull 300/400
Venom I.M.D.Cobra MkI Armament 14/20 Flak 0/20 Def 14/20 Spd/Man 11/8
Shields/Hull 150/150
The Hood I.M.D.Cobra MkI Armament 14/20 Flak 0/20 Def 14/20 Spd/Man 11/8
Shields/Hull 150/150
The Saber I.M.D.Fang MkI Armament 6/20 Flak 14/20 Def 14/20 Spd/Man 7/7
Shields/Hull 80/80
The Claw I.M.D.Fang MkI Armament 6/20 Flak 14/20 Def 14/20 Spd/Man 7/7
Shields/Hull 80/80
The Tail I.M.D.Fang MkI Armament 6/20 Flak 14/20 Def 14/20 Spd/Man 7/7
Shields/Hull 80/80
4x squadrons of Eagles
Red 11 one destroyed
Blue 12
Yellow 12
Green 11 one destoryed

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post 9:

The radiant heat of Bal'demnic's primary beat down on her exposed skin, and a persistent offshore wind tugged at her robes. West and south as far as her eyes could see was an expanse of azure ocean, curling white where it pounded the coastline. Rugged, denuded hills vanished into sea mist. She imagined a time when forest had blanketed the landscape, before the indigenous Kon'me had felled the trees for building materials and firewood. Now what vegetation survived was confined to the steep-sided gorges that separated the brown hills. A sombre beauty. Perhaps, she thought, there was more to recommend the planet than deposits of cortosis ore.

She was no stranger to ocean worlds. But given her training since childhood, was not accustomed to remote, low-tech ones.

With that hemisphere of Bal'demnic rotating quickly into night, the wind was increasing in strength and the temperature was dropping. The map she had called up showed that the nearest spaceport was a few hundred kilometres to the south. She calculated that she could cover the distance to the spaceport by evening of the following day. But she knew, too, that the route would take her through areas inhabited by both elite and plebeian Kon'me; so she resolved to travel at night to avoid contact with the noisome and xenophobic reptilian sapients. There was little point in risking a confrontation.
Location: Bal'demnic
Objective: Diplomatic Mission
Post: 3

Just as he was about to open his mouth and introduce himself to the leaders of this world, the one called Thrash interjected that they had no desire to relive the Clone Wars. It was odd; the Clone Wars happened such a long time ago that upon growing up he thought them all stories about heroes and villains. Now that he heard someone mention it so casually as if it had happened only yesterday there was a spurt of childish excitement in the Grandmaster. Nevertheless, he chose to speak next.

"Forgive me for saying so, but the Clone Wars was far from the last galactic conflict, High Archon," he began before offering a respectful bow. "I am Thurion Heavenshield, Grandmaster of the Silver Sanctum Coalition. The worlds under our protection have enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity, but it will not last forever. War will come to our corner of the galaxy, sooner or later. I cannot speak for the horrors your people had to endure during a war that ended over 800 years ago, but I do know that the Sith will bring tenfold suffering to you as well as every star in the known galaxy. Unless we band together and stop them."

He turned to Shmi and Coci, letting them know the same was true for the Jedi. "The Jedi have been the defenders of peace for untold millennia, your grace. Allow us to defend your people against the approaching storm. It is better than to stand alone." Thurion then sat down in his seat beside his wife, allowing Shmi to represent her Order next.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Location: New Holstace
[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

She did not mind pushing some of the workers to move things a bit faster, she smiled broadly on purpose to show that sharp fangs of hers. The little growls she rumbled from her throat sent a bit of spine tingles down their backs. One quick glance at her and they quickly picked up whatever was closest to them and rushed off toward the main location.

She wasn't evil she was just playing with them. They didn't realize she was playing with them but what else had to do these days, the growl rumbled at the back of her throat she looked around the load off site there were enough people here that this place should be finished in now time.

Perhaps she could find a little more something to look at while here.

