Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Raven Who Stole Christmas [Invasion of Barab I - Red Ravens vs Black Suns ]

Location: Underground City Streets
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Tahl Edrel"], [member="Ice"], Red Ravens
Foes: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Airal Thamne"], Black Suns
Objective: Keep the birdies in flight

It had been long since the Gen'Dai mercenary had abandoned his pursuits for the station and had instead directed his focus to the groundside missions. Those peons up in space were busily fighting a losing battle against his compatriots and his assistance was to be needed elsewhere, it seemed. Well, his assumption was correct. Smacking distaste from his mouth, the armored mercenary came bounding around a corner with bloodied streaks across his helmet and armor. It wasn't like these people could see his armor anyways, there were many perks that came with bearing cloaked armor.

"Get up and stop laying around," Xalus growled at Cryax and the others, "We got us a battle to win."

The mercenary hefted his assault rifle from his sling and into his hands, cocking the bolt back. He almost stepped out of the alleyway when he realized that he would appear (not really) to be a voice talking from literally nowhere. So, he shut off his cloaking unit just long enough for the lot of them to take a gander at him and identify he and his bloody armor. It wasn't his blood and cooking in the kitchen tended to get messy, especially when using blades.

Xalus clicked his tongue, keying the cloaking device back into existence as he faded out of it. Stepping out from the alleyway, there would be little to nothing to stop him from his advancements. He oh-so prayed that someone smart enough would find him.
Location: Objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens - [member="Keira Ticon"][SIZE=14.4444446563721px] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Nei Laa"] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Paydon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Calo Xenrus"] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Raven Avachei"] | [member="Tahl Edrel"][/SIZE]
Enemies: Black Suns - [SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Flora Burn"] | [member="Ariella"] | [member="Ordan Vosk"][/SIZE]
Objective: Dodging bullets, return to sender

A moment before [member="Airal Thamne"] unleashed the full compliment of her ammo clip, Paydon, who had been keeping watch noticed the would be sniper. Yelling out a warning, Ice heard it, grabbed Nei and tried to jump out of the way. The warning came too late though as 8 rounds impacted the area. Funny thing about sniper rifles though. Most were bolt action for a reason. Letting loose a string of shots like that with a sniper rifle tended to make one extremely inaccurate. Even with this inaccuracy, 2 rounds managed to strike his back. "I'll have to remember to thank the engineer who insisted on putting in those hardened armor plates along his back. Hell, should probably give him a raise." He thought only half jokingly to himself as the impacts were still less than pleasant events. He growled in pain actually as he realized he was going to have a couple nice bruises to remember this invasion by.

Having taken the bullets for Nei, the rest impacted the ground wildly around them in a spectacular but harmless fashion. The second they stopped, while Airal was reloading, Ice pulled his rifle off from his back and yelled at Nei to force herself around the corner despite her injured leg while they handled this nuisance. When Airal popped her head up again, Nei would hopefully be gone, and the streets would appear clear. What Ice's enemy seemed to forget was her ginormous horns that protruded far above the crown of her head.

Having taken a cue from Payden as to where the enemy was, Ice saw Airal long before she was able to completely look over the edge of her hiding spot and through her scope. "Let's see how you like it when people can fire back at you!" And with that, Airal's face was met with a hail of silent and invisible gun fire the moment she popped her head back up. At least from Ice. Payden's fire was still visible blaster bolts. Ice would keep firing sporadically till they had managed to back away toward the tunnels and back into cover.
Location: Same place
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"]
Enemies: [member="Ice"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Paydon"]
Objectives: Move to different targets

Betna watched the group he'd fired at slip away, cursing mildly under his breath. He'd had a perfect shot and the droid that had somehow magically materialized into place hadn't been there until the last second. What would have been a crippling shot to the Chiss' legs turned into damaging a droid that had no real importance. He put it down to an unlucky fluke and moved on.

