Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Tides of Darkness (Tygara)

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII

It began slowly.

First a sweeping patrol in the more remote reaches of the rim went missing. A follow up patrol found only wreckage.

Before the culprits could be found there were increased reports of Kraal raids on neighbouring worlds. Too late the relief forces arrived to assist.

Then, there was the report in the outskirts of the Tygara system of a massive disturbance coming out of hyperspace. The early warning sensors, so painstakingly placed, screamed a warning.

They are coming!

Speeding like a dagger towards Tygara came a fleet of ships the like of which neither Firemane or the Eldorai had seen.
Frigates and cruisers of a strange and savage design moved into position whilst assault boarding ships prepared to board the stations and land on the surface.


The defenders of Tygara were ready when they arrived though. Though somewhat dispersed to protect from raids and the operation to help Kaeshana. Facing the swarm of Kraal warships though was the Phoenix and a large portion of the Firemane and Eldorai fleets. Battle was joined.

More to the point though, the boarding ships slammed into the Ashira’s Light and rained down on Tygara.
New Santaissa was protected by the Star Fortress, but the outlying settlements and the other races of Tygara were at risk. It was time for all to fight and defend themselves from this onslaught.

  1. The Ashira’s Light is under attack! Rebel the boarders and protect the civilians!
  2. Dogfight/Fleet in space against the Kraal! (If anyone would like to do this please let me know, it’s a good teaching opportunity).
  3. Defend the Star Fortress! Repel the Kraal from the mountain citadel. If it falls the shield protecting New Santaissa will fall too!
  4. Protect Civilians on the ground! Kraal slavers are abducting Eldorai and destroying towns outside the shield range.
  5. Join the natives! The Vashyada, Qadiri and Xioquo are under threat as they lack the more advanced weapons of the Eldorai and humans.
  6. Do your own thing! If you have any questions, please ask.

(This will be quite an epic story arc. The Kraal species sub will be up soon. For now, think space Mongols rather than 40k orks. Their behaviour is copied from the Mandalorians who invaded them thousands of years before. They are honourable warriors for the most part, but brutal.)

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="HK-36"] @Anyone else with a reason to be on Tygara.

(Once I see who is interested and where I will write greater establishing posts for those scenarios.)
"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices than any of you to secure peace."

- General William Tecumseh Sherman

Location: Star Fortress, mountains above New Santaissa
Objective: Victory or death

Once again, war had come to Tygara's surface, with all its glory and all its terror. Time and again, the planet had been assailed by raiders and slavers, before the coming of Firemane. Only recently, the bloody conflict with the Xioquo had been concluded, compelling them to submit to the Alliance.

The Tygara system had been seeded with early warning sensors and the like, many purchased from Rekali Incorporated. Moreover, the Kraal were not using stealth ships. This was not a simple hit and grab, or an infiltration operation. No, the space orcs were out for blood. They had come to burn, pillage, slaughter and enslave.

Deep in the mountains overlooking the capital, at the imposing Star Fortress, air sirens howled, soldiers grabbed their gear and raced to their posts, the imposing Tempest orbital cannons opened fire upon Kraal warships in orbit, letting the first salvoes of long ranged turbolaser cannon fire flash through the sky into the dark void of space. The base's fighter contingent was mobilised, though they were held back for the time being. The first volleys would come from the base's formidable surface-to-air weapons. The Eldorai were not pacifists. They would not hold fire and try to get their enemy to sit down and drink tea with them.

"All personnel to combat stations. This is not a drill. I repeat: This is not a drill. All personnel to combat stations." This message would be received by the personal communicator of every soldier in the base. The general alert had been sounded the moment the hostile armada was detected inside the system. The theatre shield was raised, enveloping New Santaissa to shield it from bombardment.

Deep inside the base, Kaida was unmoved by the displays on the monitors. Her posture was rigid, her eyes cold, her body encased in a shell of phrik armour. Every single soldier would do their duty and repel the invaders. The stakes were high: If the mountain citadel fell, the shield protecting New Santaissa would fall, too, allowing the enemy to deploy his troops en masse.

"Tygara expects every Eldorai to do their duty. You'll hold this base. You'll hold New Santaissa. There will be no retreat. Clear? Good." She was answered by a chorus of affirmation when the individual platoon and squad commanders transmitted their approval of the message's contents.

"May Valora guide our blades. To kill the Kraal is not a sin, it is the pathway to Paradise," Vaena Askari echoed piously, unconsciously plagiarising a certain preacher, though in all fairness she was lot saner than that fellow. She was dressed in cortosis armour and carried a sheathed Sarix. "The Valora's Chosen stand ready, Seraph."

"Kraal dropships and fighters have pierced the atmosphere. Commencing firing with Ballista and Keraunos turrets. Sensors indicate that the enemy is also deploying forces to the outlying settlements and the Qadiri habitation zones."

Kaida's expression was impassive. We should've gotten a planetary shield. "They must look to their own defences. Our priority is the fortress. Maintain a barrage of flak fire. Get the walkers ready for deployment. They'll fill the breach if we have one," she glanced at Askari. "With me. I'm taking command of the outer defences."

Outside, the base defences were unleashing a hailstorm on the invaders. Scarlet beams of laser fire lanced through the sky, while the Keraunos turrets expelled homing missiles. The pathways up to the fortress' gates were a necessary evil, and the main weak point. To counter this, intricate defences had been devised: shatterbolters, heavy bolters and shattergun rotary cannons were mixed with laser turrets and lined up behind ARGH barricades and graphite barbed wire. The durasteel barricades would impede the enemy's approach, especially if he used armoured vehicles, and provide cover. Holding the line were regular Eldorai and Firemane soldiers and Angelii.

Not just any Angelii. The Valora's Chosen. The heirs of the Heroines of Thermiscyra. Centuries ago, their forebears had held the line against a superior Kar'zun army and fought to the last drop of blood. If need be, they would perform the same sacrifice here. They were like a clenched fist that would crush all who opposed them.

Kaida gazed across the Angelii, while rockets, missiles and laser cannons roared to life and the sky was lit up. She would not admit it to anyone, not even to Askari, but she was proud of them. They were a phalanx of brave warrior women, armed with sarix, bolter, sarzmigar and shield. Some were new blood, others were veterans who'd battled Reavers upon hellish Gehenna, put down Dark Eldorai insurgents and conquered the Underealm. "There's no doubt, only duty. Angelii, prepare whirlwind," she spoke in a commanding voice, pulling at the tangled web of power that was the Force and willing its ethereal energies to fill her.

"You heard the Seraph, sisters. On her mark, we shall summon a storm, but conserve your Sciia. This is only the first wave," Askari was at the side of the woman who was her superior and friend. She was clad in her cortosis armour and her Sarzmigar, engraved with religious icons, was at the ready. "Nervous, ma'am?" she asked, lowering her voice slightly.

"No. You?" The reply was frosty, but Askari would not have it any other way.

"Of course not. I have the Goddess on my side, didn't you know? Care for a wadger? I bet I can slay more fiends than you."

"You'll lose."

[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Butterfly"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Drystan Talroth"], [member="Uhtred Kjartan"], [member="Oron Verd"]
Location: Firemane HQ, New Santaissa
Objective: Repel the invaders


"A transmission has been sent to Abregado-Rae, requesting support. Our fleet is engaging the Kraal armada. Boarding parties have breached Ashira's Light."