Just as her attention was drawn away she picked up a familiar sound. But that wasn't possible was it. She took a deep breath and began walking concentrating on the voice, it sounded very much like Kei. She had some patience fighting with her excitement, and you can be sure she was going to ask him a few questions.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post 10:

Cinching the robe around her waist, she began to move, slowly at first, then gathering speed, until to any being watching she would have appeared a dazzling blur; an errant dust devil racing across the treeless terrain. She hadn't run far before she chanced upon a rudimentary trail, impressed in places with the footprints of indigenes, and she paused to study them. Barefoot, lower-class Kon'me had left the prints, probably fisherfolk whose thatched-roof dwellings dotted the shoreline.

Sorel reckoned the size and weight of the reptilians responsible for the tracks, and estimated the time elapsed since they had passed. Drawing herself up, she scanned the dun hills, then sniffed the wind, wishing she were imbued with even a touch of the locals’ olfactory acuity. Up ahead she was bound to encounter elite Kon'me as well, or at the very least their cliff-side dome dwellings.
Location: New Holstice Construction
[member="Elara Wahia"]
Posts 5/25

“Don’t let her lift anything”, and you could be sure as soon as Nato had been sat safely to the side, and given a drink of water, another Jedi watching over her, Kei would be seeking out Elara. His force senses might be dull for a Master but never when seeking out Elara. Nato did look sick, high fever, something not right. Kei had told them they were doing all they could, not that he'd let the medical staff get a look in, pulling rank and acting as a wall so they stayed back.

Feeling that tug toward Elara, his one and only, the meeting was always beautiful, when he returned to her those were the moments he felt alive. This time he would be honest with her again, and that might be it, couldn’t blame her if it was, he'd dragged all the way across the galaxy with him for it to come to this. Moving through a crowd of people holding tools, clipboards, materials, and sometimes wayward students by the hand came Amadis, face to face with the woman he loved.

“Elara,” Amadis said, with a warm loving but pained grin. Stood there in his combat slacks and completely unjedi-like uniform if you could call it that, because it was casual even for any military dress. Grey t-shirt dirty from the work of the day, and no weapons around his waist, barely anything but a toolbelt holding it all together. There was some silver hairs across the growing stubble on his chin, and a slightly wiser look to the eyes, he looked older, noticeably, maybe it was a lack of sleep.

Sadly for Kei he was honest, and that meant it was make or break time, hopefully he’d be greedy and get a hug first. He walked over and if she let him, put his arms around her, otherwise he’d pat her arms and release her. If he could hold her, damned if he wasn’t going to hold her till she physically let him go. They'd never been all that tame, and he was sure she was going to give him a piece of her mind, it was time for that.
Location: New Holstice Construction
[member="Matsu Ike"]

In front of Matsu, the two old crewmates Fyor and Taiden were standing side by side, sharing what might pass for a moment of affectionate acknowledgement if either were able to show it, but neither the Echani or the engineer was prone to doing so. Instead both nodded silent and acceptingly to one another, and that was all that was done. The acceptance both showed, was something else entirely but it was there, and very real, more on that later.

Eldar Matsu might notice Fyor remained unchanged, rarely if ever showing signs of aging over the years, while Taiden looked more mature every time he returned. The artificial eyes on the Lorrdian swirled around to better take in the construction giving Matsu a detailed report on what he thought of the distancing and spacing, Fyor being his usual over calculating self. Short version was, he thought the idea had great merit, but explained this in over exaggerated conclusions, and minor suggestions how they might catalogue endangered animals more efficiently, using droids designed not to disturb the natural and delicate balance of the wildlife they resided in. Always droids, droids, droids.