There, down below. His helmet sensors picked up more movement and his eyes picked up gunfire. First, what looked to be an ally's. Then, the return fire. Betna worked the bolt, putting an armor piercing bullet into the chamber, and took aim. No more trick shots, no more headshots. He'd kill them the way he had to with certain, sure methods.

He scoped in on the enemy person shooting back and spotted movement behind him. It was a little hard to see and what with things going on and the flash of the muzzle in the scope, it wasn't exactly hard to spot the target, just the outline. Putting the reticle of the scope where he felt the target's chest would be, Betna did his thing.

Breathing and heartbeat synched up, rifle steady. Range and elevation compensated for and temperature taken into account. Target's movements and the environment adjusted to. A slow, steady pull on the trigger...


Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Airal Thamne"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Raven Avachei"] [member="Tahl Edrel"]

Location: Objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Sun
Objective: Get to ze choppa!! Uh, I mean, to the corner of the building.

Nei let out another string of curses as the three were regaled with a shower of bullets from the same sniper that injured her. She probably would have snapped at Ice for jerking her around, too (she ended up whacking her leg and sending more pain dancing), but he just took two bullets for her. Nei might be aggressive, but she wasn't ungrateful when it came to saving her life. At least, not on the inside.

When Ice ordered her to make like an egg and scramble for the corner, she nodded. "Shoot 'em dead," she growled. Moving as quickly as she could, the Nautolan hobbled to the corner, whipping around the corner just in time to hear Ice and Paydon begin firing. Just in the nick of time, she thought.

Withdrawing her blasters, Nei checked how much ammo was left in each pack. Enough to last for a bit, but it would be wise to keep her extras close, just in case.

The Nautolan turned so that her chest was pressed up against the wall before peeking out. Best give 'em a hand, she decided, and began firing in the same spot they were.


Suddenly, a large crack resounded, causing Nei to instinctively duck. Wherever it was aimed, it wasn't at her. She felt fine -- well, as fine as she could be in this situation, anyway. The Nautolan stole another glance around the corner. I hope those two are okay...
Location: Underground City Streets
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Tahl Edrel"], [member="Ice"], Red Ravens
Foes: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Airal Thamne"], Black Suns
Objective: Sniper, no sniping!

That sniper's shot was the only thing that caught Xalus' attention as he stood in the middle of the street. He'd only recently just came out of the alleyway with his cloak on, but the shot had apparently came from somewhere to his eleven o'clock. Sucking in air, the Gen'Dai started forward for the shot. After a few steps, he could feel the shooter's very heartbeat, the sweat brimming his eyebrows, and the precise intakes of air that allowed him to accurately take shots at his targets. Whoever he was, he was a professional.

Luckily, so was Xalus.

Clutching the CZ-836 even tighter, he took off in a sprint towards the shots being fired.
Location: Underground city
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Ice"], [member="Tahl Edrel"], [member="Lisa Ticon"], [member="Choden Yonten"], [member="Nei Laa"], [member="Paydon"], [member="Calo Xenrus"], [member="Raven Avachei"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], and [member="Mordecai Zambrano"].
Enemies: [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Ariella"], [member="Flora Burn"], [member="Ordan Vosk"], [member="Airal Thamne"], [member="Cobalt Krell"] and [member="Zandra Fenni"].
Objective: Two

The suns hadn't noticed io. He had hoped to draw some sniper fire. Get them to waste some ammo. They hadn't, but it wasn't because Suns were disciplined. They were simply overwhelmed with other targets. He had taunted them and he hadn't seen any even look up, much less fire. And it thankfully left the lone Raven circling the battlefield in a position all ravens enjoyed. Unmolested, circling a battlefield looking for a tasty morsel. At this commanding position io had his pick of targets. More importantly, he had the element of surprise.

But io couldn't afford to fly about at leisure. He needed to make a quick decision. He didn't know the position down on the ground, but considering there was no response for his comms, it was probably rather hectic.