"The Queen is there. Instruct Elpsis to protect her - and keep the orcs away from the engines. If they drop the station on the surface, it'll be a disaster. We cannot shepherd all the civilians. Arm anyone who can use a weapon. Divert the rest to the hub."


"Seraph Taldir has mobilised the Star Fortress. The theatre shield has been raised. Orc forces are landing."

"Taldir's a queen, but she knows her stuff. The fortress must be held at all costs. Where are my children?"


"They're with Lady Alcori. She'll coordinate the defence from the palace. An elite guard has been assigned to protect them."

"Situation at the outlying settlements?"

Jet wings

"Serious. Substantial Kraal forces are trying to penetrate settlements outside of the shield range. Elvahil is at risk. We've received an emergency transmission from the miltia commander. They're outnumbered and outgunned."

"Elvahil is crucial. If the enemy gains a foothold, they have a path to New Santaissa. Tell the militia to hang tight and dig in. Don't engage the enemy head-on. Lure them into the town, ambush and harass them. I'm coming."



As the ornate helmet closed around Siobhan's head, she felt complete. The heavy beskar armour encased her like a second skin. Now she was the Butcher again. "We're not waiting for the enemy to come to us. While they try to roll over Elvahil, we'll move in and strike them with a pincer assault. What's the status of Ariane's Fist and Cylix Pride?"

"All prepped and ready for deployment, Lady."

"Good. Ashira's Blade?"

The staff officer frowned slightly. "Two companies have reported in. However, they've been ordered to the city centre."

"Belay that order. I'm countermanding it. They're coming with me. What else do we have at our disposal?"

"A battalion of native sepoys. However, they're inexperienced and untested in battle."

"Then this'll be their trial by fire," Siobhan declared in an authoritative voice that brokered no contradiction. She attached a wrist bolter to her gauntlet and strapped a small shatterpistol to her thigh.

"Understood, ma'am. But if we engage the Kraal head-on, we risk weakening capital defences. They may be luring us into a trap or trying to divert us from the fortress."

"I'm aware. But who dares wins. They want a grand battle, I'll give them one. Elvahil is a major port. The fleet can give us cover." Having said, Siobhan stepped out of her personal armoury and made her way down the corridor towards the exit. Most of Firemane's civilian employees had been evacuated, save for those who were willing to use a weapon. Outside, defences had been erected to protect Firemane's office. Soldiers were lined up behind ARGH durasteel barricades, levelling shattercannons and other heavy weapons at the main road. Trenches had been dug, and laser turrerts were ready to unleash hell. In the far distance, an orc fighter exploded in orange fireworks, stopped short by antiaircraft guns.

Troopers, tanks and assault walkers all awaited her command. This was their home and they'd die to defend it. Her breath frosted around her. A cold wind blew across the city and snow fell from the cloudy sky. Soon the snow covered ground would be coated with blood.​

Location: Space, the final frontier
Objective: Crush Kerrigan

Today was the day. Everything that had transpired in her life ever since she'd awoken in Archangel's secret base and breathed air for the first time had led to this. This was the one decisive moment. It was her chance to rid herself of her mirror and free herself from her spectre. The time had come for a long overdue reunion.

"I know you're down there, dear sister. I also know that you'll be unable to resist the temptation to go on the offensive and crush the Kraal beneath your heel. Because who else could save Tygara, if not you? Your vanity is your undoing," Enyo chuckled, an unpleasant sound interrupted by coughing. Her metal hand closed as if crushing something. Oh, yes, today was her day. The clone stood aboard the bridge of the dagger-shaped Kraal flagship, watching the conflict unfold before her eyes. Her mechanical body whirred and clanked as she walked to the transparisteel window.

The clone was a shell of what she had once been. Machine parts had replaced more of her than of Siobhan back when her sister had been a cyborg. Her hair was still regrowing, her skin was pale, her eyes shadowed and hollowed. However, despite the phantom pains, the crude reconditioning of Archangel's doctors and the incessant rasp of her breathing, she stood tall and proud. "I've waited a long time for this moment. Your little sister has come to say hi."

The battle lines had been drawn, starfighters roared out of the hangar bay to engage. Salvoes of turbolaser fire streaked through the fathomless void. On the Kraal side, blood red ships bristling with turbolasers moved into battle alongside alien attack craft and boarding vessels. Facing them was the might of Firemane's corporate feet, led by the imposing Phoenix. But Enyo's expression conveyed indifference. The space battle was not her concern. The same applied to the sack of New Santaissa.

Good, the orcs are just pieces on the chess board. Use them as pawns. They're stepping stones to your ascent, the inner voice whispered into her mind. Out of the corner of her eye, she could perceive the ethereal shape of a figure, clad in obsidian armour, with a pale face, venomous yellow eyes and a mechanical jaw. Around Enyo, orc crewers went about their business.

Deploy wasps. Order them to locate Kerrigan. Raiding parties shall target the Tygaran natives and Eldorai settlements outside of the planetary defence grid, but keep the bulk of our forces in reserve, she transmitted to Vess, who was coordinating the Archangel side of things.

Suddenly, there was great commotion amongst the orcs. The blast doors opened with a hiss and an imposing, greenskinned titan marched onto the bridge. He was dressed in a heavy set of armour and carried a long greatsword crackling with power. The clone could not perceive his presence in the Force and felt her powers stiffled a bit. Immediately, every Kraal ceased whatever business he had and saluted the supreme warlord. "All hail the Imperator! All hail the Imperator!" they barked as one when their leader marched towards his throne-like chair, which had been made out of the skulls of defeated foes.

"Now, my brothers, is the time for glory. We shall test our might against a noble warrior race and emerge victorious. We shall gain honour, slaves and gold. Fight ferociously," he spoke in a loud, booming voice. There was a chorus of approval. The orcs roared and banged their swords and halberds against their shields.

They were a warrior race to whom war was the most honourable pursuit. "The greatest joy for a man is to defeat is enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to claim their spoils, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms."
Firemane HQ
New Santaissa

Charlyra looked long and hard at her robes, she looked long and hard at her hands. Echoes of battle surrounded her auditory senses, as her hands worked to clasp her belt around her waist. Closing her eyes tightly her thoughts wavered to her master Siobhan, and then Ammee's voice once silenced, suddenly became a whisper, "I will find you, my love." Lyra lowered her head and looked at her shoto blades. Neither of them moved to her command, her force aura had been snuffed out after Castameer and here come invaders. The duelist would now have to rely on her wit and talents. Hooking the blades to her belt she moved to look herself over in the mirror. Combat arms were in place, her new cybernetic bone enhancements were now in place, she could see the flickering green lights that connected them to her body. Machine. Woman. Jedi. Human. Labels that described her, but did not define her, turning around she walked down the long corridor. Boots against the durasteel as she headed for the Grandmistress's location, her sister had gone ahead as a scout and she wondered if she should have told Myrra one more time that she loved her. Who knew if the two would see each other after this battle, and if they did not, then there would always be the force.

There would always be the force. There would always be a way, a code, a philosophy to follow and as she walked down the long cold corridor she spoke her code.

There is passion, yet emotion.
There is Serenity, yet peace.
There is Chaos, yet order.
There is no Dark Side.
There is no Light Side.
There is only the Force.
I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance.
I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way.
Keeper of the flame, soldier of balance.
I am the balance, I am the Force.
I am the Fire Order.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Location: Firemane HQ, New Santaissa
Objective: Repel the invaders

Today wasn't a day like the others.

People running around in such a hurry.

The blue, cheerful sky of Tygara was filled with unwanted visitors.