The scale and complexity interested Fyor, but the care Matsu showed for the life forms and natural balance of the world made the white clad Echani flinch, visibly actually move from his usual motionless figure. “May I help care for and seek the species out Master,” Taiden said very gently, although he seemed to pile commitments up wherever they travelled together, his absences aside he honoured every one of them, perhaps stretching himself thin at times for anything but the work. Matsu seemed to do the same, and he wished to share the burden once more, that and his love of nature called to him.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post 11:

Night fell as she resumed her pace. The ocean shone silver under starlight, and night-blooming flora scented the humid air with heady aromas. Predators of any size had been hunted to extinction on the northern island continents long ago, but the deep gorges were home to countless varieties of voracious insects that set upon her in clouds as she picked her way through the dense underbrush. Lowering her body temperature and slowing her breathing to alter the mixture of gases in her exhalations did little to dissuade the insects, so after a while she ceased all attempts at warding them off and surrendered to their thirst for blood, which they drew freely from her face, neck, and hands.

It was hard to blame them for doing what came naturally, she thought.

In the dark wood of that remote world, with a salted wind whistling through the trees and a distant sound of waves like drumming, she simply focused on the task in hand. Thoughts of the sabotage — or was it an assassination — were dismissed for now.

Through the night she ran, sheltering inside a shallow cave while the morning mist was evanescing from the hollows. Even that early the blue-scaled indigenes were about, appearing from their huts to cast nets into the crashing surf or paddle boats to stretches of reef or nearby islets. The best of their catch would be carried into the hills to stuff the bellies of the wealthy, with whom rested responsibility for Bal'demnic's political and economic future. Their guttural voices stole into the cave that fit Sorel like a tomb, and she could understand none of the words they exchanged.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
New Holstice Construction
[member="Elara Wahia"] [member="Taiden Keth"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

More people were here as they continued to work and get everything out and about, the harder sections they were working up as the droids built up some of the things. The larger structure was not compared to some of the things they had the large monument there while shipments from the cargo shuttles came from the stations being deployed. Manufacturing and livestock to start filling the stores in there as well as needed seeds and plants to create the botanical gardens for everything. She let some of her thoughts drift hearing the others. "You can Taiden but be careful, these memory moths have not really been studied or tested to see what they can survive. So moving their habitats from the monument anywhere else could be dangerous. Just keep them from the construction if you can."
New Holstice Construction

More of the things there in the building brought her attention, they were working on the machines to bring them in for cloning what foods they could get. Some of the bigger benefits of cloned organs and even bodies if they could flash the memories needed. It would be a way to really help those who needed it. She had a small look on her face while they were working on some of the things displayed on the hardlight maps, the hushed casket survival gurneys they could have around and use for the people so in case of problems so the nurses could work with them to suspend a few of them in entrophy fields until doctors and healers could get to them. She was more impressed with the work of the factory ship as it was in the massive cradle near them pumping out the supplies they needed along with its crew of droids.


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
Location: Bal'demnic
Objective: Diplomatic mission
Post (3)

She sat off to the side in the seats designated to them as [member="Coci Heavenshield"] spoke, introducing their party. Unexpected, but lovely all the same. When the woman returned to her seat, Shmi smiled at her nodding slowly as a sign of respect; she thanked her silently. Thurion stood next, but the Kon'me were rather cautious from the beginning. Shmi considered that she knew where the hesitancy originated from, though she was reassured when The High Archon brought up the Clone Wars...the Jedi Master shifted in her seat, thought [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] handled the answer with a grace that any great leader should possess.

She nodded her head, as everything he said was true. She gathered herself and stood, as she would speak after him. When he sat she took his place.

"Your Highness if I may...I am Shmi Labooda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order." She came up from her bow, and looked to the assembly before her. "I represent an Order that swore to maintain the peace on the worlds that fell under our protection, then the Sith came....Our numbers dwindled and the worlds we intended to protect have been subject to suffering. The three of us have been on the front lines, and we know this threat intimately. What Master Heavenshield speaks of is hope your grace..." she finished her statement and looked around the room to those who were present.

"Our organizations have come together to ensure that this threat doesn't reach your planet. We want nothing more than to protect your independence. We won't be able to make up for the pain your people have endured during and since the Clone Wars, but we can make sure that never happens again."