A loud shot and return fire indicated another shooter. This one sounded like a real sniper. One loud shot. Couldn't be seen from above. Probably in a building. So two shooters. He could probably knock the tail head off her perch with this swoop before she even noticed, maybe even take her alive, have her clean toilets at the Dragon Palace. The guy in the building would be harder.

Alternatively he could swoop down to the streets and hit somebody. Being a terrible shot io had a habit of just plowing into people at several hundred kilometers an hour instead of firing at them. He'd gone through several swoops doing this on Raven missions. The gang was getting upset at his expensive tactic.

But it was one thing to hurt your enemies with firepower and durasteel vehicles. Win the battle with power packs and leave a trail of dead. No, the best generals in history knew that it was far better never to even fight. If you put your enemies in a position where they had no more reason to keep fighting you saved valuable resources for another campaign. io was no general, but he had read their works.

Yes, there may have been a third option. The mining offices roof had been left devoid of defenders. And whenever someone accidentally left a garbage lid open, it was the nature of the raven to peck for something yummy.

The tail head shooter began firing again. Now was the best time for it. He swooped down. He timed it riskily. Gave himself just enough time to decelerate to 20 meters per second as he hit the roof door. The civilians that had earlier been ordered off the roof by the Mandalorian huddled in the stair well. Several office workers. Smart choice to hide in, stairwells were usually the best defended area of a building against blaster fire after the basement. The closest ones clutched at themselves to avoid sudden swoop.

"THIS IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER. I'M YOUR NEW CEO. I have excellent qualifications. This blaster, a thermal explosive, and Cryax Bane has personally recommended me. Our first order of business is to announce planet wide that all mining assests are being transferred to the Red Ravens." io fired his blaster for good measure. He opened up his comms to Cryax and he flew down further into the stairwell.

"Hey kiddo, head of Barab mining operations speaking." eyeballs was the position the comms were coming from. "Need a transfer done from my company. No good with data-puters, but I heard you slice and dice good. Its for everything and its to the Red Ravens. Ever heard of 'em?"

io flew into the mining offices, scared some people and commed Cryax to arrange an assest transer to the Ravens
Location: Station
Objective: Station capture
Allies: Red Ravens [member="Reverance"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: Black Suns [member="Eldoc Quasat"] [member="Rayl Wilded"]

This was were experience separated the two fighters, especially one like Daxton Bane who thrived on combat and mayhem. No matter how fast ones reflexes were, there was simply no way one could belt a saber and draw another sword, not without getting sweltered and filleted by the three blades Daxton was using especially since they were coming all angles and directions. He might be able to parry one or even two but the Sith would never give him time to pause regain his defenses.

The second he foolishly reached for his other weapon, Daxton would send his deadly blades to attempt to strike his foe in the shoulder, disembowel his left flank and stab him in the back courtesy of his floating blades. As if that wasn't enough, he timed the moment his foe was distracted, to send a massive Force slam into the nearby bulkhead. Should it hit, the telekinetic force would be strong enough to drive the wind out of his enemies lungs.

Ever aware of his environment, Daxton wasn't the least bit concern about fighting in the vacuum of space as they were both exposed to. The Sith was more than capable of using the terrain to his advantage, going so far as to use the actual parts of the station as part of his attack.

Sending out coils of telekinetic force to wrap themselves around his opponents limbs and neck, Daxton said as he attempted to choked his foe unconscious, "Next time bring more backup Bryant!"

Raven Hayashi

Raven, the not so wise fox
Location: Underground city
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: Into the mines!

Raven kept her body low to the ground, it appeared as nothing had fired against her, for the moment. Wasting no time she quickly scurried off to find her sword. She found it after two minutes of searching, only to find that it had been broken by pieces of rubble.

sighing she started running for the mines the quarters seems too well defended, no one would mind if I jump objective'
Raven's commlink was still off, any new orders given she wouldn't receive.