Smiling faces were nowhere to be seen.

Streets were empty.

No, today wasn't a day like the others.

Tygara, was under attack.

Nima sighed as she continued to dress Ice in armor that the Firemane provided for him, being dressed in her latest armor herself. She was worried about him, but Ice was a mutated wolf that was the size of a horse, a great asset in battle. Where she was faster, he was stronger. No, today, he was going to join this battle. Ice, on the other hand, was exact opposite. He was excited. Of course, he understood his caretaker's emotions so it was probably why he was acting like nothing was wrong and that he would be fine. She could understand that from their bond. Unfortunately, it didn't work for Nima this time. "We don't know them, Ice. That's why we need to be extra careful. You need to be extra careful." She would be fine, she fought her fair share of bad guys. But Ice, was another story. "Don't play the hero. Stick with me and do exactly what I say." She said in a serious tone. "Do exactly what I say."

After fixing here and there, Ice was ready for a battle. She stood up and then petted his head with a worrying smile. Her touch was welcomed by a goofy face and a bark. Smiling, Nima looked at the snow covered grounds once more, and took her lightsaber from its hilt, activating it. Ice followed her, and the two stood there for a moment, living the last moments of the silence before the storm.

"Time to save our home."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Elincia was at her cleaning duty when suddenly all hell broke loose as the sirens went loud and an aura of panic has taken over the area. All communicators suddenly started to beep, all having the same message. "All personnel to combat stations." The Seraph who looked after the cleaning crew immediately told them to leave everything and led them to the armoury to get their gears, fast. Elincia was among them, confused as everything happened so fast around her. She took her sarix and a bolter, as the Seraph talked again. "You all know your stations. Go. May Ashira give you strength!" She said, and the cleaning crew suddenly disbanded, everyone going to their own station, running to be exact. Elincia ran too, as the only thing flying in her mind was "What the kark is happening?" She knew they had some little attacks here and there before, but something this big? They had to be pretty pissed off to attack in this scale. Soon, she arrived to her own station, everyone was there including the ice lady and the Host Leader.

"Do you know who's attacking us?" She asked to one of her battle sisters. "The Kraal. Intel says they are pretty well equipped too." She replied. The Kraal? So they were finally bored of being the ugliest species around and were coming to find out the secret behind the beauty of the Space Elves? Well, they didn't need to bring a whole fleet for that, she would just suggest them some beauty products if they just asked. But anyway, they were as stupid as they were ugly so Elincia wasn't that surprised. Hell, they killed a Goddess, what would some ugly slavers do? Thinking like that made her relax a bit, jokes were always helpful. Joking aside though, things seemed like kind of hell. Anyway, after some inspirational speeches before battle, which were not that inspirational if you thought about it since ice lady wasn't that fond of those, it was the time for the action. Elincia was excited to fix some faces with the help of her trusty ice spears, well, it was much better than cleaning floors!

Outside was just as hell as inside. Instead, with more lasers and death. It was impressive to see such strength in only a little time of preparation. As the order came for their group's first attack, she concentrated on her Sciia and thought of a raging blizzard, with ice instead of snow. She was actually excited to try this, since a lot of trainings were suffered for this one. She created one before, when it all started. It was a catastrophe and she almost hurt her own people, not being able to control her powers but still! Hopefully, she would manage to do some damage, to the opposite side only this time. She could feel her whole body getting colder and colder, to the point she could actually feel a little cold. She held that power until she heard the go.

"I would say, sorry for the cold welcome but you invited yourself without a call so nevermind." If she said that pun in the middle of a serious moment, ice lady would probably throw her to the tigers so it just stayed as a thought.

[member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Tempest"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: Ashira's Light
Objective: Defend the Space Station
"Tygara stands alone."​
"Not alone."​
"Form the line!"

The armored droid called out as he paced back and forth in front of a large line of troops preparing their battle stations within one of the larger hangars aboard Ashira's Light, one closest to the Sovereign Estates where most of the civilians were at the time that the raiders were first spotted, it was hotels and residential areas after all, it would make sense for civvies to be around there.

"Make sure those barricades are secured, your life, and those who depend on us keeping this hangar secured may depend on it!"

The hangar around them shook as another of raiders' incoming vessels was shot down from the void nearby.

Ashira's Light was a rather large station, a boon to boot usually when dealing with civilian and commercial traffic, more space meant more docks, warehouses, and room for crap like a Space-Mall, but it also meant that defending it was a bit of a nightmare.

"Charge your weapons and be ready! We have reports of hostile ships incoming for boarding attempts! Show them what mistake they have made coming to face us in combat!"

Thankfully HK had enough of a warning given by the sentries to divert the civilian population towards the Hub, the nerve center of the station, the security personnel dedicated to that section could protect them in a final stand should the outer defenses fall, plus being away from more vulnerable points like outer hull or docking bays could buy the civilians just enough time they would need to make through this alive.

The droid was in the area enroute to inspect Tygara's moon, he has made a deal with the Firemane, or at least beginning of a deal, to build a base on it dedicated to his troops, so when he received the message about incoming hostile ships he arrived just in time to disembark aboard Ashira's Light. For once he would not be personally coming with reinforcements but instead he was part of the siege, mustering forces aboard the station. He brought with him only light escort, just enough to ward away any pirates that could try to intercept him on his way to Eldorai territory, so the raiders were lucky enough that they would not face the combined might of Abregado and Eldorai forces just yet.

Still, the machine brought enough troops with him that the defenders behind him were a motley of Eldorai guards and soldiers along with the heavily armored, usually cloaked, infantry from the Iron Company, armed with the latest in their shattergun and blast-staff technology, accompanied by a supplement of dedicated droid forces like drone infantry, more or less mechanized cannon fodder, and the Abregado Spider-Droids baring large, gruesome Shattergun Rotary Cannons.

"Blade, are you in position?"

"We are almost done fortifying the Hub, these raiders will not find easy pickings here."


HK was able to bring with him his personal Greycloak bodyguards, just copies of him armored in old Protectorate suits and armed with lighsabers and shattergun pistols, on of them was accompanying him in the large hangar, Bladeknight was sent with a detachment of vanguard troops to help secure the Hub and be ready to face the raiders should the outer positions fall, and the other two were presumable sent to other hangars, much like the one HK was currently preparing to defend.

Finally the station would shake once more, although the station's well armed point-defenses and heavy flak emplacements bought them time and most likely thinned down the incoming raiders substantially, it would hold them off forever. The first combat shuttles would be seen just behind the force field of the hangar, incoming for boarding action.

"Here they come!"

The droid called out to his troops, ominous whirring noise would raise from the soldiers hidden behind a wall of Mobile Barricades supplemented with makeshift defensive positions of bags, crates, furniture, anything they could find and prepare in time, as their blasters and shatterguns powered up, the rotary cannons on spider droids begun to turn, picking up on speed, warming up. They were ready for these Space Orc raiders who dared to try and encroach on the safety of citizens protected by their Alliance,

"And remember! Droid or flesh! Eldorai or Foreigner! Tygara or Abregado! We face whatever comes together! We fight as one, and show these beasts that they will not find anything here but their own demise! Abregado!"


His troops answered,

"Yay, twinkles!"

Or whatever it was Eldorai said when they did their war cries.
New Santaissa.