She lowered her head, and awaited for what would be said...
Location: New Holstace Construction
Post 2
[member="Kei Amadis"]


She was not asleep she knew this because she did not feel pain when she slept. She looked into his eyes she searched them for a hint of what was he thinking. "Kei" she whispered back, her emotions were churning. Difficult to decide if she wanted to punch him first or hug him.

She had been fighting for a while without a hug, without hearing his voice, without knowing where he WAS. She smiled and tapped down her growling, a slight snarl escaped. She stepped closer to him he looked ok, he didn't look injured.

There was some age though well it didn't look bad on him. She wasn't exactly as young as she use to be either, though her age was hard to tell. She decided to be calm. Listen even.

She reached over and let her fingers dance across the back of his hand. warmth.

"You are in trouble, you know this right?" She stared at him this time trying very hard to keep her words from hinting on her emotions of longing, of worry, of anger, much she missed him.


They were missing out on time. Too many chances having passed by.

It was now or never.
LOCATION: Bal’demnic

The Sephi's first selection was a complete bust. After mapping out a fairly large area, he'd gone back over the 'hot' spots, where he thought he'd sensed cortosis. His first choice had been one where he'd sensed a lot of it, an incredible amount really. It covered more area than any of the others he'd located, and he was somewhat surprised that nobody else had found it.

Once he landed the starfighter, he hustled the two droids that he'd brought with him. One was a simple droid with barely enough of a brain to be worth the name. Its sole function was to pound big pieces into smaller pieces and collect them, and it would do so by brute force. Traditional energy tools like plasma torches were useless after all, even his lightsaber wouldn't do much good against the ore. The second droid was a controller, linked to the mining droid and containing numerous sensors. Those sensors told the droid what Audren had missed - the 'big collection' was a widespread area of little tiny bits. Some estimations were run, and after the costs of mining and purification he might have enough for one gauntlet. Not even a pair of In other words, not worth it at all, and certainly not enough for a long-term mine.
Location: New Holstace Construction
Private Alcove.
[member="Elara Wahia"]

Trouble, "I love you too." His grin had overflowing emotion, holding her tight to him, realising how much he’d ached to do so again, palms pressed together he led her by the hand, not keen to let that hand go any time soon. Something happened inside of him, something made sense. "I love you. Time, distance, I love you."

They came to a private alcove with a rising ledge above it, surrounded by a freshly dug rocky small stream. There was just one small tree someone had tried to give some care to, yellow flowers just beginning to break fresh in the air and experience life for the first time. Sun touched down against them and the tree, working its way across her face. He looked into her eyes, keeping hold of that hand. Amadis got down on one knee, pulling out a small black box, with a lone small red bird hopping its way across the branches as witness to a private moment between the two of them.

“Not perfect Elara, life takes me too often from you. When we are together are the times that count for me. However this goes, I understand. There will never be anyone else, all that I have to give, all that I am, is yours.”


Engraved on the side: For Elara, my heart, my love.

He popped open the top. Not how he’d pictured this, no grand speech or fireworks, just Kei. He just looked at her like he had the first time, like he always did, she was it for him, there no doubt inside of him. He knew that when she committed that was it for her, so he made that commitment with the same intent.

“Be my wife, let me be your husband. Complete us forever.”

Then he waited to see how she felt, even after this time apart again. He had no idea how she would respond, if she needed time that was fine.


If I was green, I would die.
Location: The Wheel
Post: 1

Raylia wasn't exactly thrilled with the outfit she was wearing on this little excursion out to the Wheel, however they were meeting with some associates of Kurayami's that might have been a tad squeamish about the rendezvous if they believed that there was a Jedi master sitting across the table. If they wouldn't want to do business with a Jedi present, then they were probably not nice people to begin with, however she really couldn't say too much regarding Kurayami's chosen business partners since he wasn't particularly very Jedi-like at times. Neutrality had its purpose.