She had no weapons and was only wearing an Eva suit and robes. Raven made tons of noise making her way to the mines; she kept knocking over bins or crashing into other bits and pieces.
Location: objective 2 in the underground city
Allies: Red Ravens [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: Black Suns
Vod: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]
Objective: On way to Mines

The Black Sun had some vicious snippers up there and they were extremely accurate. She had doubts that they were on the regular payroll and her heart sank as she realized what they probably were. This was the type of shooting of a trained warrior and as such Cryax was right then needed to go.

"If we are going we need to go now before they line up for another shot because believe me this time they won't miss."
Turning she fired a few rounds with her rifle in the direction of that shot. She was a good shot but she was no snipper and these targets were well hidden from them.

"When we get to the mines be cautious of falling rocks and the like. That's a normal safety hazard when working in the mines on its own. I'll go last so I can keep watch."
She nodded firing back at those hiding up there.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Location: Slag heap that used to be a space station, worker's quarters

Enemies: [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], a bunch of other people, the Dutch. Also, his conscience.

Alllies: Black Suns, Mandalorians with professional ethics, the people of this planet.

Objective: Godhood, an armistice.


(OOC: sorry for delays on my end, computer stopped working on Wednesday, my time. I'm not really Skype available, sorry for that as well)

[member="Rayl Wilded"]

Ash sent a final communication to his ally. "Rayl, You cannot die. You are necessary for what is next. Attempt to stall for time, Rayl. But do not die. That is my final directive as Vigo."

Mr. Ash then did something he hadn't done so far in this entire battle. He threw a punch. A punch through the thin, shoddy aluminum alloy that made for a locker on this over grown ore refinery. He sighed, wriggling out the locker and adjusting his suit. 47 seconds. He had done it. It was time to complete his greatest plan.

He had to find a data terminal. Preferably near a broadcast tower. According to what security feeds hadn't been blown to hell, everyone was still headed to the engine rooms, except for the force-wielders, who were all trying to kill each other. And Rayl, who was trying to get himself killed. Bloody pirate. That meant his best bet was the security room. Nobody had even touched it. Weird. He walked towards it calmly, sending his next message.

[member="Aedan Miles"]

"Kill them if you must," the message began, "But I would prefer Lysle alive. Also, you've earned a bonus for your patience in this fight. It will be explained in time," The message concluded briefly.

[member="Keanu Shan"]

One of the robots helped the wounded Shan up. "Negotiations will begin shortly. We will escort you to the meeting room." The other kept the rifle on him, to clearly indicate this was not an optional meeting. "You will meet with the Vigo shortly." They led him towards the meeting room, continuing their shuffle.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] and his entourage.

The area they were going through was annoyingly quiet. No bodies, no droids, no nothing. Go figure. There was a datapad on the floor, though. It simply said: Meeting hall 3ab-- 8:00. No, 7:59. 58. It was counting down. To a meeting room. Weird.

~Meanwhile, back at the ranch~

Mr. Ash walked towards the communications array i the security room. Damn, he barely had enough power to run life-support in any rooms, save for the meeting room. He re-directed power accordingly, save for the transmitter.

15 seconds. He sat in the chair, staring down at the console. What an odd way to die. No glorious battles. No embittered last stand. Nope, just a quiet, humble death in the privacy of a small satellite. Intersting, to have your own downward spiral become part of the master plan. To willfully unravel your planning, and succeed by failing--what an intricate lesson to all. Well, now, it was tiem for the debut. 5 seconds.

He adjust his tie and activated his internal com, syncing it with the security terminal. No need to die looking a slob, after all.

3 seconds. He smiled.

0. The End.

~Meanwhile, on the cryptnet~

AX-3 had already begun the process, it has started. Flooding the net with data was easy, as was sifting through the data that wasn't his. All the slicing droids on Antecedent couldn't stop his plan-their plan now. He held the keys. And the first door he opened, his father fell through.