Sirens blared, and Symara stared into her locker, into her reflection that came from the helmet that now rested on the shelf. Is this what her life had boiled down to? Fighting to fight? Shooting at anything someone told you to shoot at? What would her wife say? Her daughters? Nothing. They were dead, dead when Corellia broke in half and she had been helpless from her transport. When the ageing Republic turned on itself, she defected for the old Omega Protectorate, well - unknowingly anyway. [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and @Tegaea Alcori, and somehow managed to fall head over heels for Siobhan's niece, @Elpsis Elaris. Symara fought the urge to crush the helmet between her hands as she took it from the shelf and gave it one last look over. "Thought I heard a slug crack the casing," she told her commanding officer, Major Lavali Sanjeet. "This time it came to us, huh?"

"That's how it goes," Lavali replied as she sat with her back to the lockers, her own helmet in her hands. Lavali didn't lose everything, in fact, she had nothing and that bothered her. A lot more than she thought it ever would. She envied Symara, in a way, she had had it all a wife, kids, feth Symara even had a life insurance policy not that it mattered in the end. She wasn't the one who died first. The major couldn't blame Symara for falling in love so fast, no one wants to be alone. "We survive, we can have this," she holds up another set of smokes, "for later."

"For later," she takes the smokes and puts them in her locker, "they ever tell you how she died?"

Lavali shook her head, "let's not go there, not now."

Silence between them as the sirens continued, "guess I'm going to the station?"

"No, actually," Lavali took a breath, "you're going with the Countess. She must be guarded at all costs, do your best to keep up with her. You take your orders from her, from here on out, got it?"

"I know who signs my checks," Symara said with a wink as she took a deep breath, exhaling, "where are you going?"

"Fortress, reinforcing the Angelii there taking most of Lion's Maw with me. Sgt. Halifax is already en route to Ashira's Light, he'll meet up with [member="HK-36"], and I want you to take Kala's unit with you."

Symara stood up and secured her helmet, "copy that, and Major."

"Mhmm?" Major Sanjeet questioned as she secured her own helmet.

"It's been an honor."

"And it has been my honor to serve you, Lieutenant. I hope you don't mind, but I wrote an early recommendation later in case I don't make it. I think you'll make a fine captain." Lavali said with a sad smile, not that Symara could see it. "The saying on my planet is that, if I do not see you here, I shall see you in the afterlife. Go with the Gods and may they keep your soul safe until we meet again."

Symara gave her own smile as the two stood alone in the locker room, "y'know I'm not really into the whole religion thing, but if there is an afterlife, I sure as feth hope you're there. Until the end, Major. I'll be with you."

Without the force, who was she? Just a woman, a woman with knowledge and power. A woman ready at a moment's notice, a woman had come through the high waters of they abyss. She refused to see her new home taken so quickly from her, Charlyra stopped at the armory to grab a bolter gun. She could hear Siobhan telling her to get one anyway, a smile tugged at the corner of her lips but she refused to give in. She would have to clear her mind, "forgive me, my love, for if I do not return the know that I thought of you." Her eyes watered again and then she blinked them away. Firemane's duraplast armor would not be too heavy for her, still, it felt foreign to put it on. And a voice entered her mind...

If you had chosen to become my apprentice, you would have your force abilities...

Darth Saprus.

Charlyra rolled her eyes and kept walking, wondering what the dark lord would send for her now. "A blade by any other name would cut as deep, would it matter if you were made for those who walk with the force." Her shotos at her waist as she considered the traditional weapon of a soldier, a soldier. "Should I call to you instead, and pray that you slay my enemies just as quickly and that with you my feet will fly just as swiftly?" The Padawan took the hand-crafted metal bladed weapon and sheathed it to her hip as well while placing her shoto blades in its place. "For I am no Jedi, not today, today I am simply a duelist who hopes to serve her master well."

From the Armory she made her way to Siobhan's side, armor for robes as she strode in. "I am ready, master."


[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Nima Tann"]

New Santaissa
Tegaea was working in her office, directing her secretary in between making official decisions.
It was when Harmony entered that she first knew something was wrong. The dark skinned girl was out of breath and looked shocked.
"What is it, Harmony?" she asked, standing.
"Code Sigma, Mistress. It's not a drill."
Tegaea took a deep breath. Code Sigma was the one which signified an enemy fleet moving forward towards Tygara.
“Kraal, Mistress. Their fleet is on route.”
“Alert all commands, deploy the fleet. Ready all defences. Get out mobile response teams operational,” she ordered the secretary. “Where is Rio?” she asked Harmony.
“Upstairs, Mistress.”
“Fetch her now. Have the nannies bring the babies too. We’re going to the palace. Meet me at the landing pad in three minutes.”
Tegaea did not panic, did not rush. They had enough time. From a compartment in her desk she retrieved a cylix bolt pistol and put her hold out bolter around her neck. Scooping up her communicator, datapad and other personal effects she was swiftly out the door.

Presumably Rio and the babies would be waiting when she reached the landing pad. She took charge of the speeder herself and when the kids were on board she headed at full speed for the palace….



The sudden appearance of the fleet did not catch the defenders of Tygara unprepared. Immediately ships were assembled.

However, it took time for the fleet to fully prepare, especially the larger ships, and so a screen of escorts were sent forward to delay the enemy. If they could delay the Kraal for just a while then they could allow the capital ships to move forward.

With this in mind Vigilance and Guardian frigates moved forward with Frontier and Fulminatus corvette support. Immediately the enemy were on them. The Kraal ships were somewhat uniquely designed; they were able to fire in any direction, so they would speed past their enemies, blasting them and then moving to hit them from behind. Of course, the Firemane ships were fast too, but in order to combat the escorts they had to let the enemy cruisers move forward.

On the bridge of the Phoenix, Admiral Gould took command as the mighty ship moved forward. Already its long range weapons were sending arcing ribbons of death through space, soon joined by Hunter class ships to compliment the Gladius and Argent cruisers moving to the attack.

In space no one can hear you scream…but for some reason could hear the whoosing of spaceships!


Ashira’s Light – HK

As point of fact, the Eldorai were not fans of twinkles. They were very, very much against twinkles. If [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] had her way they would be made a heretical item, likely!

The Eldorai raised their battlecry. “Ashira! Valora!” Faced with their enemies they unleashed a hail of blasters, bolters and staser rounds into the attackers.

The Kraal, not expecting this defence, fell back, seemingly unable to make progress. Landing on the station was hard, and they seemed reluctant to force this issue.

However, all this so far was just a diversion….


Ashira’s Light - [member="Elpsis Elaris"]

Countess Selene Tarai was getting dressed. Exactly why she had been undressed might distress the kiddies, and so shall remain unspecified. That she had been doing so in the company of Elpsis Elaris might give one a clue.

As she pulled on her robes and secured her Sarix around her waist, Selene looked over at Elpsis.
“We need to assist the Queen. I feel the enemy will aim to capture or kill her. We’ll grab my speeder and head over to the Hub immediately.


The Star Fortress

Aeda Shaytari, Grand Seraph of the Eldorai, had been informed of the danger and was on her way to the centre of the planetary defence.

However, until she arrived practical control of the fortress was in the hands of High Captain Linkari, with frontline defences handled by Kaida Taldir.
The Kraal moved forward with numbers on the approaches, supported by war machines, but the defence put up by the Eldorai was clearly staggering them.

However, the Kraal were not done yet, not at all. From above, phasing straight through the defence shield using special drop pods, they started to plummet straight into the centre of the fortress.
Some of the pods were filled with explosives and exploded on impact, others were filled with warriors who burst out, firing at any Eldorai or humans nearby.