Raylia also didn't have much room to talk. She was a Jedi, yes, however her interpretation of the parameters of that label often did not match up against what other Jedi believed. Hence her place out in the Tingel Arm, and not in the Galactic Alliance. There were parts of her that missed the Republic, however the politics and losses against the One Sith had left the remnants of the Republic fractured and squabbling, forcing the Jedi away from them.

It had been her home at one time, but now the peaceful halls of the temple on Voss appealed to her more. The Force had a strange way of taking her right where she needed to be.

She looked over to Kurayami, adjusting the dingy, old, tactical vest over the knit skirt and cargo pants. She looked like a worn out, old smuggler, her silver headdress replaced with an old brown leather harness. There was a blaster on her hip, and her normal demeanor of serenity was definitely gone, sporting instead a scowl, with watchful eyes as though she expected trouble.

"Who are we here to see again?"

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Location: New Holstace Construction
Beside: [member="Matsu Ike"] | Fyor Nayus

“Could droids simulate their living conditions, as an experimental substitute,” came the predictable response from Fyor nearby, while his artificial eye continued to best gauge the surrounding atmosphere.

Taiden lifted a knowing eyebrow as if in on an inside joke, but didn’t laugh or find it funny, Fyor lifted his own eyebrow as if mocking or reflecting Taiden. Despite the acceptance earlier, there seemed some underlying tension between the two, but nothing could take his enthusiasm away from Matsu’s acceptance of his aid, so his more gentle gaze fell upon her as he considered her words for a moment.

“I will be as gentle as is required Master.” Taiden promised with a small bow of his head, “just show me the method you have devised and I will follow your teachings.” Such was his reverence in which he spoke, he would have followed her into hell, which she may or may not know at this stage in their time working together and her teachings of the wider force. There was just the smallest of beads of sweat upon his brow, as if beneath the facial expression, he was holding something in, pain or tension, difficult to say.

Turning to instruct some of the Echani honor guard that were never too far from assisting their work, Taiden signaled with just a few words that the moths needed fine care and attention, to keep them separated from the ongoing work. He then bowed and awaited Matsu to begin or explain further her idea, so he might follow her example in care for the moths well being. "We might try a handful at a time?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
New Holstice Construction
[member="Taiden Keth"] [member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Elara Wahia"]

"It can, we have designed the holographic and hardlight traiing suites throughout so it can prepare the crews. We are able to simulate damage done to inner sections of the hull and see how they respond, we are able to work with the droid crews and even the twin Ai's onboard have developed their own avatar bodies for roaming around and aiding." She spoke while the work was being shown on the display and eyed the one man carefully mostly because he was so intense instead of really careful like some. Her senses going out while she was feeling for all of the life signs around and the familiar as well as the new ones registered but she looked where there wasn't really one. The technique was not used by many so few ever sought it out but... she changed to a field detection much like the luka used for electronic fields and could feel something. "How interesting."
New Holstice construction

Some more work on the massive ship and the hospital, the lines from the cradle to the hospital were filled witht he sounds of the droids as systems brought by the haulers were being installed and worked on. The ship was massive and not something everyone wanted or needed but it served with all of the work for some of the things. They were getting systems from around the marketplace and galaxy so the ships could land on planets and take off, cut through planetary shields and sustain itself for decades compared to some of the other things. The systems they were bringing over towards the hospital so that it could share many of the systems to sustain itself and replenish its supply of droids as needed. The self constructing droid maker would function best as needed before she was meeting with the Sakura healers and sending a message out to Alpha Mae where Rianna had constructed well a jedi healers sanctuary when they wanted to learn. Just a neutral planet away from the dangers and violence that doctors, medics, healers and even those who wanted to negotiate as administrators could be. "Master Rianna, Sakura's new hospital on New Holstice is under construction and as we have the basics starting to pour in until we are fully staffed and ready there is a request for jedi healers that you can spare. additional hospital locations and ships are being worked on as well for systems."

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