Ash looked upon his son in the streams of holodata. "Hello," he said, his voice wavering for this first time in months. Not since Nar Shadda had he developed his emotions thusly. The cold, old, killer droid seemed to have one last spark of love left in him. Go Figure. "It's time for us to go son. I'm sorry it wasn't as long as we'd hoped."

~~Meanwhile, on a cool flagship of the Ravens that I will let them name~~

"FEthing hell, wher'e our comms go?" the stalwart captain yelled. He'd only been here to oversee evac if it went bad and deploy resources if it went good.

"Black, sir, it's all gone black!" The slicer replied "I literally can't find anything in this--"

[member="io eyeballs"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

"Pile of pazaak cards!" The slicer replied, slamming his fist against a deck as he looked at IO. "The whole planet's holonet is flooded with spam--most of it related to gambling--same with communicators. Someone's puking data from everywhere, and then regurgitating it elsewhere. But I can't track which data is going where or why. Feth!"

Ash wish he could still grin one last time. Or light a cigar. Ah, well. The nets on the planet, and the cryptnet, were chruniong and roiling with the chaos. All according to his convoluted plan. Hooray. He....made a noise not unlike a cough.

"Are you dying, father?" AX-3, the axe, said calmly. "I can stabilize you. But...that's what you want, is it."

Ash sent a ping of affirmation. "It...." the communication seemed labored in it's delay, like a sort of digital wheeze, " not. I can no more live in the net.....than you can live in the real world, son. However, it is time to end it together. Let me....let us......destablize. Let us end.....and let CHAOS REIGN!!!"

The next thing would be heard on every receiving device linked into the cryptnet. A powerful, inhuman scream. The scream of two souls fusing into one. The sound of death becoming life, like the pains of labor before the birth of a new era.

[youtube][/youtube],, another thing entirely...a sun, of data, glowing and burning brilliantly, hummed on the frequencies. The image of fire would show up on the HUD's of the suns, groaning wildly. Roaring. What fun. What bliss. New things to burn, to take form of, to twist.

From the Ash, a burning phoenix had arisen. And it had access to the entire cryptnet. Groovy.
Location: Underground city
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: Get runnin'!

Tahl propped his droid up against the wall and checked his systems really quickly "everything inside seems okay, just his ankle but I can carry him!" he called over the noise to Cryax "He'll be able to do his stuff once we get him there"

He helped return fire but again, his blaster skills weren't the best with a 3 fingered claw hand. "We need to move and quickly of we're getting to the mines, but we need either cover or a distraction!"
Location: Space station
Allies: Crimson Corvids, [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], [member="Xalus"] , [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"], [member="Daxton Bane"], [member="Manidark Zail"]
Enemies: Black Suns, [member="sabrina"], [member="Mr. Ash"], [member="Dux Kotass"], [member="Rayl Wilded"]
Objectives: Dancing the Tango (Fighting a Sith Lord)
Listening to:

In every instance of saber instruction, he chimed in on a single practice to remind acolytes in the futility of such endeavors. The endeavor was that of leaping towards a fully charged Lord, an act that left the jumper completely open to attack. It was also why he held nothing but bane for Form IV and the weaknesses of such utility are illustrated in the fated end to the duel between the Jedi Master Kenobi and Darth Vader, upon ascension. There was a reason that Master Kenobi turned from such form early in his life, having seen his Master die in such utilization. So when he saw the Sith Lord jump, her first true attack in the fight, unencumbered by the use of force speed, he couldn't help but frown from behind the tempered and translucent visor.