Askari and Kaida would have many targets to choose from!


Joining Siobhan

Moving to support Siobhan and her force from their training camp near Elvahil. The battalion was the most loyal and devoted of the Qadiri, and amongst them was Sahal as a junior officer.
Abstaining from the traditional lines of battle, they fought in small groups using the blasters given to them to lay down a heavy fire whilst waiting for Siobhan to support them.
Currently they were in buildings on the outskirts of the town, defending against the attacks and awaiting relief.
[member="Elincia Alanis"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Symara Tarriq"]

Location: Star Fortress
Objective: Victory or Death

When the enemy came, the Eldorai were ready. They were not peaceniks who considered it an 'act of aggression' to fire upon those who invaded their homeland. They did not start belly-aching about the Dark Side or questioning their right to defend themselves. That was for the weak.

The storm was coming, literally and figuratively. The ships raining down from the sky and the orcs who'd already managed to land and were advancing up the pathways would be affected by it. From the Sapphires, personally directed by Kaida, came the numbing cold and a blizzard that lessened visibility and chilled the black hearts of the Kraal, used to a warmer climate. From the Emerald came the additional power of the wind and magnetism. The Diamonds unleashed crackling blasts of elemental lightning, while Ruby finished what Sapphire had started by blasting Kraal with streams of flame and by turning the ice to steam.

The storm struck the invaders without mercy and was soon joined by conventional weapons. The staccato of automatic weapons fire filled the air when the base perimetre's shattercannons howled with a deafening fury, accompanied by explosions caused by heavy bolter fire.

However, the Kraal were not without techniques of their own. Suddenly, just as the storm subsided, drop pods plummeted straight into the centre of the fortress, wholly bypassing the defence shield. Some exploded on impact, causing big detonations, others were packed with greenskinned warriors. War cries were heard as they burst, cutting down or killing any defender they found. The cries 'For the Imperator!' and 'Waaagh!' were heard across the base.

"Ma'am, we've got intruders. Their pods aren't affected by the shield!" Askari called out to her superior when she saw the onslaught unfold before her eyes. It was time for blood.

"Gold Company is at risk. Close the breach. Talon Vetra, get your Emeralds on the job. The shield cannot stop the pods, but magnetism can! Kilanis, inform the High Captain we've got intruders and to deploy the walkers and droids."

"On it. Come on, girls. Fear not the savages' claw. Angelii don't die. We just regroup in Asur and enjoy the Goddess' spoils!" Askari shouted to make herself heard over the massive amount of sound generated by bolter fire, cries, the clash of blades and elemental powers.

A drop pod racing towards the Angelii was suddenly diverted by a wind and then shredded by a psychically generated magnetic field. Drawing upon her command of aeromancy, Askari gripped some of the shards of debris with her mind and hurled it at an orc. His cries of pain were music to her ears, though not as sweet as a choir of Ashira's angels.

The orcs were now so close that she could smell them. To her sensitive nose, it was a rankid smell. Their skin was green and scaly, their teeth sharp and their bodies strong and broad. They were clad in heavy sets of imposing armour, wielding blasters, greatswords and halberds. Dark runes were emblazoned upon their armour and melee weapons, and she smelt the whiff of dark magic. Then this would be a good fight.

"Ashira! Valora! Form phalanx. Blind them with holy light and smite them," she cried out, raising her Sarzmigar. Blinding light blazed from the fingertips of one of the Rubies, while the orcs were put under fire from regular soldiers firing from inside the barracks or improvised barricades. The cry was taken up and her battle sisters charged forth into melee combat. Moving forward as a unit they hewed down several greenskins before they could form up as a coherent force.

Here and there, an Angelii was struck by the greenskin's bullet or hewed down by their blade, but those that stood fought as if possessed by Valora. Here in close quarters they broke up in small pairs, two battle sisters providing mutual support and cover for one another.

Taking up her Taegis shield and using it to block attacks, Askari provided protection for an Angelii near her, as she unleashed a blast of lightning at the orc nearest to them. Their fire made him cry out in pain and the Host Leader surged forward and embedded her polearm in a weakpoint, piercing his throat. A second stab finished the barbarian off. Her Sciia warned her and she ducked under a massive sword. The orc pressed his attack and she used her polearm to keep him at a distance so that he could not strike. Her battle sister, Maeda, shot bolts of lightning at the orc. Beneath his helmet, the greenskin's face contorted in pain when he was electrocuted, but he drew upon his dark magic to shield himself, and when she charged from the right to support Askari and smear her Sarix with his blood, the Kraal suddenly drew upon his powers and unleashed a powerful telekinetic wave, sending them both flying. It felt like crashing into an invisible wall.

Askari groaned when she landed in some debris, which, ironically, were the remains of a pod. The orc charged her like an ox or battering ram, and she cartwheeled. Reacting quickly, she tossed a fireball towards his feet. They caught flame and the snow around him melted, releasing slippery liquid that made him lose his footing and stumble. An enraged, animalistic roar emanated from his throat. Getting up quickly and running, she thrust her pike into his abdomen, driving it through. Blood coated her weapon when it pierced his flesh, then he grabbed part of the polearm and headbutted her. Clearly this would not be that easy!

Meanwhile, at the base entrance, the orcs were trying to exploit the Angelii's distraction by moving up. Heedless of casualties, they advanced over the dead bodies of their brethrens, chanting war cries in their dark tongue and using massive war shields to protect themselves.

Kaida had taken up position close to the head of the line, from where she could direct her troops best. Angelii officers were expected to share the same risks as their battle sisters and not shirk from danger, which was probably one of the reasons for their high attrition rate."Vetra, hurl their pods back at them! Lieutenant Saxton, get your grenadiers on the job. EMP, concussion and cryoban. Give me an RPG in the centre," Firemane soldiers began lobbing in grenades upon the attackers and their machines, while Eldorai terramancers tried to divert the pods or toss boulders.

Pulling upon the tangled web of power and letting her Sciia flow through her, conjured a wall of ice and sent it crashing towards the attackers like a battering ram. Shards of ice became improvised hyperaccelerated projectiles and her power gave them the speed of railgun shots. Then a diverted drop pod suddenly exploded, causing a shockwave that knocked her to the ground. Another pod landed close by with a loud thud. The hatch opened with a hiss and an orc stepped out, carrying a large axe. Reacting quickly, though her back ached, she raised her gauntlet and the wrist bolter fired, splattering the greenskin's blood and brain matter across the snow covered ground when it blew his head off. More and more orcs were advancing, and Kaida heard the roar of their machines, but Eldorai armour was also moving into position.
[member="Nima Tann"], [member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Symara Tarriq"]

Location: New Santaissa, heading towards Elvahil
Objective: Repel

Dark clouds loomed above New Santaissa. The distant roar of artillery could be heard. The streets were deserted of civilians, for most had taken shelter, save for those who'd been called up by the militia or the army's reserve. This would include every single Sciian who was old enough to use a weapon.

The air was filled with the rumbling of tanks and armoured personnel carriers, along with the whining of aircraft engines. Duraplast clad soldiers and Angelii rushed into their transport vehicles, attack vehicles of all shapes and sizes moved across the road, ranging from battle tanks, to fast Yazgid APCs to armoured speeders bearing munitions to tall Valora-class walkers and self-propelled guns. It was the sight of a well-oiled fighting machine moving into action. Still, it was very much an improvised battlegroup that had been assembled at short notice. Would it be enough? The word doubt didn't exist in Sio's dictionary.

Siobhan was heading outside of Firemane's HQ when two of the Order of Fire's members, Nima Tann and Charlyra Araano, and Symara Tarriq, one of the officers of Firemane's paramilitary branch joined her: That was good backup. Nima was wicked with illusions, Mara was a good brawler and sniper, and Lyra had heart and should do fine without the Force, otherwise a slightly stalkerish Sith Lord would not still be sending her telepathic phone messages! Besides, they had a horse-sized wolf.

She gave them a grim smile. There was no time for honeyed words or sappy speeches choked with emotion. She left that to the Jedi. They knew what the score was and what was at stake, otherwise they were in the wrong place. "Good you're here. We're heading for Elvahil. If it falls, the orcs have a road to the capital and occupy a crucial port. We advance over the main road and roll over the Kraal when they try to overrun the garrison. Tythe Squadron is moving over the ocean and will give us aerial and naval cover. We'll drive the savages out of the city and send them straight to hell. Check your shots, there are civilians in the area." Her tone was gruff, no-nonsense.

"Acolyte Hope!" she called to a Dahomian Fire Sister, who'd replaced her fiery red and orange robes with a more practical suit of armour. There was a magnetic revolver on her hip and she carried a Spear of Rae. "You stay here with the security detachment. Assist the Eldorai in preparing traps, evacuate civvies...and lay explosives."

"Uh, ok, but I'd rather have come with you," the young apprentice said hopefully.

"You've got an important task: I want Firemane's corporate offices to be rigged with baradium. If the Kraal seize it, you're under my explicit orders to blow it sky high and kill them all," Siobhan commanded authoritatively.

"Understood, ma'am. I won't let you down!"

"Let's move. May the Force serve as well," the hatch of a Yazgid-class IFV opened and Siobhan embarked. The driver would wait for anyone else who wanted to board, then kick the infantry fighting vehicle into gear and move, blowing up snow along the way as the repulsorlifted craft dashed forth like a hungry predator in search of prey to sink its teeth in.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="HK-36"]

Location: Ashira's Light Space Station
Objective: Protect her Lady...well, one of them!

"Those bitches have chitty timing. Feth, I haven't got my armour with me," Elpsis cursed with evident annoyance. The redhead had obviously not been expecting an armada of orcs to interrupt her...literal discussions with Lady Tarai, so she hadn't brought her full arsenal along with her.

However, she made the best out of a bad situation and quickly got dressed, putting on a pair of faded trousers, tank top and a worn black leather jacket before her feet slid into her stylish, punk rock inspired boots made out of tikulini hide: All the durability of steel-toed boots plus mild lightsabre resistance!

As they dashed out of the luxurious suite, the redhead looked to the ceiling. "Y'know, it would've been nice if you'd given me a headsup," she grumbled, as if calling her deity out. Maybe this was supposed to be a lesson for her. Quickly, they embarked the speeder, with Selene taking the controls since a blind woman was not much use as a driver.

"If we run into greenskins, you stay behind me and let me do the heavy lifting, 'kay?" Elpsis might be remarkably coarse and travel from one woman's bed to another, but she had a gallant, chivalrous side.

The vast corridors of Ashira's Light were an image of chaos. Alarm sirens howled, soldiers and battle droids rushed to their stations. Here and there, once they left the Sovereign Estates, they came across bodies. Evidently the Kraal were not only assaulting the main hangar.

Suddenly, Elpsis winced, as if struck by a bolt of lightning. "Slow down," she said quietly. Then she sniffed, as if she'd smelt something foul. Balls of holy flame and blazing light slowly came into being in the palms of her hands. "Around the corner. Many orcs with big guns. Swipe through 'em. I'll drop out and get their attention."
Objective: Repel.
Location: Ashira's Light.

Butterfly... That was her mother's moniker and now, it was her's.

"I will be strong. I will not bring shame upon your name," the young woman whispered, her long, slender fingers trembling as she zipped up her shapeless khaki jumpsuit woven from shell spider silk. Though very different from her normal attire, it was comfortable and did not restrict her movements, even offering her a little protection for when she jumped into the fray.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

Her hands still trembling, she carefully clipped her weapons onto her belt then picked up a pot of black gel liner to draw and colour in the outline of a butterfly, over her eyes and covering half her face. Not really necessary, but it made her feel edgy.

"Be brave like mother," the young woman reminded herself as she grabbed the oversized goggles that sat on her dresser and slipped them over her face, obscuring the top half of her face and a majority of the butterfly she drew only moments before.

"Please watch over me, mother," she muttered as she left her lavish hotel room, carefully shutting the door behind her to join the defenders.

The young woman was no longer the cowardly girl who only knew how to runaway, she had become Butterfly - at least for now.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"] - [member="Tegaea Alcori"] - [member="HK-36"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Tegaea Alcori"],

As the shuttles came through the force field protecting the hangar against the vacuum of space, before the vessels could even land, HK rose the white blade of his lightsaber, its glow basking the organics around him in an aura of hope and righteousness, an Aura of the Light Side. He pointed the blade towards enemy transports and gave an order,

"Rotary cannons, open fire."

Immediately a mighty roar from the shattergun cannons opened up as they begun to spew high velocity pellets at the raider craft. The bullets, although small, begun to rip apart their external hull, quickly chewing into the components, and troops beneath. It would not take long before the Eldorai allies and rest of Iron Company's troops around the droid opened fire as well, even HK rose his magnetic revolver, firing off an aimed shot after aimed shot.

It seemed the stalwart defense of the hangar caught the raiders off guard with the sheer caliber of their weapons and the strength of their position. The shuttles closest to the fortified line of troops and mobile weapon platforms quickly collapsed onto the ground, their engines shot dead in mere seconds as even before their ramps lowered and doors raised pained and panicked screams of the Kraal inside howled out. The rotary cannon bullets punched through the hull, striking the troops within before they could even disembarks. To make matters worse the structure of the shuttles begun to collapse under the continuous rain of high velocity bullets, crumbling on top of the raiders, catching fire as the engines burst from numerous impacts, exploding soon after when the fuel tanks ruptured and ignited.

Unfortunately not all of the Kraal would be treated to this fate, that would be too easy, plus the rotary cannon wielding droids had to reload sometime. The broken and burning husks of the raider shuttles at front of their landing position formed a gruesome barricade of scorched metal and charred corpses behind the Kraal forces that managed to disembark found a sanctuary from the suppressive fire of the defenders. Although they landed, they were forced by HK's troops to fall back behind cover where they were currently pinned.

"Are we sure these are the raiders?"

The droid asked, looking aside to his Greycloak honor guard,

"Yes, we checked."

HK looked back at the enemy positions, so far failing at gaining any ground within the hangar,

"They are really bad at their jobs, I expected a fight, not to have them slaughtered so quickly. It is like facing Dredge's Vong troops all over again."

Of course the machine referred to the incident where he accidentally massacred a Vong army led by one Overlord Dredge when he attempted to use an artillery strike to lay cover of thick knock-out gas, but as it turned out, Dredge did not field his army with any breathing apparatus and Vong did not possess kidneys to deal with usually non-lethal toxins.

"Rotary cannons hold fire after reload, stay on overwatch and prepare to fire again only when they will try to push us back. Jenkins, load an MD-1, if they do not wish to fight we will flush them out."

The Iron Company officer nodded as she reached down to grab one of the prepared mass drivers made by the Guild of Hammer, a heavy shoulder-fired rifled that used much larger bolt gun ammunition rather than standard small caliber pellets, a weapon previously proven adapt at infantry bombardment or punching clean through a tank.