As soon as her feet left the ground, his left hand shot out, blasting a force push that, should it impact, would send the armored [member="Dux Kotass"] straight into the bulkhead. However, if it didn't land, he would sidestep the downward strike, moving to the right, blocking with a horizontally held saber in clenched right fist, wrist loose. Loose for the purposes of allowing her to continue the attack downward as his wrist rotated up and popped around, looking to strike her against [her] left shoulder. The attack would be a tap, that was all that was needed for cutting flesh with energy. He just had to touch her with it, nothing more. His free hand laid idle and rigid against his body, having been pulled in after the force push, and would remain the gun with which fired the force , originating from Gabriels reservoirs. His weight was placed entirely in his core, prepared to dodge incoming attack without the sacrifice of his footing and balance

This would help to determine the traits of her armor, likely saber resistant, a characteristics of many a Sith he had fought in the past. If it wasn't obvious with this attack, it never would be, the proficiency of this Sith Lord in the style of Form II would be glaring . It was the strongest of his forms, the one used when facing a singular opponent. Reebas, his other saber, remained stationary on his back plate, for the moment.

Puppet Kyrios

Location: Objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens - [member="Ice"] and any others with him
Enemies: Black Suns
Objective: That dang Togruta again!
(Sorry for late post!)

Asteria had been with the group that Ice went with and unfortunately recognized [member="Arial Thamne"] as the same person who had sent her to the hospital bay unconcious with a few bullet holes as a remembrance during a different skirmish against the Black Suns, but then she had been with the Nova-Valhalla Federation. She swore and blocked bullets with her vibrosword as she sought shelter.

Finding shelter behind a building she sheathed her vibrosword and pulled our her pistol, squeezing off a few shots at the origin of the bullets.
Location: Objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens - [member="Keira Ticon"][SIZE=14.4444446563721px] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Nei Laa"] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Paydon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Calo Xenrus"] | [/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Raven Avachei"] | [member="Tahl Edrel"][/SIZE]
Enemies: Black Suns - [SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Flora Burn"] | [member="Ariella"] | [member="Ordan Vosk"][/SIZE]
Objective: Hookin' up with friends and movin' out!

Ice turned to see Asteria there, a wide smile would have been plain to see if it wasn't for his cloaked helmet. "Asteria! Good to see you!" He said after having backed up behind what was left of the building. Only then did he realize his SSD was still on, and thus turned it off so she could actually hear him. Payden had likewise stopped firing once they had gotten behind cover. [SIZE=14.4444446563721px]"Asteria! Good to see you!" He said once more now that she could actually hear him. [/SIZE]"We were going to be heading toward the caves. You game to join us? Nei here might need a hand as I doubt she is actually ready to call it a day! I'll take point, Paydon here can take the rear. That work for you?" He didn't really wait long before he started moving away from the deathtrap that was this office center. He had worked with Asteria before and knew she was going to be ready for just about anything

It was then he noticed Cryax and his party approaching. With a useless wave in his cloaked armor, he called out in a muffled voice while staying nice and close to the building for cover from the myriad of snipers. "Cryax!" Noticing he didn't get his attention, Ice wasn't going to risk a louder call. So he sent him a message over a secure channel. "Yo! Cryax. Over here. We were thinking of heading to the caves and letting the Vong take over here. Care to join us?"
Location: Midway from Objective 2 to Objective 3
Allies: Red Ravens [member="Ice"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="io eyeballs"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Raven Avachei"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Julian Solo"] [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Barik Rahl"]
Enemies: Black Suns [member="Mr. Ash"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Ordan Vosk"] [member="Popo"] [member="Airal Thamne"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Objective: Objective 3, control the mines

At the Gen'dai mercenary's caustic comments, Cryax jumped. He really needed to stop sneaking up on people like that. Flashing Xalus a grin, he chuckled, "You got it, chief. By the way, I like the new look. Invisible is the new black." Had he known that the Gen'dai had not long ago eaten a grenade (om nom nom) he might have given him a wider birth.