Of course the droid was not aware that any of this was just a ploy and a diversion, after all he was a diversion as well, his job currently was to take up their assault team's time to make sure that the station held long enough for Tygaran fleet to rally together and begin to push back on the raider's naval position, either that or for reinforcements to come. Although he did arrive only with few smaller ships, neither the Dancing Queen nor the Siege Tower were too far behind their master. After all, the raiders did try to take on a whole planet with inter-planetary connections and resources, with every second as their element of surprise begun to wear off they would lose advantage.

[member="Symara Tarriq"],


The droid addressed the Sergeant receiving the news he was coming in with reinforcements,

"My hangar is holding, the raiders did not expect to face armor piercing rotary cannons, we have them pinned. If you are still coming to reinforce our position you can land behind the barricade line they set up from the husks of landing craft we destroyed, we can trap them between us and finish them off. Or you can reinforce other positions, no idea how well the other hangars are holding but the Hub is still secured."

HK explained the currently advantageous situation,

"Unless they have an ace up their sleeve, they will not be gaining any ground from me today."

Although to be fair, they probably had some sort of an ace up their sleeve.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"],

Suddenly around the very same corner Elpy would hear a noise of a lightsaber activating and a familiar voice call out,


Then there was the noise of bullets cutting through the air and the screams of pain and cracking of armor plates from the orcs. It was one of the Greycloaks HK sent out to reinforce another position, intercepting the Kraal position nearby her with a squad of Iron Company troops.

With further inspection she would be able to determine that the two groups took shelter behind cover and were exchanging fire across a corridor, more or less taking potshots at each other. Although the Abregado troops had the Kraal outgunned, using the Magnetic Repeater carbines and familiar bolters, the Kraal had an advantage in much bigger numbers.

Luckily, the sudden flare up in combat caused the heavily armored and armed raiders to focus away from Elpy's direction, literally turning their backs to her. This was her time to shine and clean up the mess.


Nearby her position the Butterfly would be able to hear a mechanical voice calling out commands, it was another one of the Greycloaks deployed by HK, his own copies in older bodies. This particular model was called the Bladeknight, a unit placed in charge of the Vanguard placed in charge of protecting the central Hub of the station. He was currently conducting the last of the evacuation so that the sector they were in could be completely secured and fortified for the inevitable attack by the Kraal.

If the Butterfly needed directions to which section could use reinforcements the most or tag along with someone for the upcoming battle, the droid was probably who she should speak with.

Although it was relatively quiet in their area for now, that would not last forever, nudge-nudge, wink-wink.
Sgt. Charles Halifax

Oh, mama were they ever on their way. Sgt. Halifax gripped his armour tightly and put his hand up to his ear, "We're a-comin' alright, it's jus-" the communications were already starting to get jittery, "be a bumpy ride. Copy that, fixing on your position now. We'll land in on those coordinates, just hope we'll be enough, Halifax out." Great Wolf bless, they'd have to be enough that's for sure. Checking his repeater and transmitter he adjusted the frequency, so he'd be able to hear both [member="HK-36"] and [member="Elpsis Elaris"].

The pilot of their transport was doing his best to get them to the station in one piece, "yo Chuck, this might be a bad time but these skins are ridin' my tail. Gonna have to drop you kids off early, you gonna be good with that?"

"We goin' havta be good with it, y'all heard the man! Time to send the greens back from where they came, howlers count off!" Each member of his squad counted off, and he double checked that repeater, "alright bolters out, on the ready!"

Transport shuttered, sputtered while it lurched forward heading hot into an entry point. "Hang on to somethin!" Bracing for the impact, the Howlers locked up against the hull as the transport skidded several clicks south of what was to be their landing zone. "Sorry Chuck, it's as far as we go."

"You're good," Halifax managed as he got his feet together on the transport's floor. "Howlers, fall out!"

One by one each of them dropped out of the transport, the last to depart had been Sgt. Halifax himself, "HK-36, it's Halifax. Transport had to shake us loose down a-ways, but we'll make it up to you. Just follow the line of corpses, right?" He had to say something to get the kids going. Looking to Corporal Blum he nodded, "this way."


Maj. Lavali Sanjeet

"Someone please tell me that [member="Kaida [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='lucida sans unicode'][SIZE=14px]Taldir"] has been told of our impending arrival," Lavali says as the Yazgid APC she's riding in makes its way toward the mountaintop fortress. Beside her is Captain Belvidere, and behind their APC the line of vehicles making their way up. It's not an easy ride, and there's no guarantee the entire company, or rather what's left of it will make it to the top. "Last thing I need is a boot to the face."

"If you're lucky," Belvidere remarks as she checks her gun one more time, "she might just kill you right out by the door."

Lavali sighs, "with friends like you, who needs enemies, Rose."

"All kinds of folks, Lav, all kinds." Belvidere answers as she gets a look outside, "blasted 'skins, pods are going right through the shields."

"I see that," Lavali comments in return as she shouts out, "ammo check!"

The good Captain makes the announcement through comms, a section of Reavers, a section of Firemaws, two sections of Manticores and three full sections of artillery along with the infantry and select heavy ordinance units surge together, they're nearing a point where a choice will have to be made. "Feth it," Lavali says as she looks to her Captain, "you ready to put those PT records of yours to the test?"

"You know it."

"Lion's Maw! Roll Out!" Lavali shouts slamming her fist against the driver hatch, "form a line around us, pick up any stragglers and get them to the fortress."

Lt. Symara Tarriq + Sgt. Kala Matthieus

Lieutenant Tarriq and Sgt. Mattieus arrived with their aptly named Kerrigan's Flame heavy ordinance flame unit. "Just point my gun in the right direction," Symara commented as she looked over her shoulder, "and we'll take care of the rest." Of course, none of them had faced Kraal before. Corellia and Castameer had been Sith, granted Sith with a lot of massive equipment but nothing like the Kraal. For Kala, she'd seen some stuff on Kessel - still, it wouldn't be anything compared to the Kraal. Then again, the Kraal had never faced them either. Tarriq checked her gun before climbing into the Yazgid, "sure beats the feth out of walking..."

"Yeah you know, I wonder who decided walking through all the snow on Castameer was a good idea."

"This again?"

"You brought it up," Kala reminded her as she checked her bolt pistol, "so hey, did you and uh, your mistress ever get around to having dinner?"

Symara wanted to die, really, might as well walk out and let the Kraal shoot her at that point, "for force sake, Matthieus."

Kala chorlted, "says the woman who asks the woman out to dinner during a friggin battle."

"Excuse you I have issues-"


Taking a deep breath she cleared her throat, "focus, Matthieus."

"Right, we'll form a walking perimeter. Given the work of your rifle, might be best if you found a highpoint." Kala suggested, "you gonna be okay all by yourself, right? Don't need to have someone baby sit you."

Symara was so glad this helmet could not display her facial expressions, "no, mom, I'll be fine."

"Awww, that's my girl."

"I swear..."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Nima Tann"]
"Master Tann," Charlyra says warmly, "it is good to see you, although I wish it were under better circumstances." Looking up at the sky as the pods drop through she nodded toward Lieutenant Tarriq. The Acolyte got a look at Ice, "awww, Ice, you look dashing in your new armour. A properly fitted war dog, I see." Again, she wished she had seen this under different circumstances. Tygara had been her home for awhile now and the idea, the audacity that these, Kraal had. Recalling her battle with them on Tabaqui she clenched her fist tightly. It felt strange, to be without her two shotos and to instead carry two smaller metallic blades with similar weights. A bolter strapped to her hip, no way [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] would've let her on the field without it, not in her current condition anyway. "Elvahil then," she acknowledged and then joined her Master in the Yazgid as she watched Lt. Tarriq and her unit pile into a different APC.

Inside the APC, the Acolyte looked at her armor, her bolter - all of it, felt foreign. It didn't feel right, then again she had lost her right to be a Jedi on that day, on Castameer. Now was not the time to question the force, clearly it was meant to humble her. Bring her down to see things from a different point of view, the internal journey to awakening mirrored her journey now. Would she truly be a worthy Jedi even without her powers? Today would certainly be her final exam for such a cause. Closing her eyes she began to meditate, to clear her mind, before the onset of battle.

[member="Nima Tann"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Location: New Santaissa, heading towards Elvahil
Objective: Bash some orc skulls

The rendesvous point was filled with a lot of soldiers, from young to old, whoever could use a weapon. She caught many familiar faces waiting in the crowd and one of them, Charlyra, started the conversation. She smiled as she saw the Padawan well, after all, she was in a bad condition after the destruction of Omega.

"It's good to see you too, Charlyra. Glad to see you've recovered." She nodded and was aware that Charlyra lost her Force powers, but one didn't need powers to be strong. She knew Charlyra would hold her own pretty well, and she was a good duelist, nothing would change that. Ice barked with a goofy face, thanking the Padawan for the compliments and moving towards her for a petting. But of course, reunions had to be cut short since they had a battle to win. Then Sio, with all her might, appeared and all the attention turned towards her.

A similar smile of her own was formed as she saw Sio coming towards their way. Their objective was clear enough, no Kraal was going to escape the fire unharmed, and the ones in the crossfire were going to be saved from their demise. She didn't have anything to add, so a simple nod followed the instructions. Since the day she moved here, she never saw an attack in this scale. When they were given the orders to move, Nima and Ice followed the group, and the vehicle started to move with a roar. Before they joined the infantry forces in Elvahil, she reached out to the big fleet above them mentally, reaching to the ones in the ship, to see how big of a threat they were.

Ones strong with the Force would sense Nima's mental examination, which she was fine with, since she wanted them to know they were ready for them. In general, the ones in the ship would feel a bit uneasy, cold and like someone was scooping their brains, or have the need to puke. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything more hurtful because they were out of range. Amount of emotions she felt through that mental bond was... well, a little disturbing. They were coming, with the sole intention to kill, or worse. This one was clear, yet the real intention was hidden well behind their emotions. Unfortunately, she couldn't stay longer to learn their true intentions, they still had a battle to win. "We should be careful. Something doesn't feel right..." She said to both.

[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Location: Laekia
Objective: WIP

The setting? A large hotel suite in the capital city of Laekia, a beautiful, picturesque planet deep in Silver Jedi space. The occupants? Sumiko Tanaka, former Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire and secretly a Sith Lady, and her apprentice/slave Qual'Zyanya, a former matriarch of the Xioquo, an elf race native to Tygara.

The bed was massive and had soft silk covers. The curtains had been drawn, a rare concession to the fact that Xioquo's skin burnt in the sunlight. The food had been delicious, the...fade to black scene intense. It could not be called lovemaking, for there were no sappy feelings involved, just lust, control and a strong yearning for power. Zyanya's lips were bruised, and if her body was not conveniently covered, one would discover rather unpleasant, nasty marks.

"Well, that was satisfying. You've met my expectations. Good girl," Sumiko's tone was both sweet and patronising, her smile smug . She captured Zyanya's lips in a deep, heated kiss, then slowly arose from her bed. Even here, their roles were clear. The Sith Lady took what she wanted and expected to be obeyed without question.

"Thank you, Mistress. I enjoyed myself. I'm glad I served you well." The sycophancy was practiced. By now the Xioquo was certain she had a good idea of what made the human tick: She craved attention and power. As with everything, this was a means to an end.

"Get up apprentice," Sumiko commanded haughtily while she slipped on a robe. She walked over to her comm device, read a message, then addressed the Xioquo without bothering to look at her. "Tell me, do you wish to return to your homeworld?" she suddenly asked - or rather demanded.

Zyanya knitted her brow together, pondering. Was this a trick question? If she appeared to eager to return to Tygara, it might be seen as a sign of disloyalty. Conversely, a blatant denial would make Sumiko suspicious. "I desire to return one day to right the wrongs committed against my family and avenge my people's subjugation. But I still have much to learn from you and must repay you for taking me under your wing. I am your loyal vassal."

"An evasive response that answers nothing. A cowardly response - or one that's supposed to deceive me by telling me what you think I wish to hear." Her words were cold, her tone was laced with contempt.

"Mistress...if I have offended..."

"Don't be afraid. I'm not angry. In fact, there's a special task I have for you."

Zyanya knew what was expected of her. She lowered her head slightly. "What is thy bidding, mistress?"

"I have received word that Tygara is under attack. A large armada has dropped out of hyperspace and engaged Firemane's fleet. Foreign armies have descended upon the planet. A state of siege has been declared."

This news filled the Xioquo with mixed emotions. "Firemane and the haughty Eldorai finally get a taste of their own medicine. The irony amuses me. You wish to exploit the situation." It was more a statement than a question. "Do you want to perform a raid while Firemane was distracted or make common cause with the invaders? Do you have any information about them?"

"Yes, and no. They appear to be a barbaric horde. You will go to Tygara, acquire intelligence for me and...aid the Alliance. I believe the people are at risk, as well."

Anger swelled up inside Zyanya. "I am supposed to support the oppressors of my race? The mere thought is repulsive to me. The Eldorai are deserving of every curse I can think of. I cannot draw my blade in the defence of my enemy. Those of my race who bend a knee to the oppressor deserve their fate," then she suddenly gasped for air when she felt a strong pressure on her throat.

"I find your lack of vision disturbing, dear." Sumiko's tone was as chilly as a snowstorm on Hoth. "Think, girl. What could you, a disgraced matriarch who lost her title, estates and slaves, gain from aiding your enemy? Answer quickly. I have no time for the ignorant."

It was difficult to think coherently, let alone speak, while your throat was being held in a vice grip. "It is...deception. I can...mask my true aims and...rebuild my posing as an ally and serve..."

"Me. Precisely. Kerrigan hates Sith so much that she'd kill her dearest friends and allies if they ever showed sympathy for them, let alone converted.'re not known to be affiliated with one. I sense that there will be opportunities after this fight is over. Are you up for the challenge?"

Finally, the invisible vice-grip was dissipated and Zyanya clutched her sore throat, stroking it while she breathed in deeply to fill her lungs with oxygen. She has a point. This was foolish of me. I must stay ahead of her. One day, I'll be the mistress, but only if I'm cannier, she thought to herself. "I will not fail you, Mistress. By the grace of your training, I shall succeed. My house still has followers. I shall gather them. The old oligarchy of fools branded me a traitor for trying to prevent Myrou's rising. This shall be an advantage for me. I can present myself as reformed and all that rot."

"Indeed, and, conveniently, most of the old matriarchy is dead," Sumiko smirked. "Now go. May the Force serve you well. Take some of the minions. They can use the experience." The dismissal was obvious, so Zyanya left the room, feeling equal parts nervous and excited.

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