Still heading down the alleyway and out of sight of the snipers, Cryax's Datapad pinged, and with a quick look at his surroundings he slowed his pace to check the screen. The wily slicer was used to hacking on the fly so as he hustled through the dark alley, the Chiss sifted through pages and pages of infuriating junk code. He finally received Ice's message about heading to the mines. "Two steps ahead of you buddy," he muttered, his red eyes reflecting the frenzy of lights flashing from his device. He had already gotten the message from Ravens central command to swarm the mines so it didn’t matter so much that the message shut off mid-reception.

Something very strange was happening to the Raven's Cryptnet. Tentacles of data shot out in every direction across his Datapad screen, a spinning whirling ball of numbers and lines. He had to briefly turn his face away from the blinding blue light that amassed to form the sigil of a sun. Adrenaline rising, Cryax felt his sanity slowly dissolving, replaced with the obsessive need to go toe-to-toe with this beautiful and terrifying beast made of pure malicious code. He hoped that Anastasia and the other Ravens were looking out for him because right now he was merely a meat vessel that contained his own analytical mind. A mind that wanted to defeat a monster.

As his brain processed the foreign data, the Chiss became laser focused on writing his own code so that he could reverse engineer the creature back into the oblivion it emerged from. He muttered as he sliced, most of it incoherent rambling. But over and over two words could be heard emerging from his blue lips, “Must eclipse…”

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Airal Thamne"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Raven Avachei"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Location: Objective 2
Allies: Red Ravens
Enemies: Black Sun
Objective: Get to objective 3... and try not to screw up her leg more.

Nei merely grunted in response, still focused on keeping off her leg as much as possible. She really didn't feel like talking, and anyway, Ice was now busy trying to hail Cryax.

Despite her injury, the Nautolan was pretty sure she would be able to keep up with the rest. As she shifted, though, another swarm of painful needles rushed through her leg and Nei let loose with several expletives.

Okay, so kind of sure.

Location: Objective 1 Space Station
Allies: Black suns [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Mr. Ash"][member="Eldoc Quasat"]
Enemies: Red Ravens [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Keanu Shan"] [member="Ice"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Logan White Devil Rê"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Reverance"]
Objective: Defend the space station

She was caught off guard by his attack, she was thrown against a bulkhead. It would be bruise a bit, but she had padding in her armour as it helped against ballistic weapons. She then with a grimace she extended her hand, she began to concentrate on his mask. She felt for weakness in it, the weakness is where she could apply maximum pressure. She was not going to rip it off, that could be reversed easily. No she was going crush it against his face, she try and break his face his using his mask. She then weak spots, in her hand and a finger was on each one. She then remembered and brought forth, of why she hated the one sith. They had become corrupt, they vong formed a world, they turned their back on true meaning the code. They had tainted for all time, and this is why she hated them so. She poured that hate into her left hand, and she then shut her hand slowly keeping control on weak points on his mask.
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Barab Mines
Allies: RR/OS
Foes: BS&Friends
Objective: Move deeper into the Mines

Helios ducked under the low threshold of the mines as he moved inside, golden eyes looking around, attempting to locate any enemies within his immediate radius although he didn't sense any. He stopped as he entered the dark space, taking note of the minimal lighting system in the mines. An advantageous condition, for Helios at least. The Eldorai pulled his wrist up and checked on the condition of his ship, and once he'd assessed that the AI of his Daisya successfully suspended the craft into the air undamaged, he powered off the remote device and lowered his gauntlet. Helios would rather save the battery than let the power be drained even more by attempting to reach a signal that would be otherwise impossible until he came back out of the mines. Locations like these had the potential to also be the most dangerous. The threat of explosions and massive collapses constantly poked at Helios in the back of his mind, but he ignored them. His arrogance, once more ushering him into unnecessarily dangerous situations.

Walking forward, Helios wondered of what allies he had in the depths of this place as well as what caliber of enemy awaited him. He couldn't feel the usual, overbearing bulwark of any Jedi Masters yet, but he wouldn't completely cast away the hope he'd fostered to slay one this eve. Not to say that Helios' taste for death could not be sated with the damaged corpses of others either, though. At this point, despite power, the variety of his victims held little meaning anymore. From aliens, to humans, man, woman and child. They all had the same resounding 'thud' when their bodies smacked the ground.

Sound could be heard deeper within the establishment, most likely a product of ensuing battles in the depth of the mines. The echoes were faint, but they were enough for the Eldorai to grasp and understand from whence they came. Helios pulled a blanket of Force Concealment over his body, then used the Force once more to dampen the sound of his feet and clothing before sprinting into the darkness.
Location: Space Station
Allies: Red Ravens, One Sith
Enemies: [member="sabrina"], [member="Dux Kotass"]
Objective: Diggin in for the long haul (fighting Dux Kotass)
Listening to:

Gabriel must have given off the impression that he was a comic book villain, knocking his opponent down just to allow them to get back up, to further rinse and repeat. No, when he began, there was no relenting, no stopping, a train in motion only halted with barricades or the derailment of it. So when he saw the force push hit, he dug his feet down and blasted off with the propulsion, aided with the briefest blast of force speed to give what speed already existed just the boost it needed. One that would turn solid view of him into something of a blur, just as he would intercept her in her attempt to force crush his helmet.

While he moved in route to her, his right and left arm crossed, saber still ignited in his right fist. As he neared her, he crossed them once again, the laser cutter in his left gauntlet ignited in a shine of emerald blaze and sparks, his movements just at the point of descending from the effects of force speed. His right arm swung from the elbow and shoulder, taking on more the characteristics of Form V, as it would slash towards the right side of her neck, angled downward to cleave her body in two from right shoulder to left waist. The left laser cutter would blast against the left side of her neck, likely cutting through armorweave like butter but finding phrik a far more formidable foe, in the mirrored downward direction of his saber. The two attacks would occur simultaneously, the shape of an X carved against [member="Dux Kotass"] chest, should they be successful. As he pushed the attack against his foe, the sensors for the energy of the laser cutter flashed red in the corner of his visor, a battery low on power. Soon there would be nothing left of such attacks and he would have to depend on the saber and the force, to which he had so far, invested very little effort.

However, should the force crush continue, despite the monstrous distraction he provided at the precipice of it's implementation, he would be alerted by the vital signs of the suit. As an EVA suit, the largest weakness was the potential for suit penetration leading to asphyxiation, and thus the systems would read should the pressure exert too much force against the armor, specifically marking the portions of the suit soon to be damaged. In that case, he would merely do as he had always done against telekenesis of such powerful crushing variety. He would meet it with his own energy, sandbagging the points noted by shatterpoint to be those of significance, of likely failure. Just as the walls of a fortress are fortified with brick and wood where structurally weak, he would brace against her power with his own, looking to push out any damage inflicted against the metal. Dents in the fender, hammered out and corrected with equal pressure.

Despite his shift in form, the basics remained true. His weight was focused and strategically placed in the core, his left hand was currently free of weapon and ready to manifest damage of it's own variety. It longed to be called, it longed to grip the leash around the forces neck, yanking it in desired direction.
Location: Midway from Objective 2 to Objective 3
Allies: Red Ravens Ice Anastasia Rade Keira Ticon Nei Laa Tahl Edrel io eyeballs Asteria Starcatcher Raven Avachei Xalus Julian Solo Logan of Little Coruscant Barik Rahl
Enemies: Black Suns Mr. Ash Strider Garon Flora Burn Ariella Arrbi Betna Ordan Vosk Popo Airal Thamne Vilaz Munin
Objective: Objective 3, control the mines

Lisa had followed the group down into the mines when the drill had finally broken through. As she looked over Cryas shoulder she could see his datapad going crazy and hear the roar of the wind in the mining tunnels. Her sniper rifle was resting on her shoulder rambo style and she spit a wad of dip out onto the ground.

"Um any chance we get to kill something, or are we going to play techno sim city all day?"

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